50 research outputs found

    Quality assessment of total parenteral nutrition admixtures by the use of fractional factorial design

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    Background/Aim. Parenteral nutrition as a specific aspect of providing nutritients still remains a permanent topic of both theoretical and experimental research. Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) admixtures have complex contents making difficult to maintain their stability. The most critical parameter is the diameter of a lipid droplet, i.e. droplet size distribution. It is recommended that droplet size should not be more than


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    Ulaskom Republike Hrvatske u Europsku uniju u posljednjih nekoliko godina implementiraju se prilagodbe koje će osigurati usklađivanje konjogojstva s važećim europskim propisima. Unatoč globalnoj ekonomskoj krizi i u sektoru konjogojstva, ukupan broj konja se u Hrvatskoj kontinuirano povećava i nastavljaju se pozitivni trendovi u uzgoju. No, iako postoji uzlazni trend, posljedice recesije zasigurno će ostaviti traga i na brojnom stanju konja u Hrvatskoj. U posljednjem desetljeću broj konja pod selekcijskim obuhvatom porastao je za više od 72%. Središnji registar kopitara vodi centralnu bazu podataka o kopitarima i broji 49 registra pasmina konja i 28 registra uzgojnih tipova. Centralna baza podataka s prilagođenim programskim sustavom omogućava obvezno elektronsko pohranjivanje podataka koje propisuje Europska unija, a isto se odnosi i na sustav izdavanja Identifikacijskih dokumenata (putovnica). Hrvatska broji ukupno 22.874 registriranih kopitara, od kojih je 20.041 konja. Omjer broja konja pod selekcijskim obuhvatom prema skupinama iznosi za toplokrvnjake 39%, za hladnokrvnjake 56% i za ponije 5%. Državne potpore u uzgoju autohtonih pasmina konja (hrvatski posavac, hrvatski hladnokrvnjak i međimurski konj) te zaštićenih pasmina (lipicanac i magarci) i dalje su aktivne mjere države kroz nacionalni program ruralnog razvoja. Lipicanci, arapski i engleski punokrvnjaci, trakeneri, haflingeri i gidrani uzgojeni u Hrvatskoj su i međunarodno priznate pasmine. Snažnija uzgojna udruženja, kao i državne ergele samostalno provode uzgojne programe i u potpunosti nose uzgojno selekcijski rad pasmina za koje imaju ovlaštenje resornog ministarstva. Uzgoj autohtonih pasmina konja trebao bi davati prednosti ekološkim principima proizvodnje te je potrebno brendiranje, u cilju nacionalne karakterizacije autohtonosti i kvalitete. Konji se koriste u rekreacijske svrhe, ali su nezamjenjivi dio tradicijskih kulturnih manifestacija i kulturne baštine. Intenzivan je trend razvitka svih oblika konjičkog sporta, koji posljedično uvjetuje i povećanje broja grla i poboljšanje njihove kvalitete, kao i korištenje konja za terapijsko jahanje. Perspektiva uzgoja konja u Hrvatskoj temelji se s jedne strane na jačanju kvalitete sportskih konja kao konkurentnog proizvoda za europsko tržište, te s druge strane na brendiranju autohtonih ekoloških proizvoda.Owing to the accession of Croatia to the European Union, adjustments required for the harmonization of horse breeding regulations to the European ones, have been implemented in the last couple of years. Despite global economic crisis, also present in the sector of horse breeding, the total number of horses in Croatia is continuously increasing and positive trends are continuing. In spite of positive trends, consequences of the recession will definitely leave trace in the total number of horses in Croatia. In the last decade the number of horses under selection has increased more than 72%. The Central register of horses runs national horse breeding database and has 49 horse breed registers and 28 breeding type registers. The central database with its software allows saving obligatory data which are regulated by the European law. The program also supports issuing process of Identification documents for ungulates. Croatia has 22,874 registered ungulates with 20,041 horses. The proportion of horse groups under selection is 39% of warmblood horses, 56% of coldblood horses and 5% of ponies. National subsidies in the breeding of autochthonous horse breeds (Croatian Posavac, Croatian coldblood and Medjimurje horse) and protected breeds (Lipizza horses and donkeys) are active state measures in the national program of rural development. Lipizza horses, Pure Arab, Thoroughbred, Haflinger and Gidran horses bred in Croatia are internationally registered breeds. Strong breeding associations and state Stud Farms independently run breeding programs and are carrying out selection programs for breeds authorized by the Ministry of Agriculture. Breeding of autochthonous breeds of horses should prefer ecological production principles which are coming to the market as products where branding is necessary for the goal of national characterization of authenticity and quality. Horses are used for recreational purposes but are also irreplaceable part of traditional cultural manifestations and cultural legacy. Intensive trend of development in all kinds of horse sports is present. It requires the increase in the number of horses and improvement of quality. Using horses for horse therapy is also developing. Perspective in horse breeding in Croatia is based on the one hand in improving horse sport quality as competitive product for the European market, and on other hand on branding of autochthonous ecological products


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    SADRŽAJ Sveučilišni udžbenik Stočarstvo u tropskim i suptropskim uvjetima sadrži sljedeća poglavlja: Opći dio, Goveda i deve, Ovce i koze, Konji, magarci, mule i mazge, Kazalo pojmova i Dodatak s fotografijama domaćih životinja u tropima i suptropima. Udžbenik je namijenjen studentima Poljoprivrednoga fakulteta u Osijeku uz istoimeni modul. Od 1997. godine, kada je isti uveden u nastavni plan kao izborni predmet, studenti su pokazali veliki interes za stjecanje znanja o uzgoju stoke u specifičnim tropskim i suptropskim uvjetima izborom i izradom brojnih seminarskih i diplomskih radova. Stjecanje spomenutih znanja pridonosi otvorenosti i mobilnosti studenata prema drugim europskim sveučilištima, a što je sukladno načelima Bolonjskoga procesa. Udžbenik u cijelosti pokriva program spomenutoga modula. S ciljem njegovoga lakšeg svladavanja, nastavna je građa podijeljena u dva dijela. U prvome se dijelu daje opći prikaz brojnih problema s kojima se susreće stočarska proizvodnja u tropskim i suptropskim uvjetima. Neki od ovih problema prisutni su i na području Hrvatske, naročito u toplijem dijelu godine, a koji sve više dolaze do izražaja u uvjetima globalnih klimatskih promjena. U specijalnom dijelu udžbenika opisane su, kroz tri poglavlja (Goveda i deve, Ovce i koze, Konji, magarci, mule i mazge), privredno važnije vrste stoke tropa i suptropa. Neke su od tih vrsta živjele i u našim krajevima, kao primjerice bivoli, kojih je prema povijesnim zapisima bilo i u Slavoniji, dok se neke vrste i danas šire u europske zemlje kao egzotične životinje.CONTENTS The academic textbook Stock Breeding in Tropical and Subtropical Conditions contains the following chapters: General part, Cattle and camels, Sheep and goats, Horses, donkeys, mules and hinnies, Index and Appendix with photographs of domestic animals in tropical and subtropical area. The textbook is written for students of the Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek and serves as a reading recommended within the module of the same title. Since 1997, when this module was introduced to curriculum as an elective course, students have showed great interest for gaining knowledge on cattle breeding in specific tropical and subtropical conditions. They prepared numerous seminary papers and final theses on the mentioned topic. Gaining of such knowledge contributes to openness and mobility of students to other European universities, which further promotes Bologna Process principles. The textbook covers all topics that are planned to be elaborated within the module. The handbook content is divided into two parts. The first part overviews numerous problems that producers of cattle in tropical and subtropical conditions are faced with. Some of those problems are also present in Croatia, especially in the warmer part of a year, becoming more obvious because of global climatic changes. Some breeds of cattle typical for tropical and subtropical areas are presented in the second part of the textbook within three chapters (Cattle and camels, Sheep and goats, Horses, donkeys, mules and hinnies). According to historical records, some of these animals, such as buffalos lived in our areas, particularly in Slavonia, while some other breeds live today across Europe and are treated as exotic animals

    Analysis of agricultural production in Posavska county – Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Posavska županija je dio entiteta Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine. Nekada poznato poljoprivredno područje, zbog izravnih posljedica rata, sada se nalazi u vrlo nepovljnom položaju. Podaci pokazuju da područje ove Županije ima veći intenzitet poljoprivredne proizvodnje za 1,9 puta u odnosu na cijelokupnu Bosnu i Hercegovinu i 2,38 puta u odnosu na Federaciju Bosne i Hercegovine. Najveći dio zasijanih ratarskih površina čine kukuruz i pšenica. Međutim, povrtlarstvo sa samo 8 % zasijanih površina čini skoro 40 % ukupnih prihoda u poljoprivredi. Stočarstvo je slabije razvijeno. Ističe se samo peradarska proizvodnja koja je dostigla prijeratnu razinu. Uvođenjem poljoprivredne strategije na razini cjelokupne države Bosne i Hercegovine, Posavska županija postala bi važan državni i regionalni čimbenik u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji.Posavska County is a part of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Once known for its agricultural production, now it is in a very unfavourable position because of the direct consequences of the war. Data show that of agricultural productions intensity in this County, 1.9 times higher in relation to the entire Bosnia and Herzegovina, and 2.38 times higher in relation to the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Corn and wheat are planted on most of agricultural areas. However, vegetable farming on only 8 % of planted areas makes almost 40 % of all income in agriculture. Stockbreeding is less developed. Only poultry farming, which gained the level before war, stands out. Introducing an agricultural strategy at the level of the entire Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Posavska County would become an important state and regional factor in agricultural production


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    SADRŽAJ Sveučilišni udžbenik Stočarstvo u tropskim i suptropskim uvjetima sadrži sljedeća poglavlja: Opći dio, Goveda i deve, Ovce i koze, Konji, magarci, mule i mazge, Kazalo pojmova i Dodatak s fotografijama domaćih životinja u tropima i suptropima. Udžbenik je namijenjen studentima Poljoprivrednoga fakulteta u Osijeku uz istoimeni modul. Od 1997. godine, kada je isti uveden u nastavni plan kao izborni predmet, studenti su pokazali veliki interes za stjecanje znanja o uzgoju stoke u specifičnim tropskim i suptropskim uvjetima izborom i izradom brojnih seminarskih i diplomskih radova. Stjecanje spomenutih znanja pridonosi otvorenosti i mobilnosti studenata prema drugim europskim sveučilištima, a što je sukladno načelima Bolonjskoga procesa. Udžbenik u cijelosti pokriva program spomenutoga modula. S ciljem njegovoga lakšeg svladavanja, nastavna je građa podijeljena u dva dijela. U prvome se dijelu daje opći prikaz brojnih problema s kojima se susreće stočarska proizvodnja u tropskim i suptropskim uvjetima. Neki od ovih problema prisutni su i na području Hrvatske, naročito u toplijem dijelu godine, a koji sve više dolaze do izražaja u uvjetima globalnih klimatskih promjena. U specijalnom dijelu udžbenika opisane su, kroz tri poglavlja (Goveda i deve, Ovce i koze, Konji, magarci, mule i mazge), privredno važnije vrste stoke tropa i suptropa. Neke su od tih vrsta živjele i u našim krajevima, kao primjerice bivoli, kojih je prema povijesnim zapisima bilo i u Slavoniji, dok se neke vrste i danas šire u europske zemlje kao egzotične životinje.CONTENTS The academic textbook Stock Breeding in Tropical and Subtropical Conditions contains the following chapters: General part, Cattle and camels, Sheep and goats, Horses, donkeys, mules and hinnies, Index and Appendix with photographs of domestic animals in tropical and subtropical area. The textbook is written for students of the Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek and serves as a reading recommended within the module of the same title. Since 1997, when this module was introduced to curriculum as an elective course, students have showed great interest for gaining knowledge on cattle breeding in specific tropical and subtropical conditions. They prepared numerous seminary papers and final theses on the mentioned topic. Gaining of such knowledge contributes to openness and mobility of students to other European universities, which further promotes Bologna Process principles. The textbook covers all topics that are planned to be elaborated within the module. The handbook content is divided into two parts. The first part overviews numerous problems that producers of cattle in tropical and subtropical conditions are faced with. Some of those problems are also present in Croatia, especially in the warmer part of a year, becoming more obvious because of global climatic changes. Some breeds of cattle typical for tropical and subtropical areas are presented in the second part of the textbook within three chapters (Cattle and camels, Sheep and goats, Horses, donkeys, mules and hinnies). According to historical records, some of these animals, such as buffalos lived in our areas, particularly in Slavonia, while some other breeds live today across Europe and are treated as exotic animals

    Značajke proizvodnje mlijeka Balkanske koze uzgajane u “low-input” proizvodnim sustavima

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    In order to analyse dairy production traits (milk yield in full lactation, milk fat content, daily milk yield and length of lactation) of Balkan goats raised under “low-input” production systems, data on 440 lactation records from 118 does raised on 9 farms in south-east part of Serbia were used. General linear model, used for analysing variability of lactation length, was consisting of following fixed effects: farm, year of birth, year of production and number of lactation. Model for milk yield in full lactation, milk fat content and daily milk yield was consisting of farms, year of birth, year of production and number of lactation as fixed effects and length of lactation as covariate. The highest milk yield (392 kg) and the highest milk fat content (3.89 %) were achieved in III lactation. Effects of farm, year of production and number of lactation were very significant sources of variation (P<0.001) for milk yield, daily milk yield and milk fat content, while the year of birth as factor of phenotypic variation in these traits expressed no such consistency. Highly significant sources of variation (P<0.001) for the length of lactation were farm and year of production, while the length of lactation had a significant influence (P<0.001) only for total milk yield variability.U cilju istraživanja svojstava mliječnosti (proizvodnja mlijeka u punoj laktaciji, PM; udjel mliječne masti, MM; proizvodnja mlijeka po danu, DM; i dužina laktacije u danima, DL) balkanskih koza uzgajanih u “low-input” proizvodnim sustavima analizirano je 440 laktacijskih podataka 118 koza s devet farmi iz jugoistočnog dijela Srbije. U općem linearnom modelu za analizu varijabilnosti dužine laktacije, kao fiksni faktori, bili su uključeni utjecaji farme, godine rođenja, godine proizvodnje i rednog broja laktacije. U analizi proizvodnih svojstava, uz već spomenute fiksne faktore, kao nezavisno promjenjiva veličina bila je uključena i dužina laktacije. Maksimalna proizvodnja mlijeka (392 kg) i najveći udjel mliječne masti (3,89%) ostvaren je u trećoj laktaciji. Farma, godina proizvodnje i redni broj laktacije bili su vrlo značajni izvori varijabilnosti (P<0,001) za proizvodnju mlijeka, dnevnu mliječnost i postotak mliječne masti, dok godina rođenja, kao faktor fenotipskog variranja, kod ovih svojstava nije pokazala takvu konzistentnost. Visoko značajni izvori variranja (P<0,001) za dužinu laktacije bili su farma i godina proizvodnje, dok je dužina laktacije značajno utjecala (P<0,001) samo na varijabilnost proizvodnje mlijeka

    Effect of pretreatment with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) on hematological parameters and platelets aggregation in patients during elective coronary artery bypass grafting

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    Bacground/Aim. Using omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) could provide protection against ischemicreperfusion damage, prevention of postoperative arrhythmia and attenuation of inflammatory response. However, omega-3 PUFAs inhibit cyclooxygenase (and thus decrease the synthesis of thromboxane A2 from arachidonic acid in platelets), which leads to decreased platelet aggregation. In cardiac surgery it is necessary to achieve a balance between inhibition and full platelets function. It is as well as important to closely follow hematological parameters, impaired by CABG itself. Therefore, the aim of the study was to establish the effects of pretreatment with omega- PUFAs on hematological parameters and plateletes aggregation in patients with elective CABG. Methods. This prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, single-center trial was performed on parallel groups. The patients (n = 40) undergoing elective CABG were randomized receiving preoperative intravenous omega-3 PUFAs (Omegaven® 10%) infusion (the PUFAs group) or the same volume of 0.9% saline solution infusion (the control group). Infusion was given a day before surgery and repeated four hours before starting extracorporeal circulation (CPB) via the peripheral vein at single doses of 100 mL (25 mL/h). Platelet function analysis was performed using multiple electrode aggregometry (MEA, multiplate-analyzer) before starting CPB and 2 h postoperatively for the patients of both groups. Results. There were no clinically relevant differences in baseline characteristics between the groups. Hematological parameters were not significantly different between the groups pre-, intra- and postoperatively. During the first 24 h after surgery, the loss of blood was similar in the PUFAs and the control group (680 ± 274 mL and 608 ± 210 mL, respectively; p = 0.356). Postoperatively, platelet aggregation was not significantly different between the PUFAs and the control group in adenosine diphosphate (ADP) test (39 ± 11 and 42 ± 15, respectively; p = 0.701), arachidonic acid (ASPI) test (64 ± 24 and 70 ± 27, respectively; p = 0.525) and trombin receptor-activating peptide (TRAP) test (68 ± 25 and 75 ± 26, respectively; p = 0.396), while their aggregation in collagen (COL) test was statistically significantly lower in the PUFAs related to the control group (32 ± 15 and 47 ± 20, respectively; p = 0.009). Conclusion. Acute pretreatment with omega-3 PUFAs insignificantly affected the activity of platelets and did not influence postoperative blood loss