121 research outputs found

    Accessible points of planar embeddings of tent inverse limit spaces

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    In this paper we study a class of embeddings of tent inverse limit spaces. We introduce techniques relying on the Milnor-Thurston kneading theory and use them to study sets of accessible points and prime ends of given embeddings. We completely characterize accessible points and prime ends of standard embeddings arising from the Barge-Martin construction of global attractors. In other (non-extendable) embeddings we find phenomena which do not occur in the standard embeddings.Comment: extended preliminaries on construction of planar embeddings; 58 pages, 23 figure

    Pension reform in Croatia

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    Croatia's transition toward independence, and the market economy in the 1990s, exacerbated problems in the pay-as-you-go (PAYG) system, and ultimately led to its financial collapse. Although a comprehensive three-pillar reform was initiated in late 1995, implementation of the reform only began in 1998, with an overhaul of PAYG parameters, including shifting to a German-style points system. Introduction of the mandatory, and voluntary funded pillars was announced in 1998, and implemented in 2002. The new system includes a privately-managed individual account scheme, with a contribution rate of five percent, in addition to a downsized pay-as-you-go, defined benefit component. This paper describes the design of the new system, and highlights areas where further refinements are needed.Pensions&Retirement Systems,Banks&Banking Reform,Environmental Economics&Policies,Public Sector Economics,Economic Stabilization

    Psykisk ohälsa: En narrativ studie om personer som har varit deprimerade

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    The purpose of this study was to look at two autobiographies through qualitative methods. The main purpose has been to highlight how individuals describe themselves, the consequences of social aspects (family and friends) in depression they have experienced and their turning points: the way out of the depression. To study this, I have used the following questions as starting points: How do the depressed individual in this study describe themselves? And how do the individuals describe the consequences of social aspects that they have got from the illnes? Are there any differences or ssimilation in the individuals stories, concerning the turning point, what kind of treatment was the indivduals offered in their depression? The study's analysis has been done with the narrative theory, social psychological perspective which have contained useful theories and a stigma theory. The study shows how a depressed individual suffer from the illnes. The individuals don´t want to become stigmatized. The results also show the similarities in the individuals turning points that it has been a process that finally reaches its end at the final turning point. The difference that I found in the turning points varies because the individuals don´t share the same events during the process towards the turning point. The extent of depression has been highlighted by quotations from the individuals stories. I´ve found similarities in the individuals stories when they thought about stigma, how to not affect their family and friend and that they all wanted to write and speak about their depression, so that everyone could get experience of depression, and to know that other who suffer from depression are not alone to suffer from this illnes

    Organisationskultur - Är den avgörande för succé?

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    Surface Modification of Porous Polyethylene Implants with an Albumin-Based Nanocarrier-Release System

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    Background: Porous polyethylene (PPE) implants are used for the reconstruction of tissue defects but have a risk of rejection in case of insufficient ingrowth into the host tissue. Various growth factors can promote implant ingrowth, yet a long-term gradient is a prerequisite for the mediation of these effects. As modification of the implant surface with nanocarriers may facilitate a long-term gradient by sustained factor release, implants modified with crosslinked albumin nanocarriers were evaluated in vivo. Methods: Nanocarriers from murine serum albumin (MSA) were prepared by an inverse miniemulsion technique encapsulating either a low-or high-molar mass fluorescent cargo. PPE implants were subsequently coated with these nanocarriers. In control cohorts, the implant was coated with the homologue non-encapsulated cargo substance by dip coating. Implants were consequently analyzed in vivo using repetitive fluorescence microscopy utilizing the dorsal skinfold chamber in mice for ten days post implantation. Results: Implant-modification with MSA nanocarri-ers significantly prolonged the presence of the encapsulated small molecules while macromolecules were detectable during the investigated timeframe regardless of the form of application. Conclusions: Surface modification of PPE implants with MSA nanocarriers results in the alternation of release kinetics especially when small molecular substances are used and therefore allows a prolonged factor release for the promotion of implant integration.</p

    Higher-order factors of personality: Do they exist?

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    Scales that measure the Big Five personality factors are often substantially intercorrelated. These correlations are sometimes interpreted as implying the existence of two higher order factors of personality. The authors show that correlations between measures of broad personality factors do not necessarily imply the existence of higher order factors and might instead be due to variables that represent same-signed blends of orthogonal factors. Therefore, the hypotheses of higher order factors and blended variables can only be tested with data on lower level personality variables that define the personality factors. The authors compared the higher order factor model and the blended variable model in three participant samples using the Big Five Aspect Scales, and found better fit for the latter model. In other analyses using the HEXACO Personality Inventory, they identified mutually uncorrelated markers of six personality factors. The authors conclude that correlations between personality factor scales can be explained without postulating any higher order dimensions of personality. © 2009 by the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Inc