11 research outputs found

    Thermalization rate of polaritons in strongly-coupled molecular systems

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    Polariton thermalization is a key process in achieving light-matter Bose--Einstein condensation, spanning from solid-state semiconductor microcavities at cryogenic temperatures to surface plasmon nanocavities with molecules at room temperature. Originated from the matter component of polariton states, the microscopic mechanisms of thermalization are closely tied to specific material properties. In this work, we investigate polariton thermalization in strongly-coupled molecular systems. We develop a microscopic theory addressing polariton thermalization through electron-phonon interactions (known as exciton-vibration coupling) with low-energy molecular vibrations. This theory presents a simple analytical method to calculate the temperature-dependent polariton thermalization rate, utilizing experimentally accessible spectral properties of bare molecules, such as the Stokes shift and temperature-dependent linewidth of photoluminescence, in conjunction with well-known parameters of optical cavities. Our findings demonstrate qualitative agreement with recent experimental reports of nonequilibrium polariton condensation in both ground and excited states, and explain the thermalization bottleneck effect observed at low temperatures. This study showcases the significance of vibrational degrees of freedom in polariton condensation and offers practical guidance for future experiments, including the selection of suitable material systems and cavity designs

    Non-Hermitian dynamics and nonreciprocity of optically coupled nanoparticles

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    Non-Hermitian dynamics, as observed in photonic, atomic, electrical, and optomechanical platforms, holds great potential for sensing applications and signal processing. Recently, fully tunable nonreciprocal optical interaction has been demonstrated between levitated nanoparticles. Here, we use this tunability to investigate the collective non-Hermitian dynamics of two nonreciprocally and nonlinearly interacting nanoparticles. We observe parity-time symmetry breaking and, for sufficiently strong coupling, a collective mechanical lasing transition, where the particles move along stable limit cycles. This work opens up a research avenue of nonequilibrium multi-particle collective effects, tailored by the dynamic control of individual sites in a tweezer array

    Shaping potential landscape for organic polariton condensates in double-dye cavities

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    We investigate active spatial control of polariton condensates independently of the polariton-, gain-inducing excitation profile. This is achieved by introducing an extra intracavity semiconductor layer, non-resonant to the cavity mode. Saturation of the optical absorption in the uncoupled layer enables the ultra-fast modulation of the effective refractive index and, through excited-state absorption, the polariton dissipation. Utilising these mechanisms, we demonstrate control over the spatial profile and density of a polariton condensate at room temperature

    Room temperature, cascadable, all-optical polariton universal gates

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    Abstract Today, almost all information processing is performed using electronic logic circuits operating at several gigahertz frequency. All-optical logic holds the promise to allow for up to three orders of magnitude higher speed. Whereas essential all-optical transistor functionalities were demonstrated across a range of platforms, utilising them to implement a complete Boolean logic gate set and in particular negation, i.e. switching off an optical signal with another, weaker, optical signal, poses a major challenge. Here, we realize a cascadable NOT gate by introducing the concept of non-ground-state polariton amplification in organic semiconductor microcavities under non-resonant optical excitation. We unravel the importance of vibron-mediated stimulated scattering in room temperature operation of the inverter. Moreover, we extend the concept to a multi-input universal NOR logic gate, where in the presence of any of the input signals non-ground-state amplification supersedes spontaneous ground-state condensation, resulting in a NOR gate with ~1 ps switching time. The realisation of an ultrafast universal logic gate constitutes an essential step for more complex optical circuitry that could boost information processing applications

    A few-minute synthesis of CsPbBr<sub>3</sub> nanolasers with a high quality factor by spraying at ambient conditions

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    Inorganic cesium lead halide perovskite nanowires, generating laser emission in the broad spectral range at room temperature and low threshold, have become powerful tools for the cutting-edge applications in the optoelectronics and nanophotonics. However, to achieve high-quality nanowires with the outstanding optical properties, it was necessary to employ long-lasting and costly methods of their synthesis, as well as postsynthetic separation and transfer procedures that are not convenient for large-scale production. Here we report a novel approach to fabricate high-quality CsPbBr3 nanolasers obtained by rapid precipitation from dimethyl sulfoxide solution sprayed onto hydrophobic substrates at ambient conditions. The synthesis technique allows producing the well-separated nanowires with a broad size distribution of 2-50 μm in 5-7 min, being the fastest method to the best of our knowledge. The formation of nanowires occurs via ligand-assisted reprecipitation triggered by intermolecular proton transfer from (CH3)2CHOH to H2O in the presence of a minor amount of water. The XRD patterns confirm an orthorhombic crystal structure of the as-grown CsPbBr3 single nanowires. Scanning electron microscopy images reveal their regular shape and truncated pyramidal end facets, while high-resolution transmission electron microscopy ones demonstrate their single-crystal structure. The lifetime of excitonic emission of the nanowires is found to be 7 ns, when the samples are excited with energy below the lasing threshold, manifesting the low concentration of defect states. The measured nanolasers of different lengths exhibit pronounced stimulated emission above 13 μJ cm-2 excitation threshold with quality factor Q = 1017-6166. Their high performance is assumed to be related to their monocrystalline structure, low concentration of defect states, and improved end facet reflectivity.</p