31 research outputs found
Improving Seed Quality of Soybean Suitable for Growing in Europe
The potential of soybean for food, feed, and pharmaceutical industry arises from the composition of its seed. Since European countries import 95% of the annual demand for soybean grains, meal, and oil, causing an enormous trade deficit, the governments in Europe had started to introduce additional incentives to stimulate soybean cropping. To rebalance the sources of soybean supply in the future, production must be followed by continuous research to create varieties that would make European soybean more appealing to the processing industry and profitable enough to satisfy European farmers. This chapter is giving an overview of the European soybean seed quality research and an insight into soybean seed quality progress made at the Agricultural Institute Osijek, Croatia. The studies presented are mainly considering maturity groups suitable for growing in almost all European regions. The most important traits of soybean seed quality discussed are protein content and amino acid composition, oil content and fatty acid composition, soluble sugars, and isoflavones. Defining quality traits facilitates the parental selection in breeding programs aiming to improve the added value properties of final soybean products and enables the exchange of materials between different breeding and research institutions to introduce diversity, which is a prerequisite for genetic advance
Germination of Industrial Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) at Different Level of Sodium Chloride and Temperatures
In this study the morphological characteristic of the industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) seedlings were observed at different salinity level (0, 50, 100 and 150 mM NaCl) and temperatures (10Ā°C, 15Ā°C and 20Ā°C) in the controlled conditions. In this study, on the 3rd day the average germination energy was 41%. On the 8th day, the germination rate was on average 48%, with the highest germination rate of 55% (150 mM 10Ā°C) and the lowest was 43% (50 mM 20Ā°C). The total length of the C. sativa seedlings was the highest at 50 mM (10.4 cm) and decreased by 2.8% with 150 mM NaCl. From this study it is recommended to use higher seeds rates for sowing on saline soils
Korovi u proizvodnji suncokreta u Hrvatskoj i njihovo suzbijanje
Sunflower is the most important oil crop in the Republic of Croatia. In the last two decades, it has been grown
on average on 33,506 ha with a average grain yield of 2.66 t/ha. Weeds represent one of the most important causes
of biotic stress, and their action is reflected in the competition for nutrients, water, light and space. The weed flora
in sunflower crops in Croatia is extremely diverse, and we will most often meet: Polygonum persicaria L., Polygonum
lapathifolium L., Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., Chenopodium polyspermum L., Amaranthus retroflexus L., Solanum nigrum L.
emend Miller, Abutilon theophrasti Medik, Datura stramonium L., Xanthium strumarium L., Convolvulus arvensis L., Cirsium
arvense (L.) Scop., Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) Pb., Setaria glauca (L.) Pb., Setaria viridis (L.) Pb., Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop.,
Panicum spp. and Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. For many years, weed control was based on the intensive use of chemical
preparations, which were most often used after sowing and before emergence, in double or triple combinations. In
addition to a number of advantages of using chemicals in sunflower production, the problem of broadleaf weeds was
not satisfactorily solved until the advent of Clearfield, Clearfield plus and Express sun technology, i.e. hybrids tolerant
to herbicides from the group of imidazolinone (imazamox) and sulfonyl-urea (tribenuron-methyl) at the beginning of
this century. Integrated plant protection, including integrated weed management, with its holistic approach and greater
application of direct and indirect non-chemical measures, is only environmental quality solution for controlling weeds in
sunflowers.Suncokret je u Republici Hrvatskoj najvažnija uljarica. U posljednja dva desetljeÄa prosjeÄno se uzgajao na 33.506 ha
s prinosom zrna od 2,66 t/ha. Korovi predstavljaju jedan od najvažnijih uzroÄnika biotiÄkog stresa, a njihovo djelovanje
ogleda se kroz kompeticiju za hranjiva, vodu, svjetlost i prostor. Korovna flora u usjevima suncokreta u Hrvatskoj
iznimno je raznolika, a najÄeÅ”Äe susreÄemo: Polygonum persicaria L., Polygonum lapathifolium L., Ambrosia artemisiifolia
L., Chenopodium polyspermum L., Amaranthus retroflexus L., Solanum nigrum L. emend. Miller, Abutilon theophrasti Med.,
Datura stramonium L., Xanthium strumarium L., Convolvulus arvensis L., Cirsium arvense L. Scop., Echinochloa crus-galli L.
Pb., Setaria glauca L. Pb., Setaria viridis L. Pb., Digitaria sanguinalis L. Scop., Panicum spp. i Sorghum halepense L. Pers. Dugi
niz godina borba protiv korova u suncokretu bazirala se na intenzivnoj primjeni kemijskih sredstava, koji su se najÄeÅ”Äe
koristili nakon sjetve i prije nicanja, u dvostrukim ili trostrukim kombinacijama pripravaka. I pored niza prednosti upotrebe
herbicida u proizvodnji suncokreta, problem Å”irokolisnih korova, zbog ograniÄenog izbora herbicida, nije na zadovoljavajuÄi
naÄin rijeÅ”en. Pojavom kultivara Clearfield, Clearfield plus i Express sun tehnologije, odnosno kultivara tolerantnih na
herbicide iz kemijske skupine imidazolinona (imazamoksa) i sulfonilurea (tribenuron-metila) herbicida, poÄetkom ovog
stoljeÄa znatno je olakÅ”ano suzbijanje Å”irokolisnih korovnih vrsta u suncokretu. Osim spomenutih moguÄnosti, a u skladu
s novim trendovima, integrirana zaÅ”tita bilja od korova holistiÄkim pristupom, odnosno primjenom izravnih i neizravnih
nekemijskih mjera pruža ekoloŔki prihvatljivo rjeŔenje u borbi s korovima u suncokretu
The relationship between chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters and yield components in sunflower hybrids
The sunflower is considered one of the four most important oilseeds globally. The
study was conducted on 16 sunflower hybrids in field conditions to link photosynthesis parameters with yield components using chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters (ChlF), chlorophyll content, leaf temperature and agronomic traits. By
analysing the ChlF parameters in the flowering stage of sunflower hybrids, a statistically significant difference was found between the studied hybrids for all the ChlF
parameters except for the photosynthetic efficiency index of energy required from
exciton to the reduction of ultimate electron acceptors on photosystem I (PItotal).
At the same time, the results confirmed the significance of the chlorophyll content,
leaf temperature, and agronomic traits for the studied hybrids. The indicators of
photosynthetic efficiency showed a significant correlation between the efficiency
with which the electron can reduce the final electron acceptors to photosystem I
(RE0/ET0), PItotal and plant height. Also, the number of seeds per head showed a
positive and very significant correlation with variable fluorescence in step I (VI ) and a very highly significant negative correlation with the energy flow which reduces electron end acceptors on the acceptor side of photosystem I (RE0 /RC). Using these analyses in sunflower breeding programmes could improve productivity and performance optimisation under changeable growing conditions
Procjena fenotipske varijabilnosti saharida kod genotipova soje prikladnih za uzgoj u Europi
Given the great potential of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) as a staple crop for food, feed and pharmaceutical industry, improving the genetic basis of seed quality is one of the main breeding aims on a global scale. An important quality trait is saccharide composition since it affects digestibility and nutritional value of soybean seed, affecting the usability of this agricultural commodity. This 3-year research (2010-2012) investigated soybean variability by measuring saccharide contents (glucose, fructose, sucrose, raffinose, stachyose) in high-yielding genotypes (maturity groups 00-II) suitable for almost all European regions, while taking into consideration the effect of weather conditions. Statistical analyses included calculating the basic measures of descriptive statistics, analysis of variance (ANOVA), determining correlation and using the Nearest Neighbour clustering to construct a dendrogram based on the Euclidean distance. Results showed the existence of diversity in saccharide content with the influence of genotype, year and their interaction being statistically significant. The lack of correlation between investigated parameters indicates the use of indirect selection is not possible. Nevertheless, the determined divergence indicates the given set of genotypes is suitable for use in future crossing programmes aiming to produce cultivars with more beneficial sugar content in comparison to the existing ones.UzimajuÄi u obzir izniman potencijal soje (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) kao sirovine za farmaceutsku industriju te proizvodnju ljudske i stoÄne hrane, poboljÅ”avanje genetske osnove za kvalitetu zrna soje jedan je od osnovnih oplemenjivaÄkih ciljeva na globalnoj razini. ZnaÄajno svojstvo kvalitete soje je sastav saharida jer utjeÄe na probavljivost i nutritivnu vrijednost zrna o Äemu ovisi iskoristivost soje kao sirovine. Cilj ovog trogodiÅ”njeg (2010. - 2012.) istraživanja bio je procijeniti varijabilnost odabranih linija soje mjerenjem sadržaja saharida (glukoze, fruktoze, saharoze, rafinoze i stahioze) u visokoprinosnim genotipovima (grupe zriobe 00 - II) pogodnim za uzgoj u veÄini podruÄja Europe. Pri tome je uzet u obzir i utjecaj uvjeta okoline. StatistiÄka obrada podataka ukljuÄivala je izraÄun osnovnih mjera deskriptivne statistike, analizu varijance (ANOVA), korelacijsku analizu te je konstruiran dendrogram temeljen na Euklidskoj udaljenosti prema metodi najbližeg susjeda. Rezultati su pokazali postojanje razliÄitosti testiranog materijala prema sadržaju saharida pri Äemu su genotip i godina bili statistiÄki znaÄajan izvor varijabilnosti. Nedostatak korelacije izmeÄu testiranih parametara ukazuje na nemoguÄnost indirektne selekcije. Ipak, utvrÄena divergentnost potvrÄuje opravdanost uporabe materijala u buduÄim programima križanja Äiji je cilj stvaranje kultivara s povoljnijim sadržajem saharida u odnosu na postojeÄe
Fluorescenca klorofila a kao alat u oplemenjivanju soje tolerantne na suŔu
Mitigating the effects of changing climate with adaptable cultivars while reducing the input burden of additional selection criteria is becoming a priority, especially as water shortage is limiting soybean production in Europe. To evaluate the functionality of the photosynthetic apparatus in drought, chlorophyll a (Chl a) fluorescence was measured in 16 elite soybean lines in drought and conditions with sufficient water supply in V2 (second node), R1 (beginning bloom), R4 (full pod), R5 (beginning seed) and R6 (full seed) stages. Developmental stage was a significant source of variation for all parameters, and PItotal was chosen as the most sensitive parameter in detecting the average drought effect. Genotypes G5, G9, and G10 had superior overall functioning of the photosynthetic apparatus in drought, while the photosynthetic apparatus of G12 and G16 was the least functional. The drought effect was determined to be the most relevant in R1, R4 and R6. G14 had highest PItotal in drought conditions in R1 and R4, while G9 had the highest drought-stressed PItotal in R6. G7 had the lowest drought-stressed PItotal in R1, G4 and G6 had the lowest in R4, and G8 had the lowest in R6. PItotal proved useful in breeding for abiotic stress tolerance, especially for excluding the material with the poorest photosynthetic apparatus function, which increases the efficiency of the selection process when a large number of genotypes needs to be screened. However, genotypes with superior photosynthetic apparatus functioning should be further tested in yield trials to confirm their drought tolerance and value for use in drought conditions.Ublažavanje negativnih posljedica klimatskih promjena stvaranjem adaptabilnih sorti bez optereÄenja selekcije dodatnim troÅ”kovima od velikog je znaÄaja, osobito jer suÅ”a sve viÅ”e ograniÄava proizvodnju soje u Europi. Za procjenu funkcionalnosti fotosintetskog aparata u suÅ”i, fluorescencija klorofila a (Chl a) mjerena je na 16 elitnih linija soje u suÅ”i i uvjetima dovoljne opskrbe vodom u V2 (drugi nodij), R1 (poÄetak cvatnje), R4 (puni razvoj mahuna), R5 (zaÄetak formiranja sjemena) i R6 (puni razvoj sjemena) fazama. Razvojna faza bila je znaÄajan izvor varijacija za sve parametre, a PItotal parametar je odabran kao najosjetljiviji u otkrivanju prosjeÄnog uÄinka suÅ”e. Genotipovi G5, G9 i G10 imali su superiorno funkcioniranje fotosintetskog aparata u suÅ”i, a G12 i G16 najmanje funkcionalan fotosintetski aparat u suÅ”i. UtvrÄeno je da je uÄinak suÅ”e najrelevantniji u R1, R4 i R6 fazama razvoja. Fotosintetski aparat G14 genotipa bio je najmanje osjetljiv na suÅ”u u R1 i R4 fazama razvoja, dok je kod G9 bio najmanje osjetljiv u R6. G7 je imao najmanje funkcionalan fotosintetski aparat u uvjetima suÅ”e u R1, G4 i G6 su imali najmanje funkcionalan fotosintetski aparata u uvjetima suÅ”e u R4, a G8 u R6.
Uporaba PItotal u oplemenjivanju na tolerantnost prema abiotskom stresu pokazala se korisnom, posebice za iskljuÄenje materijala s najloÅ”ijim funkcioniranjem fotosintetskog aparata, Å”to poveÄava uÄinkovitost selekcijskog procesa kada je potrebno procijeniti veliki broj genotipova. MeÄutim, genotipove sa superiornim funkcioniranjem fotosintetskog aparata potrebno je dodatno ispitati kako bi se potvrdila njihova tolerantnost i uporabna vrijednost u uvjetima suÅ”e
S ciljem utvrÄivanja utjecaja vremenskih uvjeta na komponente uroda ulja suncokreta, u radu su analizirani trogodiÅ”nji rezultati poljskih pokusa. U pokusima posijanim u Osijeku 2013., 2014. i 2015. godine bilo je 15 hibrida suncokreta: dva strana hibrida i 13 hibridnih kombinacija Poljoprivrednog instituta Osijek. U periodu prije sjetve (sijeÄanj ā ožujak), najveÄa je koliÄina oborina bila 2013. (213,1 mm), zatim 2015. (167,9 mm), a najmanja 2014. (109,5 mm). U vegetacijskome periodu (travanj ā rujan), u 2014. bilo je najviÅ”e oborina (487,3 mm), u 2013. 475,7 mm, a u 2015. najmanje (251,6 mm). U 2013. godini, u vegetacijskome periodu, srednja mjeseÄna temperatura zraka bila je 19,1Ā°C, u 2015. 19,9Ā°C, a u 2014. 18,6Ā°C. Od navedenih godina, statistiÄki znaÄajno na nivou P=0,05, najviÅ”e vrijednosti analiziranih svojstava zabilježene su 2013. godine: urod zrna 6,47 t ha-1, sadržaj ulja 51,69% i urod ulja 3,05 t ha-1. Urod zrna, sadržaj ulja i urod ulja bili su manji 2015., a najmanji 2014. godine. NajveÄe vrijednosti uroda zrna i ulja (6,95 i 3,39 t ha-1) imao je Matej, novopriznati hibrid suncokreta Poljoprivrednog instituta Osijek, a po sadržaju ulja od 53,44% bio je na treÄem mjestu. Za visoke urode zrna i ulja suncokreta, pored optimalne temperature zraka, jako je bitna koliÄina i raspored oborina prije, a takoÄer i tijekom vegetacije.With the purpose of determining the influence of weather conditions on the yield components of sunflower, the results of three-year field trials are analysed in the paper. In the trials sown in Osijek in 2013, 2014 and 2015, there were 15 sunflower hybrids: two foreign hybrids and 13 hybrid combinations of the Agricultural Institute Osijek. In the period before sowing (January ā March), the highest amount of precipitation was in 2013 (213.1 mm), then in 2015 (167.9 mm), and the lowest in 2014 (109.5 mm). In the growing period (April ā September), the highest amount of precipitation (487.3 mm) was in 2014, 475.7 mm in 2013, and in 2015 it was the lowest (251.6 mm). In 2013, during the growing period, the mean monthly air temperature was 19.1Ā°C, in 2015 19.9Ā°C, and in 2014 18.6Ā°C. Of these years, statistically significant at the P=0.05, the highest value of the analysed traits was recorded in 2013: grain yield of 6.47 t ha-1, oil content 51.69% and oil yield 3.05 t ha-1. Grain yield, oil content and oil yield were lower in 2015, and the lowest in 2014. Matej, a newly recognized sunflower hybrid of the Agricultural Institute Osijek had the highest values of grain and oil yield (6.95 and 3.39 t ha-1), and by its oil content of 53.44%, it was in the third place. For high grain and oil yields of sunflower, in addition to the optimal air temperature, the amount and distribution of precipitation before and also during the growing season are very important
The purpose of this study (2010ā12) was to investigate the fatty acid profiles (palmitic ā PA, stearic ā SA, oleic ā OA, linoleic ā LA, linolenic ā LNA, saturated fatty acids ā SFA, monounsaturated fatty acids ā MUFA, polyunsaturated fatty acids ā PUFA), oxidative stability (MUFA/PUFA, OA/LA), and nutritive quality (LA/LNA) of oil produced by 13 early soybean genotypes created at the Agricultural Institute Osijek, Croatia. The analysis of variance determined significant effect of genotype (G), year (Y), and GxY interaction on all examined traits. The correlation analysis indicated the most important positive correlation existed between the SA and OA, SA and LNA, and LA and LNA, and the most important negative relationship between OA and LA, and OA and LNA. The principal component analysis yielded four significant principal components (PCs) with the eigenvalues > 1, which together accounted for 57.84% of the total variability in the data set. The Eigen analysis of the correlation matrix loadings indicated MUFA/PUFA, MUFA, OA/LA, and OA mostly contribute to the PC1 axis and are in a positive correlation with it, while PUFA, LA, and LNA mostly contribute to a negative direction. These results will facilitate the planning of future breeding programs, aimed at adjusting the fatty acid profiles according to the needs of the processing industry and end consumers.Cilj ovoga istraživanja (2010. ā 2012.) bio je procijeniti sadržaj masnih kiselina (palmitinska ā PA, stearinska ā SA, oleinska ā OA, linolna ā LA, linolenska ā LNA, zasiÄene masne kiseline ā SFA, mononezasiÄene masne kiseline ā MUFA, polinezasiÄene masne kiseline ā PUFA), oksidacijsku stabilnost (MUFA/PUFA, OA/LA) i nutritivnu kakvoÄu (LA/LNA) ulja 13 ranih genotipova soje nastalih u Poljoprivrednome institutu Osijek, Hrvatska. Analizom varijance utvrÄeno je postojanje varijabilnosti za sva testirana svojstva, pri Äemu su genotip (G), godina (Y) i GxY znaÄajni izvori varijacije. NajznaÄajnije pozitivne korelacije su utvrÄene izmeÄu SA i OA, SA i LNA i LA i LNA, a najznaÄajnije negativne izmeÄu OA i LA i OA i LNA. Analizom glavnih sastavnica utvrÄeno je kako postoje Äetiri primarne osi sa svojstvenim vrijednostima > 1, koje zajedno objaÅ”njavaju 57,84% varijabilnosti ukupnih podataka. Prva primarna os (PC1) najviÅ”e je u pozitivnome smjeru vezana za svojstva MUFA/PUFA, MUFA, OA/OALA i OA, a u negativnome smjeru za PUFA, LA i LNA. Ovi rezultati bit Äe od pomoÄi pri planiranju buduÄih oplemenjivaÄkih programa usmjerenih k prilagodbi sastava i sadržaja masnih kiselina prema potrebama preraÄivaÄke industrije i krajnjih korisnika