3 research outputs found

    Formation of personnel policy of Pharmak JSC

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    Робота публікується згідно наказу Ректора НАУ від 27.05.2021 р. №311/од «Про розміщення кваліфікаційних робіт здобувачів вищої освіти в репозиторії університету». Керівник проекту: професор Кириленко Оксана МиколаївнаСучасний стан світової економіки, його прогресивний швидкий розвиток висуває вимоги до кваліфікації та якості трудових ресурсів компаній, особливо для великих світових компаній, вміння правильно їх використати та реагувати на зміну свого сегменту ринку або економіки загалом. Основою ефективного функціонування компаній є використання трудового потенціалу працівників в найбільш ефективному та доцільному способі для неї, що дасть можливість ефективніше виконувати свою діяльність та зменшити витрати, через зменшення надлишкового навантаження на кадрову систему організації. Тому для вирішення кадрових проблем сучасних організацій потрібно використовувати нові методи, підходи та інструменти комбінуючи їх між собою для досягнення найбільшого ефекту.The current state of the world economy, its progressive rapid development, puts forward requirements for the qualification and quality of labor resources of companies, especially for large global companies, the ability to use them correctly and respond to changes in their market segment or the economy in general. The basis of the effective functioning of companies is the use of the labor potential of employees in the most effective and appropriate way for it, which will make it possible to perform its activities more efficiently and reduce costs, due to the reduction of excess load on the personnel system of the organization. Therefore, to solve personnel problems of modern organizations, it is necessary to use new methods, approaches and tools, combining them with each other to achieve the greatest effect

    Innovative tools for risk management of the production activities of agricultural enterprises in an institutional environment

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    The security of agricultural sector development is increasingly becoming a relevant issue in modern conditions, as the agricultural sector determines the sustainability of the economy and ensures the country’s food security. Growing risks, such as climate change, economic difficulties and geopolitical conflicts, highlight the need to improve the security of agricultural production systems, which makes the study relevant. The study aimed to conduct a systematic analysis of innovative tools for managing the risks of production activities of agricultural enterprises and their impact on the formation of secure development in the agricultural sector of Ukraine. To achieve this goal, the method of analysis and modelling was used. Study results indicate that innovative approaches to risk management have a decisive impact on the sustainability and efficiency of agricultural production systems. To achieve a stable level of safe development of agricultural enterprises, it is necessary to focus on the implementation of key areas, such as maintaining the food base at a level sufficient to ensure a healthy diet, ensuring an adequate level of effective demand for the population and eliminating dependence on imports, aimed at protecting the interests of domestic producers of agricultural raw materials. The study demonstrated that institutional factors of risk management form an integrated system, where efficiency depends on the implementation of specific strategies for the development of agricultural institutions aimed at introducing innovative tools into the production cycle of agricultural enterprises. Furthermore, due to the accumulation of large amounts of production, financial, logistical and innovative potential of agricultural enterprises in the Forest-Steppe and Polissia regions, the level of safe development of agricultural enterprises is significantly increasing. This indicates their high capacity for sustainable reproduction of production and making a significant contribution to the agricultural sector of Ukraine. The study is of practical importance for agricultural enterprises, research institutions and government agencies, which can use the results to improve risk management strategies and increase the level of security of agricultural sector developmen