10 research outputs found

    Ischaemic pituitary tumour apoplexy and concurrent meningitis: a diagnostic dilemma

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    Pituitary tumour apoplexy is a rare but potentially life threatening clinical syndrome that mostly results from haemorrhage in the pre-existent tumour. Pure ischaemic subtype of apoplexy is even rarer. The presentation can be hard to differentiate clinically from bacterial meningitis. Moreover, the presence of one does not necessarily exclude the other and early diagnosis of both conditions is imperative for timely management. We report a case of ischaemic pituitary tumour apoplexy that may have precipitated in the setting of bacterial meningitis

    5-FU induced acute toxic leukoencephalopathy: early recognition and reversibility on DWI-MRI

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    Acute toxic leukoencephalopathy (ATL) is a rare adverse effect of 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) chemotherapeutic agent. It is imperative for the radiologist to confidently identify the white matter changes caused by this agent in case of toxicity. This will help in early detection and appropriate management of patient, as the condition is reversible both clinically and on imaging. We report a case of a 29 years old gentleman, known case of carcinoma of esophagus who suffered from acute toxic leukoencephalopathy secondary to leukotoxic therapeutic agent 5-FU, and illustrate the reversible imaging findings of this condition on withdrawal of the inciting agent

    Assessment of apparent diffusion coefficient values as predictor of aggressiveness in peripheral zone prostate cancer: comparison with Gleason score

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    Purpose. To determine association between apparent diffusion coefficient value on diffusion-weighted imaging and Gleason score in patients with prostate cancer. Methods. This retrospective case series was conducted at Radiology Department of Aga Khan University between June 2009 and June 2011. 28 patients with biopsy-proven prostate cancer were included who underwent ultrasound guided sextant prostate biopsy and MRI. MRI images were analyzed on diagnostic console and regions of interest were drawn. Data were entered and analyzed on SPSS 20.0. ADC values were compared with Gleason score using one-way ANOVA test. Results. In 28 patients, 168 quadrants were biopsied and 106 quadrants were positive for malignancy. 89 lesions with proven malignancy showed diffusion restriction. The mean ADC value for disease with a Gleason score of 6 was 935mm(2)/s (SD = 248.4mm(2)/s); Gleason score of 7 was 837mm(2)/s (SD = 208.5mm(2)/s); Gleason score of 8 was 614mm(2)/s (SD = 108mm(2)/s); and Gleason score of 9 was 571mm(2)/s (SD = 82mm(2)/s). Inverse relationship was observed between Gleason score and mean ADC values. Conclusion. DWI and specifically quantitative ADC values may help differentiate between low-risk (Gleason score, 6), intermediate-risk (Gleason score, 7), and high-risk (Gleason score 8 and 9) prostate cancers, indirectly determining the aggressiveness of the disease

    MDCT of Small Bowel Obstruction: How Reliable Are Oblique Reformatted Images in Localizing Point of Transition?

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    The goal of this study is to prospectively assess the additional value of oblique reformatted images for localizing POT, having surgery as a reference standard. Materials and Methods. 102 consecutive patients with suspected small bowel obstruction (SBO) underwent 64-slice multidetector row CT (MDCT) using surgical findings as reference standard. Two independent GI radiologists reviewed the CT scans to localize the exact POT by evaluating axial images (data set A) followed by axial, coronal, and oblique MPR images. CT findings were compared to surgical findings in terms of diagnostic performance. McNemar\u27s test was used to detect any statistical difference in POT evaluation between datasets A and B. Kappa statistics were applied for measuring agreement between two readers. Results. There was a diagnostic improvement of 9.9% in the case of the less experienced radiologist in localizing POT by using oblique reformatted images. The more experienced radiologist showed diagnostic improvement by 12.9%

    Magnetic resonance imaging grading of pituitary macroadenoma – SIPAP classification revisited

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    Background: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is regarded as the modality of choice in diagnosis of pituitary macroadenomas. Since surgery is the first line therapy for all pituitary adenomas, simple and reproducible MRI classification based on major directions of tumour growth is an essential tool. SIPAP MRI classification for pituitary adenoma describes tumor extension in parasellar, suprasellar, infrasellar, anterior and posterior directions. We, therefore, evaluated reproducibility of SIPAP classification in reporting of pituitary adenomas. Methods: Forty-nine patients with biopsy-proven pituitary macroadenoma were graded according to SIPAP classification. Data was analyzed using Stata version 15. Interobserver variability was calculated using Cohen’s Kappa. Comparison between grading before and after treatment was performed by Chi-square test. P values < 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results: Individual tumour extensions according to SIPAP for pre- and post-operative grading showed significant difference (p-value <0.001), except for anterior extension. For suprasellar extension, 67.3 % patients had pre-operative grade-3 and 63.3 % had post-operative grade-0. For infrasellar extension, 51.0 % had pre-operative grade-2 and 71.4 % had post-operative grade-0. Anterior, posterior and parasellar extensions showed increased frequency in grade-0 in post-operative stage compared to pre-operative. Substantial inter-observer agreement was achieved for Superior, Inferior, Anterior and Posterior extent with all Kappa statistics values above 0.7 (p-value <0.001). Conclusion: We propose incorporating simple and objective SIPAP classification in routine MR reporting for ideal pituitary tumour delineation, relationship to juxtasellar structures and tumour size, hence facilitating greater success rate in surgical and subsequent clinical management

    Magnetic resonance imaging grading of pituitary macroadenoma - SIPAP classification revisited

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    Background: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is regarded as the modality of choice in diagnosis of pituitary macroadenomas. Since surgery is the first line therapy for all pituitary adenomas, simple and reproducible MRI classification based on major directions of tumour growth is an essential tool. SIPAP MRI classification for pituitary adenoma describes tumor extension in parasellar, suprasellar, infrasellar, anterior and posterior directions. We, therefore, evaluated reproducibility of SIPAP classification in reporting of pituitary adenomas.Methods: Forty-nine patients with biopsy-proven pituitary macroadenoma were graded according to SIPAP classification. Data was analyzed using Stata version 15. Interobserver variability was calculated using Cohen\u27s Kappa. Comparison between grading before and after treatment was performed by Chi-square test. P values \u3c 0.05 were considered statistically significant.Results: Individual tumour extensions according to SIPAP for pre- and post-operative grading showed significant difference (p-value \u3c0.001), except for anterior extension. For suprasellar extension, 67.3 % patients had pre-operative grade-3 and 63.3 % had post-operative grade-0. For infrasellar extension, 51.0 % had pre-operative grade-2 and 71.4 % had post-operative grade-0. Anterior, posterior and parasellar extensions showed increased frequency in grade-0 in post-operative stage compared to pre-operative. Substantial inter-observer agreement was achieved for Superior, Inferior, Anterior and Posterior extent with all Kappa statistics values above 0.7 (p-value \u3c0.001).Conclusion: We propose incorporating simple and objective SIPAP classification in routine MR reporting for ideal pituitary tumour delineation, relationship to juxtasellar structures and tumour size, hence facilitating greater success rate in surgical and subsequent clinical management

    Tuberculous salpingitis - possible cause of salpingo-enteric fistula

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    Salpingo-enteric fistula is a rare disease causing infertility. It occurs when there is a connection between fallopian tube and the intestine. It can be accurately diagnosed with hysterosalpingography. Fistulas mostly occur as a consequence of obstetric complications, however, inflammatory bowel disease, pelvic malignancy, pelvic radiation therapy, iatrogenic causes, and trauma are other potential causes. The possibility of tuberculous salpingitis as a possible cause of salpingo-enteric fistula should always be considered in the developing countries where tuberculosis is endemic

    Spinal typical teratoid rhabdoid tumor in a 14-year-old child with down syndrome: A case report

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    Individuals with 21 trisomy or Down syndrome (DS) are known to have an increased risk of acute leukemia, while they rarely develop solid or central nervous system (CNS) tumors. Atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor (ATRT) is a highly aggressive CNS-WHO grade 4 neoplasm, which has never been reported in association with Down syndrome. We present a case study of a 14-year-old female with Down syndrome, diagnosed with intradural-extramedullary spinal ATRT. The chief complaints included bilateral lower limb weakness, constipation, and urinary incontinence for 2 weeks. Surgery was scheduled, and a biopsy was taken. The histopathology, immunohistochemistry, and molecular analysis confirmed the diagnosis of the ATRT-MYC/group 2B subgroup. This report highlights the challenges of managing a patient with complex medical conditions. Moreover, it adds to the existing literature on CNS tumors in patients with Down syndrome

    Tuberculous Salpingitis - possible cause of salpingo-enteric fistula

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    Salpingo-enteric fistula is a rare disease causing infertility. It occurs when there is a connection between fallopian tube and the intestine. It can be accurately diagnosed with hysterosalpingography. Fistulas mostly occur as a consequence of obstetric complications, however, inflammatory bowel disease, pelvic malignancy, pelvic radiation therapy, iatrogenic causes, and trauma are other potential causes. The possibility of tuberculous salpingitis as a possible cause of salpingo-enteric fistula should always be considered in the developing countries where tuberculosis is endemic

    High-altitude cerebral edema manifesting as T2/FLAIR hyperintensity and microbleeds in the white matter on MRI brain

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    High-altitude cerebral edema is a rare type of acute mountain illness characterized by consciousness disruption and truncal ataxia. Here we discuss a 40-year-old nondiabetic, nonsmoker male who went on a tour to Nanga Parbat. On returning home, the patient developed symptoms of headache, nausea, and vomiting. His symptoms worsened with time and he developed lower limb weakness and shortness of breath. Later, he underwent a computerized tomography chest scan. On the basis of CT scan findings, the doctors decided that the patient was suffering from COVID-19 Pneumonia despite having negative COVID-19 PCR tests multiple times. Later, the patient presented to our hospital with similar complaints. MRI of the brain revealed T2/fluid-attenuated inversion recovery hyperintense and T1 hypointense signals in the bilateral semioval centrum, posterior periventricular white matter, and corpus callosum genu, body, and splenium. These abnormal signals were discovered to be more evident in the corpus callosum's splenium. Moreover, susceptibility-weighted imaging revealed micro hemorrhages in the corpus callosum. This verified the diagnosis that the patient is suffering from high-altitude cerebral edema. Within 5 days, his symptoms resolved and he was discharged with full recovery