53 research outputs found

    Analisa Dispersi Sulfur Dioksida (So2) dari Sumber Point Source Insinerator Rumah Sakit St. Antonius Menggunakan Model Meti-lis

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    Insinerator adalah tungku pembakaran untuk mengolah limbah padat, yang mengkonversimateri padat (sampah) menjadi materi gas, dan abu, (bottom ash dan fly ash) yang menghasilkan gas SO2. Aktifitas insinerator Rumah Sakit ST. Antonius yang menghasilkan kandungan gas SO2 yang takdapat dihindari membutuhkan perhatian yang lebih dalam pengendalian aktifitas insineratornya. Tujuandari penelitian ini untuk memvisualisasi pola persebaran dispersi zat pencemar gas SO2 dari sumber tetapdengan menggunakan model Meti-lis, membandingkan konsentrasi pencemar hasil pemodelan terhadappemantauan kualitas udara di lapangan dan validitas dari kedua hasil pengukuran tersebut sertamemberikan rekomendasi penanggulangan untuk Rumah Sakit dan pemukiman yang terkonsentrasipersebaran SO2. Penelitian menggunakan program Meti-lis untuk mengetahui pola persebaran gas SO2 diudara. Hasil nilai konsentrasi dari sampling langsung tertinggi berada pada titik 1 dengan nilai 296,107μg/Nm3 pada koordinat 0°01'12.5"S 109°19'39.4"E sedangkan hasil nilai konsentrasi dari pemodelanMet-lis tertinggi juga berada pada titik 1 dengan nilai 294,643μg/Nm3. Jika dibandingkan dengan standarbaku mutu sesuai dengan PP RI No. 41 Tahun 1999 maka tingkat pencemaran kedua titik masih dibawahbaku mutu dan aman. Nilai validasi konsentrasi SO2 antara sampling langsung dengan pemodelan Meti-lismasih dibawah nilai 10% RMSPE dimana hasil pemodelan memiliki tingkat validitas yang tinggi. Dalamupaya menurunkan nilai konsentrasi SO2 yang menyebar pihak rumah sakit St. Antonius dapat menggantibahan bakar dengan Biodiesel dan juga pemukiman warga yang terkena dampak pencemarannya dapatmenanam tanaman sansevieria

    Penetapan Ganti Rugi Hak Atas Tanah Berdasarkan Undang-undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2012 Tentang Pengadaan Tanah Bagi Pembangunan untuk Kepentingan Umum

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    This research aims to examine concerning the determination of the compensationland rights based on law No. 2 Of 2012 about the procurement of land fordevelopment for the public interest, namely the determination of the form andProcedure examines the value of compensation for land rights in the provision ofland and the concept of the public interest in the provision of land for theimplementation of the construction according to the law. Research conducted isnormative legal research that seeks to discover the principles of law that are notmet in the form of the assignment procedure and the value of compensation forland rights and the concept of the public interest in the procurement of landprovided for in Act No. 2 Of 2012. Determination of the procedures andarrangements the value soil procurement damages for execution of developmentwhich are regulated by Act No. 2 of 2012 more clearly than the determination ofthe procedure and the value of the land procurement damages provided for in theprevious Legislation. In the Act is regulated with a clear period of implementationof the procurement of land at each stage, both stages of the planning, thepreparation stage, the stage of implementation, up to submission of results. Basedon the results of the study showed that in law number 2 of 2012 setimplementation of the deliberations that are part of the assignment procedure andthe value of damages was conducted in order to establish the form and/or theamount of damages based on the results of the assessment of damages made bythe evaluator. From those settings do not meet the basic agreement that Statesthat the deliberations conducted by the parties without the element of coercion toget a deal together.While the concept of public interest mentioned by Act No. 2 of2012 that construction used for the prosperity of most people, providingopportunities for a handful of people to utilize the development results to enrichyourself

    Hubungan antara Kepuasan Kerja dengan Komitmen Organisasional Karyawan di PT Sari Warna Asli Garment-surakarta

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    This research purposed to find out the relation between work satisfaction and employees integrity in PT Sari Warna Asli Garment-Surakarta. Object of this research are: 1. Division of production employees work satisfaction at PT Sari Warna Asli Garment-Surakarta; 2. Integrity of employees of production division at PT Sari Warna Asli Garment-Surakarta; and 3. The relation between work satisfaction and production division employess work integrity.This research uses quantitative method. Subject of this research is production division employees of PT Sari Warna Asli Garment-Surakarta, ammount of production division employees is 475 employees. Sample for this research uses random sampling method. The number of this research sample is 100 employees. The data for work satisfaction and employees integrity is taken from from questionnaire. Validity test is conducted directly to 100 employees as research sample. The data from this research analyzed using correlation analysis/simplyfied analysis. The things that should counted in conducting data analysis is normality test and linier test.Result of this research are: 1. There is positive relation between work satisfaction and employees integrity at PT Sari Warna Asli Garment-Surakarta. It is shown by hypothesis test using product moment correlation with significant point 0.000. That point is much lower from significance point that had been defined at 0,05. 2. 79,3% of employees integrity at PT Sari Warna Asli Garment-Surakarta could be defined by work satisfaction. It shows that employees work satisfaction bind positive relation with employees integrity at 79,3%. The rest of the percentage point is influenced by any other factor exclude this research

    Sistem Resi Gudang Dalam Perspektif Kelembagaan Pengelola Dan Pengguna Di Kabupaten Subang: Studi Kasus KSU Annisa

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    EnglishA drop in agricultural commodity prices at harvest season and difficulty of obtaining farm financing are problems often faced by farmers . Warehouse Receipt System (WRS) is expected to be one among other government efforts to facilitate farmers to cope with these problems. WRS is a delay selling strategy by farmers in a way to temporarily storage their products in the warehouse and sell them at the right time to get the possi ble highest price . Warehouse Receipt ( WR) may be used by farmers as collateral to get loan from designated b ank and other financial institution. In general, the implementation of the WRS has been slow and has not been widely used by farmers and other WRS target participants. This paper aims to analyze policy in the implementation of WRS with regard to institutional perspectives of service supplier and users in Subang Regency and to formulate policy options for future performance improvement. Some findings indicate that small land size, the immediate need of cash during harvest season and famers' limited ability to meet quality standards are regarded as constraining factors for farmers to utilize WRS. Lacks of understanding of the concept , benefits, and impl ementation procedures of WRS remain fundamental problems. These occur at the farm level and in related agencies including local government officials. Dissemination and advocacy of WRS to farmers, farmer groups and all stakeholders need to be undertaken in a wider scale . An active role of local government is urgently needed to accelerate the dissemination of SRG. IndonesiaMerosotnya harga komoditas pertanian saat musim panen dan kesulitan memperoleh pembiayaan USAha tani merupakan fenomena yang seringkali dihadapi oleh para petani. Sistem Resi Gudang (SRG) diharapkan menjadi salah satu upaya pemerintah untuk memfasilitasi petani dan peserta skim SRG lainnya dalam menghadapi permasalahan tersebut. SRG merupakan strategi tunda jual yang dilakukan petani dengan cara menyimpan hasil panennya di gudang pengelola SRG dan menjualnya pada saat yang tepat untuk memperoleh harga yang tertinggi. Resi Gudang (RG) dapat dipergunakan oleh para petani sebagai jaminan untuk memperoleh kredit perbankan atau lembaga keuangan lain yang ditunjuk. Secara umum pelaksanaan SRG masih berjalan lambat dan belum banyak dimanfaatkan oleh para petani dan sasaran peserta skim SRG lainnya. Penulisan makalah ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kebijakan penyelenggaraan SRG dalam perspektif kelembagaan pengelola dan pengguna di Kabupaten Subang dan merumuskan alternatif kebijakan untuk meningkatkan kinerja SRG. Terbatasnya luas lahan garapan, kebutuhan untuk memperoleh uang tunai serta persyaratan kualitas dan volume minimal produk yang ditetapkan pengelola SRG, merupakan pembatas tingkat partisipasi petani dalam memanfaatkan SRG. Keterbatasan pemahaman tentang konsep dan manfaat SRG maupun tata cara pelaksanaannya menjadi permasalahan mendasar, tidak hanya di tingkat petani sebagai sasaran, tetapi juga terjadi pada para petugas pelaksana instansi terkait, termasuk aparat Pemda setempat. Oleh karenanya, sosialisasi dan advokasi tentang SRG kepada petani, kelompok tani, dan semua pemangku kepentingan perlu ditingkatkan dan diperluas. Peran aktif Pemda setempat sangat dibutuhkan untuk mempercepat penyebarluasan SRG

    Studi Beban Pencemaran Logam Berat Kadmium (Cd) pada Ballast Water Kapal Barang dan Kapal Penumpang di Pelabuhan Tanjung Emas Semarang

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    Ballast water exchange is one of the operations of the ship. The more number of vessels that lean to make the amount of ballast water that is dumped in the waters of the port of Tanjung Emas the more higher. Ballast water pollution due to the cargo and passenger ships at the Port of Tanjung Emas cause pollution load which impact indirectly on the quality of water.The purpose of this study was to determine the burden of the heavy metal cadmium pollution of water ballast cargo and passenger ships in the Port of Tanjung Emas in Semarang.This type of research is descriptive survey with cross sectional approach. The variables in this research include the number of vessels, the type of ship, age of ship, cadmium levels ship ballast water, sewage discharge ballast water of ships and ship ballast water pollutant load. Population and sample in this research were 30 cargo and passenger ships with criteria that ship rely at the port of Tanjung Emas in Semarang and have a ballast water tank. The results showed cadmium levels of 30 samples ship ballast water (100%) is above the threshold value with the highest level of 2,457 mg/l and the lowest level of 1,076 mg/l. Waste discharge ballast water ships at the Port of Tanjung Emas highest level of 350 m3/hour and the lowest level of 1.00 m3/hour. The results of pollutant load calculations ship ballast water of 30 samples cargo and passenger ships at the Port of Tanjung Emas shows that the highest pollutant load of 0,782 kg/day and most lower pollutant load 0,002 kg/day. The conclusion of this study is the pollutant load of cadmium from the cargo and passenger ships at the Port of Tanjung Emas has a varies value depending on the type of ship and vessel age

    Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Beberapa Varietas Kedelai (Glycine Max L. Merill.) Pada Berbagai Kondisi Air Tanah

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    Growth and Production of Some Soybean Varieties in Some Groundwater Conditions. The aims of this research was to know the growth and production of some soybean varieties in some groundwater conditions. The research was conducted at the Faculty of Agriculture, kassa House, University of Sumatera Utara, Medan, on February to May 2012, using a randomized block design with two factors and three replications. The first factor was the groundwater conditions with 4 level consisted of 50%, 60%, 70% and 80% of field capacity, the second factors was soybean varieties consisted of Anjasmoro, Sinabung, and Willis. The results showed that treatment of several varieties significantly effect on root length at harvest, and the dry weight of 100 seeds. Groundwater conditions treatments significantly effect on root length at harvest, root dry weight, shoot dry weight, dry weight seeds / plant

    Uji Aktivitas Senyawa Turunan Terpenoid, Steroid Dan Fenolik Dari Ekstrak Jaringan Kayu Batang Tumbuhan Ndokulo (Kleinhovia Hospital.) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Sel Kanker (Leukemia P-388)

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    Research on this activity test aiming to determine the bioactivity and toxicity properties of compounds derived terpenoids, steroids and phenolic heartwood of plant tissue extracts Ndokulo (Kleinhovia hospita L.) on the growth of cancer cells (leukemia P-388). The method used is, sampling plant stem of Ndokulo, preparation, maceration, evaporation, extraction, fractionation, and activity test against Artemia salina and cancer cell. The main Component from n-hexane extract of the heartwood of this plant is β-sitosterol compound. The test against A. salina has the same tendency as the test of murine leukemia cells P-388 so that the primary test to measure the toxicity of the sample A. salina is proportional to the secondary test by measuring sample cytotoxicity against murine leukemia cells P-388. The measurements showed that the extracts have bioactivity against Artemia salina and potentially inhibit cancer cells growth

    Pengaruh Variasi Agregat Terhadap Kekuatan Dan Berat Kuda-kuda Beton Komposit Tulangan Bambu Dengan Serat Bambu

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    Yang sering digunakan pada konstruksi rumah adalah kuda-kuda beton bertulang. Alasan menggunakan kuda-kuda beton bertulang karena mudah diaplikasikan di dalam konstruksi. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya alternatif agar kuda – kuda beton menjadi konstruksi yang ringan dengan mengunakan tulangan bambu. Penggunaan tulangan bambu adalah suatu opsi yang baik karena memiliki kekuatan yang cukup tinggi dan memiliki berat sendiri yang lebih ringan daripada tulangan baja. Untuk lebih menerapkan konsep ringan pada kuda – kuda, maka dalam penelitian ini menggunakan variasi agregat kasar yang lebih ringan daripada agregat kasar konvensional (batu kerikil), serta serat bambu dapat mengatasi kelemahan beton terhadap kekuatan tarik. Penelitian ini membahas tentang pengaruh agregat kasar terhadap kekuatan dan berat kuda-kuda beton komposit tulangan bambu dengan serat bambu. Variasi agregat kasar yang digunakan adalah batu pumice dan limbah batu bata. Kuda-kuda yang memiliki sudut sebesar 35° dibuat sebanyak 3 buah untuk setiap variasinya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kuda-kuda beragregat kasar limbah batu bata dengan serat bambu memiliki berat sendiri rata-rata yang lebih ringan sebesar 84,15 kg dan mampu menahan beban lebih baik sebesar 3766,67 kg daripada yang beragregat kasar batu kerikil. Namun kuda – kuda agregat batu kerikil memiliki kekakuan yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan kuda-kuda beragregat kasar batu pumice dan limbah batu bata
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