25 research outputs found


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    Low Impact Development (LID) Stormwater Management (SWM) techniques is the appropriate approach to be applied to site developments in an attempt to mimic a site’s natural hydrologic cycle to store and treat stormwater runoff close to where it falls. In 2014, the UTRCA conducted a survey of member municipalities to gauge a familiarity with SWM LIDs to help UTRCA effectively target their efforts regarding SWM LID during a development and planning process at the Municipal level. Several issues were highlighted from the survey results, including the presence of institutional, technical, and physical barriers, as well as a general lack of awareness and knowledge about LID. The survey helped UTRCA effectively target efforts on the implementation SWM LIDs in the watershed. The UTRCA initiated pilot projects in the watershed with the help of proponents. This paper discusses two case studies, implementing the new LID approach, a private condominium development in Ingersoll and a brownfield site in Chatham Ontario. Both projects were designed comparing conventional SWM and SWM LIDs from project inception and design to final implementation. The two projects are within the Thames River watershed which has been identified as one of the watersheds contributing to the Lake Erie Algae Bloom. The SWM LIDs in the Thames River watershed will reduce phosphorous loading of the Thames River and will improve the quality of runoff

    Energiezorg hoeft melkveehouderij geen geld te kosten

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    Onlangs is een onderzoek afgesloten naar de toepassingsmogelijkheden van een energiezorg-systeem in de melkveehouderij. Het PR heeft samen met De Landbouwvoorlichting (DLV) en het energiebedrijf NUON van 40 bedrijven het elektriciteits-, diesel en waterverbruik in kaart gebracht. De conclusie was dat de meeste bedrijven energiebesparende maatregelen kunnen nemen, die weinig tot geen geld kosten

    Economische evaluatie klaverbedrijf melkvee

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    In dit artikel worden de bedrijfssystemen bedrijfseconomisch beoordeeld. Het gras/klaversysteem lijkt met name aantrekkelijk te zijn voor extensieve bedrijven met een ruwvoeroverschot waarvoor geen alternatieve bestemming is

    Kosten en opbrengsten van boerenkaas

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    Op melkveebedrijven met kaasbereiding nemen de laatste jaren de kosten van de grondstof (productie van melk) en de kaasbereiding steeds meer toe. De verwachting is dat de uitbetalingsprijs voor melk en melkproducten in de toekomst zal dalen. Waardoor naar verwachting de komende jaren het inkomen van de melkveehouders onder druk komt te staan. Kostprijsbeheersing bij een gelijkblijvend melkquotum is een van de mogelijkheden om het inkomen op peil te houden

    Restoring Forests and Communities: Lessons from the Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program

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    The United States Forest Service (USFS) estimates that between 65 and 82 million acres of the National Forest System need restoration. In the agency’s view, a science-based restoration program with direction from collaborative multiparty groups is most likely to be effective at achieving ecological, economic, and social benefits. The Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program (CFLRP), established in 2009, is one policy initiative to encourage and support innovative restoration projects that can reduce the risk of large-scale wildfire and benefit rural communities. This report analyzes thirteen CFLRP sites selected in 2012 to explore how collaboration is affecting public lands management. According to our research, CFLRP is having positive effects but is not living up to its full potential. Difficulties of collaboration at a landscape-scale, changes in economic conditions that are undermining the policy’s economic assumptions, and the timing and restrictions on funding limit the program’s effectiveness. Furthermore, sites are experiencing difficulties establishing and evaluating measures of success for ecological and economic benefits. Thirty-four recommendations include strategies for individual project sites to enhance collaborative leadership, communication and outreach, and restoration and monitoring. The study’s recommendations also point to ways to improve, training, and ideas for future policy development and implementation. With enhancements and refinements, the CFLR program can be a productive way for the USFS to pursue an “all-lands” landscape-scale management approach with benefits to forest health and local economies.Master of ScienceNatural Resources and EnvironmentUniversity of Michiganhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106559/1/CFLRP Masters Project Final.pd

    Perspectieven mestvergisting op Nederlandse melkveebedrijven

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    Gezien de toename in bedrijfsgrootte en de verdergaande aandacht voor besparing op CO2-uitstoot in de komende jaren wordt mestvergisting in toenemende mate een interessante optie