168 research outputs found

    Black lymph node in tattoo: an easy pitfall

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    Tattoo is one of the most popular body arts in the world. It may be considered as a sign of belonging to a particular community as well as an expression of masculinity. However, it may also have a mere aesthetic purpose. In the past, whereas tattooing was common for male military personnel, bourgeois society spurned it. Nowadays, it is estimated that more than 24% of American adults have at least a tattoo.1 It is trending so tattooing is increasing social acceptability. The practice is equally common in men and women. In Italy, this phenomenon is less extensive than in America. However, it is definitely on the rise if we compare it with the past. Tattooing is becoming extremely popular with adolescent

    Acral Lentiginous Melanoma of the Thumb: Dermoscopy and Treatment

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    Melanoma affecting glabrous skin is a challenging entity that needs to be managed by an interdisciplinary team of dermatologists, oncologists, and surgeons. The thin subcutaneous layer of glabrous skin, which speeds up its metastatic spread, is one of the key elements that contributes to the aggressiveness of this form of cutaneous cancer when identified in this anatomical region. Acral lentiginous melanoma is a rare melanocytic malignancy that is usually associated with ominous outcomes, especially in those with dark skin. Moreover, more extensive research is needed to elucidate the puzzle of molecular drivers and their relationship with thermal injury. We reported our experience in order to highlight the value of timely diagnosis and treatment

    Dermoscopic, Histological, Confocal Microscopy Correlation of Atypical-Dysplastic Melanocytic Nevi

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    Introduction: The term "atypical melanocytic nevus" (AMN) is used as a synonym for dysplastic nevus (DN) in clinical practice. Although the criteria for diagnosis of AMN/DN by the Agency for Research on Cancer helps to differentiate AMN/DN from common acquired nevi, they do not have high degrees of specificity, as they are similar to those used for the diagnosis of melanoma. Objectives: In this retrospective study we evaluated the correlation and diagnostic concordance of dermoscopy, confocal microscopy, and histological examination in 50 AMN. Methods: A graded scale was used to compare histological examination with dermoscopy and confocal microscopy. Low magnification histological images of only the central part of lesions were examined. This allowed histological diagnoses based almost exclusively on architectural criteria instead of simultaneously architectural and cytological, as in the global histological examination. Results: Our data demonstrate that the diagnostic accuracy of dermoscopy and confocal microscopy diagnosis of the clinical aspects of AMN/DN as nevi or melanomas tends to be equivalent, being fair for nevi and excellent for melanomas. The total percentage of AMN suggested that the accuracy of confocal microscopy in the diagnosis of melanoma (86.7%) is greater than that of dermoscopy (73.3%). Conclusions: This study demonstrated that diagnostic assessments of AMN/DN by dermoscopy and confocal microscopy are accurate and often coincide with those of histological examination and that their combined use helps to better manage and monitor these patients by facilitating early detection of melanomas and reducing unnecessary excisions of benign melanocytic lesions

    I colori della dermatologia

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    Il volume è dedicato a tutti gli appassionati di tatuaggi che desiderano conoscere l'origine e le tecniche di questa antica arte. I tatuaggi sono diventati un vero fenomeno di massa e, con l'aumento dei tatuati appartenenti a diverse fasce di età, si assiste anche a un incremento delle reazioni avverse associate a tale pratica. Sia in dermatologia che in medicina estetica, verranno descritti i tatuaggi comuni e i tatuaggi estetici con esperienze dermatologiche, cosmetologiche e con tecniche moderne di tatuazione. Viene affrontato il significato psicologico che si cela dietro la scelta di un tatuaggio e l'importanza di affidarsi a centri di massima sicurezza in termini igienici e sanitari con conseguente descrizione delle norme europee vigenti con l'Istituto superiore di sanità. In ambito legale, sono descritti limiti e divieti prima dell'esecuzione di un tatuaggio e i danni morali nel caso di pazienti di età inferiore di 18 anni oltre al tema dell'idoneità ai concorsi militari in caso di concorrenti tatuati. Sono infine descritte le metodiche di rimozione dei tatuaggi con tecniche di chirurgia plastica e i risultati ottenuti grazie a laser sempre più sofisticati

    Basics of Dermatology

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    Basics of Dermatology is a comprehensive introduction to the daily practice occurring in the care for the most common skin ailments; it is targeted primarily at students, but is also an excellent read for anyone interested in a short yet thorough overview on the fundamentals of dermatology. Thanks to this ease of use it is an ideal resource even for specialists who might want to refresh on skin pathology related to other disease processes. With more than 130 detailed illustrations and pictures from real cases and chapters written with the uninitiated in mind, this book offers a solid foundation and a trustworthy companion for the reader