1,133 research outputs found

    Intra-specific variability and unusual organization of the repetitive units in a satellite DNA from Rana dalmatina: molecular evidence of a new mechanism of DNA repair acting on satellite DNA.

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    We have characterized the S1 satellite from eight European populations of Rana dalmatina by Southern blot, cloning and a new method that determines the sequence variability of repetitive units in the genome. This report completes our previous studies on this satellite DNA family, thus providing the first characterization of the overall variability of the structure and genomic organization of a satellite DNA within a species and among related species. The S1 satellite from R. dalmatina has a pericentromeric location on ten chromosome pairs and presents two homologous repeats S1a (494 bp) and S1b (332 bp), mostly organized as composite S1a-S1b repetitive units. In other brown frog species, both repeats have different sequences and locations, and are usually organized as separate arrays, although composite S1a-S1b repeats represent a minor, widely variable component in Rana italica. The average genomic sequences indicate that the species contains an enormous number of variants of each repeat derived from a unique, species-specific common sequence. The repeat variability is restricted to specific base changes in specific sequence positions in all population samples. Our data show that the structure and evolution of S1 satellite family is not due to crossing-over and gene conversion, but to a mechanism that maintains the ability of the satellite DNA to assemble in constitutive heterochromatin by replacing altered satellite segments with new arrays generated by rolling circle amplification. The mode of action of this repair process not only directly explains the intra- and inter-specific variability of the structure and organization of the S1 satellite repeats from European brown frogs, but also accounts for all general features of satellite DNA in eukaryotes, including its discontinuous evolution. This repair mechanism can maintain the satellite structure in a species indefinitely, but also promote a rapid generation of new variants or types of satellite DNA when environmental conditions favor the formation of new species

    The first characterisation of the overall variability of repetitive units in a species reveals unexpected features of satellite DNA.

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    We investigated the overall variability of the S1a satellite DNA repeats in ten European populations of Rana temporaria by a new procedure that determines the average sequence of the repeats in a genome. The average genomic sequences show that only 17% of the S1a repeat sequence (494 bp) is variable. The variable positions contain the same major and minor bases in all or many of the population samples tested, but the percentages of these bases can greatly vary among populations. This indicates the presence in the species of an enormous number of repeats having a different distribution of bases in these variable positions. Individual genomes contain thousands of repeat variants, but these mixtures have very similar characteristics in all populations because they present the same type of restricted and species-specific variability. Southern blots analyses and sequences of cloned S1a repeats fully support this conclusion. The S1 satellite DNA of other European brown frog species also presents properties indicating the same type of variability. This first characterisation of the overall repeat variability of a satellite DNA in a species has revealed features that cannot be determined by gene conversion and crossing over. Our results suggest that a specific directional process based on rolling circle amplification should play a relevant role in the evolution of satellite DNA

    A dynamic interface between ubiquitylation and cAMP signaling

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    Phosphorylation waves drive the propagation of signals generated in response to hormones and growth factors in target cells. cAMP is an ancient second messenger implicated in key biological functions. In mammals, most of the effects elicited by cAMP are mediated by protein kinase A (PKA). Activation of the kinase by cAMP results in the phosphorylation of a variety of cellular substrates, leading to differentiation, proliferation, survival, metabolism. The identification of scaffold proteins, namely A-Kinase Anchor proteins (AKAPs), that localize PKA in specific cellular districts, provided critical cues for our understanding of the role played by cAMP in cell biology. Multivalent complexes are assembled by AKAPs and include signaling enzymes, mRNAs, adapter molecules, receptors and ion channels. A novel development derived from the molecular analysis of these complexes nucleated by AKAPs is represented by the presence of components of the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS). More to it, the AKAP complex can be regulated by the UPS, eliciting relevant effects on downstream cAMP signals. This represents a novel, yet previously unpredicted interface between compartmentalized signaling and the UPS. We anticipate that impairment of these regulatory mechanisms could promote cell dysfunction and disease. Here, we will focus on the reciprocal regulation between cAMP signaling and UPS, and its relevance to human degenerative and proliferative disorders

    The role of compartmentalized signaling pathways in the control of mitochondrial activities in cancer cells

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    Mitochondria are the powerhouse organelles present in all eukaryotic cells. They play a fundamental role in cell respiration, survival and metabolism. Stimulation of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) by dedicated ligands and consequent activation of the cAMP·PKA pathway finely couple energy production and metabolism to cell growth and survival. Compartmentalization of PKA signaling at mitochondria by A-Kinase Anchor Proteins (AKAPs) ensures efficient transduction of signals generated at the cell membrane to the organelles, controlling important aspects of mitochondrial biology. Emerging evidence implicates mitochondria as essential bioenergetic elements of cancer cells that promote and support tumor growth and metastasis. In this context, mitochondria provide the building blocks for cellular organelles, cytoskeleton and membranes, and supply all the metabolic needs for the expansion and dissemination of actively replicating cancer cells. Functional interference with mitochondrial activity deeply impacts on cancer cell survival and proliferation. Therefore, mitochondria represent valuable targets of novel therapeutic approaches for the treatment of cancer patients. Understanding the biology of mitochondria, uncovering the molecular mechanisms regulating mitochondrial activity andmapping the relevant metabolic and signaling networks operating in cancer cells will undoubtly contribute to create a molecular platform to be used for the treatment of proliferative disorders. Here, we will highlight the emerging roles of signaling pathways acting downstream to GPCRs and their intersection with the ubiquitin proteasome system in the control of mitochondrial activity in different aspects of cancer cell biology

    Dispersion Profiles and Gene Associations of Repetitive DNAs in the Euchromatin of the Beetle Tribolium castaneum

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    ABSTRACT Satellite DNAs are tandemly repeated sequences clustered within heterochromatin. However, in some cases, such as the major TCAST1 satellite DNA from the beetle Tribolium castaneum, they are found partially dispersed within euchromatin. Such organization together with transcriptional activity enables TCAST1 to modulate the activity of neighboring genes. In order to explore if other T. castaneum repetitive families have features that could provide them with a possible gene-modulatory role, we compare here the structure, organization, dispersion profiles, and transcription activity of 10 distinct TCAST repetitive families including TCAST1. The genome organization of TCAST families exhibit either satellite-like or transposon-like characteristics. In addition to heterochromatin localization, bioinformatic searches of the assembled genome have revealed dispersion of all families within euchromatin, preferentially in the form of single repeats. Dispersed TCAST repeats are mutually correlated in distribution and are grouped in distinct regions of euchromatin. The repeats are associated with genes, are enriched in introns relative to intergenic regions, and very rarely overlap exons. In spite of the different mechanisms of repeat proliferation, such as transposition and homologous recombination, all TCAST families share a similar frequency of spreading as well as dispersion and gene association profiles. Additionally, TCAST families are transcribed and their transcription is significantly activated by heat stress. A possibility that such common features of TCAST families might be related to their potential gene-modulatory role is discussed

    Distinct Regulation of the Expression of Satellite DNAs in the Beetle Tribolium castaneum

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    In the flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum (peri)centromeric heterochromatin is mainly composed of a major satellite DNA TCAST1 interspersed with minor satellites. With the exception of heterochromatin, clustered satellite repeats are found dispersed within euchromatin. In order to uncover a possible satellite DNA function within the beetle genome, we analysed the expression of the major TCAST1 and a minor TCAST2 satellite during the development and upon heat stress. The results reveal that TCAST1 transcription was strongly induced at specific embryonic stages and upon heat stress, while TCAST2 transcription is stable during both processes. TCAST1 transcripts are processed preferentially into piRNAs during embryogenesis and into siRNAs during later development, contrary to TCAST2 transcripts, which are processed exclusively into piRNAs. In addition, increased TCAST1 expression upon heat stress is accompanied by the enrichment of the silent histone mark H3K9me3 on the major satellite, while the H3K9me3 level at TCAST2 remains unchanged. The transcription of the two satellites is proposed to be affected by the chromatin state: heterochromatin and euchromatin, which are assumed to be the prevalent sources of TCAST1 and TCAST2 transcripts, respectively. In addition, distinct regulation of the expression might be related to diverse roles that major and minor satellite RNAs play during the development and stress response

    The expression of the thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) receptor and the cAMP-dependent protein kinase RII beta regulatory subunit confers TSH-cAMP-dependent growth to mouse fibroblasts.

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    TSH activates its specific receptor in thyroid cells and induces cAMP, a robust stimulator of thyroid cell proliferation. Conversely, cAMP is a potent inhibitor of growth in mouse fibroblasts. To dissect the signals mediating cAMP-dependent growth, we have expressed in mouse fibroblasts the human thyrotropin receptor (TSHR) or a constitutively active mutant, under the control of the tetracyclin promoter. Both TSHR and cAMP levels were modulated by tetracyclin. In the presence of serum, activation of TSHR by TSH induced growth arrest. In the absence of serum, cells expressing TSHR stimulated with TSH, replicated their DNA, but underwent apoptosis. Co-expression of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) regulatory subunit type II (RIIbeta) inhibited apoptosis and stimulated the growth of cells only in the presence of TSH. Expression of RIIbeta-PKA, in the absence of TSHR, induced apoptosis, which was reversed by cAMP. Growth, stimulated by TSHR-RIIbeta-PKA in mouse fibroblasts, was also dependent on Rap1 activity, indicating cAMP-dependent growth in thyroid cells. As for the molecular mechanism underlying these effects, we found that in normal fibroblasts, TSH induced AKT and ERK1/2 only in cells expressing TSHR and RII. Similarly, activation of TSHR increased cAMP levels greatly, but was unable to stimulate CREB phosphorylation and transcription of cAMP-induced genes in the absence of RII. These data provide a simple explanation for the anti-proliferative and proliferative effects of cAMP in different cell types and indicate that RII-PKAII complements TSHR action by stably propagating robust cAMP signals in cell compartments

    Satellite DNAs in Health and Disease

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    Tandemly repeated satellite DNAs are major components of centromeres and pericentromeric heterochromatin which are crucial chromosomal elements responsible for accurate chromosome segregation. Satellite DNAs also contribute to genome evolution and the speciation process and are important for the maintenance of the entire genome inside the nucleus. In addition, there is increasing evidence for active and tightly regulated transcription of satellite DNAs and role for their transcripts in diverse processes. In this review, we focus on recent discoveries related to the regulation of satellite DNA expression and the role of their transcripts either in heterochromatin establishment and centromere function or in gene expression regulation under various biological contexts. We discuss the role of satellite transcripts in the stress response and environmental adaptation as well as consequences of dysregulation of satellite DNA expression in cancer and their potential use as cancer biomarkers

    nuclear encoded ncx3 and akap121 two novel modulators of mitochondrial calcium efflux in normoxic and hypoxic neurons

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    Abstract Mitochondria are highly dynamic organelles extremely important for cell survival. Their structure resembles that of prokaryotic cells since they are composed with two membranes, the inner (IMM) and the outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM) delimitating the intermembrane space (IMS) and the matrix which contains mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). This structure is strictly related to mitochondrial function since they produce the most of the cellular ATP through the oxidative phosphorylation which generate the electrochemical gradient at the two sides of the inner mitochondrial membrane an essential requirement for mitochondrial function. Cells of highly metabolic demand like those composing muscle, liver and brain, are particularly dependent on mitochondria for their activities. Mitochondria undergo to continual changes in morphology since, they fuse and divide, branch and fragment, swell and extend. Importantly, they move throughout the cell to deliver ATP and other metabolites where they are mostly required. Along with the capability to control energy metabolism, mitochondria play a critical role in the regulation of many physiological processes such as programmed cell death, autophagy, redox signalling, and stem cells reprogramming. All these phenomena are regulated by Ca2+ ions within this organelle. This review will discuss the molecular mechanisms regulating mitochondrial calcium cycling in physiological and pathological conditions with particular regard to their impact on mitochondrial dynamics and function during ischemia. Particular emphasis will be devoted to the role played by NCX3 and AKAP121 as new molecular targets for mitochondrial function and dysfunction

    A Common Mechanism Underlying the E1A Repression and the cAMP Stimulation of the H Ferritin Transcription

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    Transcription of the H ferritin gene in vivo is stimulated by cAMP and repressed by the E1A oncoprotein. We report here the identification of the cis-element in the human promoter responsive to both cAMP- and E1A-mediated signals. This promoter region is included between positions -62 to -45 and binds a approximate 120-kDa transcription factor called Bbf. Bbf forms a complex in vivo with the coactivator molecules p300 and CBP. Recombinant E1A protein reduces the formation of these complexes. In vivo overexpression of p300 in HeLa cells reverses the E1A-mediated inhibition of the ferritin promoter transcription driven by Bbf. These data suggest the existence of a common mechanism for the cAMP activation and the E1A-mediated repression of H ferritin transcription