26 research outputs found

    Conteúdo dos objetivos para a prática e o seu impacto na atividade física, satisfação com a vida e afeto

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    As alterações demográficas que se verificam, não só no nosso país, mas à escala global, são caracterizadas pelo envelhecimento da população, levando a que a investigação se centre nos aspetos que podem contribuir para uma melhoria deste processo. Muitos têm sido os dados referentes ao impacto do envelhecimento na saúde dos sujeitos, mas também ao nível económico e social. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho centra-se na compreensão do conteúdo dos objetivos que levam os idosos a praticar atividade física, bem como na análise dos efeitos que podem desempenhar nas variáveis que constituem o bem-estar subjetivo (satisfação com a vida e afeto positivo e negativo), bem como, analisar as diferenças ao nível destas variáveis em função da quantidade de prática de atividade física. Para tal, adotámos as seguintes etapas no nosso trabalho: i) introdução geral; ii) estudos de validação dos instrumentos para uma amostra de idosos portugueses (Goal Content for Exercise Questionnaire – GCEQ; Satisfaction with Life Scale – SWLS; Positive and Negative Affect Schedule - PANAS); iii) análise do conteúdo dos objetivos para a prática de atividade física e do impacto no bem-estar subjetivo. As principais conclusões que resultam deste trabalho são as seguintes: os instrumentos apresentaram boas qualidades psicométricas para avaliar os respetivos construtos na população sénior; a saúde foi o motivo que se revelou mais importante para a prática de atividade física; foram encontrados efeitos positivos e significativos do conteúdo dos objetivos que levam os idosos à prática de atividade física sobre as variáveis do bem-estar; os idosos que praticam maior quantidade de atividade física percecionam níveis mais elevados de satisfação com a vida e afeto positivo, e níveis mais reduzidos de afeto negativo. Estes dados permitem aprofundar o conhecimento dos profissionais que trabalham com idosos no âmbito de programas de atividade física, acerca do conteúdo dos objetivos que os levam à prática, bem como, o impacto ao nível do seu bemestar subjetivo.The demographic changes that occur, not only in our country, but globally are characterized by an aging population, what leads the investigation to focus on the aspects that can improve this process. There’s a lot of data about the impact of aging on health, as well as on financial and social level. Therefore, the goal of this project is to fully understand what motivates older adults to practice physical activity, and how it affects the subject well-being, (satisfaction with life, positive and negative affect), and how the amount of exercise can also affect those variables. Bearing this in mind, we adopted the following steps to conclude our work: i) general introduction; ii) validation studies of the instruments for a sample of older Portuguese people (Goal Content for Exercise Questionnaire – GCEQ; Satisfaction with Life Scale – SWLS; Positive and Negative Affect Schedule - PANAS); iii) analysis of goal content for physical activity and its impact on subjective well-being; The main conclusions that result from this work are: the instruments have good psychometric skills to evaluate the respective constructs in older population; health was the main motive when it comes to physical activity practice; there were found positive and significant effects of the goal content that lead older people to practice physical activity on variables of well-being. Older people who practice more physical activity perceive higher levels of satisfaction with life and positive affect, as well as lower levels of negative affect. This data helps the professionals that work with older people in the context of physical activity programs to understand the goal content that lead them to practice exercise as well as its impact on the subjective well-being.Motivação, atividade física, bem-estar subjetivo, idosos

    Gold Medals, Silver Medals, Bronze Medals, and Total Medals: An Analysis of Summer Paralympic Games from 1992 to 2016

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    The Paralympic Games (PG) are considered one of the biggest events in the world, with increasing coverage by media and participation. The present study aimed to investigate the variation in the number of gold, silver, bronze, and totals medals in the Summer PG from 1992 to 2016. Data related to the results were extracted from the International Paralympic Committee to an SPSS database. Descriptive statistics and Friedman’s two-way analysis of variance by ranks were used to check the differences across medals in seven editions of the Summer PG, with the correspondent effect sizes. There was a peak in the maximum number of any type of medal between the 1996 and 2000 Summer PG and a decrease until 2008. After that, the number of any kind of medals has been increasing again. There were also significant differences with intermediate to large effect sizes when comparing more distant PG with more recent events. Several external factors can influence performance indicators (e.g., the number of medals) in a negative or positive way. An increase in the number of participants and a greater and better investment by the countries may explain part of our results. The preparation of an athlete must be based on a multidisciplinary team, and future organizing countries must take into account reports of previous events.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Exploring the Dynamics of Athletes’ Enjoyment and Self-Determined Motivation, and of the Motivational Climate in Youth Football: A Longitudinal Perspective

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    We aimed to explore a short period longitudinal interplay between athletes’ enjoyment and their self-determined motivation and motivational climate in youth football. We recruited 109 youth football athletes (79 males, 30 females) through a convenient sampling method. We included individuals within the 12–17-year-old age range, with a mean age of 14.31 (SD = 1.46) years. To examine these proposed associations, we performed hierarchical multiple regression analyses and found that enjoyment at pre-season assessment (T1) and self-determined motivation and a task-involving sport climate at mid-season (T2) were significant predictors of mid-season enjoyment (at T2). However, self-determined motivation and task-involving climate at T1 did not significantly contribute to the model. These findings emphasize the importance of initial enjoyment and an evolved self-determined motivation, and task-involving climate in understanding later enjoyment in sport. Coaches, practitioners, and policymakers should prioritize strategies that enhance intrinsic motivation, provide opportunities for autonomy, and cultivate a supportive and growth-oriented environment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    What Drives Portuguese Women to Be Physically Active? Associations between Motives and Well-Being Indicators

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    Motives and self-esteem play crucial roles in shaping personal behavior and emotions and have been shown to impact well-being. However, the association between these constructs has been overlooked in women who seem to be more externally driven to engage in exercise. The present study was carried out with the objective of analyzing the associations between motives for physical exercise, positive and negative activations, and self-esteem of Portuguese women exercising at gyms and fitness centers. The sample consists of 206 women aged between 16 and 68 years old (M = 35.77; SD = 11.47). Participants answered a short sociodemographic questionnaire, the Goal Content for Exercise Questionnaire, the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule, and the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale. The results showed that the health motive had the highest predictive value (β = 0.24; p 0.05) and demonstrated a non-significant correlation with positive activation and self-esteem (p > 0.05). Looking at the coefficients in the hierarchical regression model, it can be seen that the health motive and positive activation were positively and significantly correlated with self-esteem. This study points to the need to raise awareness about the motives of exercise related to the physical and mental health of Portuguese women. Portuguese women that exercise for health motives display greater perceived self-esteem which is an indication of a greater sense of well-being. While the results are limited to Portuguese women, exercise physiologists assessing exercise motives could provide information on how to prescribe exercise as a means to increase self-esteem, considering the positive activation resulting from this behavior.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Exploring the relationship across autonomous motivation, affects, and anxiety among gym practitioners during the second COVID-19 lockdown

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    The present study explores the association of autonomous motivation and the relationship of positive and negative affect on anxiety levels among individuals engaged in gym practitioners during the second COVID-19 lockdown. A total of 196 exercisers (29.17 ± 10.77) were enrolled in the present study, of which 112 (57.1%) were women and 84 (42.9%) were men. The survey included sociodemographic data, as well as validated instruments measuring autonomous motivation, positive and negative affect, and anxiety states related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The results revealed a positive association between autonomous motivation and positive affect (β = 0.36, CI 0.12, 0.37; p < 0.001), and a negative association between autonomous motivation and negative affect (β = − 0.17, CI − 0.31, − 0.01; p = 0.03). Moreover positive, and negative affect are negatively (β = − 0.33, CI − 0.43, − 0.24; p < 0.001) and positively (β = 0.72, CI 0.57, 0.82; p < 0.001) associated to anxiety, respectively. Thus, this study appears to emphasize the association of autonomous motivation on affect as a potential buffer against anxiety levels, particularly in a context where practitioners found themselves restricted in their usual gym practices.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Effects of Physical Activity, Exercise, and Sports Programs on Depressive Symptoms in Individuals with Disabilities: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis

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    Studies show that physical activity, exercise, or sport reduces depressive symptoms in the general population. However, little is known about its effects on individuals with disabilities. Thus, this systematic review with meta-analysis aims to verify the effects of this practice on depressive symptoms in individuals with disabilities. The Pubmed, Web of Science, Scopus, and SportDiscus databases were used, with several descriptors and Boolean operators. A total of 1509 studies were identified through searching the databases. Studies that met the eligibility criteria were subsequently assessed for their methodological quality (Downs and Black scale), and a meta-analysis was performed. The Z-values that were obtained to test the null hypothesis, which states that there is no difference in means, showed Z = −2.294 and a corresponding p-value = 0.022. We can, therefore, reject the null hypothesis in the sense that exercise seems to reduce depressive symptoms in individuals with disabilities. In sum, participants from the intervention group presented more probability of reducing depressive symptoms when compared to the control group (approximately −1.4 standard differences in means; 95% CI −2.602 to −0.204).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Gender Differences in Anthropometric, Functional Capacity Measures and Quality of Life in Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

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    The aim of the of the current investigation was to investigate the possible differences concerning males and females in anthropometry, body composition, functional capacity, strength and quality of life variables. After obtaining signed informed consent, 37 participants (18 males; 19 females), with mean age of 39.08 and standard deviation of 11.66 years, voluntarily participated in this study. Anthropometry, body composition, functional capacity, strength, and quality of life were assessed using validated and reliable instruments and tests for this population. The males and females were compared using a Mann–Whitney U signed rank test. Significant differences were detected among the following variables, height (p = 0.028), body mass index (p = 0.033), fat mass (p = 0.002), muscle mass (p ≤ 0.001), phase angle (p = 0.005), medicine ball throwing strength (p = 0.010), and peak toque left knee (p = 0.028), with males showing better results in all the variables. The sample in this study showed differences in the anthropometric, composition, and strength variables. Studying this population can help ensure that everyone has equal access to services and adequate support for their personal needs, improving their quality of life.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effects of Physical Exercise Program in Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities—A Study Protocol

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    We developed a physical exercise (PE) program for people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD), aiming to determine the effects on physical fitness, health, cognitive ability, and quality of life (QoL). Using experimental methodology, this intervention study recruited 21 adults (18 to 65 years old), institutionalized and with no other associated pathology, who will be allocated to one of the different groups: (i) gym/indoor intervention group (using weight machines), (ii) outdoor intervention group (using low-cost materials), or (iii) control group (without specific intervention, who continue with their normal daily activities). Both intervention groups will engage in 45 min of training per session, twice a week, for 24 weeks. Assessments will be conducted at baseline (initial assessment), 3 months (mid-term assessment), and 6 months (final assessment). Variables assessed include anthropometrics, body composition, functional capacity, muscle strength, general health, cognitive ability, and QoL. The results of this study will assist in the development of more effective strategies, recommendations, and interventions to ensure better and greater adherence to PE by institutionalized individuals with IDD, namely, recommendations for assessment, prescription, and implementation of PE for this population. Additionally, we intend to make available two PE programs, if they are adapted and promote positive effects.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Physical Activity, Anxiety, Depression, and Body Image in Trans Individuals: An Exploratory Study

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    Physical activity (PA), mental health, and body image are some important health topics in the transgender population that have been recently discussed and appear to play a crucial role in the quality of life of the trans population. This study aims to elucidate the complex interplay of these variables and their implications for the well-being of trans individuals. Methods: In a cross-sectional study, 75 Portuguese transgender individuals (M = 23.68; SD ± 6.59) were recruited to participate in this study. The participants completed three questionnaires related to the assessment of physical activity (IPAQ), depressive and anxious symptomatology (HADS), and satisfaction with body image (BISQp). Results: Trans individuals showed a total energy expenditure of 3316.40 metabolic equivalent tasks (METS), had a moderate level of anxiety symptomatology, and low levels of satisfaction with body image. Satisfaction with body image was negatively associated with anxiety (r = −0.441, p < 0.01) and depression symptomatology (r = −0.600, p < 0.01). Conclusions: The implementation of inclusive programs that promote body acceptance and coping strategies, particularly within the context of physical exercise, may help alleviate distress related to body image dissatisfaction while also addressing underlying anxiety and depression symptoms.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mental Toughness and Resilience in Trail Runner’s Performance

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    Our purpose with this study was to analyze trail runners’ psychological variables of mental toughness (MT) and resilience, and their associations with runners’ performances within a quantitative cross-sectional study. In total, we analyzed data from 307 Portuguese trail runners (60 female, 247 male), aged between 20 to 66 years (M age = 41.98; SD = 7.74). The results showed that the measurement model, including the factors of MT, resilience, and performance variables, exhibited an adequate fit to the data: χ2 = 150.01 (74); BS-p = .003; CFI= .953; TLI = .942; RMSEA = .058 90% (.045, .071) and SRMR= .042. Standardized direct effects revealed positive associations between these variables. More specifically: (a) MT was significantly associated with resilience; and (b) resilience was significantly associated with performance. The indirect regression paths showed that MT was positively associated with performance, with resilience considered a possible mediator (β = .09 IC = .010, .168; p = .02). In total, considering direct and indirect effects, the model explained 21% of performance variance among trail runners.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio