1,116 research outputs found

    Growth and feed utilization of Boer x Kacang crossbred goats offered total mixed rations of different protein and energy levels

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the growth of and feed utilization by Boer x Kacang crosses goats fed on total mixed ration differing in protein and energy levels. Four total mixed rations combination were formulated to contain 16 and 18% crude protein and 2650 and 2850 Kcal ME/ kg DM (dried matter) energy density. Twenty-eight male Boer x Kacang crosses goats (14.5 ± 1.14 kg) and of age ranging from 4 to 5 months were randomly allocated to one of these four TMRs (total mixed rations) (7 animals/TMR). The effects of dietary treatment were assessed using the general linear model and significance of the diet effects was detected using Duncan’s multiple range test. Dry matter intake increased as metabolizable energy density of diet increased from 2650 to 2850 Kcal/kg DM, but it is not affected by increasing crude protein level from 16 to 18%. The average daily gains were not improved (P0.05) as the crude protein levels and metabolizable energy density of diet increased. Crude protein levels and ME density did not affect (P0.05) the DM, OM and energy digestibility, but NDF digestibility was affected by the ME density of diets (P0.05). Daily N intakes were greater (P0.0%) in goats received diets higher in the crude protein and metabolizable energy levels. At this high rate of feed intake this type of goats are able to gain optimally when offered feed with crude protein level of 16% and metabolizable energy density of 2850 Kcal/kg DM

    Kriminalisasi dalam UU Nomor 41 Tahun 1999 Tentang Kehutanan; sebuah Respon terhadap Tuntutan Reformasi?

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    Forestry is widely acclaimed as an area full of practices of collusion, corruption and nepotism (KKN) and badly needed to be reform. The initiation of UU No. 41/1999 on forestry seems promising since it criminalize such new practices relating to forest exploitation, the misuse of reboitation fund and limitation of exploitation area (HPH) in the hand of an individual. However, this article questions it whether or not these new criminalizations nave covered all kinds of deviance known in this industry. If not, the author suggests that it is necessary by the government to provide more thorough technical regulation to overcome the basic weakness kept by  UU No. 41/1999

    Uji Larvasida Nyamuk (Aedes Aegypti) dari Ascidian (Didemnum Molle)

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    Dengue haemorrhagie fever is one of the disease which caused by dengue virus. It spreads out by mosquito Aedes aegypti as the vector. To date, people use abate as the larvacidal. Yet it causes the negative effects, such as bad odor, rustiness of the water container and resistency either to the larvae or to the living environment if continue using it. The objective of the research was to examine the larvacidal activity of Didemnum molle extract against A. aegypti larvae. The sample was extracted with methanol to give methanolic extract which was further partitioned with ethyl acetate, hexane, and chloroform to yield three fractions of ethyl acetate, hexane, and chloroform. Methanolic extract and the three fractions were tested against the A. aegypti larvae instar III for several concentrations. Abate and tap water were used as controls. The result exhibited that Didemnum molle extracts contain or produce larvacidae substances against A. aegypti larvae. They are approved by the data of methanolic extract and the 3 fractions which are more powerful than abate, particularly hexane. However it still needs to be purified to obtain single active compound

    Urgently of Harmonization of National Legislation on Juvenile Criminal Justice Towards International Standards: a Review of Rules of Deprivation of Liberty of Child Offender

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    As a State Party to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (hereinafter: the CRCConvention), Indonesia is obliged to implement fully the Convention. For this purpose, Indonesiahas to undertake some measures, among others to undertake all appropriate legislative measuresfor the implementation of the rights recognized in the Convention. Legislative measures in thisregard include harmonization national legislation towards International standards.This paper aims to examine one problem, namely why harmonization of national legislationconcerning deprivation of liberty of child offender to International standards is urgent. This willbe answered by pointing out discrepancies between national legislation and Internationalstandards based primarily on legal document analysis.Refer to the analysis, first reason for doing harmonization is current national legislation stilldiffers greatly from the CRC Convention. At one side, according to the CRC Convention, ruleson deprivation of liberty are: (1) deprivation of liberty shall be used only as a measure of lastresort; (2) deprivation of liberty shall be used for the shortest appropriate period of time; (3)States Parties ensure by strict legal provisions that legality of deprivation of liberty is reviewedregularly. At the other side, according to national legislation, especially Act no. 3 of 1997, ruleson deprivation of liberty are: (1) deprivation of liberty, includes pre-trial detention is possiblewhen a child has committed an offense punishable by a minimum sentence of five yearsimprisonment; (2) the maximum duration of deprivation of liberty is 175 days; (3) there is noprovision on reviewing regularly of deprivation of liberty.Second reason is Act no. 11 of 2012 that will eliminate Act no. 3 of 1997 and enter in to forceat July 2014 does also not conform to the CRC Convention. According to Act no. 11 of 2012,rules on deprivation of liberty are: (1) deprivation of liberty will not be used if child offenderguaranteed by parents or other relevant institution; (2) deprivation of liberty is unavoidable incase child offender has committed an offense punishable by a minimum sentence of seven yearsimprisonment and child has attained fourteen years old; (3) there is no provision on reviewingregularly of deprivation of liberty.Recommendation that should be carried out is to amend urgently the Act no. 11 of 2012 inlight of the CRC Conventio

    Evaluasi Sistem Informasi Penggajian pada PT XYZ

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    The purpose of this study was to identify problems and weaknesses in the payroll information system, providing recommendations to reduce the risk of existing problems and produce audit reports for companies. Research method used is through literature study, interviews and observation. Audit method used is the method of auditing around the computer. Analysis was performed by analyzing the findings of problems, risks, and recommendations on the findings of the problem. After doing research, we conclude that there are still some weaknesses in management control and application control. But companies should be more focus on the weaknesses inherent limitations in controlling the application and control the output. Based on these findings, suggested that the company to rectify existing weaknesses and enhance control over payroll information system

    Efek Suplementasi Tepung Biji Pinang (Arecha catechu L.) terhadap Konsumsi dan Kandungan Nutrien Daging Kambing Boerka

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    Biji pinang merupakan bahan alam yang dapat dijadikan sumber antioksidan sebagai penangkal aktivitas radikal bebas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh suplementasi tepung biji pinang dalam pakan terhadap konsumsi, kecernaan dan kandungan nutrisi daging kambing Boerka. Ternak yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 18 ekor kambing Boerka jantan umur 1 tahun dengan rataan bobot badan 22,04±2,18 kg. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 3 perlakuan pakan dan 6 kali ulangan: Rumput Stenotaphrum secundatum + konsentrat tanpa suplementasi (R1), Rumput Stenothaprum secundatum + konsentrat suplementasi tepung pinang (2000 mg/Kg BK Pakan) (R2), Rumput Stenothaprum secundatum + konsentrat + catechin (1000 mg/Kg BK Pakan) + tepung pinang (1000 mg/Kg BK Pakan) (R3). Data dianalisis menggunakan Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) satu arah dan dilanjutkan dengan uji jarak berganda Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kisaran konsumsi bahan kering766,88-793,09 g, konsumsi bahan organik 613,56-624,08 g, kadar air daging 75,85-77,03%, kadar abu daging 1,14-1,17%, kadar lemak daging 0,43-0,80% dan kadar protein daging 18,02-19,52%. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan bahwa suplementasi tepung pinang dengan dosis 2000 mg/Kg BK pakan memberikan pengaruh nyata (p0,05) terhadap parameter lainnya. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa suplementasi tepung biji pinang dalam pakan meningkatkan kadar air daging kambing Boerka
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