33 research outputs found

    Exploring the binding of d(GGGT)4 to the HIV-1 integrase: An approach to investigate G-quadruplex aptamer/target protein interactions.

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    The aptamer d(GGGT)4 (T30923 or T30695) forms a 5'-5' dimer of two stacked parallel G-quadruplexes, each characterized by three G-tetrads and three single-thymidine reversed-chain loops. This aptamer has been reported to exhibit anti-HIV activity by targeting the HIV integrase, a viral enzyme responsible for the integration of viral DNA into the host-cell genome. However, information concerning the aptamer/ target interaction is still rather limited. In this communication we report microscale thermophoresis investigations on the interaction between the HIV-1 integrase and d(GGGT)4 aptamer analogues containing abasic sites singly replacing thymidines in the original sequence. This approach has allowed the identification of which part of the aptamer G-quadruplex structure is mainly involved in the interaction with the protei

    Expression of calcium-binding proteins and selected neuropeptides in the human, chimpanzee, and crab-eating macaque claustrum

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    The claustrum is present in all mammalian species examined so far and its morphology, chemoarchitecture, physiology, phylogenesis and ontogenesis are still a matter of debate. Several morphologically distinct types of immunostained cells were described in different mammalian species. To date, a comparative study on the neurochemical organization of the human and non-human primates claustrum has not been fully described yet, partially due to technical reasons linked to the postmortem sampling interval. The present study analyze the localization and morphology of neurons expressing parvalbumin (PV), calretinin (CR), NPY, and somatostatin (SOM) in the claustrum of man (# 5), chimpanzee (# 1) and crab-eating monkey (# 3). Immunoreactivity for the used markers was observed in neuronal cell bodies and processes distributed throughout the anterior-posterior extent of human, chimpanzee and macaque claustrum. Both CR- and PV-immunoreactive (ir) neurons were mostly localized in the central and ventral region of the claustrum of the three species while SOM- and NPY-ir neurons seemed to be equally distributed throughout the ventral-dorsal extent. In the chimpanzee claustrum SOM-ir elements were not observed. No co-localization of PV with CR was found, thus suggesting the existence of two non-overlapping populations of PV and CR-ir interneurons. The expression of most proteins (CR, PV, NPY), was similar in all species. The only exception was the absence of SOM-ir elements in the claustrum of the chimpanzee, likely due to species specific variability. Our data suggest a possible common structural organization shared with the adjacent insular region, a further element that emphasizes a possible common ontogeny of the claustrum and the neocortex

    Social Stimulus Causes Aberrant Activation of the Medial Prefrontal Cortex in a Mouse Model With Autism-Like Behaviors

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    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a highly prevalent and genetically heterogeneous brain disorder. Developing effective therapeutic interventions requires knowledge of the brain regions that malfunction and how they malfunction during ASD-relevant behaviors. Our study provides insights into brain regions activated by a novel social stimulus and how the activation pattern differs between mice that display autism-like disabilities and control littermates. Adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) conditional knockout (cKO) mice display reduced social interest, increased repetitive behaviors and dysfunction of the β-catenin pathway, a convergent target of numerous ASD-linked human genes. Here, we exposed the mice to a novel social vs. non-social stimulus and measured neuronal activation by immunostaining for the protein c-Fos. We analyzed three brain regions known to play a role in social behavior. Compared with control littermates, APC cKOs display excessive activation, as evidenced by an increased number of excitatory pyramidal neurons stained for c-Fos in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), selectively in the infralimbic sub-region. In contrast, two other social brain regions, the medial amygdala and piriform cortex show normal levels of neuron activation. Additionally, APC cKOs exhibit increased frequency of miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents (mEPSCs) in layer 5 pyramidal neurons of the infralimbic sub-region. Further, immunostaining is reduced for the inhibitory interneuron markers parvalbumin (PV) and somatostatin (SST) in the APC cKO mPFC. Our findings suggest aberrant excitatory-inhibitory balance and activation patterns. As β-catenin is a core pathway in ASD, we identify the infralimbic sub-region of the mPFC as a critical brain region for autism-relevant social behavior

    Structural and functional differences between L-type calcium channels: crucial issues for future selective targeting

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    Within the family of voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs), L-type channels (L-VGCCs) represent a well-established therapeutic target for calcium channel blockers, which are widely used to treat hypertension and myocardial ischemia. L-VGCCs outside the cardiovascular system also control key physiological processes such as neuronal plasticity, sensory cell function (e.g. in the inner ear and retina) and endocrine function (e.g. in pancreatic beta cells and adrenal chromaffin cells). Research into L-VGCCs was stimulated by the discovery that the known L-VGCC isoforms (Ca(V)1.1, Ca(V)1.2, Ca(V)1.3 and Ca(V)1.4) possess different biophysical properties. However, no L-VGCC-isoform-selective drugs have yet been identified. In this review, we examine Ca(V)1.2 and Ca(V)1.3 isoforms at the level of genetic structure, splice variants, post-translational modifications and functional protein coupling. We discuss candidate Ca(V)1.2- and Ca(V)1.3-specific characteristics as future therapeutic targets in individual organs

    Identification and functional characterization of malignant hyperthermia mutation T1354S in the outer pore of the Cav alpha1S-subunit

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    To identify the genetic locus responsible for malignant hyperthermia susceptibility (MHS) in an Italian family, we performed linkage analysis to recognized MHS loci. All MHS individuals showed cosegregation of informative markers close to the voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel (CaV) alpha1S-subunit gene (CACNA1S) with logarithm of odds (LOD)-score values that matched or approached the maximal possible value for this family. This is particularly interesting, because so far MHS was mapped to >178 different positions on the ryanodine receptor (RYR1) gene but only to two on CACNA1S. Sequence analysis of CACNA1S revealed a c.4060A>T transversion resulting in amino acid exchange T1354S in the IVS5-S6 extracellular pore-loop region of CaV alpha 1S in all MHS subjects of the family but not in 268 control subjects. To investigate the impact of mutation T1354S on the assembly and function of the excitation-contraction coupling apparatus, we expressed GFP-tagged alpha1ST1354S in dysgenic (alpha1S-null) myotubes. Whole cell patch-clamp analysis revealed that alpha1ST1354S produced significantly faster activation of L-type Ca2+ currents upon 200-ms depolarizing test pulses compared with wild-type GFP-alpha1S (alpha1SWT). In addition, alpha1ST1354Sexpressing myotubes showed a tendency to increased sensitivity for caffeine-induced Ca2+ release and to larger action-potential-induced intracellular Ca2+ transients under low (< 2 mM) caffeine concentrations compared with alpha1SWT. Thus our data suggest that an additional influx of Ca2+ due to faster activation of the alpha1ST1354S L-type Ca2+ current, in concert with higher caffeine sensitivity of Ca2+ release, leads to elevated muscle contraction under pharmacological trigger, which might be sufficient to explain the MHS phenotype