34 research outputs found

    An entrepreneurship education, training and support framework for South African architects

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    This article will report the findings of a study undertaken to propose an integrated education and training framework that can enhance the entrepreneurial performance of South African Architects’ firms while contributing to the current discourse on entrepreneurial education and training. Many South African architects’ firms are finding it difficult to stay afloat (Corbert 2015, 44). While there could be many reasons for this situation, the absence of appropriate entrepreneurship education, training and support for architects could be a contributing factor. Substantial agreement exists amongst entrepreneurial education and training theorists that a phased approach that includes enacted learning is best suited for entrepreneurship education and training. Hence the article proposes a framework as a basic conceptual structure within which the education and training can be packaged. The study used a mixed methods approach as a single source was insufficient and, due to the use of multiple phases or projects, could best achieve the overall research objective (Creswell & Plano-Clark 2011, 8). The purpose of the article is to bring the findings and recommendations to the attention of those who can put them into effect and to contribute to the discourse on entrepreneurship education and training.  

    Buite-aardse rasionaliteit: Uitvlug in fantasie of grootste uitdaging ooit aan filosofie en teologie?

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    Extra terrestrial intelligence: Escape in fantasy or greatest challenge to philosophy and theology ever? The concept of extra-terrestrial intelligence was first mooted by philosophers like  Aristotle and Lucretius as well as natural scientists like Huygens and Whewell.  It is  considered whether UFO reports rather than  indicating something real provide a symptom of the  current religious cultural situation in Europe. Should rational life elsewhere in the universe be real, it is argued that biological life would be a neccessary condition.  The divergence and convergence hypotheses are examined.The fundamental prerequisite is the existence of other solar systems with planets other than our own. Insights from biology and astronomy are placed in the context of philosophical discourse

    PS Dreyer: Bakens op die pad van die wetenskap

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    Ethics in Human-Animal Relationships

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    Reactions to ethical matters related to human-animal relationships are often ambiguous and are influenced by many human-related factors. Because of such variations, there is a need for guidance in this regard. Such guidelines should thus be useful in a universal sense. Due to veterinarians position as professionally qualified persons they are often involved in debates regarding ethics related to human-animal relationships. In order to propose guidelines, philosophical perspectives were weighed against some of the latest empirical studies in animals ’ neurophysiology and behavioural studies. Suggested guidelines include the modalities of obligatory, desirable, admissible and indifference regarding the application of ethics in human-animal relationships. These guidelines should be valuable in human-animal relationship debates and they should provide a basis for veterinarians to be equal partners in such debates. Ethical dilemmas, neurophysiology, behaviour, veterinary guidelines Since recorded history of humans, animals have received contradictory standings in human ethics. Animals enjoyed deity status, were used as pretexts for the Saviour who could free people from their sins, were used in cultic sacrifices, were viewed as demons and were believed to be intermediate human forms in reincarnation. Animals were also kille

    Genoegsame voorwaardes vir buite-aardse rasionaliteit: Filosofiese en teologiese oorwegings

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    Sufficient conditions for extraterrestrial intelligence:  Philosophical and theological considerations. Sufficient conditions would include confirmation of extraterrestrial intelligence. Accordingly the SETI-projects of NASA and some universities are explained and examined. The possibility of UFO's is taken into account and evidence evaluated. In respect of philosophical considerations, the validity of inductive strategies is investigated as well as epistemological problems relating of rational communication. Theological considerations bring to the fore the imago Dei problem. It is concluded that in the light of both neccessary and sufficient conditions the issue no longer is of a scientific fiction nature but is on a firm scientific path

    Paradigma-verandering, relativisme en rasionaliteit

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    Paradigm-change, relativism and rationality The impact of Kuhn’s account of science is profound. This is also evident in the theological sciences. This could be seen by the importance given to problems like epistemological relativism, rationality and paradigm-change. The purpose of this paper is to give attention to these problems with reference to the HSRC Studies in Research Methodology’s publication: Paradigms and progress in theology. It is edited by J Mouton, A G van Aarde and W S Vorster

    Wat is wetenskap vandag?

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    What is science today? In this essay an attempt is made to answer the question as to what contemporary science is, by looking at science's main task, namely the sistematic methodical search for the truth. In this respect a cognitive model, which issued from radical change in recent science, is explicated; Attention is paid to a plural truth constitution of different sciences as well as to the problem of the existence and validity of different scientific paradigms in one and the same science. The importance as such, as well as the implications of radical reflection on science, is indicated

    PS Dreyer: Bakens op die pad van die wetenskap

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    PS Dreyer: Beacons on the path of science Professor PS Dreyer is an academic who has shown insight and vision into several problems of the human sciences since 1951. He has identified problems, but also contributed solutions to them. In this respect his philosophy on causality and freedom is of utmost importance. The same applies to his investigations into the relationship history-Christianity as well as the unity of sciences and how the concepts scientific, unscientic and nonscientific are related to one another. His contribution to the understanding of Greek philosophy should be of significance for time to come. Two milestones could be distinguished: Dreyer's particular solution to the problem of the criterion on truth, viz meaningfulness and his notion of the knowledge of values in ethics by valuation in contradistinction to knowledge through feeling, reason and will