100 research outputs found

    Appreciative semiotic and hermeneutic practices in the analysis of ethnic minorities

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    Socio-cultural research of ethnic minorities, is a hermeneutical process involving simultaneously the analysis of discursive strategies available to communities (ethnic),and the meta-narrative material. The type of discourse research dominant in the community, produces changes in the social pragmatics of that community. Action research study presents the discursive strategy of socio-cultural action. It emphasizes on quality characteristics of the method, which can be interpreted as a semiotic analysis of communication practices in the community, with effects in changing behavior patterns. Community development resulting from changes to the rhetoric used by the community. Understood in the manner proposed by Gergen constructionism, community is the space where there is a process of constant renegotiation of the meaning of social reality. A specific way of social pragmatics which can be used in transforming the social rhetoric of ethnic and multi-ethnic communities is the appreciative inquiry, transformative method aimed at harnessing the resources within the community by exploring the discourse level of positive experiences.Cultural minorities, ethnic communities, socio-cultural action, con- structionism, social pragmatic, appreciative inquiry, social rhetoric, meta-naratives

    Assessment of Professional Competences. Constructive Dimension of Human Resources Management

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    The present article proposes a model of how to develop a plan for evaluate professional skills, applicable to people who want to certify skills acquired in non-formal ways and also in human resource departments, that want to evaluate professional skills of its own members, with the purpose to achieve a more efficient use of human resources, and also to derulate organizational development programs that includes professional training.training, evaluation, competences

    Julian Savulescu and the Issue of Controversial Choices

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    AbstractRomanian-Australian bioethicist and philosopher, Julian Savulescu is Professor of Applied Ethics at Oxford University and leader of transnational projects concerning ethical implications of cloning regarding embryonic stem cells, “the issue of artificial life and improvement of the human species” through technology. He performed an analysis of the relationship between construction of autonomy and the idea of good life in terms of controversial choices. The controversy is based on the idea of economics and welfare in relationship with yourself and with others. In this paper we analyze some of the implications of Julian Savulescu's views on contemporary development of bioethics

    Appreciative Christian Counseling

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    AbstractThis paper addresses a correlation between the appreciative theory and Christian theology applied in Christian counselling space. We propose a method of appreciative counseling. The methodology is applicable in the field of psychosocial counseling, in social work, in counseling of ethics, etc. In this paper, we propose the method as application to spiritual counseling, as part of social theology. Success is seen as a sign of Divine Grace and is therefore desirable for a Protestant or evangelical Christian. Social theology of salvation is essentially a theology of success as the highest success that human beings can gain access to, is to partake of the mystery of the Godhead. But success is not worldly, but one headed toward eternity. Christian message replaces the prohibition manifestation of the type “you shall not” and the image of a “jealous and prohibitive God” to reverberate in the Decalogue, with a God who loves people, which guarantees the obtaining of the “ultimate success” of the Christian, which is the eternal happiness made possible by the divine assuming of all human sins

    The need for philosophical education in contemporary society

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    Place of philosophy in the contemporary world seems condemned to be an ongoing archeology of the mind, which can produce something new only epigonic reliving the great moments of its own history. The study of Philosophy is generally condemned to the status of auxiliary discipline introduced in school curricula and university, mainly to strengthen the general culture of graduates. Reformulation of philosophical issues from a specific kaleidoscopic thinking of the contemporary world that is denying the great structural approaches can be developed through the convergence of sequences fractals completely disparate. The methodology of this study intends to overcome phenomenological structuralism with deconstruction of the reality, understood as a negotiation of interpretations. Scientism of the twentieth century, the focus shifted on the fields of philosophical discourse as: epistemology and philosophy of science, philosophy of language, and philosophy of mind, emerging as meta-theoretical discourses on knowledge and thus saving philosophy from uselessness. As science has gradually rebuilt its instruments in the second part of the twentieth century, Philosophy gradually falling back to Actuality as analysis and interpretation of human meanings offered by the new fields of research opened by science.Philosophy, teaching philosophy, hermeneutics of reality, the crisis of philosophy

    Aceitabilidade ética do uso de consentimento genérico para uso secundário de dados e amostras biológicas em pesquisa médica

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    The research idea starts from the previous identification of certain elements of generic consent for research activities found in informed consent (IC) forms used in therapeutic activities in hospitals that have the right to conduct medical research on human subjects in Northeast Romania. The paper questions the ethical acceptability of secondary use of data and biological samples in medical research, in the context of obtaining generic therapeutic consent from patients. The objective of the research is to analyze the Romanian context of using the IC obtained in therapeutic purposes as a starting point for the research activity. We wish to argue that the practice of obtaining a generic consent - for using the data obtained and the biological samples collected in the therapeutic process for secondary analysis - raises serious ethical issues regarding the validity and effectiveness of the IC.La idea de este estudio proviene de la identificación previa de ciertos elementos de consentimiento genérico para actividades de investigación, que se encuentran en formularios de consentimiento informado usados en actividades terapéuticas en hospitales que tienen la potestad de realizar investigación médica con sujetos humanos en el Noreste de Rumania. Este estudio cuestiona la aceptabilidad ética del uso secundario de datos y muestras biológicas en el contexto de obtener consentimiento genérico de pacientes en terapia. El objetivo de esta investigación consiste en analizar el contexto en Rumania al usar consentimiento informado en terapia como punto inicial de actividad de investigación. Argumentamos que la práctica de obtener consentimiento genérico —para usar los datos obtenidos y las muestras biológicas recolectadas en el proceso terapéutico en análisis secundario— preocupa éticamente respecto de la validez y efectividad del consentimiento informado.A ideia de pesquisa tem sua origem a partir da identificação anterior de certos elementos do consentimento genérico para atividades de pesquisa encontrados em formulários de consentimento informado (CI) usados em atividades terapêuticas em hospitais que têm o direito de realizar pesquisa médica em seres humanos no nordeste da Romênia. O artigo questiona a aceitabilidade ética de uso secundário de dados e amostras biológicas na pesquisa médica, no âmbito da obtenção do consentimento genérico terapêutico de pacientes. O objetivo da pesquisa é analisar o contexto romeno do uso do CI obtido por fins terapêuticos como ponto de partida para a atividade de investigação. Nós gostaríamos de argumentar que a prática de obter um consentimento genérico - para utilizar os dados obtidos e as amostras biológicas coletadas no processo terapêutico para análise secundária - levanta sérias questões éticas a respeito da validade e da eficácia do IC

    Some Considerations on the Construction of Ethics Policies. Shared Ethics and Communicative Action

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    AbstractIn this paper we propose to differentiate the ethical values of an organization into constitutive ethical values around which the organization was formed and operates, and the operational values - around which are set the organization's good practices. Constitutive values are correlated with the organization's mission, while operational values are correlated with the policies of the organization, its products and services. The purpose of research is to identify the core and instrumental values that underlie the construction of coherent ethical policies in the organization, with particular reference to public administration (Matei, 2010). We are interested how are operationalized the existing ethical values into ethics policies of an organization, and which are the strategies through which organizations build among their members the set of specific ethical skills according to ethics policies. Operational ethical values of the organization, understood as the source of its success, are: strengthening the relations with customers, suppliers and communities, perfect behaviour, honesty, respect for others, treating (others) with dignity. Are analysed the ethical principles considered in the construction of ethics policy of the organization, like for example distributive justice inspired by the work of John Rawls. The expression of the ethical principle is transposed into the organization's policy through: commitment to good practices; assumed equal opportunities and assumed competition; honesty; commitment to legislation. Implementation tools of ethics policies are represented by the ethics code, ethics committee, ethics counselling and supervising, ethics audit

    Freedom as a hermeneutical pretext

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    Reformulation of the problem of freedom comes from a kaleidoscopic specifics of the contemporary world that is denying the great structural approaches. This can be developed through the convergence of sequences fractals completely disparate. The method of this research is to overcome the phenomenological structuralism with deconstruction of the real meaning, understood as a negotiation of the interpretations. Problem of freedom is „a pretext” of the hermeneutical process of opening building the semnificatory act.freedom, hermeneutical process, semnificatory act, contemporary philosophy

    From distributive to procedural justice. Justice as a constitutive value of public administration

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    The justice as an ethical value can be considered constitutive for contemporary administrative systems. These ones are asked to transpose into practice the ideal of justice in the community. The functioning of a modern state cannot be conceived without a series of institutions that would guarantee the achievement of justice. The legal system was established specifically to administer justice. Modern democratic systems felt the need for certain courts and extrajudicial procedures to create justice. The institutions required to implement the extrajudicial distribution of justice are part of the public administration, representing a central element of it. The model of a political system based on justice is a minimalist one; the role of the state is limited to making it possible for individuals to follow their own ideal of welfare. Opposed to justice, the ideal of welfare requests the state, and implicitly the administration, to ensure the individual the minimum conditions to live in that community. The minimal state centered on justice is the result of a modern paradigm with post-Kantian reverberations, which emphasize the rationality of human action. If the individual is rational, he only needs fair conditions in order to pursue his own welfare. The role of the administration is to ensure those conditions and to oversee the distribution of goods and services, as well as the distribution and redistribution of added value

    From Pandemic to Infodemic

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    In this article we will address the topic of fake news (Peters, 2018), which represents a real threat to society and could be considered a public health issue. The fake news campaign that accompanied public communications during the pandemic was named, by the Worls Health Organization (2020), infodemic, considering that its purpose was to generate panic and create social and economic problems, which would seriously overcome the initial public health problem - namely that of the pandemic -, to destabilize both states and global alliances. From an ethical point of view, we must notice the negative impact of infodemic, both on public health and on humanity in general; this can lead to deviations from democracy and human rights and, ultimately, to the dehumanization of society through the emphasis on social anxiety and the exacerbation of desocializing fears, which increase social distancing far beyond the limit of the physical distancing necessary to combat the pandemic