3,582 research outputs found

    Conversion of recoilless gamma-radiation into a periodic sequence of ultrashort pulses in a set of dispersive and absorptive resonant media

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    An efficient technique to produce a periodic sequence of ultrashort pulses of recoilless gamma-radiation via its transmission through the optically thick vibrating resonant absorber was demonstrated recently [Nature, 508, 80 (2014)]. In this work we extend the theoretical analysis to the case of a set of multiple absorbers. We consider an analytical model describing the control of spectral content of a frequency modulated gamma-radiation by selective correction of amplitudes and initial phases of some spectral components, using, respectively, the resonant absorption or dispersion of nuclei. On the basis of the analytical solutions we determine the ultimate possibilities of the proposed technique.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    Confinement in the Abelian-Higgs-type theories: string picture and field correlators

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    Field correlators and the string representation are used as two complementary approaches for the description of confinement in the SU(N)-inspired dual Abelian-Higgs-type model. In the London limit of the simplest, SU(2)-inspired, model, bilocal electric field-strength correlators have been derived with accounting for the contributions to these averages produced by closed dual strings. The Debye screening in the plasma of such strings yields a novel long-range interaction between points lying on the contour of the Wilson loop. This interaction generates a Luescher-type term, even when one restrics oneself to the minimal surface, as it is usually done in the bilocal approximation to the stochastic vacuum model. Beyond the London limit, it has been shown that a modified interaction appears, which becomes reduced to the standard Yukawa one in the London limit. Finally, a string representation of the SU(N)-inspired model with the theta-term, in the London limit, can be constructed.Comment: 17 pages, no figures, REVTeX 4; Invited contribution to the collection of articles devoted to the 70th birthday of Yu.A. Simono

    String Nature of Confinement in (Non-)Abelian Gauge Theories

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    Recent progress achieved in the solution of the problem of confinement in various (non-)Abelian gauge theories by virtue of a derivation of their string representation is reviewed. The theories under study include QCD within the so-called Method of Field Correlators, QCD-inspired Abelian-projected theories, and compact QED in three and four space-time dimensions. Various nonperturbative properties of the vacua of the above mentioned theories are discussed. The relevance of the Method of Field Correlators to the study of confinement in Abelian models, allowing for an analytical description of this phenomenon, is illustrated by an evaluation of field correlators in these models.Comment: 100 pages, LaTeX2e, no figures, 1 table, based on the Ph.D. thesises at the Humboldt University of Berlin (1999) (available under http://dochost.rz.hu-berlin.de) and the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow (2000), new results are included, extended with respect to the journal versio

    Spin/orbit moment imbalance in the near-zero moment ferromagnetic semiconductor SmN

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    SmN is ferromagnetic below 27 K, and its net magnetic moment of 0.03 Bohr magnetons per formula unit is one of the smallest magnetisations found in any ferromagnetic material. The near-zero moment is a result of the nearly equal and opposing spin and orbital moments in the 6H5/2 ground state of the Sm3+ ion, which leads finally to a nearly complete cancellation for an ion in the SmN ferromagnetic state. Here we explore the spin alignment in this compound with X-ray magnetic circular dichroism at the Sm L2,3 edges. The spectral shapes are in qualitative agreement with computed spectra based on an LSDA+U (local spin density approximation with Hubbard-U corrections) band structure, though there remain differences in detail which we associate with the anomalous branching ratio in rare-earth L edges. The sign of the spectra determine that in a magnetic field the Sm 4f spin moment aligns antiparallel to the field; the very small residual moment in ferromagnetic SmN aligns with the 4f orbital moment and antiparallel to the spin moment. Further measurements on very thin (1.5 nm) SmN layers embedded in GdN show the opposite alignment due to a strong Gd-Sm exchange, suggesting that the SmN moment might be further reduced by about 0.5 % Gd substitution
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