17 research outputs found
Performance Evaluation Method Proposal for High Performance ICT Systems and Networks
Abstract: -This paper presents a predicted functional architecture of an emerging application of High Performance Computing and Communication (HPCC
Calibration of an Automatic System Using a Laser Signature
The specific phenomenon, which appears in tuned CO2 lasers, called a laser signature, is used as a standard for calibration of the servomechanism. The proposed servomechanism can be used for continuous investigations of the laser signatures of different laser media
Zastosowanie sieci komputerowych do szkolenia w zagadnieniach cukrzycy
Diabetes is recognised as a major social problem of the 21st century and the nursing community has a very important role to play in diabetes prevention and treatment. It is essential that any practitioner who is involved in their care is appropriately trained and educated. Traditional classroom training can no longer be considered as the only means of doing this, due in part to the large numbers of learners. Therefore, we propose a new solution to the problem using e-training, and offer local considerations as to its to possible implementation e.g. in Poland.Cukrzyca to wielki problem społeczny XXI wieku. W walce z nią znaczny udział powinny mieć pielęgniarki. Wymaga to ich szybkiego dokształcania. Niezbędne wydaje się wykorzystanie sieci komputerowych i metod szkolenia elektronicznego i zdalnego uczenia się. Przedstawiono wymagany program kształcenia, koncepcję systemu e-Train-Diabetes oraz możliwe efekty i podstawowe zagrożenia dla projektu
Modelling of a computer integrated manufacturing and management system as a tool of organization improvement
This paper presents a predicted target architecture of an integrated manufacturing
and management system, based on a metropolitan-type intranet and an industrial process
control and monitoring network. Such systems are urgently required by prospective users,
especially large-scale manufacturing enterprises. Nevertheless, neither big manufacturers of
computer integrated manufacturing systems nor big manufacturers of computer integrated
systems are willing to develop combined computer integrated manufacturing and management
systems. To evaluate performance, a method developed for packet switching networks
with end-to-end acknowledgement was applied. The paper describes the investigations carried
out for the case study. Some consideration is given to the performance evaluation accuracy,
based on the validation work results obtained from analytical work, simulation and
measurements on the Polish pilot wide area network
Power Industry Computer Control System Design and Implementation Problems: A Case Study of Poland
The design and implementation team of computer automation systems for the Polish power industry faced many difficult problems connected with the lack of experience in this domain in the country. Another kind of problems was implied by different levels of information and communication technology in that country and in well developed ones. The differences were generated by both internal (importation limitations) and external (various embargos) reasons. But perhaps the most severe problems were the political ones, implied by the omnipotent communist system, that could spoil and often spoiled even many-year work of design and implementation teams. The paper tries to answer how, in such adverse conditions, it was possible to design and develop very successful power industry computer automation systems
Power generation/distribution control systems topology selection based on robustness evaluation
Dimirovski, Georgi M. (Dogus Author)The problem of the data acquisition/control system topology for distributed control systems in big power plants and/or power distribution centres is usually solved in a rather arbitrary way. The paper presents some reasonable approached based of evaluation of the system robustness, using the μ function as the measure or robustness. The paper proposes a method feasible for actual system designers since computational effort is rather low for communication systems described with time-delay members only
Computer integrated manufacturing and management systems. An emerging application of control and management
An approach to factory automation is the basis for a case study of Computer
Integrated Manufacturing and Management systems (CIMMs). The paper presents some
experience in large-scale systems and the current state-of-the-art for the domain. A feasible
approach is proposed, based on prospective user expectations and the system development
with the use of so-called first thread for which the standards facilitating the development of
subsequent systems should be developed, and people acquainted with both manufacturing and
management problems should be educated. There is also depicted some research work
intended for facilitating the design and implementation of future CIMMs
Barriers to ethical behaviour: a case study of Poland
Dimirovski, Georgi M. (Dogus Author) -- Full conference title: 18th IFAC World Congress Milano (Italy) August 28 - September 2, 2011.Before the political change in the Case-study country of Poland, the system governing there encouraged unethical behaviour or even forced it. The paper discusses the most frequent methods used by the unethical power to force the actual pioneers of ICT and automation in the case study country to abandon performing their professions. The example of the most experienced leading designer of ICT and automation in the pioneering era in Poland depicts some effective ways to struggle with the improper actions of the power