120 research outputs found

    Primordial magnetic fields from metric perturbations

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    We study the amplification of electromagnetic vacuum fluctuations induced by the evolution of scalar metric perturbations at the end of inflation. Such perturbations break the conformal invariance of Maxwell equations in Friedmann-Robertson-Walker backgrounds and allow the growth of magnetic fields on super-Hubble scales. We relate the strength of the fields generated by this mechanism with the power spectrum of scalar perturbations and estimate the amplification on galactic scales for different values of the spectral index. Finally we discuss the possible effects of finite conductivity during reheating.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure. Final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Dark energy rest frame and the CMB dipole

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    If dark energy can be described as a perfect fluid, then, apart from its equation of state relating energy density and pressure, we should also especify the corresponding rest frame. Since dark energy is typically decoupled from the rest of components of the universe, in principle such a frame could be different from that of matter and radiation. In this work we consider the potential observable effects of the motion of dark energy and the possibility to measure the dark energy velocity relative to matter. In particular we consider the modification of the usual interpretation of the CMB dipole and its implications for the determination of matter bulk flows on very large scales. We also comment on the possible origin of a dark energy flow and its evolution in different models.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. Contribution to the Proceedings of the International Workshop The Dark Side of the Universe, Madrid, June 20-24, 200

    Gravitino production during preheating

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    We study the production of gravitinos during the preheating era after inflation by means of the non-perturbative Bogolyubov technique. Considering only the helicity ±3/2\pm 3/2 states, the problem is reduced to the simpler Dirac fermions case. We calculate the production in a particular supergravity model in an expanding universe and obtain the spectrum and number density. Finally we compare the results with the nucleosynthesis bounds and extract some consequences.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, 2 figures. Talk given in the International Workshop on Particles in Astrophysics and Cosmology, Valencia (Spain), May 3-8, 199

    Dark energy in motion

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    Recent large-scale peculiar velocity surveys suggest that large matter volumes could be moving with appreciable velocity with respect to the CMB rest frame. If confirmed, such results could conflict with the Cosmological Principle according to which the matter and CMB rest frames should converge on very large scales. In this work we explore the possibility that such large scale bulk flows are due, not to the motion of matter with respect to the CMB, but to the flow of dark energy with respect to matter. Indeed, when dark energy is moving, the usual definition of the CMB rest frame as that in which the CMB dipole vanishes is not appropriate. We find instead that the dipole vanishes for observers at rest with respect to the cosmic center of mass, i.e. in motion with respect to the background radiation.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure. Essay selected for "Honorable Mention" in the 2006 Awards for Essays on Gravitation (Gravity Research Foundation

    On the tension between growth rate and CMB data

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    We analyze the claimed tension between redshift space distorsions measurements of f(z)σ8(z)f(z)\sigma_8(z) and the predictions of standard Λ\LambdaCDM (Planck 2015 and 2018) cosmology. We consider a dataset consisting of 17 data points extending up to redshift z=1.52z=1.52 and corrected for the Alcock-Paczynski effect. Thus, calculating the evolution of the growth factor in a wwCDM cosmology, we find that the tension for the best fit parameters ww, Ωm\Omega_m and σ8\sigma_8 with respect to the Planck 2018 Λ\LambdaCDM parameters is below 2σ2\sigma in all the marginalized confidence regions.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Final version to appear in Eur. Phys. J.

    Dark energy: the absolute electric potential of the universe

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    Is there an absolute cosmic electric potential?. The recent discovery of the accelerated expansion of the universe could be indicating that this is certainly the case. In this essay we show that the consistency of the covariant and gauge invariant theory of electromagnetism is truly questionable when considered on cosmological scales. Out of the four components of the electromagnetic field, Maxwell's theory only contains two physical degrees of freedom. However, in the presence of gravity, one of the "unphysical" states cannot be consistently eliminated, thus becoming real. This third polarization state is completely decoupled from charged matter, but can be excited gravitationally thus breaking gauge invariance. On large scales the new state can be seen as a homogeneous cosmic electric potential, whose energy density behaves as a cosmological constant.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures. Essay selected for "Honorable Mention" in the 2009 Awards for Essays on Gravitation (Gravity Research Foundation

    Cosmological magnetic fields from inflation in extended electromagnetism

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    In this work we consider an extended electromagnetic theory in which the scalar state which is usually eliminated by means of the Lorenz condition is allowed to propagate. This state has been shown to generate a small cosmological constant in the context of standard inflationary cosmology. Here we show that the usual Lorenz gauge-breaking term now plays the role of an effective electromagnetic current. Such a current is generated during inflation from quantum fluctuations and gives rise to a stochastic effective charge density distribution. Due to the high electric conductivity of the cosmic plasma after inflation, the electric charge density generates currents which give rise to both vorticity and magnetic fields on sub-Hubble scales. Present upper limits on vorticity coming from temperature anisotropies of the CMB are translated into lower limits on the present value of cosmic magnetic fields. We find that, for a nearly scale invariant vorticity spectrum, magnetic fields Bλ>10−12B_{\lambda}> 10^{-12} G are typically generated with coherence lengths ranging from sub-galactic scales up to the present Hubble radius. Those fields could act as seeds for a galactic dynamo or even account for observations just by collapse and differential rotation of the protogalactic cloud.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. Final version to appear in Phys. Rev.
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