44 research outputs found

    Kinetic parameters identification of conductive enhanced hot air drying process of food waste

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    The efficient utilization of waste from food industry is possible after thermal treatment of the material. This treatment should be economically feasible and compromise the energy efficient drying process. The main goal of this investigation is to determine drying characteristics of nectarine pomace as a waste from food industry. The measurements were performed in an experimental dryer by combined conductive-convective drying method with disk-shaped samples of 5, 7, and 10 mm thickness and 100 mm in diameter at the air temperatures of 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70 degrees C, hot plate temperatures of 50, 60, and 70 degrees C and air velocity of 1.5 m/s. The drying curves were compared to a few semi-theoretical mathematical models. The Logarithmic model showed the best correlation. On the basis of experiments, it is determined that the drying process takes place in a falling rate period and it is accepted that the main mechanism of moisture removal is diffusion. The effective coefficient of diffusion was determined using experimental results by calculating the slope of the drying curves. Drying time and equilibrium moisture are determined for each experiment. Analysis of drying curves showed that the conductive-enhanced drying method reduces drying times and increases the diffusivity coefficient. The character of drying rate curves for conductive-enhanced drying was analysed and compared with pure convective drying of nectarine pomace

    Obstacles in the Diagnostics and Therapy of Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia

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    An immune-mediated, severe, acquired prothrombotic disorder, heparin-induced thrombocytopenia type II (HIT II) occurs in 0.5-5% of patients exposed to unfractionated heparin longer than 5-7 days. Arterial and venous thromboses are induced by HIT II in about 35-50% of patients. Typical death rate for HIT is about 29%, while 21% of HIT patients result in amputation of a limb. The trend towards the occurrence of HIT due to the administration of low molecular weight heparins (LMWH) taking ever conspicuous place in the standard venous thromboembolism (VTE) prophylaxis has been more frequently observed recently. It is considered that LMWH may cause HIT II in about 0.25-1%. The need for further modification of HIPA assays with LMWH has been imposed in the HIT laboratory diagnostics, heretofore overburdened with complexity. There are several constantly opposing problems arising in HIT laboratory diagnostics, one of which is that in a certain number of patients immunologic assays detect nonpathogenic antibodies (mainly IgM or IgA heparin-PF4 antibodies) while, on the other hand, the occurrence of HIT pathogenetically mediated by minor antigens (neutrophil-activating peptide 2 or interleukin 8) may be neglected in certain cases. The following factors play an important role in the interpretation of each laboratory HIT assays performed: 1. correlation with HIT clinical probability test, the best known of which is 4T'score, 2. the interpretation of the laboratory findings dependent on the time of the thrombocytopenia onset, as well as 3. the sensitivity and specificity of each test respectively. The HIT diagnostics in the presence of other comorbid states which may also induce thrombocytopenia, more precisely known as pseudo HIT (cancer, sepsis, disseminated intravascular coagulation, pulmonary embolism, antiphospholipid syndrome, etc), represents a specific clinical problem

    The frequencies of fv leiden and fii g20210a mutations in patients with different clinical manifestations of venous thromboembolism: experience from large Serbian cohort

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    Venous thromboembolism is a multifactorial disorder with two manifestations: deep-vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. Pulmonary embolism is usually considered as the complication of deep-vein thrombosis, but there are reported cases of isolated pulmonary embolism. FV Leiden and FII G20210A mutations are most common genetic risk factors for the venous thromboembolism. Several studies reported "FV Leiden paradox": lower prevalence of FV Leiden mutation among patients with isolated pulmonary embolism than among those with deep-vein thrombosis. The aim of this study was to determine FV Leiden and FII G20210A mutations frequency in thrombophilic patients in Serbian population. We tested prevalence of these mutations carriers in 1427 individuals divided in three groups of patients (with deep-vein thrombosis, deep-vein thrombosis/pulmonary embolism and isolated pulmonary embolism) and control group. All subjects were tested for these mutations using PCR-RFLP analysis. Detected frequency of FV Leiden heterozygous carriers in patients with isolated pulmonary embolism was 6.9% (for FII G20210A 11.6%), while in other two groups of patients with deep-vein thrombosis and deep vein thrombosis/pulmonary embolism, frequency was 18.6% (for FII G20210A mutation were 11.6% and 8.3%, respectively). Our results showed that FV Leiden mutation is less frequent in patients with isolated pulmonary embolism than in patients with deep-vein thrombosis or deep-vein thrombosis accompanied with pulmonary embolism, confirming "FV Leiden paradox". On the other hand, detected frequency of FII G20210A mutation carriers was similar in all three groups of patients

    The prevalence of PAI-1 4G/5G gene variant in Serbian population

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    Uvod: Inhibitor aktivatora plazminogena 1 (PAI-1) ima značajnu ulogu u procesu inhibicije fibrinolize i normalne hemostaze. Prisustvo PAI-1 4G/4G genotipa uzrokuje povećanje ekspresije PAI-1. PoviÅ”en nivo PAI-1 u krvi povezan je sa brojnim bolestima kao Å”to su tromboza, moždani udar, infarkt miokarda, spontani pobačaji, preeklampsija, insulinska rezistencija, dijabetes tipa 2, rak dojke i astma. U okviru ove studije određivana je učestalost PAI-1 4G/5G genske varijante kod zdravih ispitanika u srpskoj populaciji. Metode: Studija je obuhvatala grupu od 210 zdravih ispitanika (105 žena i 105 muÅ”karaca). Prisustvo PAI-1 4G/5G genske varijante detektovano je PCR-RFLP metodom. Rezultati: Učestalost PAI-1 4G/4G genotipa iznosila je 34,76% i bila je povećana u odnosu na PAI-1 5G/5G genotip (19,05%), dok je najzastupljeniji genotip bio PAI-1 4G/5G (46,19%). Učestalost 4G alela bila je viÅ”a (0,58) u odnosu na 5G alel (0,42). Zaključci: Učestalost PAI-1 4G/5G genske varijante u srpskoj populaciji slična je sa okolnim populacijama. Rezultati ove studije su značajni, jer predstavljaju prve podatke za srpsku populaciju Å”to će omogućiti dalja istraživanja o ulozi PAI-1 4G/5G genske varijante u patogenezi brojnih bolesti.Introduction: Plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) has a major role in inhibition of firinolysis and normal haemostasis. The presence of the PAI-1 4G/4G genotype leads to increased expression of PAI-1. High blood level of PAI-1 is associated with many diseases such as thrombosis, cerebral insult, myocardial infarction, pregnancy loss, preeclampsia, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, breast cancer and asthma. In this study, the prevalence of PAI-1 4G/5G gene variant was determined in healthy subjects from Serbian population. Methods: The study was carried out in a group of 210 healthy subjects (105 women and 105 men). The presence of PAI-1 4G/5G gene variant was detected by PCR-RFLP analysis. Results: The prevalence of PAI-1 4G/4G genotype was 34.76% and it was increased compared to PAI-1 5G/5G genotype (19.05%). The most frequent was PAI-1 4G/5G genotype (46.19%). Allelic frequency for 4G allele was higher (0.58) compared to 5G allele (0.42). Conclusions: The prevalence of PAI-1 4G/5G gene variant in Serbian population is similar to the neighboring populations. Results of this study represent the first data for Serbian population. This study could be useful for further research where the role of PAI-1 4G/5G gene variant will be assessed in the pathogenesis of many diseases

    Antiplatelet Drugs Use in Pregnancyā€”Review of the Current Practice and Future Implications

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    When clinicians opt for antithrombotic therapy to manage or prevent thrombotic complications during pregnancy, it is imperative to consider the unique physiological state of the pregnant womanā€™s body, which can influence the pharmacokinetics of the drug, its ability to traverse the placental barrier, and its potential teratogenic effects on the fetus. While the efficacy and safety of aspirin during pregnancy have been relatively well-established through numerous clinical studies, understanding the effects of newer, more potent antiplatelet agents has primarily stemmed from individual clinical case reports necessitating immediate administration of potent antiplatelet therapy during pregnancy. This review consolidates the collective experiences of clinicians confronting novel thrombotic complications during pregnancy, often requiring the use of dual antiplatelet therapy. The utilization of potent antiplatelet therapy carries inherent risks of bleeding, posing threats to both the pregnant woman and the fetus, as well as the potential for teratogenic effects on the fetus. In the absence of official guidelines regarding the use of potent antiplatelet drugs in pregnancy, a plethora of cases have demonstrated the feasibility of preventing recurrent thrombotic complications, mitigating bleeding risks, and successfully managing pregnancies, frequently culminating in cesarean deliveries, through meticulous selection and dosing of antiplatelet medications

    Prothrombotic Genetic Risk Factors in Stroke: A Possible Different Role in Pediatric and Adult Patients

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    The role of thrombophilia in the pathogenesis of stroke is still controversial, especially in the pediatric stroke. In order to examine the role of common thrombophilic mutations in children and adults with stroke, a case-control study was carried out in a group of 80 children and 73 younger adult patients. The control groups encompassed 100 healthy children and 120 healthy blood donors. Our results showed no significant differences in the frequency of factor V (FV) Leiden, FII G20210A, and methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) C677T variants between patient groups and corresponding controls. According to our results, carriers of 677CT genotype have 3.62 higher risks to develop stroke in children than in adults (P lt .001). The obtained data indicate that heterozygosity for MTHFR C677T variant represents a possible important risk factor for pediatric stroke and suggest a different role of this gene variant in etiology of stroke in pediatric and adult patients

    Neuromuscular diseases and anesthesia

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    Neuromuscular diseases represent a heterogeneous group of diseases, which is characterized by the involvement of many organic systems in addition to the symptoms of the neuromuscular system. Common characteristics of all neuromuscular diseases of importance for anaesthesiologists are a wide range of different clinical manifestations, almost always the involvement of the cardiovascular, respiratory and gastrointestinal systems, the use of a large number of drugs and the high risk of occurrence of perioperative complications. Therefore elective surgery should only be performed when the disease is in remission. Preoperative evaluation and optimization of comorbidity is a key task that significantly improves the outcome and implies a multidisciplinary approach (neurologist, physiatrist, pulmologist, cardiologist, surgeon). The goal of the anesthetic approach is to avoid perioperative complications such as respiratory and cardiac insufficiency and aspiration of gastric contents. When using general endotracheal anesthesia, it should be kept in mind that increased sensitivity to most anesthetic drugs, it can exacerbate respiratory and cardiovascular failure, the more frequent the emergence of life-threatening conditions: myasthenic crisis, malignant hyperthermia, rhabdomyolysis, severe hyperkalemia. A common feature of most patients with neuromuscular disease is the unpredictable reaction to depolarising muscle relaxants and increased sensitivity to non-relaxing muscle relaxants. Therefore, the perioperative application of neuromuscular blockade monitoring is essential for the patient. Regional anesthesia presents anesthesia of choice in most patients with neuromuscular disease whenever this surgical procedure permits

    FV Leiden, FII G20210A and MTHFR C677T mutations in patients with lower or upper limb deep vein thrombosis

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    Tromboze dubokih vena (TDV) su multifaktorijalno oboljenje koje se javlja sa učestaloŔću 1/1000 stanovnika godiÅ”nje. Mutacije FV Leiden, FII G20210A i MTHFR C677T predstavljaju genetske faktore za nastanak venskih tromboza. Cilj ove studije je da se utvrdi učestalost FV Leiden, FII G20210A i MTHFR C677T mutacija kod bolesnika sa TDV gornjih ili donjih ekstremiteta. Studija je obuhvatila 119 bolesnika podeljenih u dve grupe. Grupa bolesnika sa TDV donjih ekstremiteta brojila je 77, a grupa sa TDV gornjih ekstremiteta 42 bolesnika. Prisustvo FV Leiden, FII G20210A i MTHFR C677T mutacija dokazivano je umnožavanjem odgovarajućeg fragmenta gena pomoću lančane reakcije umnožavanja polimerazom i digestijom dobijenih fragmenata restrikcionim enzimima (PCR-RFLP).Učestalost FV Leiden mutacije, u grupi bolesnika sa TDV donjih ekstremiteta, iznosila je 26,0% u heterozigotnom obliku i 1,3% u homozigotnom obliku. U grupi bolesnika sa TDV gornjih ekstremiteta, učestalost heterozigotnih nosilaca iznosila je 7,2%. Mutacija FII G20210A bila je prisutna kod 15,6% ispitanika u grupi bolesnika sa TDV donjih ekstremiteta u heterozigotnom obliku, dok je u grupi sa TDV gornjih ekstremiteta ova mutacija bila zastupljena sa 7,2% u heterozigotnom i 2,3% u homozigotnom obliku. Učestalost MTHFR C677T mutacije kod bolesnika sa TDV donjih ekstremiteta iznosila je 42,8% u heterozigotnom obliku i 13% u homozigotnom obliku, a kod TDV gornjih ekstremiteta 52,4% u heterozigotnom obliku i 9,5% u homozigotnom obliku.Mutacije FV Leiden i FII G20210A predstavljaju značajne faktore rizika za nastanak TDV donjih ekstremiteta. Kod TDV gornjih ekstremiteta ove mutacije su manje zastupljene i potrebno je sprovesti dalja istraživanja koja obuhvataju veći broj bolesnika. MTHFR C677T mutacija je manje značajan faktor rizika i treba ga razmatrati samo u slučajevima kada se pojavljuje u kombinaciji sa drugim faktorima rizika.Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a multifactorial disease that occurs with frequency of 1/1000 per year. The FV Leiden, FII G20210A and MTHFR C677T mutations represent genetic factors for the occurrence of vein thrombosis. The goal of this study was to determine the frequency of these mutations in patients with DVT of upper and lower limbs. The study encompassed 119 patients divided in two groups. The group of patients with the lower limbs thrombosis included 77 patients, while the upper limbs thrombosis group included 42 patients. The presence of FV Leiden, FII G20210A and MTHFR C677T mutations was detected by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis. In patients with DVT of lower limbs, the frequency of FV Leiden mutation was 26,0% in heterozygous form and 1,3% in homozygous form. In the group of patients with DVT of upper limbs, the frequency of heterozygous carriers was 7.2%. In patients with DVT of lower limbs, FII G20210A mutation occurred in heterozygous form in 15.6% subjects, and in the group with DVT of upper limbs the frequency was 7.2% in heterozygous and 2.3% in homozygous form. The frequency of MTHFR C677T mutation in patients with lower limbs DVT was 42.8% in heterozygous form and 13% in homozygous form, while in the group of patients with upper limbs DVT, the frequency was 52.4% in heterozygous form and 9.5% in homozygous form. The FV Leiden and FII G20210A mutations represent significant risk factors for the occurrence of DVT of lower limbs. These mutations are less frequent in DVT of upper limbs and more extensive further studies are needed to determine their potential role. The MTHFR C677T mutation represents less significant risk factor for lower limb DVT and should be taken into account only in cases when it occurs in combination with other risk factors

    Type and Location of Venous Thromboembolism in Carriers of Factor V Leiden or Prothrombin G20210A Mutation Versus Patients With No Mutation

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    Factor V Leiden (FVLeiden) and prothrombin G20210A are the most common genetic causes of thrombophilia and established risk factors for different clinical manifestations of venous thromboembolism (VTE). This study investigated whether the clinical manifestation of VTE, the extension of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and the presence of transient risk factors at the time of the first VTE, differed among patients with mutations (97 with FVLeiden; 33 with prothrombin G20210A) and in 109 patients without thrombophilia. Isolated pulmonary embolism (PE) was less prevalent in patients with FVLeiden (6%) and no thrombophilia (6%) than in those with prothrombin G20210A (15%). No difference was found in the incidence of distal DVT. Regarding the extension of proximal DVT, the lowest incidence for isolated popliteal vein and the highest for iliofemoral vein were observed in patients with prothrombin G20210A. No difference was observed between groups of patients with or without thrombophilia by unprovoked VTE. The pregnancy/puerperium was the most prevalent risk factor in carriers of prothrombin G20210A. Among FVLeiden carriers, the most prevalent risk factor was surgery, and in patients without thrombophilia, it was trauma (P lt .05). Thrombosis of the upper limb was more frequent in a group without thrombophilia than in patients with mutations (P lt .01). Transverse sinus venous thrombosis was present only in patients with prothrombin G20210A. Carriers of prothrombin G20210A have an increased risk of developing isolated PE and more severe clinical manifestations than those with FVLeiden or without thrombophilia