13 research outputs found

    Optimization of Second Fault Detection Thresholds to Maximize Mission Probability of Success

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    In order to support manned spaceflight safety requirements, the Space Launch System (SLS) has defined program-level requirements for key systems to ensure successful operation under single fault conditions. The SLS program has also levied requirements relating to the capability of the Inertial Navigation System to detect a second fault. This detection functionality is required in order to feed abort analysis and ensure crew safety. Increases in navigation state error due to sensor faults in a purely inertial system can drive the vehicle outside of its operational as-designed environmental and performance envelope. As this performance outside of first fault detections is defined and controlled at the vehicle level, it allows for the use of system level margins to increase probability of mission success on the operational edges of the design. A top-down approach is utilized to assess vehicle sensitivity to second sensor faults. A wide range of failure scenarios in terms of both fault magnitude and time is used for assessment. The approach also utilizes a schedule to change fault detection thresholds autonomously. These individual values are optimized along a nominal trajectory in order to maximize probability of mission success in terms of system-level insertion requirements while minimizing the probability of false positives. This paper will describe an approach integrating Genetic Algorithms and Monte Carlo analysis to tune the threshold parameters to maximize vehicle resilience to second fault events over an ascent mission profile. The analysis approach and performance assessment and verification will be presented to demonstrate the applicability of this approach to second fault detection optimization to maximize mission probability of success through taking advantage of existing margin

    Efficient On-Orbit Singularity-Free Geopotential Estimation

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    The complexity of the geopotential model can heavily impact the navigation error in satellites and spacecraft. Geopotential models of the accuracy needed for spaceflight are too complicated for flight computers to run at the rate needed by the navigation system. There are methods to make the geopotential model more efficient while maintaining the needed accuracy, which include: using an efficient method for the full model, propagating to avoid singularities, and running the full model at a low rate and propagating to the needed rate. These methods can decrease the computational requirement enough to be run by the flight computer at the rate required of the navigation system

    Conceptual Design of a Communication-Based Deep Space Navigation Network

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    As the need grows for increased autonomy and position knowledge accuracy to support missions beyond Earth orbit, engineers must push and develop more advanced navigation sensors and systems that operate independent of Earth-based analysis and processing. Several spacecraft are approaching this problem using inter-spacecraft radiometric tracking and onboard autonomous optical navigation methods. This paper proposes an alternative implementation to aid in spacecraft position fixing. The proposed method Network-Based Navigation technique takes advantage of the communication data being sent between spacecraft and between spacecraft and ground control to embed navigation information. The navigation system uses these packets to provide navigation estimates to an onboard navigation filter to augment traditional ground-based radiometric tracking techniques. As opposed to using digital signal measurements to capture inherent information of the transmitted signal itself, this method relies on the embedded navigation packet headers to calculate a navigation estimate. This method is heavily dependent on clock accuracy and the initial results show the promising performance of a notional system

    Application of GPS to Enable Launch Vehicle Upper Stage Heliocentric Disposal

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    To properly dispose of the upper stage of the Space Launch System, the vehicle must perform a burn in Earth orbit to perform a close flyby of the Lunar surface to gain adequate energy to enter into heliocentric space. This architecture was selected to meet NASA requirements to limit orbital debris in the Earth-Moon system. The choice of a flyby for heliocentric disposal was driven by mission and vehicle constraints. This paper describes the SLS mission for Exploration Mission -1, a high level overview of the Block 1 vehicle, and the various disposal options considered. The research focuses on this analysis in terms of the mission design and navigation problem, focusing on the vehicle-level requirements that enable a successful mission. An inertial-only system is shown to be insufficient for heliocentric flyby due to large inertial integration errors from launch through disposal maneuver while on a trans-lunar trajectory. The various options for aiding the navigation system are presented and details are provided on the use of GPS to bound the state errors in orbit to improve the capability for stage disposal. The state estimation algorithm used is described as well as its capability in determination of the vehicle state at the start of the planned maneuver. This data, both dispersions on state and on errors, is then used to develop orbital targets to use for meeting the required Lunar flyby for entering onto a heliocentric trajectory. The effect of guidance and navigation errors on this capability is described as well as the identified constraints for achieving the disposal requirements. Additionally, discussion is provided on continued analysis and identification of system considerations that can drive the ability to integrate onto a vehicle intended for deep space

    Initial Results of the Software-Driven Navigation for Station Experiment

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    To enable the next generation of robotic and human exploration of the solar system, improvements are needed to enable robust and accurate autonomous navigation. The purpose of this work is to take advantage of the growth in and use of software-defined platforms to incorporate additional navigation capability on existing assets, while also incorporating with new vehicle designs. The Software-driven Navigation for Station Experiment focuses on implementing two soft solutions to this: transmitting pseudolite signals to perform ranging and Doppler measurements as part of the signal coding (similar to underlying Global Navigation Satellite System approaches), and the Multi-spacecraft Autonomous Positioning System, which uses existing communication protocols to embed navigation and timing information to be shared among all assets in a peer-to-peer network. These technologies were implemented on the SCaN Testbed onboard the International Space Station and exercised over the course of mid-June and late-July 2018. This paper will discuss the operational architecture, experiment plan, and initial results from the data collected. One of the key conclusions of this work is the strong need for stable accurate clock synchronization across the dispersed space network

    Assessment and Verification of SLS Block 1-B Exploration Upper Stage and Stage Disposal Performance

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    Delta-v allocation to correct for insertion errors caused by state uncertainty is one of the key performance requirements imposed on the SLS Navigation System. Additionally, SLS mission requirements include the need for the Exploration Up-per Stage (EUS) to be disposed of successfully. To assess these requirements, the SLS navigation team has developed and implemented a series of analysis methods. Here the authors detail the Delta-Delta-V approach to assessing delta-v allocation as well as the EUS disposal optimization approach

    Navigation Requirements Development and Performance Assessment of a Martian Ascent Vehicle

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    To support development of Martian Ascent Vehicles, analysis tools are needed to support the development of Guidance, Navigation, and Control requirements. This paper presents a focused approach to Navigation analysis to capture development of requirements on initial state knowledge and inertial sensor capabilities. A simulation and analysis framework was used to assess the capability of a range of sensors to operate inertially along a range of launch trajectories. The baseline Martian Ascent Vehicle was used as the input for optimizing a set of trajectories from each launch site. These trajectories were used to perform Monte Carlo analysis dispersing error sensor terms and their effects on integrated vehicle performance. Additionally, this paper provides insight into the use of optical navigation techniques to assess state determination and the potential to use observations of local extraplanetary bodies to estimate state. This paper provides an initial level of performance assessment of navigation components to support continued requirements development of a Martian Ascent Vehicle with applications to both crew and sample return missions

    Increased Incidence of Vestibular Disorders in Patients With SARS-CoV-2

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    OBJECTIVE: Determine the incidence of vestibular disorders in patients with SARS-CoV-2 compared to the control population. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective. SETTING: Clinical data in the National COVID Cohort Collaborative database (N3C). METHODS: Deidentified patient data from the National COVID Cohort Collaborative database (N3C) were queried based on variant peak prevalence (untyped, alpha, delta, omicron 21K, and omicron 23A) from covariants.org to retrospectively analyze the incidence of vestibular disorders in patients with SARS-CoV-2 compared to control population, consisting of patients without documented evidence of COVID infection during the same period. RESULTS: Patients testing positive for COVID-19 were significantly more likely to have a vestibular disorder compared to the control population. Compared to control patients, the odds ratio of vestibular disorders was significantly elevated in patients with untyped (odds ratio [OR], 2.39; confidence intervals [CI], 2.29-2.50; CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of vestibular disorders differed between COVID-19 variants and was significantly elevated in COVID-19-positive patients compared to the control population. These findings have implications for patient counseling and further research is needed to discern the long-term effects of these findings

    Evolution and Impact of Saturn V on Space Launch System from a Guidance, Navigation, and Mission Analysis Perspective

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    The Saturn V launch vehicle represented a jump in capability for heavy lift launch vehicles, enabling the Lunar Orbit Rendezvous approach to planetary exploration employed by the Apollo program 50 years ago. Following Apollo, and the development of the Space Transportation System, the NASA space exploration program shifted focus from lunar exploration to long-term, sustained, re-usable access to Low Earth Orbit. With the recent focus of NASA on the Artemis program and continued exploration of cislunar space as a precursor to Martian exploration, the shift has swung back to heavy lift capability. To meet this need, NASA has developed the Space Launch System. While the vehicle is a new design, it is heavily influenced by the engineering solutions and approach used on the Saturn V while taking advantage of the state of the art of launch vehicle design. The approach to abort, for example, shares many familiarities with the triggers and concept of operations used on Saturn V. Analysis approaches to dispersed trajectory performance are also very similar, but advances in computing technology have enabled a much more expanded set of inputs that can be modelled and assessed in a rapid manner. Additionally, guided flight algorithms share similar first principles but have expanded to include day of launch wind information. Trajectory optimization has also advanced significantly due to the availability of computing resources, but similar maneuvers and profiles are flown across both vehicles. Also, while the approach of onboard inertial navigation has been maintained between the two programs, the shift from platform to strapdown systems enables reduced complexity in the system design while maintaining required performance. As described, the Space Launch System is the evolution of NASA launch vehicle designs, owing a large heritage to the Saturn vehicle program and incorporating advances in propulsion systems, avionics, computing, and sensor technology over the past 50 years

    Lunar Navigation Beacon Network Using Global Navigation Satellite System Receivers

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    With the increasing traffic in the lunar regime as part of NASA efforts to return humans to the moon. In order to support these missions, new capabilities are needed to support autonomous navigation and inter-asset communication. Additionally, with maturation and flight demonstration of increasingly capable small satellites, there is an opportunity to embed technology into a small spacecraft as part of companion missions. This paper addresses one such architecture, taking advantage of a lunar lander vehicle to host a companion spacecraft to build out lunar navigation and communication capability. The backbone of this spacecraft is the Navigator GPS receiver. This hardware has continually broken records on high altitude GPS coverage and has the potential to support autonomous navigation at lunar distances. This research proposes a large cubesat built around this technology and catching a ride to the moon via a lander mission. The concept of operations includes the spacecraft deploying prior to the lunar sphere of influence and maneuvering to enter into a lunar orbit. With the Navigator receiver, this spacecraft is capable of a large amount of autonomy, with a limited need for ground-based orbit determination. This spacecraft will fly alongside the lander, acting as a navigation reference during cruise, descent, and post-landing for mission validation. To assess this mission scenario, three aspects are covered in detail herein: the feasibility and mission requirements for entering into a lunar orbit given deployment along a lander surface-bound trajectory, the performance capability of the receiver along this transfer trajectory and in lunar orbit, and the ability to support navigation of the lander itself. These three areas are discussed in detail, providing results that support feasibility of the mission and determination of initial requirements