10 research outputs found

    Demystifying Non-Isolated DC–DC Topologies on Partial Power Processing Architectures

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    This paper discusses the possibility of achieving partial power processing with non-isolated DC–DC topologies. To this end, partial power converter architectures are seen as an interesting solution for reducing the power processed by the converter. We observed via simulations that single-inductor non-isolated topologies cannot achieve partial power processing since the obtained current and voltage waveforms were the same as those found in a full-power converter. However, when using double inductor non-isolated topologies, reduced current and improved efficiencies were achieved. In order to confirm the results obtained from the simulations, single- and double-inductor topologies were tested experimentally. Finally, it was concluded that a double-inductor non-isolated topology can improve its performance by using partial power processing

    Partial Power Processing Based Converter for Electric Vehicle Fast Charging Stations

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    This paper focuses on the design of a charging unit for an electric vehicle fast charging station. With this purpose, in first place, different solutions that exist for fast charging stations are described through a brief introduction. Then, partial power processing architectures are introduced and proposed as attractive strategies to improve the performance of this type of applications. Furthermore, through a series of simulations, it is observed that partial power processing based converters obtain reduced processed power ratio and efficiency results compared to conventional full power converters. So, with the aim of verifying the conclusions obtained through the simulations, two downscaled prototypes are assembled and tested. Finally, it is concluded that, in case galvanic isolation is not required for the charging unit converter, partial power converters are smaller and more efficient alternatives than conventional full power converters

    Partial Power Processing Based Charging Unit for Electric Vehicle Extreme Fast Charging Stations

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    This paper presents an analysis and design of a charging unit inside an electric vehicle extreme fast charging station. Due to the benefits that partial power processing achieves in terms of size reduction and efficiency improvement, it is decided to implement a partial power converter architecture. This type of architectures reduce the power to process by the converter but, they require an isolated topology. Therefore, a dual active bridge is selected for the study. Then, design wise, four different turns ratio values are selected and their performance results are compared in terms of processed power by the converter, semiconductors stress factor and energy loss. Finally, it is concluded that the turns ratio value is a key factor that must be correctly selected for optimizing the concerned comparison parameters

    Resonant Dual Active Bridge Partial Power Converter for Electric Vehicle Fast Charging Stations

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    This paper presents an analysis and design of a DC-DC charging unit for an electric vehicle fast charging station. Due to the benefits that partial power processing achieves in terms of size reduction and efficiency improvement, it is decided to implement a partial power converter architecture. This type of architectures reduce the power to be processed by the converter, but they require an isolated topology. Therefore, a dual active bridge series resonant converter is selected for the study due to its benefits in terms of soft switching conditions. Design wise, it is decided to ensure zero voltage switching at the secondary side of the converter. Indeed, one of the benefits of the implemented partial power converter is the reduced voltage that exists at the primary side. This way, lower voltage overshoots and switching losses are expected. Finally, via simulations, it is confirmed that partial power processing can be achieved with a resonant converter and that zero voltage switching operation is ensured at the secondary side through the entire charging process

    Potentzia prozesamendu partzialean oinarritutako bihurgailuak

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    In recent years, many research lines have made efforts to improve the performance of power converters. In this context, literature proposes strategies based on partial power processing, in which the power to be processed by the converter is reduced. Thus, the losses produced are reduced, as does its size. Taking this into account, the main objective of this research work is to describe the current state of partial power processing, to understand its functioning, and to study its advantages and disadvantages.Azken urteotan, ikerketa-ildo askok potentzia-bihurgailuen errendimendua hobetzeko ahaleginak egin dituzte. Testuinguru horretan, literatura zientifikoan ageri den proposamenetako bat potentziaren prozesamendu partziala da. Estrategia hauen helburua potentziako bihurgailuak prozesatu beharreko potentzia murriztea da. Horrela, bihurgailuak sortutako galerak gutxitzen dira, bere tamaina bezalaxe. Hori kontuan hartuta, ikerketa-lan honen helburu nagusiak potentzia prozesamendu partzialaren egungo egoera deskribatzea, haren funtzionamendua ulertzea eta haren abantailak eta desabantailak zehatz-mehatz aztertzea dira

    Review of Architectures Based on Partial Power Processing for DC-DC Applications

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    This paper presents a review of advanced architectures based on the partial power processing concept, whose main objective is to achieve a reduction of the power processed by the converter. If the power processed by the converter is decreased, the power losses generated by the power converter are reduced, obtaining lower sized converters and higher system efficiencies. Through the review 3 different partial power processing strategies are distinguished: Differential Power Converters, Partial Power Converters and Mixed strategies. Each strategy is subdivided into smaller groups that entail different architectures with their own advantages and disadvantages. Also, due to the lack of agreement that exists in the sources around the naming of the different architectures, this paper seeks to stablish a nomenclature that avoids confusion when indexing this type of architectures. Regarding Partial Power Converters an extensive application oriented description is also developed. Finally, the main conclusions obtained through the review are presented

    Review of architectures based on partial power processing for DC-DC applications

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    This paper presents a review of advanced architectures based on the partial power processing concept, whose main objective is to achieve a reduction of the power processed by the converter. If the power processed by the converter is decreased, the power losses generated by the power converter are reduced, obtaining lower sized converters and higher system efficiencies. Through the review 3 different partial power processing strategies are distinguished: Differential Power Converters, Partial Power Converters and Mixed strategies. Each strategy is subdivided into smaller groups that entail different architectures with their own advantages and disadvantages. Also, due to the lack of agreement that exists in the sources around the naming of the different architectures, this paper seeks to stablish a nomenclature that avoids confusion when indexing this type of architectures. Regarding Partial Power Converters an extensive application oriented description is also developed. Finally, the main conclusions obtained through the review are presented

    Elementu pasiboen eragina frekuentzia altuko bihurgailuetan

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    Notable technological advancements in power electronics have been made in the last years, such as SiC and GaN based transistors. Still, power converters based on these technologies cannot be fully exploited due to passive elements becoming the design bottlenecks at high frequencies. This work analyses the impact of passive components in high frequency power converters, mostly focused in magnetic elements. The necessity of an adequate high frequency design methodology is proved by demonstrating various high frequency effects that are not considered in classical design methodologies. At the same time, a short explanation of different design strategies is made. Lastly, the authors explain the importance of adopting a multi-objective based design methodology for power converters.Azkeneko urteetan hainbat aurrerapen nabarmen egin dira potentzia elektronikaren eremuan, adibidez SiC-en eta GaN-en oinarritutako transistoreak. Halere, teknologia berri hauetan oinarritutako potentzia bihurgailuak ezin ditugu beren mugetaraino eraman, frekuentzia altuetan elementu pasiboak sistemaren botila-lepoa bihurtzen direlako. Lan honetan, elementu pasiboek frekuentzia altuko bihurgailuetan duten eragina aztertzen dugu, bereziki elementu magnetikoak. Diseinu klasikoetan kontsideratzen ez diren hainbat efektu azaltzen dira, eta frekuentzia alturako egokitua dagoen diseinu estrategia baten beharra adierazten da. Aldi berean, diseinurako estrategia mota ezberdinak era laburrean azaldu ditugu. Azkenik, bihurgailuen helburu anitzeko diseinu metodologien garrantzia azaldu dugu

    Demystifying Non-Isolated DC–DC Topologies on Partial Power Processing Architectures

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    This paper discusses the possibility of achieving partial power processing with non-isolated DC–DC topologies. To this end, partial power converter architectures are seen as an interesting solution for reducing the power processed by the converter. We observed via simulations that single-inductor non-isolated topologies cannot achieve partial power processing since the obtained current and voltage waveforms were the same as those found in a full-power converter. However, when using double inductor non-isolated topologies, reduced current and improved efficiencies were achieved. In order to confirm the results obtained from the simulations, single- and double-inductor topologies were tested experimentally. Finally, it was concluded that a double-inductor non-isolated topology can improve its performance by using partial power processing