118 research outputs found

    Angiogenesis as Therapeutic Target in Metastatic Prostate Cancer – Narrowing the Gap Between Bench and Bedside

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    Angiogenesis in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) has been extensively investigated as a promising druggable biological process. Nonetheless, targeting angiogenesis has failed to impact overall survival (OS) in patients with mCRPC despite promising preclinical and early clinical data. This discrepancy prompted a literature review highlighting the tumor heterogeneity and biological context of Prostate Cancer (PCa). Narrowing the gap between the bench and bedside appears critical for developing novel therapeutic strategies. Searching clinicaltrials.gov for studies examining angiogenesis inhibition in patients with PCa resulted in n=20 trials with specific angiogenesis inhibitors currently recruiting (as of September 2021). Moreover, several other compounds with known anti-angiogenic properties – such as Metformin or Curcumin – are currently investigated. In general, angiogenesis-targeting strategies in PCa include biomarker-guided treatment stratification – as well as combinatorial approaches. Beyond established angiogenesis inhibitors, PCa therapies aiming at PSMA (Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen) hold the promise to have a substantial anti-angiogenic effect – due to PSMA®s abundant expression in tumor vasculatur

    The bone marrow niche landscape: a journey through aging, extrinsic and intrinsic stressors in the haemopoietic milieu

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    Inflammation and its effects in the bone marrow microenvironment represent a paradigmatic condition in which the hematopoietic niche and the immune systems, thought to properly sustain blood cell production and distinguish between friend and foe, can actively sustain a corrupted neighborhood within a chronic aberrant inflamed state. The bone marrow niche hijacks the physiologic hematopoiesis. The interactions between the hematopoietic stem cells and the niche in the bone marrow are critical determinants of quiescence. We examined several approaches to confront the available evidence; three key points emerged, pointing to the chronic inflammation process, especially the chronic infection and systemic inflammatory states, as leading causes of hematopoietic stem cell depletion. Clonal hematopoiesis, defined as a relative expansion of individual clones, is caused by somatic alterations in essential hematopoietic genes, which increase stem cell fitness. Moreover, terminal differentiation plays a significant role in progenitor loss and inflammatory signaling, promoting clonal selection and clonal hematopoiesis conditions. Specific myeloid malignancies as paradigmatic examples are discussed as a condition associated with inflammation, including the 5q-syndrome, Philadelphia negative myeloproliferative neoplasms, and chronic myeloid leukemia. Aging with increased fitness and hematopoietic stem cell attrition, extrinsic stress, enhanced stressor-specific fitness, and intrinsic defect across the hematopoietic process represent the route for novel insights in defective hematopoiesis. The discussion in this review also points out that the hematopoietic niches' inflammatory stimulation may affect differentiation patterns and the function of downstream cells

    Cancer-Associated Angiogenesis: The Endothelial Cell as a Checkpoint for Immunological Patrolling

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    Cancer-associated neo vessels’ formation acts as a gatekeeper that orchestrates the entrance and egress of patrolling immune cells within the tumor milieu. This is achieved, in part, via the directed chemokines’ expression and cell adhesion molecules on the endothelial cell surface that attract and retain circulating leukocytes. The crosstalk between adaptive immune cells and the cancer endothelium is thus essential for tumor immune surveillance and the success of immune-based therapies that harness immune cells to kill tumor cells. This review will focus on the biology of the endothelium and will explore the vascular-specific molecular mediators that control the recruitment, retention, and trafficking of immune cells that are essential for effective antitumor immunity. The literature revision will also explore how abnormalities in the tumor endothelium impair crosstalk with adaptive immune cells and how targeting these abnormalities can improve the success of immune-based therapies for different malignancies, with a particular focus on the paradigmatic example represented by multiple myeloma. We also generated and provide two original bio-informatic analyses, in order to sketch the physiopathology underlying the endothelial–neoplastic interactions in an easier manner, feeding into a vicious cycle propagating disease progression and highlighting novel pathways that might be exploited therapeutically

    Induction Therapy and Stem Cell Mobilization in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma

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    Autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) is considered the standard therapy for younger patients with newly diagnosed symptomatic multiple myeloma (MM). The introduction into clinical practice of novel agents, such as the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib and the immunomodulatory derivatives (IMiDs) thalidomide and lenalidomide, has significantly contributed to major advances in MM therapy and prognosis. These novel agents are incorporated into induction regimens to enhance the depth of response before ASCT and further improve post-ASCT outcomes. Between January 2000 and November 2011, 65 patients with MM were transplanted in the Department of Biomedical Science and Clinical Oncology at the University of Bari. According to Durie-Salmon, 60 patients had stage III of disease and 5 stage II. Only 7 patients were in stage B (renal failure). Induction regimens that were administered in two or more cycles were VAD (vincristine, adriamycin, and dexamethasone), Thal-Dex (thalidomide, dexamethasone), Len-Dex (lenalidomide, dexamethasone), Vel-Dex (bortezomib, dexamethasone), VTD (bortezomib, thalidomide, and dexamethasone), and PAD (bortezomib, pegylated liposomal doxorubicin, and dexamethasone). In mobilization procedure, the patients received cyclophosphamide and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF). The number of cells collected through two or more leukapheresess, response after induction, and toxicity were evaluated to define the more adequate up-front induction regimen in transplantation-eligible MM patients

    New insights in Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma Pathobiology

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    Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), accounting for about 40% of all cases of NHL. Analysis of the tumor microenvironment is an important aspect of the assessment of the progression of DLBCL. In this review article, we analyzed the role of different cellular components of the tumor microenvironment, including mast cells, macrophages, and lymphocytes, in the tumor progression of DLBCL. We examined several approaches to confront the available pieces of evidence, whereby three key points emerged. DLBCL is a disease of malignant B cells spreading and accumulating both at nodal and at extranodal sites. In patients with both nodal and extranodal lesions, the subsequent induction of a cancer-friendly environment appears pivotal. The DLBCL cell interaction with mature stromal cells and vessels confers tumor protection and inhibition of immune response while delivering nutrients and oxygen supply. Single cells may also reside and survive in protected niches in the nodal and extranodal sites as a source for residual disease and relapse. This review aims to molecularly and functionally recapitulate the DLBCL-milieu crosstalk, to relate niche and pathological angiogenic constitution and interaction factors to DLBCL progression

    Impact of Antigen Presentation Mechanisms on Immune Response in Autoimmune Hepatitis

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    The liver is a very tolerogenic organ. It is continually exposed to a multitude of antigens and is able to promote an effective immune response against pathogens and simultaneously immune tolerance against self-antigens. In spite of strong peripheral and central tolerogenic mechanisms, loss of tolerance can occur in autoimmune liver diseases, such as autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) through a combination of genetic predisposition, environmental factors, and an imbalance in immunological regulatory mechanisms. The liver hosts several types of conventional resident antigen presenting cells (APCs) such as dendritic cells, B cells and macrophages (Kupffer cells), and unconventional APCs including liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, hepatic stellate cells and hepatocytes. By standard (direct presentation and cross-presentation) and alternative mechanisms (cross-dressing and MHC class II-dressing), liver APCs presents self-antigen to naive T cells in the presence of costimulation leading to an altered immune response that results in liver injury and inflammation. Additionally, the transport of antigens and antigen:MHC complexes by trogocytosis and extracellular vesicles between different cells in the liver contributes to enhance antigen presentation and amplify autoimmune response. Here, we focus on the impact of antigen presentation on the immune response in the liver and on the functional role of the immune cells in the induction of liver inflammation. A better understanding of these key pathogenic aspects could facilitate the establishment of novel therapeutic strategies in AIH

    Case Report: Lymphocytosis Associated With Fatal Hepatitis in a Thymoma Patient Treated With Anti-PD1: New Insight Into the Immune-Related Storm

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    Recent advances in tumor immunotherapy have made it possible to efficiently unleash immune effectors, reacting against neoplastic cells. Although these approaches primarily aim to eradicate malignancy, immune-related adverse events (irAEs) often influence patients’ prognosis, constituting a new spectrum of side effects. Taking into account the typical microenvironment and the intricate equilibrium between the anti-tumor response and the immune cells, the thymoma constitutes a unicum in the immune-oncology field. We report a fatal immune-mediated adverse events’ storm in a thymoma patient treated with Pembrolizumab, leading to hepatotoxicity accompanied by lymphocytosis, thrombocytopenia, and thyroid dysfunction, unveiling a novel potential pathophysiological effect of immunotherapy. The clinical proficiency of the immune checkpoint inhibitors in thymoma patients warrants timely prevention and management of off-target consequences in order to optimize this promising therapeutic option. This case report describes a unique consequence of irAEs, emerging as a red flag warranting a multidisciplinary approach

    The Evolving Role of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Treatment

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of most common cancers and the fourth leading cause of death worldwide. Commonly, HCC development occurs in a liver that is severely compromised by chronic injury or inflammation. Liver transplantation, hepatic resection, radiofrequency ablation (RFA), transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE), and targeted therapies based on tyrosine protein kinase inhibitors are the most common treatments. The latter group have been used as the primary choice for a decade. However, tumor microenvironment in HCC is strongly immunosuppressive; thus, new treatment approaches for HCC remain necessary. The great expression of immune checkpoint molecules, such as programmed death-1 (PD-1), cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4 (CTLA-4), lymphocyte activating gene 3 protein (LAG-3), and mucin domain molecule 3 (TIM-3), on tumor and immune cells and the high levels of immunosuppressive cytokines induce T cell inhibition and represent one of the major mechanisms of HCC immune escape. Recently, immunotherapy based on the use of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs), as single agents or in combination with kinase inhibitors, anti-angiogenic drugs, chemotherapeutic agents, and locoregional therapies, offers great promise in the treatment of HCC. This review summarizes the recent clinical studies, as well as ongoing and upcoming trials

    Identification and monitoring of Copy Number Variants (CNV) in monoclonal gammopathy

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    Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) represents the pre-clinical stage of Multiple Myeloma (MM) with the 5% of MGUS progresses to MM. Although the progression from MGUS to MM has not been completely characterized, it is possible to monitor the DNA modifications of patients diagnosed with MGUS to detect early specific genomic abnormalities, including copy number variations (CNV). The CNVs of chromosome 1q and chromosome 13q are associated with a worse prognosis in MM.In the present study, we showed that it is possible to monitor the 1q21 gain and 13q deletion frequencies in gDNA using digital PCR. The CNV analysis of three cell lines with a well-characterized cytogenetic profile were compared with measures performed by a real-time PCR approach and with a digital PCR approach. Then, we analyzed CNVs in CD138+ plasma cells isolated from bone marrow of MGUS and MM patients.Our results show that digital PCR and targeted DNA monitoring represent a specific and accurate technique for the early detection of specific genomic abnormalities both in MM and in MGUS patients.Our results could represent a remarkable advancement in MM and MGUS diagnosis and in CNV analysis for the evaluation of the risk of progression from MGUS to MM

    Right Heart Changes Impact on Clinical Phenotype of Amyloid Cardiac Involvement: A Single Centre Study

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    Amyloidosis is due to deposition of an excessive amount of protein in many parenchymal tissues, including myocardium. The onset of cardiac Amyloidosis (CA) is an inauspicious prognostic factor, which can lead to sudden death. We retrospectively analyzed 135 patients with systemic amyloidosis, admitted to our ward between 1981 and 2019. Among them, 54 patients (46.30% F/53.70% M, aged 63.95 ± 12.82) presented CA at baseline. In 53 patients, it was associated with a multiorgan involvement, while in one there was a primary myocardial deposition. As a control group, we enrolled 81 patients (49.30% F/50.70% M, aged 58.33 ± 15.65) who did not meet the criteria for CA. In 44/54 of patients CA was associated with AL, 5/54 with AA and 3/54 of patients with ATTR, and in 1/54 AL was related to hemodialysis and in 1/54 to Gel-Amyloidosis. The most common AL type was IgG (28/44); less frequent forms were either IgA (7/44) or IgD (2/44), while seven patients had a λ free light chain form. The 32 AL with complete Ig were 31 λ-chain and just one k-chain. CA patients presented normal BP (SBP 118.0 ± 8.4 mmHg; DBP 73.8 ± 4.9 mmHg), while those with nCA had an increased proteinuria (p = 0.02). TnI and NT-proBNP were significantly increased compared to nCA (p = 0.031 and p = 0.047, respectively). In CA patients we found an increased LDH compared to nCA (p = 0.0011). CA patients were also found to have an increased interventricular septum thickness compared to nCA (p = 0.002), a decreased Ejection Fraction % (p = 0.0018) and Doppler velocity E/e' ratio (p = 0.0095). Moreover, CA patients had an enhanced right atrium area (p = 0.0179), right ventricle basal diameter (p = 0.0112) and wall thickness (p = 0.0471) compared to nCA, and an increased inferior cava vein diameter (p = 0.0495) as well. TAPSE was the method chosen to evaluate systolic function of the right heart. In CA subjects very poor TAPSE levels were found compared to nCA patients (p = 0.0495). Additionally, we found a significant positive correlation between TAPSE and lymphocyte count (r = 0.47; p = 0.031) as well as Gamma globulins (r = 0.43, p = 0.033), Monoclonal components (r = 0.72; p = 0.047) and IgG values (r = 0.62, p = 0.018). Conversely, a significant negative correlation with LDH (r = -0.57, p = 0.005), IVS (r = -0.51, p = 0.008) and diastolic function evaluated as E/e' (r = -0.60, p = 0.003) were verified. CA patients had very poor survival rates compared to controls (30 vs. 66 months in CA vs. nCA, respectively, p = 0.15). Mean survival of CA individuals was worse also when stratified according to NT-proBNP levels, using 2500 pg/mL as class boundary (174 vs. 5.5 months, for patients with lower vs. higher values than the median, respectively p = 0.013). In much the same way, a decreased right heart systolic function was correlated with a worse prognosis (18.0 months median survival, not reached in subjects with lower values than 18 mm, p = 0.0186). Finally, our data highlight the potential prognostic and predictive value of right heart alterations characterizing amyloidosis, as a novel clinical parameter correlated to increased LDH and immunoglobulins levels. Overall, we confirm the clinical relevance of cardiac involvement suggests that right heart evaluation may be considered as a new marker for clinical risk stratification in patients with amyloidosis
