251 research outputs found

    The ion energy in a plasma resonator excited by a powerful microwave pulse at ECR frequency

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    The possibility of heating argon plasma ions with a density of ≈10¹³ cm⁻³ to 2 keV in a resonator placed in a magnetic field of a plug configuration when oscillations were excited at an electron-cyclotron resonance frequency with an electric field strength of up to 12 kV/cm in a pulse with a duration of 1.8 μs was shown experimentally. Ions acquire high energy in the fields of stochastic low-frequency ion oscillations due to the development of a modified decay of microwave oscillations.Експериментально показана можливість нагріву іонів аргонової плазми щільністю ≈10¹³ см⁻³ до 2 кеВ у резонаторі, розміщеному в магнітному полі пасткової конфігурації, при порушенні коливань на частоті електронно-циклотронного резонансу і напруженості електричного поля до 12 кВ/см в імпульсі тривалістю 1,8 мкс. Іони набувають високу енергію в полях стохастичних низькочастотних іонних коливань, обумовлених розвитком модифікованого розпаду НВЧ-коливань.Экспериментально показана возможность нагрева ионов аргоновой плазмы плотностью ≈10¹³ см⁻³ до 2 кэВ в резонаторе, размещенном в магнитном поле пробочной конфигурации, при возбуждении колебаний на частоте электронно-циклотронного резонанса и напряженности электрического поля до 12 кВ/см в импульсе длительностью 1,8 мкс. Ионы приобретают высокую энергию в полях стохастических низкочастотных ионных колебаний, обусловленных развитием модифицированного распада СВЧ-колебаний

    Investigation of posibility of energy transfer to plasma ions by oscillations with large amplitude on frequency of electron cyclotron resonance in magnetic trap

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    Process of action of powerful transverse electromagnetic wave on plasma in the magnetic trap is studied theoretically and experimentally. Interaction of wave-wave type is taken into account in the theoretical model. Investigation is based on three wave interaction. The cascades of three wave interaction described too. In the experiment the wave spectrums exciting in plasma were studied and it was shown enough fast appearance of energetic ions flows. There is a enough good agreement theoretical and experimental results.Теоретично та експериментально вивчається процес впливу потужної поперечної електромагнітної хвилі на плазму в магнітній пастці. У теоретичній моделі враховується взаємодія типу хвиля-хвиля. Дослідження ґрунтується на трьоххвильовій взаємодії. Розглянуто також каскади трьоххвильової взаємодії. В експерименті вивчено спектри хвиль, що збуджуються в плазмі, і показано досить швидку появу потоків високоенергетичних іонів. Є гарне якісне узгодження теоретичних та експериментальних результатів.Теоретически и экспериментально изучается процесс воздействия мощной поперечной электромагнитной волны на плазму в магнитной ловушке. В теоретической модели учитывается взаимодействие типа волна-волна. Исследование основано на трехволновом взаимодействии. Рассмотрены также каскады трехволнового взаимодействия. В эксперименте изучены спектры волн, возбуждаемых в плазме, и показано достаточно быстрое появление потоков высокоэнергетических ионов. Имеется хорошее качественное согласие теоретических и экспериментальных результатов


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    Issues on the development of mono-industry towns in Russia through diversification of economics thereof may be addressed by formation of the priority social and economic development area (PSEDA). By the results of analysis of conditions to create intraregional (municipal) industrial clusters within the PSEDA mono-industry towns, the feasibility of such clusters is justified to turn into the priority residents of PSEDA, but also to obtain the synergistic effect of taking PSEDA advantages and the cluster approach in diversifying the economies of mono- industry towns. In contrast to previous definitions, the authors consider the intraregional (municipal) industrial cluster as the concept created with favorable involvement of regional and municipal authorities to develop the cluster strategy and use favorable conditions to expand private enterprises, association of entities to implement projects on diversification of mono-industry town economies and investment projects that meet the PSEDA requirements. The principles of PSEDA-based cluster formation in mono-industry towns are formulated. The most significant factors of sustainable development of clusters are highlighted to address mono-town problems. The stage-by-stage creation of municipal clusters proposed by authors is based on their ability to emerge during the extensive market mechanism performance and includes stages to assess the potential to form and develop cluster formations, but also the stages to identify the needs of participating entities in the course of particular interaction, creation and development of entity networks. The analysis of existing agglomerations, systematization of SWOT analysis findings, assessment of factors contributing to cluster formation offered the chance to determine the perspective for the agro-industrial cluster development in Yurga in the Kemerovo Region. The study results represent the particular contribution to the cluster theory, regional economy in terms of development of tools to form municipal industrial clusters within the PSEDA for the purpose to diversify economies of mono-industry towns. The practical significance of the research is the possibility to apply the study results in the activity of regional and municipal authorities when identifying intraregional agglomerations, creating cluster formations as PSEDA mono- town residents

    Features of behavior of electrons of plasma in open trap in condition of transverse input of powerful microwave pulses at ECR

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    It has been experimentally shown that the effect of oscillations of large amplitude on the frequency of electron cyclotron resonance on a plasma held by a magnetic trap leads to an effective acceleration of the plasma electrons and the formation of directed electron fluxes, which in turn stimulate repeated microwave oscillations. A consequence of such a process is the appearance of alternating pulses of microwave oscillations in time.Експериментально показано, що вплив коливань великої амплітуди на частоті електронноциклотронного резонансу на плазму, що утримується магнітною пасткою, призводить до ефективного прискорення електронів плазми і формування направлених потоків електронів, які, в свою чергу, збуджують повторні НВЧ-коливання. Наслідком такого процесу є поява імпульсів НВЧ-коливань, які чергуються в часі.Экспериментально показано, что воздействие колебаний большой амплитуды на частоте электронноциклотронного резонанса на плазму, удерживаемою магнитной ловушкой, приводит к эффективному ускорению электронов плазмы и формированию направленных потоков электронов, которые, в свою очередь, возбуждают повторные СВЧ-колебания. Следствием такого процесса является появление чередующихся во времени импульсов СВЧ-колебаний

    Generation of Collisionless Shocks by Laser-Plasma Piston in Magnetised Background: Experiment “BUW”

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    Theoretical basis and main results of the first successful large-scale, Laser-Plasma experiment “BUW”, on generation of Collisionless Shock Wave in magnetised Background Plasma, are presented. Our classic approach is based on the action of so called Magnetic Laminar Mechanism (or Larmor coupling) for collisionless interaction between interpenetrating super-Alfvenic plasma flows of Laser-Plasma and Background in transverse magnetic field

    Exitation of highnumber harmonics by non-relativistic oscillators

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    The results of experimental researches of a possibility of an effective of high numbers harmonics radiation by nonrelativistic oscillators are represented. The good qualitative consent of experimental and theoretical results are obtained. In experiment the millionth harmonic was excited. It is shown, that the investigated mechanism can be used for excitation optical and ultra-violet radiation


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    It has been established that the state of the cardiovascular system in humans undergoes age-related changes, leading to an increase in the frequency of blood pressure disorders. Moreover, in the age category of 18-19 years, the proportion of cases with high blood pressure was 71.4%, and in other age categories from 28.5 to 71.4%. The upper pressure was in the range of 90 to 130 mmHg, and the lower pressure was from 60 to 80 mmHg. For the prevention of disorders, a set of five specially selected exercises aimed at improving cardiac rhythm and blood supply to the brain is recommended. The classes were aimed at the work of the muscles of the neck-shoulder girdle, back, legs, arms. The greatest effect after a course of exercises is achieved in reducing the waist circumference and increasing the vital volume of the lungs. In comparison with the initial measurements, the proportion of occurrence of blood pressure disorders decreased in group I – by 42.9%, in group II – by 23.8%. In group III as a whole, there was a decrease in blood pressure closer to the normal level, however, the number of violations did not decrease, and was in the range of 28.5-57.1%

    Straight Line Orbits in Hamiltonian Flows

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    We investigate periodic straight-line orbits (SLO) in Hamiltonian force fields using both direct and inverse methods. A general theorem is proven for natural Hamiltonians quadratic in the momenta in arbitrary dimension and specialized to two and three dimension. Next we specialize to homogeneous potentials and their superpositions, including the familiar H\'enon-Heiles problem. It is shown that SLO's can exist for arbitrary finite superpositions of NN-forms. The results are applied to a family of generalized H\'enon-Heiles potentials having discrete rotational symmetry. SLO's are also found for superpositions of these potentials.Comment: laTeX with 6 figure

    Ensemble Inequivalence in Mean-field Models of Magnetism

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    Mean-field models, while they can be cast into an {\it extensive} thermodynamic formalism, are inherently {\it non additive}. This is the basic feature which leads to {\it ensemble inequivalence} in these models. In this paper we study the global phase diagram of the infinite range Blume-Emery-Griffiths model both in the {\it canonical} and in the {\it microcanonical} ensembles. The microcanonical solution is obtained both by direct state counting and by the application of large deviation theory. The canonical phase diagram has first order and continuous transition lines separated by a tricritical point. We find that below the tricritical point, when the canonical transition is first order, the phase diagrams of the two ensembles disagree. In this region the microcanonical ensemble exhibits energy ranges with negative specific heat and temperature jumps at transition energies. These two features are discussed in a general context and the appropriate Maxwell constructions are introduced. Some preliminary extensions of these results to weakly decaying nonintegrable interactions are presented.Comment: Chapter of the forthcoming "Lecture Notes in Physics" volume: ``Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Systems with Long Range Interactions'', T. Dauxois, S. Ruffo, E. Arimondo, M. Wilkens Eds., Lecture Notes in Physics Vol. 602, Springer (2002). (see http://link.springer.de/series/lnpp/

    Investigation of chaotic decay in the resonator filled with plasma

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    Some investigations of the results of chaotic waves decay in circular cylindrical resonator partially filled with magnetoactive plasma are presented. If external magnetic field is uniform there is a good qualitative agreement of the experimental and theoretical results. In the nonhomogeneous magnetic field after termination of external electromagnetic pulse the repeated bursts are observed in the resonator. The possible mechanisms of appearing of these additional bursts are discussed in this paper.Представлено деякі результати дослідження процесу хаотичного розпаду хвиль в круглому циліндричному резонаторі, що частково заповнений магнітоактивною плазмою. Якщо зовнішнє магнітне поле є однорідним, існує якісне узгодження теоретичних та експериментальних результатів. В неоднорідному магнітному полі, після закінчення зовнішнього електромагнітного імпульсу, в резонаторі спостерігаються повторні імпульси електромагнітних коливань. Обговорюються можливі механізми появи цих додаткових імпульсів.Представлены некоторые результаты исследований процесса хаотического распада волн в круглом цилиндрическом резонаторе, частично заполненном магнитоактивной плазмой. Если внешнее магнитное поле однородно, имеется хорошее качественное согласие теоретических и экспериментальных результатов. В неоднородном магнитном поле, после окончания внешнего электромагнитного импульса, в резонаторе наблюдаются повторные всплески электромагнитных колебаний. Обсуждаются возможные механизмы появления этих дополнительных всплесков