30 research outputs found

    Personal Heart Health Monitoring Based on 1D Convolutional Neural Network

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    The automated detection of suspicious anomalies in electrocardiogram (ECG) recordings allows frequent personal heart health monitoring and can drastically reduce the number of ECGs that need to be manually examined by the cardiologists, excluding those classified as normal, facilitating healthcare decision-making and reducing a considerable amount of time and money. In this paper, we present a system able to automatically detect the suspect of cardiac pathologies in ECG signals from personal monitoring devices, with the aim to alert the patient to send the ECG to the medical specialist for a correct diagnosis and a proper therapy. The main contributes of this work are: (a) the implementation of a binary classifier based on a 1D-CNN architecture for detecting the suspect of anomalies in ECGs, regardless of the kind of cardiac pathology; (b) the analysis was carried out on 21 classes of different cardiac pathologies classified as anomalous; and (c) the possibility to classify anomalies even in ECG segments containing, at the same time, more than one class of cardiac pathologies. Moreover, 1D-CNN based architectures can allow an implementation of the system on cheap smart devices with low computational complexity. The system was tested on the ECG signals from the MIT-BIH ECG Arrhythmia Database for the MLII derivation. Two different experiments were carried out, showing remarkable performance compared to other similar systems. The best result showed high accuracy and recall, computed in terms of ECG segments and even higher accuracy and recall in terms of patients alerted, therefore considering the detection of anomalies with respect to entire ECG recordings

    Repeated low-dose courses of rituximab in SLE-associated antiphospholipid syndrome: Data from a tertiary dedicated centre

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    WereadwithinteresttherecentarticlebyWangandLiu [1], describing theirexperiencewithrituximab(RTX)in6systemic lupus erythematosus(SLE)-associatedantiphospholipidsyndrome (APS) patients.Thesedatasupporttheideathat,inlinewith previoussporadiccasesreportedinliterature,RTXatdifferent regimensisabletoreducethromboticrecurrencesandtoimprove SLE activity,withanoverallgoodsafetyprofile. Moreover,they confirm thedisappearance/decreaseoftiterofantiphospholipid antibodies afterRTX [1]

    Thrombosis in Autoimmune Diseases: A Role for Immunosuppressive Treatments?

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    Autoimmune diseases are not infrequently associated with arterial or venous thrombotic events. Chronic inflammation and immune system impairment are considered the main pathogenetic mechanisms. Some of the drugs used in the treatment of such diseases have been associated with an increased risk of thrombosis. On the contrary, their anti-inflammatory and immune modulator activity could correct some mechanisms leading to thrombosis. In this review, recent evidence available on this topic is examined. There is a lack of adequate studies, but available evidence suggests that glucocorticoids and high-dose immunoglobulins are associated with an increased incidence of venous thromboembolism. Although available data do not allow drawing definite conclusions and more data are needed from future studies and registries, physicians should be aware of these associations

    What does irritable bowel syndrome share with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease?

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    Could metabolic syndrome lead to hepatocarcinoma via non-alcoholic fatty liver disease?

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    It was estimated that from 2002 to 2008 the risk of developing cancer increased a quarter-fold in men and two-fold in women due to excessive BMI. Obesity, metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus are strictly related and are key pathogenetic factors of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), the most frequent liver disease worldwide. The most important consequence of the “metabolic epidemics” is the probable rise in the incidence of hepatocarcinoma (HCC), and NAFLD is the major causative factor. Adipose tissue is not merely a storage organ where lipids are preserved as an energy source. It is an active organ with important endocrine, paracrine, and autocrine actions in addition to immune functions. Adipocytes produce a wide range of hormones, cytokines, and growth factors that can act locally in the adipose tissue microenvironment and systemically. In this article, the main roles of insulin growth factor (IGF)-1 and IGF-2 are discussed. The role of IGF-2 is not only confined to HCC, but it may also act in early hepato-carcinogenesis, as pre-neoplastic lesions express IGF-2 mRNA. IGF-1 and IGF-2 interact with specific receptors (IGF-1R and IGF-2R). IGF-1R is over-expressed in in vitro and in animal models of HCC and it was demonstrated that IGF ligands exerted their effects on HCC cells through IGF-1R and that it was involved in the degeneration of pre-neoplastic lesions via an increase in their mitotic activity. Both IGF-2R and TGF β, a growth inhibitor, levels are reduced in human HCC compared with adjacent normal liver tissues. Another key mechanism involves peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)γ. In in vitro studies, PPARγ inhibited various carcinomas including HCC, most probably by regulating apoptosis via the p21, p53 and p27 pathways. Finally, as a clinical consequence, to improve survival, efforts to achieve a “healthier diet” should be promoted by physicians and politicians

    Liver-spleen axis: Intersection between immunity, infections and metabolism

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    Spleen has been considered a neglected organ so far, even though is strictly linked to liver. The spleen plays an important role in the modulation of the immune system and in the maintenance of peripheral tolerance via the clearance of circulating apoptotic cells, the differentiation and activation of T and B cells and production of antibodies in the white pulp. Moreover, splenic macrophages are able to remove bacteria from the blood and protect from sepsis during systemic infections. We review the spleen function and its assessment in humans starting from the description of spleen diseases, ranging from the congenital asplenia to secondary hyposplenism. From the literature data it is clear that obesity in humans affects different compartments of immune system, even thought there are still few data available on the implicated mechamisms. The intent is to enable clinicians to evaluate the newly recognized role of metabolic and endocrine functions of the spleen with special emphasis to obesity and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in the context of the available literature. Moreover, understanding the spleen function could be important to develop appropriate prevention strategies in order to counteract the pandemia of obesity. In this direction, we suggest spleen longitudinal diameter at ultrasonography, as simple, cheap and largely available tool, be used as new marker for assessing splenic function, in the context of the so-called liver-spleen axis

    La carriera lavorativa nell'era dell'employability: un contributo di ricerca sui nuovi orientamenti di carriera.

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    Il presente contributo di ricerca si pone l’obiettivo di fornire un apporto empirico allo studio dei modelli Boundaryless e Protean Careers in relazione ad alcune variabili connesse alla carriera lavorativa, quale il Career Commitment, variabile legata alle motivazioni individuali verso la propria carriera, e l’Employability Activities, variabile relativa all’impegno degli individui verso attività di sviluppo professionale, determinando un modello di ricerca utile allo studio dei nuovi orientamenti di carriera in tempi di flessibilità e a interventi di counseling. I risultati ottenuti su 260 partecipanti mostrano relazioni empiriche tra i costrutti evidenziando un maggiore adattamento del modello di ricerca al campione di partecipanti con una tipologia di carriera frammentata rispetto a chi ha avuto una carriera lineare in una stessa organizzazione