10 research outputs found

    The assessment of bacterial film cariogenic potential changes following the action of remineralisation agents

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    Rezumat. Unul dintre factorii etiologici chee, care joaca un rol important în dezvoltarea cariei dentare şi a afecţiunilor parodontale este microflora biofilmului bacterian. Scopul acestui studiu este de a evalua acţiunea unor preparate de remineralizare asupra cariogenităţii biofilmului bacterian. Material si metodă: s-a utilizat in evaluarea cariogenitatii biofilmului bacterian testul Hardwick J.L., Manly E.B. înainte şi după aplicarea preparatelor de remineralizare pe bază de calciu, fosfat şi fluor. Rezultate. Se constată o îmbunătăţire a situaţiei cariogene din cavitatea orală sub acţiunea acestor preparate. Deşi nu este o diferenţă semnificativă d.p.d.v. statistic, un efect mai favorabil îl au preparatele ce conţin calciu, fosfat şi fluor, comparativ cu cele ce conţin doar calciu şi fosfat.Summary. The bacterial film is a key ethiological factor with a major role in dental caries and periodontal diseases development and evolution. Aim. The aim of this study is to assess the action of some remineralisation products over the cariogenic action of bacterial biofilm. Materials and method. The cariogenical potential bacterial biofilm test Hardwick J.L.&Manly E.B. was performed before and after the application of remineralisation products with calcium, phosphat and fluor. Results. The results show an improvement of cariogenic situation after the action of remineralisation agents. The products that contain calcium, phosphat and fluor have a more efficient action comparing with products based only on calcium and phosphat

    Clinical study to evaluate the factors involved in the evolution of the halitosis in a group of students

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    Halitoza este o problemă medico-socială universală, în toate comunităţile şi se referă la mirosul neplăcut care se emană din cavitatea orală. Obiectivele acestui studiu sunt: de a investiga prevalenţa halitozei evaluându-se prin mijloace clinice, paraclinice şi printr-un screening tip anchetă a prezenţei halitozei, a factorilor cauzali implicaţi: patologia cavităţii orale asociate, cum ar fi cariile dentare şi boala parodontală, practicile de igienă orală, şi bolile generale implicate, în rândul unui eşantion de studenţi de la Facultatea de Medicină Dentară UMF Gr.T. Popa. Analiza rezultatelor obţinute cu stabilitatea corespondenţei dintre percepţia propriei halitoze şi a măsurilor de igienă orală efectuate de participanţii la studiu. Caracteristicile şi etiologia respiraţiei urât mirositoare s-au analizat pe un grup de 176 de studenţi, anul III-IV de la facultatea de Medicină Dentară, care au fost supuşi unei evaluări: printr-un chestionar standard şi un examen clinic odonto-parodontal complet, inclusiv a unui examen paraclinic cu un dispozitiv portabil (Detector de halenă ), stabilindu-se punctajele organoleptice măsurate.Halitosis is a universal medical and social problem in all communities and refers to the bad odor that emanates from the oral cavity. The objectives of this study are: to investigate the prevalence of the Halitosis by clinical and laboratory methods, to determine the causal factors involved: oral cavity associated pathology such as dental caries and periodontal disease, oral hygiene practices, and general diseases involved among a sample of students from the Faculty of Dental Gr. T. Popa. Stability analysis results obtained with the correspondence between their perception of halitosis and oral hygiene measures by survey participants. Characteristics and etiology of bad breath were analyzed in a group of 176 students. They were subjected to an assessment: through a standard questionnaire and a clinical examination including a paraclinical examination with a portable device (Halitosis Detector)

    Study regardind the early carious lesion treatment using ICON method

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    Rezumat: Una din metodele cele mai actuale şi de perspectivă ale orientării terapiei conservatoare în caria incipientă este metoda utilizării locale a unor preparate de sigilare şi respectiv de infiltrare a ţesuturilor dure dentare. Abordarea temei alese, a fost determinată de necesitatea unei înţelegeri cât mai corecte a importanţei unui diagnostic cât mai precoce, corect şi precis al leziunilor carioase incipiente asociate tratamentelor ortodontice, a particularităţilor acestora în ceea ce priveşte apariţia, evoluţia, diagnosticul, cât şi a posibilităţilor terapeutice ce pot fi instituite în acest caz. Studiul a fost efectuat pe un lot de pacienţi cu vârste cuprinse între 10 şi 35 ani, evaluându-se comparativ eficienţa terapiei lezunilor carioase asociate tratamentului ortodontic fix prin metoda de infiltrare ICON comparativ cu metoda de remineralizare profundă. În urma analizei rezultatelor obţinute în cadrul acestei cercetări putem concluziona că ambele metode alese în tratamentul leziunilor carioase incipiente asociate tratamentului odontic fix sunt eficiente în oprirea evoluţiei proceselor carioase incipiente. Metoda infiltrării ICON oferă în schimb rezultate estetice superioare.Summary: Sealing or infiltrating dental hard tissues are modern methods in conservative treatment of early carious lesions. An early and precise diagnostic of incipient carious lesion associated with orthodontical treatment is very important in order to establish therapeutical procedures. In this context, the theme of our study is one of great interest. The study group was represented by patients of 10-35 years old. We used ICON method and deep remineralisation method in the treatment of carious lesions associated with orthodontical treatment. The results showed the efficiency of both methods in arresting carious evolution. The ICON method has a real advantage from the point of vue of the aesthetic result


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    Oscillation energy has been proposed in a new method to condense resin composites. The principle of this technique assumes that vibration lowers the viscosity of the resin, allowing the material to flow and easily adapt to the cavity walls, in a similar way as a flowable composite. The aim of the study was to assess the efficiency and quality of composite compaction, using one of these new devices. MATERIALS AND METHOD: The study included 20 class I cavities prepared in extracted human molars. The teeth were randomly divided into two groups of 10 cavities. Both groups were filled with composite material Filtek Z250 and the adhesive system Single Bond Plus Adhesive Adper TM Adhesive (3M ESPE).  In the control group, condensation of the composite was done with standard instruments. In the experimental group, condensation was done using a vibration instrument: Compothixo (Kerr).  The prepared sections were observed on a scanning electron microscope (SEM), VEGA II model LSH (TESCAN). RESULTS: When using Compothixo, the average working time was 8.53 min / restoration while, when using standard instruments, the average working time was 10.32 min, which seems to indicate that the vibration technique was more effective than traditional condensation. Microscopic images have shown that neither vibrating condensation nor manual condensation precluded the formation of a hiatus in some areas of the interface between the restoration and the cavity walls, especially in areas of small irregularities. CONCLUSIONS: Condensation of composite resins can be faster when using vibrating instruments. Adaptation of the material to the cavity walls is comparable to that obtained by traditional techniques


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    Root dental caries represent an issue focusing many dental researchers. However due to morphologic and structural particularities of cement and root dentine as well as the nearby of dental pulp, root dental caries is a challenge regarding therapeutical success. The aim of this study was to assess the clinical performance of two restorative materials: glassionomer cement CGI with high density and a resin-modified glassionomer cement (RMGC), using ART technique in complex cervical root cavities. The assessment of restorations quality parameters was performed after 1 and 6 months using ART assessment criteria. After 6 months, success rate was 100 % for GC Fuji II LC and 96,6 % for Fuji VIII. After 6 months, success rate of ART technique for all 20 patients was 98,3 %. A higher success rate of our study, comparing with literature data, is due to the improvement of ART technique combined with the use of superior dental materials. (GC Fuji VIII, GC Fuji II LC), as well as the use of photopolimerisable resin-modified glassionomer cement GC Fuji II LC. More the use of conditioner, previously to the insertion of restoration material, improves significantly the adhesion and prevent microleakage. The superior esthetics and surface parameters are due to the use of varnish. Our study proved that ART method for aged patients, in cervical root dental caries treatment, was more efficient, both for simple cavities (1 surface) and complex cavities, after a 6 months periode. The results were promising for both researched glassionomer cements


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    The incidence of the occlusal dental caries is still high, despite the numerous available preventive and therapeutic methods and materials. Further researches are requested to find the most effective preventive method. The aim of study was to assess during a year, by using Replica Test method, the retention degree and microbiology of the bacterial biofilm adjacent to the sealants performed by three types of materials: glass ionomer cement (group I), fluoride-releasing composite sealant (group II), and composite sealant without fluoride (group III). Results. For the group I, sealed with glass ionomer cement Replica Test results show low variations associated with high protective effect, due to the fluoride release. To the end of the research period, a slight increase of the bacterial biofilm activity was recorded. For the group II, sealed with a fluoride-releasing sealant, Replica Test results show, for the first 6 months, low variations associated with the high protective effect, due to the fluoride release. After 6 months, a slight increase of the bacterial biofilm activity the recorded, due to the decrease of the released fluoride ions level. For the group III, sealed with sealant without fluoride, Replica Test results show a progressive increase of the bacterial biofilm activity during the 12 months study period, more significant than to the other study groups. Conclusions. The results of our study show that all three sealing materials offer a low retentive surface associated with a reduction of the cariogenic bacterial biofilm adjacent to the sealings. The most significant reduction of the bacterial load was associated to the glass ionomer cement GC Fuji Triage, followed by flowable composite Fisurit FX and composite Fluid SDI Wave

    Study Regarding the Assessment of Enamel Microhardness in Incipient Carious Lesions Treated by Icon Method

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    Sealing or infiltrating dental hard tissues are modern methods in conservative treatment of early carious lesions. One of the most actual methods for the conservative therapy of incipient dental caries is based on local use of sealing and infiltrating agents. This study assesses the enamel microhardness comparing artificial carious lesions treated by ICON method and carious lesions treated by fluorisation with microhardness of similar untreated surfaces. The highest values of microhardness were obtained for enamel demineralised surfaces treated with ICON. The ICON method conducts to the formation of harder enamel surfaces, able to resist to further acid attacks


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    Xylitol is a natural polyol, used as saccharine replacer and noncariogenic edulcorant, promoting the remineralisation both by the increasing of saliva rate and inhibition of bacteria growth. Despite these anticariogenic properties, the proofs related to clinical effectiveness of xylitol are controversial. The aim of study The aim of this study is to assess the effect of xyilitol from oral hygiene products (toothpastes, mouthwashes, chewing gums) on the saliva parameters (saliva microcrystallisation index (IMK), saliva resting flow rate (RFR), saliva stimulated flow rate (SFR), saliva buffering capacity (BC)) and the carioactivity of bacteria biofilm (ATP) for patients with medium cariogenic risk. Material and metods: The study group included 12 patients with medium cariogenic risk, submitted to the use of oral hygiene products xylitol-based for three weeks (toothpastes, mouthwashes, chewing gums). The following parameters were assessed before and after the use of xylitol-based products: saliva microcrystallisation index (IMK), saliva resting flow rate (RFR), saliva stimulated flow rate (SFR), saliva buffering capacity (BC), bacterial biofilm activity (ATP). Results and discution: The results show the significant improving of salivary parameters (IMK, RFR, SFR, BC) and the decrease of ATP levels after the use of xylitol-based oral hygiene products for three weeks Conclusions: The use of xylitol-based products in oral hygiene is effective both in the improvement of salivary parameters and the decrease of bacterial biofilm activity for patients with high cariogenic ris


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    Aim of the study Since a century ago, xylitol, a white, crystalline carbohydrate, has been known as a naturally occurring five-carbon sugar polyol. Its impact on dental caries has been extensively researched during the previous forty years. It can be derived from plant materials rich in xylan, like the wood of birch and beech trees, and is naturally present in fruits, vegetables, and berries. The amount of MS in dental plaque and saliva is reduced because xylitol interferes with the energy-producing processes of Mutans Streptococci (MS), causing their death. It also reduces the adhesion of these microorganisms to the surface of teeth and, as a result, decreases their acid-producing potential. Conclusions Despite all the information available on xylitol, further study is still required to fully understand its mechanisms of action, the clinical implications of xylitol resistance, and how it affects Streptococcus Mutans and the plaque-saliva complex. Properly planned randomised controlled clinical trials must be conducted in conjunction with research to show that xylitol prevention is feasible in a variety of groups with various dietary and dental hygiene practices. It is also necessary to thoroughly confirm the best delivery methods for xylitol and the degree to which it can be “diluted” with other polyols without losing its ability to prevent dental caries. It is necessary to calibrate the minimal daily dose and frequency required for xylitol’s effects on MS, dental plaque, and caries


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    Tobacco smoke contains a variety of harmful chemicals such as tar, benzopyrene, formaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide. These substances can affect both the quality and quantity of saliva, thus disrupting remineralization processes. Smoking can have a significant impact on the inorganic component of saliva and, consequently, can affect its viscosity and degree of mineralization.The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of smoking and the correlations of some cariogenic risk parameters such as DMFT Index, resting and stimulated salivary flow rate, salivary pH and buffer capacity and micro-crystallization index in smokers using classic and electronic cigarettes. Material and method:The study was performed on 50 patients from the Clinical Base of the Faculty of Dental Medicine, “Grigore T. Popa” University of Iași, Romania with a medium number of carious lesions and a medium carious risk. The patients aged between 19 and 35 years, were divided into five groups (n=10): I – non-smokers, II – light smokers (1-10 classic cigarettes/day), III – moderate smokers (10-20 classic cigarettes/day), IV – high consumption (over 20 classic cigarettes/day) and V – electronic cigarette smokers. Results showed that the DMFT index values were very low in non-smokers while the highest values were reached by the electronic cigarettes users. Regarding the resting and stimulated salivary flow rate, the values decreased significantly in classic cigarettes medium and high consumers and in electronic cigarettes users when compared to non-smokers. When analyzing the pH and buffer capacity values it can be observed that smoking more than 10 cigarettes per day or the use electronic cigarettes can significantly reduce the values. The micro-crystallization index is also reduced in electronic cigarettes smokers or in medium or high classic cigarettes consumers. Conclusions: Consumption of more than 10 classic cigarettes per day or electronic cigarette affects the resting and stimulated salivary flow rate, the salivary pH value, the buffer capacity and the micro-crystallization index. E-cigarette users or smokers of more than 20 cigarettes per day are associated with an increased number of decayed, missing or filled teeth