4 research outputs found

    Pediatric surgical contributions of Professor Aleksandrs Biezins : an analysis of clinical and academic activities abroad

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    Background. The relevance of the study of the trips of Professor Aleksandrs Biezins lies in the need to highlight the most important trips for the professor, which affected his further studies, as well as the features of the application of his methods in medicine. The purpose of the article is to study the activities of Aleksandrs Biezins, his achievements, and successes in the field of pediatric surgery, as well as other areas of medicine for a more in-depth description of the outstanding surgeon. Materials and methods. The main methods used in the article include historical and analytical ones. Results. The main results are the study of the professorā€™s professional activities abroad, as well as within his main place of work. Medical surgeon, Aleksandrs Biezins (1897ā€“1975), called the founder of pediatric surgery, actively practiced it and worked in the development of medicine and science, is one of the most prominent figures in pediatric surgery and medicine. The use of the information obtained in the study will be useful for a deeper and more detailed study of the work of the professor, as well as for studying the interaction of surgeons with Aleksandrs Biezins in the early and middle of the 21st century. Conclusions. In addition to his practical work in pediatric surgery and science, education of young physicians, for the scientific purposes of his missions, he was an active participant in medical forums, congresses, conferences in pediatrics, pediatric surgery, sports pedagogy, as well as actively trained in various foreign clinics.Peer reviewe

    Profesors Georgs Andrejevs ā€“ ārsts, zinātnieks un politiÄ·is

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    Profesoru Dr. habil. med. G. Andrejevu (1932ā€“2022) pelnÄ«ti var dēvēt par Latvijas anestezioloÄ£ijas un reanimatoloÄ£ijas celmlauzi un pamatlicēju. ViņŔ bijis viena no ievērojamākajām personÄ«bām Latvijas anestezioloÄ£ijā, reanimatoloÄ£ijā un medicÄ«nā kopumā, neatsverams ir viņa ieguldÄ«jums Latvijas medicÄ«nas un zinātnes attÄ«stÄ«bā. Profesora Andrejeva vadÄ«bā anestezioloÄ£ija Latvijā kļuva par atseviŔķu medicÄ«nas nozari, pateicoties aktÄ«vai viņa dalÄ«bai pasaules lÄ«meņa zinātniskajās konferencēs, kur viņŔ ne tikai aktÄ«vi apguva jaunāko pasaules praksi un pieredzi anestezioloÄ£ijā un reanimatoloÄ£ijā, bet arÄ« prezentēja savus pētÄ«jumus, izgudrojumus un profesionālo pieredzi, gÅ«stot starptautisku atzinÄ«bu pasaules lÄ«menÄ«. Georgs Andrejevs bija ārsts, izgudrotājs, Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmijas Ä«stenais loceklis, vairāk nekā 200 zinātnisko darbu un vairāk nekā 10 izgudrojumu autors. Paralēli aktÄ«vai praktiskajai darbÄ«bai anestezioloÄ£ijas jomā viņŔ izglÄ«toja jaunu Latvijas anesteziologu paaudzi. 1990. gada 4. maijā Georgs Andrejevs balsoja par Latvijas neatkarÄ«bu un turpmāk nesa tās vārdu pasaulē gan kā politiÄ·is un ārlietu ministrs, gan kā vēstnieks un diplomāts. ViņŔ bija Atmodas laika politiÄ·is, diplomāts un valstsvÄ«rs ā€“ bijis ārlietu ministrs, 5. Saeimas un Eiropas Parlamenta deputāts, aktÄ«vs sabiedrisks darbinieks, divkārÅ”ais TrÄ«szvaigžņu ordeņa kavalieris

    Lunasin and protein level correlation in triticale

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    LunasÄ«ns ir 43 aminoskābju ķēdes peptÄ«ds, kuru sākotnēji atklāja sojas pupās, bet vēlāk arÄ« kvieÅ”os, rudzos, tritikālē un miežos. LunasÄ«nu ekstrahē no miltiem ar nātrija fosfātu buferētu nātrija hlorÄ«da Ŕķīdumu, kurā Ŕķīst arÄ« Å«denÄ« ŔķīstoÅ”ie proteÄ«ni. PētÄ«juma mērÄ·is bija noskaidrot, vai lunasÄ«na saturs korelē ar proteÄ«nu saturu tritikāles graudos. Atrasts, ka visi tritikāles genotipi satur vidēji ap 12%.mitruma. Ar Kjeldāla metodi noteiktais kopproteÄ«na daudzums seÅ”u tritikāles genotipu graudos vidēji ir no 11,4 lÄ«dz 16,8%. Vislielākais tas ir genotipam 0006-31, kas satur vismazāk lunasÄ«na peptÄ«da. Ar WST-8 metodi izmērÄ«tais Å«denÄ« ŔķīstoÅ”o proteÄ«nu daudzums vidēji ir 30-50% no kopproteÄ«na daudzuma, kas noteikts ar Kjeldāla metodi.Lunasin a 43 amino acid chain long peptide originally was found in soy beans but later in wheat, rye and barley. Lunasin is extracted from flour with sodium phosphate buffered sodium chloride solution containing also other water soluble proteins. The aim of the study was to determine whether the content of lunasin correlates with the content of protein detected in triticale grain. It has been found that all genotypes of triticale contain around 12% of moisture. The Kjeldahl method shows that the crude protein content in grains of six triticale genotypes is approximately 11.4 to 16.8%. The genotype 0006-31 contains the biggest protein content but the smallest content of the lunasin. Measured by WST-8 method amount of water-soluble proteins in average was 30-50% of that of the crude protein determined by the Kjeldahl method. We found a high correlation between the levels of total protein and soluble protein

    The content of lunasin in cereals

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    LunasÄ«ns ir 43 aminoskābju ķēdes peptÄ«ds, kuru sākotnēji atklāja sojas pupās, bet vēlāk arÄ« kvieÅ”os, rudzos un miežos. PētÄ«juma mērÄ·is bija meklēt vēl citus graudaugus, kuri satur lunasÄ«nu un mēs izvēlējāmies pārbaudÄ«t vai tritikāle sintezē lunasÄ«nu. Papildus tam mēs mērÄ«jām lunasÄ«na saturu Latvijā audzētos kvieÅ”os un rudzos, lai varētu to salÄ«dzināt ar publicēto lunasÄ«na saturu Korejā audzētos genotipos. Izmantojot Ŕķidrās hromatogrāfijas/masspektrometrijas metodi, noteicām lunasÄ«na saturu Valsts Priekuļu laukaugu selekcijas institÅ«ta laukos audzētajos rudzos, kvieÅ”os un tritikālēs. Mēs atklājām lunasÄ«nu visos Å”eit pētÄ«tajos tritikāles genotipos. No pētÄ«tajiem graudaugu genotipiem tritikāle producē vislielāko lunasÄ«na daudzumu. Noskaidrojām, ka Latvijā audzēti ziemas rudzu un kvieÅ”u genotipi producē peptÄ«du lunasÄ«nu un, salÄ«dzinot ar lunasÄ«na saturu Āzijā audzētos graudaugos, lunasÄ«na saturs ir lÄ«dzÄ«gs gan Latvijā, gan Korejā audzētiem kvieÅ”iem un rudziem. Atslēgas vārdi: lunasÄ«ns, Å H/MS, tritikāle, rudzi, kvieÅ”i.Lunasin is 43 amino acid chain long peptide, that originally was found in soy beans but later in wheat, rye and barley. Our goal was to search for lunasin in triticale as earlier not studied cereal and to measure lunasin in winter wheat and rye to compare that with published values of lunasin content in cereals grown in Korea. Lunasin concentration in winter wheat, rye and triticales varieties and clones, grown in the fields of State Priekuli Plant breeding institute was determined by liquid chromatography/ masspectrometry assay. We for the first time discovered lunasin in the all tested here triticale genotypes. Moreover, we found that triticale produces the greatest amount of lunasin from cereal genotypes studied as well as we demonstrate that winter rye and wheat genotypes also produce peptide lunasin in comparable amounts of that measured in Asian countries. Key words: lunasin, LC/MS, trticale, wheat, rye