4,217 research outputs found

    Security of Widows’ Access to Land in the Era of HIV/AIDS: Panel Survey Evidence from Zambia

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    1. The percentage of households that are headed by widows in rural Zambia increased from 9.4 % to 12.3% between 2001 and 2004. 2. Within 1 to 3 years after the death of their husbands, widow-headed households, on average, controlled 35 percent less land than what they had prior to their husband’s death. 3. To some extent, older widows are protected against loss of land compared to younger widows. 4. Women in relatively wealthy households are particularly vulnerable to losing land after the death of their husbands. 5. Widows whose family has kinship ties to the village authorities are less likely to face a severe decline in landholding size after the death of their husbands. 6. Widows in patrilineal and matrilineal villages are equally likely to lose their rights to land.food security, food policy, Zambia, HIV/AIDS, land, Health Economics and Policy, Land Economics/Use, Q20,

    Design of experiments for non-manufacturing processes : benefits, challenges and some examples

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    Design of Experiments (DoE) is a powerful technique for process optimization that has been widely deployed in almost all types of manufacturing processes and is used extensively in product and process design and development. There have not been as many efforts to apply powerful quality improvement techniques such as DoE to improve non-manufacturing processes. Factor levels often involve changing the way people work and so have to be handled carefully. It is even more important to get everyone working as a team. This paper explores the benefits and challenges in the application of DoE in non-manufacturing contexts. The viewpoints regarding the benefits and challenges of DoE in the non-manufacturing arena are gathered from a number of leading academics and practitioners in the field. The paper also makes an attempt to demystify the fact that DoE is not just applicable to manufacturing industries; rather it is equally applicable to non-manufacturing processes within manufacturing companies. The last part of the paper illustrates some case examples showing the power of the technique in non-manufacturing environments

    HIV/AIDS and Agrarian Livelihoods in Zambia: a Test of the New Variant Famine Hypothesis.

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    1. Consistent with the New Variant Famine (NVF) hypothesis, the negative impact of drought on crop output and output per hectare is further exacerbated where HIV prevalence rates are relatively high, particularly in the low- and medium rainfall zones of the country (agro-ecological regions I and II). 2. HIV prevalence rates and AIDS-related mortality rates in Zambia are highest in the lowest rainfall and most drought-prone zone of the country (agro-ecological region I). 3. Only for districts in agro-ecological region I do we find evidence of a robust negative effect of HIV/AIDS on agrarian livelihood indicators. Relatively stable food production zones and/or areas with relatively low HIV prevalence rates appear to be less vulnerable to the adverse effects predicted by the NVF hypothesis, which suggests that HIV/AIDS exacerbates the effects of drought and other shocks on agrarian communities. 4. HIV/AIDS reduces the crop production gains associated with fertilizer subsidy increases in the highest rainfall areas. 5. Increases in the percentage of female-headed households in a district are related to declines in agricultural production indicators, but these effects do not appear to worsen when the HIV/AIDS epidemic is severe. 6. Only in districts whose borders encompass both agro-ecological regions II and III do we consistently find weak evidence that HIV/AIDS reduces the contribution of productive assets to crop output and output per unit of land as would be expected under the NVF hypothesis.food security, food policy, Zambia, HIV/AIDS, Food Security and Poverty, Health Economics and Policy, Q20,

    Service learning in Loyola College, Chennai : Loyola Extension Awareness Programme (LEAP) : for first year PG students

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    The subjects that the students study in the class room should be deeply reflected in the field. It should not be mere observation learning, but actually plunging into action through demonstration. For example, Students of the Chemistry Department rightly chooses to conduct the consumer awareness programme by demonstrating some adulterated food and its adverse impact on health. Students of commerce departments should study the business know-how, various marketing techniques and new innovation in business. Students of economics department should study the developmental schemes of the government and its impact on the rural Masses. Thus service learning in Loyola is of two types. 1. RURAL IMMERSION • 7 days of Rural camp in villages. Objectives: • To enable students to develop people oriented attitudes and to imbibe the spirit of concern for others. • To initiate team process among the students\u27 groups. • To learn from the people about the realities at the grassroot level and develop a critical consciousness Dynamics of the programme During I year of Undergraduate, Students are provided rural exposure wherein they stay for six days and live the life of the underprivileged masses. • Motivational session and immersion before going to the field • Input on the stark realities of rural areas of India • Orientation on the rural dynamics of India by the resource person to understand the dynamics of the community • The teams exhibit their learning in the form of chart presentation, or through drama, skit and action songs. Summing-up session by the resource person • Students will share about their difficulties and problems of the village they hail from. Since the students are formed into various groups and they will write their Group Reports. Methodology of visit 1. Observation 2. Interaction with the people in villages 3. Focused group discussion 4. In-depth interviews with individuals 5. Exposure \u3e experiment \u3e experience \u3e impact \u3einvolvement. 2. URBAN IMMERSION The students will be placed in the NGOs in the city of Chennai and will be taken to exposure visits to various NGOs. Students are grouped into teams depending on the size. Each team will take-up two programmes, one in the community and the other in the institution. Visits to slums by staff in-charge of Outreach will be arranged

    Robust Bayesian detection of unmodelled bursts

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    A Bayesian treatment of the problem of detecting an unmodelled gravitational wave burst with a global network of gravitational wave observatories reveals that several previously proposed statistics have implicit biases that render them sub-optimal for realistic signal populations.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, submitted to CQG Amaldi proceedings special issu

    Correlation between a loss of auxin signaling and a loss of proliferation in maize antipodal cells

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    The plant life cycle alternates between two genetically active generations: the diploid sporophyte and the haploid gametophyte. In angiosperms the gametophytes are sexually dimorphic and consist of only a few cells. The female gametophyte, or embryo sac, is comprised of four cell types: two synergids, an egg cell, a central cell, and a variable number of antipodal cells. In some species the antipodal cells are indistinct and fail to proliferate, so many aspects of antipodal cell function and development have been unclear. In maize and many other grasses, the antipodal cells proliferate to produce a highly distinct cluster at the chalazal end of the embryo sac that persists at the apex of the endosperm after fertilization. The antipodal cells are a site of auxin accumulation in the maize embryo sac. Analysis of different families of genes involved in auxin biosynthesis, distribution, and signaling for expression in the embryo sac demonstrates that all steps are expressed within the embryo sac. In contrast to auxin signaling, cytokinin signaling is absent in the embryo sac and instead occurs adjacent to but outside of the antipodal cells. Mutant analysis shows a correlation between a loss of auxin signaling and a loss of proliferation of the antipodal cells. The leaf polarity mutant Laxmidrib1 causes a lack of antipodal cell proliferation coupled with a loss of DR5 and PIN1a expression in the antipodal cells

    Evolutionary conservation of excision repair in Schizosaccharomyces pombe: Evidence for a family of sequences related to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD2 gene

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    Cells mutated at the rad13 locus in the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe are deficient in excision-repair of UV damage. We have cloned the S.pombe rad13 gene by its ability to complement the UV sensitivity of a rad13 mutant. The gene is not essential for cell proliferation. Sequence analysis of the cloned gene revealed an open reading-frame of 1113 amino acids with structural homology to the RAD2 gene of the distantly related Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The sequence similarity is confined to three domains, two close to the N-terminus of the encoded protein, the third being close to the C-terminus. The central region of about 500 amino acids shows little similarity between the two organisms. The first and third domains are also found in a related yet distinct pair of homologous S.pombe/S.cerevisiae DNA repair genes (rad2/YKL510), which have only a very short region between these two conserved domains. Using the polymerase chain reaction with degenerate primers, we have isolated fragments from a gene homologous to rad13/RAD2 from Aspergillus nidulans. These findings define new functional domains involved in excision-repair, as well as identifying a conserved family of genes related to RAD2

    The 21cm angular-power spectrum from the dark ages

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    At redshifts z >~ 30 neutral hydrogen gas absorbs CMB radiation at the 21cm spin-flip frequency. In principle this is observable and a high-precision probe of cosmology. We calculate the linear-theory angular power spectrum of this signal and cross-correlation between redshifts on scales much larger than the line width. In addition to the well known redshift-distortion and density perturbation sources a full linear analysis gives additional contributions to the power spectrum. On small scales there is a percent-level linear effect due to perturbations in the 21cm optical depth, and perturbed recombination modifies the gas temperature perturbation evolution (and hence spin temperature and 21cm power spectrum). On large scales there are several post-Newtonian and velocity effects; although negligible on small scales, these additional terms can be significant at l <~ 100 and can be non-zero even when there is no background signal. We also discuss the linear effect of reionization re-scattering, which damps the entire spectrum and gives a very small polarization signal on large scales. On small scales we also model the significant non-linear effects of evolution and gravitational lensing. We include full results for numerical calculation and also various approximate analytic results for the power spectrum and evolution of small scale perturbations.Comment: 29 pages; significant extensions including: self-absorption terms (i.e. change to background radiation due to 21cm absorption); ionization fraction perturbations; estimates of non-linear effects; approximate analytic results; results for sharp redshift window functions. Code available at http://camb.info/sources

    Mountains of Maize, Persistent Poverty

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    The past two years are a tribute to Zambian farmers; they have responded admirably to government efforts to promote maize production. But ironically, rural poverty remains stubbornly high despite the fact that the government has spent over 2% of the nation’s gross domestic product in supporting maize production and subsidizing inputs for farmers. Why is it that maize production has increased so impressively without making a serious dent in rural poverty? And what are the lessons for the new government?maize, poverty, Zambia, Agricultural and Food Policy, Food Security and Poverty,

    An instance of hermaphroditism in the Indian mackerel Rastrelliger canagurta 'Cuvier'

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    While instances of hermaphroditism are known to occur in the European mackerel (Scomber scombrus L. no such cases are on record fcr the Indinn mackerel, Rastrelliger canagurta. It is interesting to report, therefore, the occurrence of a single hermaphrodite specimen of R. canagurta in a sample taken from the fish market at Karwar and reported to have been caught at Majali, seven miles north of 'Karwar on 25th March 1958