173 research outputs found

    Bronchial and arterial sleeve resection for centrally-located lung cancers

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    The use of bronchial and arterial sleeve resections for the treatment of centrally-located lung cancers, when available, has become the option of choice in comparison with pneumonectomy (PN). Technical expertise, in particular in vascular reconstruction, and perioperative management improved over time allowing excellent short-term and long-term results. This is even truer if considering literature data from the main experiences published in the last years. These evidences have given to such lung sparing reconstructive procedures more and more acceptance among the surgical community. This article focuses on the main technical aspects and literature data regarding bronchovascular sleeve resections

    Malignant priapism due to penile metastases. Case series and literature review

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    Malignant priapism secondary to penile metastases is a rare condition. This term was originally used by Peacock in 1938 to describe a condition of painful induration and erection of the penis due to metastatic infiltration by a neoplasm. In the current literature there are 512 case reports. The primary tumor sites are bladder, prostate and rectum. The treatment has only palliative intent and consists of local tumor excision, penectomy, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. We present one case of malignant priapism originated from prostate cancer, and two from urothelial carcinoma of the bladder. Different approaches in diagnosis and therapy were performed. The entire three patient reported a relief of the pain following the treatment, with an improvement of their quality of life, even though it was only temporary as a palliative. Malignant priapism is a rare medical emergency. Penile/pelvis magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan and corporal biopsies are considered an effective method of diagnosis of the primary organ site.Malignant priapism secondary to penile metastases is a rare condition. This term was originally used by Peacock in 1938 to describe a condition of painful induration and erection of the penis due to metastatic infiltration by a neoplasm. In the current literature there are 512 case reports. The primary tumor sites are bladder, prostate and rectum. The treatment has only palliative intent and consists of local tumor excision, penectomy, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. We present one case of malignant priapism originated from prostate cancer, and two from urothelial carcinoma of the bladder. Different approaches in diagnosis and therapy were performed. The entire three patient reported a relief of the pain following the treatment, with an improvement of their quality of life, even though it was only temporary as a palliative. Malignant priapism is a rare medical emergency. Penile/pelvis magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan and corporal biopsies are considered an effective method of diagnosis of the primary organ site

    Long term compensatory sweating results after sympathectomy for palmar and axillary hyperhidrosis

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    Endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy is currently the best treatment for primary upper extremity hyperhidrosis, but the potential for adverse effects, particularly the development of compensatory sweating, is a concern and often precludes surgery as a definitive therapy. This study aims to evaluate long-term results of two-stage unilateral versus one-stage bilateral thoracoscopic sympathectomy

    A Novel Technique for Laryngotracheal Reconstruction for Idiopathic Subglottic Stenosis

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    Idiopathic subglottic stenosis is the most challenging condition in the field of upper airway reconstruction. We describe a successful novel technique for enlarging the airway space at the site of the laryngotracheal anastomosis in very high-level reconstructions

    Prospective study to compare antibiosis versus the association of N-acetylcysteine, D-mannose and morinda citrifolia fruit extract in preventing urinary tract infections in patients submitted to urodynamic investigation

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    BACKGROUND: The abuse of antimicrobical drugs has increased the resistance of microorganisms to treatments, thus to make urinary tract infections (UTIs) more difficult to eradicate. Among natural substances used to prevent UTI, literature has provided preliminary data of the beneficial effects of D-mannose, N-acetylcysteine, and Morinda citrifolia fruit extract, due to their complementary mechanism of action which contributes respectively to limit bacteria adhesion to the urothelium, to destroy bacterial pathogenic biofilm, and to the anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity. The purpose of this study was to compare the administration of an association of D-mannose, N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and Morinda citrifolia extract versus antibiotic therapy in the prophylaxis of UTIs potentially associated with urological mini-invasive diagnostics procedures, in clinical model of the urodynamic investigation. METHODS: 80 patients eligible for urodynamic examination, 42 men and 38 women, have been prospectively enrolled in the study and randomised in two groups (A and B) of 40 individuals. Patients of group A followed antibiotic therapy with Prulifloxacine, by mouth 400 mg/day for 5 days, while patients of the group B followed the association of mannose and NAC therapy, two vials/day for 7 days. Ten days after the urodynamic study, the patients were submitted to urine examination and urine culture. RESULTS: The follow up assessment didn't show statistical significant difference between the two groups regarding the incidence of UTI. CONCLUSIONS: The association of mannose and NAC therapy resulted similar to the antibiotic therapy in preventing UTIs in patients submitted to urodynamic examination. This result leads to consider the possible use of these nutraceutical agents as a good alternative in the prophylaxis of the UTI afterwards urological procedures in urodynamics.BACKGROUND: The abuse of antimicrobical drugs has increased the resistance of microorganisms to treatments, thus to make urinary tract infections (UTIs) more difficult to eradicate. Among natural substances used to prevent UTI, literature has provided preliminary data of the beneficial effects of D-mannose, N-acetylcysteine, and Morinda citrifolia fruit extract, due to their complementary mechanism of action which contributes respectively to limit bacteria adhesion to the urothelium, to destroy bacterial pathogenic biofilm, and to the anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity. The purpose of this study was to compare the administration of an association of D-mannose, N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and Morinda citrifolia extract versus antibiotic therapy in the prophylaxis of UTIs potentially associated with urological mini-invasive diagnostics procedures, in clinical model of the urodynamic investigation. METHODS: 80 patients eligible for urodynamic examination, 42 men and 38 women, have been prospectively enrolled in the study and randomised in two groups (A and B) of 40 individuals. Patients of group A followed antibiotic therapy with Prulifloxacine, by mouth 400 mg/day for 5 days, while patients of the group B followed the association of mannose and NAC therapy, two vials/day for 7 days. Ten days after the urodynamic study, the patients were submitted to urine examination and urine culture. RESULTS: The follow up assessment didn't show statistical significant difference between the two groups regarding the incidence of UTI. CONCLUSIONS: The association of mannose and NAC therapy resulted similar to the antibiotic therapy in preventing UTIs in patients submitted to urodynamic examination. This result leads to consider the possible use of these nutraceutical agents as a good alternative in the prophylaxis of the UTI afterwards urological procedures in urodynamics

    Salvage resection of advanced mediastinal tumors

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    The surgical treatment of locally advanced mediastinal tumors invading the great vessels and other nearby structures still represent a tricky question, principally due to the technical complexity of the resective phase, the contingent need to carry out viable vascular reconstructions and, therefore, the proper management of pathophysiologic issues. Published large-number series providing oncologic outcomes of patients who have undergone extended radical surgery for invasive mediastinal masses are just a few. Furthermore, the wide variety of different histologies included in some of these studies, as well as the heterogeneity of chemo and radiation therapies employed, did not allow for the development of clear oncologic guidelines. Usually in the past, surgical resections of large masses along with the neighbouring structures were not offered to patients because of related morbidity and mortality and limited information available on the prognostic advantage for long term. However, in the last decades, advances in surgical technique and perioperative management, as well as increased oncologic experience in this field, have allowed radical exeresis in selected patients with invasive tumors requiring resections extended to the surrounding structures and complex vascular reconstructions. Such aggressive surgical treatment has been proposed in association or not with adjuvant chemo- or radiotherapy regimens, achieving encouraging oncologic results with limited morbidity and mortality in experienced institutions. Congestive heart failure or impending cardiovascular collapse due to the compression by the large mass are the most frequent immediately lifethreatening problems that some of these patients can experience. In this setting, medical palliation is usually ineffective and an aggressive salvage surgical treatment may remain the only therapeutic option


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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are newly appreciated regulators of tissue homeostasis and a means of intercellular communication. Reports investigated the role of EVs and their cargoes in cellular regulation and have tried to fine-tune their biotechnological use, but to date very little is known on their function in bone biology. To investigate the relevance of EV-mediated communication between bone cells, we isolated EVs from primary mouse osteoblasts and assessed membrane integrity, size and structure by transmission electron microscopy and fluorescence-activated cell sorting. EVs actively shuttled loaded fluorochromes to osteoblasts, monocytes and endothelial cells. Moreover, osteoblast EVs contained mRNAs shared with donor cells. Osteoblasts are known to regulate osteoclastogenesis, osteoclast survival and function by the pro-osteoclastic cytokine, Rankl. Osteoblast EVs were enriched in Rankl, which increased after PTH treatment. These EVs were biologically active, supporting osteoclast survival. EVs isolated from rankl-/- osteoblasts lost this pro-osteoclastic function, indicating its Rankl-dependence. They integrated ex-vivo into murine calvariae, and EV-shuttled fluorochromes were quickly uptaken by the bone upon in vivo EV systemic administration. Rankl-/- mice lack the osteoclast lineage and are negative for its specific marker TRAcP. Treatment of rankl-/- mice with wildtype osteoblast EVs induced the appearance of TRAcP-positive cells in an EV density-dependent manner. Finally, osteoblast EVs internalized and shuttled anti-osteoclast drugs (zoledronate and dasatinib), inhibiting osteoclast activity in vitro and in vivo. We conclude that osteoblast EVs are involved in intercellular communication between bone cells, contribute to the Rankl pro-osteoclastic effect and shuttle anti-osteoclast drugs, representing a potential means of targeted therapeutic delivery. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserve

    Shwachman Diamond Syndrome: an emergency challenge

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    Shwachman Diamond Syndrome is a rare congenital disorder characterized by pancreatic insufficiency, bone marrow dysfunction and skeletal abnormalities. No specific test is available for a definitive diagnosis for SDS. In the presence of clinical features of SDS, pancreatic insufficiency should be tested for or lipomatosis radiologically demonstrated. New directions might be found in genetic analysis. Sometimes, a life-threatening event may be the first clinical manifestation of the syndrome

    Nutritional status in the pediatric oncology patients

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    Nutritional status plays a vital role in the growth of children. In pediatric patients, disease-related malnutrition is a dynamic and multifactorial process supported by several factors such as inflammation, increased energy expenditure, decreased intake or reduced utilization of nutrients. In pediatric patients with malignancies, sarcopenia may coexist with malnutrition, amplifying its negative impact on prognosis. Careful monitoring of nutritional status both at diagnosis and during chemotherapy treatment allows early detection of the risk and/or presence of malnutrition. A rapid and personalized nutritional intervention can improve adherence to treatment, reduce complications and improve the patients' quality of life
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