57 research outputs found

    Термін давності відповідно до кримінального законодавства Болгарії

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    Ukraine carries out intensive judicial cooperation in criminal matters with other European countries. A typical impediment to granting Ukrainian requests for such cooperation (e.g. extradition from another country, taking over Ukrainian criminal proceedings by the requested foreign country, recognition and enforcement of Ukrainian criminal judgments abroad) is the expiry of the time limitation period [lapse of time] not only under the Ukrainian law but also under the law of the foreign country that Ukraine requests for cooperation. The problem is that the criminal statute of limitations of most European countries is significantly different from the Ukrainian one. In view thereof, Ukrainian criminal lawyers are interested in having some general knowledge of the statute of limitations of other European countries, esp. such as Bulgaria. On the one hand, this foreign country has always been a steady partner of Ukraine in international judicial cooperation. On the other hand, the Bulgarian statute of limitations constitutes a good example of the different type of legal framework for lapse of time that requesting Ukrainian authorities shall necessarily consider.    All penal laws of the contemporary Bulgarian state contained some statute of limitations. These laws are the 1896 Penal Law (repealed), the 1951 Penal Law upgraded to the 1956 Penal Code, after the full codification of this branch of law in Bulgaria (also repealed), and the existing Penal Code of 1968.  The criminal statute of limitations outlines periods when competent state authorities have been inactive. The expiry of these periods (the lapse of time under law) extinguishes the immediate legal consequences of crimes or the punishments imposed by the court for them. In Bulgaria, the statute of limitations consists of substantive penal law provisions. This is a legislative recognition of its substantive nature. The concept that the criminal statute of limitation is a procedural legal institution has been overcome in Bulgarian theory, law and judicial practice. The statute of limitations produces procedural consequences also but they derive from its direct substantive law results as secondary effects. As in most other countries, the penal law of Bulgaria prescribes two types of limitation periods. The first one runs after the commission of the offence. It is also called 'limitation of the offence'; its expiry entails the extinction of the offender’s criminal liability preventing both the imposition of punishment on him/her and his/her conviction status as well.  The second type of limitation period occurs after the imposition of an executable punishment. It is also called 'limitation of the punishment'; its expiry entails the extinction of the punishment imposed only. It does not eliminate the fact that the offender has been convicted. Under the Bulgarian Penal Code, each of the two types of statute of limitations includes not only general time limitations but also absolute ones as well. The former is applicable when the competent state authorities have not undertaken required activities whereas the latter applies only if the competent state authorities have failed to achieve a required result, namely: the imposition of punishment on the offender or the execution of his/her punishment.Украина осуществляет интенсивное правовое сотрудничество по уголовным делам с другими европейскими странами. Типичным препятствием для удовлетворения украинских просьб о таком сотрудничестве (например, экстрадиция из другой страны, принятие украинского уголовного производства в запрашиваемой стране, признание и приведение в исполнение украинских уголовных решений за рубежом) является истечение срока давности – при том не только в соответствии с законодательством Украины, но и в соответствии с законодательством иностранного государства, которое Украина запрашивает о сотрудничестве. Проблема в том, что уголовный режим давности большинства европейских стран существенно отличается от украинского. В связи с этим украинские специалисты по уголовным делам заинтересованы в том, чтобы иметь некоторые общие знания о сроках давности в других европейских странах, особенно таких, как Болгария. С одной стороны, это государство является серьезным партнером Украины в международном судебном сотрудничестве; с другой – болгарский режим давности является подходящим представителем тех европейских правовых режимов для истечения срока давности, которые существенно отличаются от украинских. Все уголовные законы современного болгарского государства содержали определенный режим давности. Этими законами являются Уголовный закон 1896 года (отменен), Уголовный закон 1951 года, усовершенствованный до Уголовного кодекса 1956 года, после полной кодификации этой отрасли права в Болгарии (также отменен), и существующий Уголовный кодекс 1968 года. По уголовному закону срок давности составляет период бездействия компетентных государственных органов. Истечение давности гасит непосредственные правовые последствия преступлений или наказания, назначенные за них судом. В Болгарии уголовноe право регулирует давность. Это является законодательным признанием материальной природы давности. Концепция о том, что уголовная давность является процессуально-правовым институтом, была преодолена в болгарской теории, праве и судебной практике. Истечение срока давности также влечет за собой процессуальные последствия, но они вытекают из его прямых материально-правовых результатов в качестве вторичных последствий.Україна здійснює інтенсивне правове співробітництво у кримінальних справах з іншими європейськими країнами. Типовою перешкодою для задоволення українських прохань про таку співпрацю (наприклад, екстрадиція з іншої країни, прийняття українського кримінального провадження в запитуваної іноземної країни, визнання і виконання українських кримінальних рішень за кордоном) є закінчення строку давності – причому не тільки відповідно до законодавства України, а й законодавства іноземної держави, яку Україна запитує про співпрацю. Проблема в тому, що кримінальний режим давності більшості європейських країн істотно відрізняється від українського. У зв'язку з цим українські фахівці у кримінальних справах зацікавлені в тому, щоб мати деякі загальні знання про терміни давності інших європейських країн, особливо таких, як Болгарія. З одного боку, ця держава є серйозним партнером України в міжнародному судовому співробітництві; з іншого – болгарський режим давності є підходящим представником тих європейських правових режимів щодо закінчення терміну давності, які істотно відрізняються від українських. Усі кримінальні закони сучасної болгарської держави містили певний режим давності. Цими законами є Кримінальний закон 1896 р. (скасований), Кримінальний закон 1951 р., вдосконалений до Кримінального кодексу 1956 р., після повної кодифікації в цій галузі права в Болгарії (також скасований), і чинний Кримінальний кодекс 1968 р. За кримінальним законом термін давності становить період бездіяльності компетентних державних органів. Закінчення строку давності нівелює безпосередні правові наслідки злочинів або покарання, призначені за них судом. У Болгарії кримінальне право регулює давність. Це є законодавчим визнанням матеріальної природи давності. Концепція про те, що кримінальна давність є процесуально-правовим інститутом, була подолана в болгарській теорії, праві і судовій практиці. Закінчення строку давності терміну також тягне за собою процесуальні наслідки, але вони випливають із його прямих матеріально-правових результатів як вторинні наслідки

    Statute of limitations under the penal law of Bulgaria

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    Ukraine carries out intensive judicial cooperation in criminal matters with other European countries. A typical impediment to granting Ukrainian requests for such cooperation (e.g. extradition from another country, taking over Ukrainian criminal proceedings by the requested foreign country, recognition and enforcement of Ukrainian criminal judgments abroad) is the expiry of the time limitation period [lapse of time] not only under the Ukrainian law but also under the law of the foreign country that Ukraine requests for cooperation. The problem is that the criminal statute of limitations of most European countries is significantly different from the Ukrainian one. In view thereof, Ukrainian criminal lawyers are interested in having some general knowledge of the statute of limitations of other European countries, esp. such as Bulgaria. On the one hand, this foreign country has always been a steady partner of Ukraine in international judicial cooperation. On the other hand, the Bulgarian statute of limitations constitutes a good example of the different type of legal framework for lapse of time that requesting Ukrainian authorities shall necessarily consider.    All penal laws of the contemporary Bulgarian state contained some statute of limitations. These laws are the 1896 Penal Law (repealed), the 1951 Penal Law upgraded to the 1956 Penal Code, after the full codification of this branch of law in Bulgaria (also repealed), and the existing Penal Code of 1968.  The criminal statute of limitations outlines periods when competent state authorities have been inactive. The expiry of these periods (the lapse of time under law) extinguishes the immediate legal consequences of crimes or the punishments imposed by the court for them. In Bulgaria, the statute of limitations consists of substantive penal law provisions. This is a legislative recognition of its substantive nature. The concept that the criminal statute of limitation is a procedural legal institution has been overcome in Bulgarian theory, law and judicial practice. The statute of limitations produces procedural consequences also but they derive from its direct substantive law results as secondary effects. As in most other countries, the penal law of Bulgaria prescribes two types of limitation periods. The first one runs after the commission of the offence. It is also called 'limitation of the offence'; its expiry entails the extinction of the offender’s criminal liability preventing both the imposition of punishment on him/her and his/her conviction status as well.  The second type of limitation period occurs after the imposition of an executable punishment. It is also called 'limitation of the punishment'; its expiry entails the extinction of the punishment imposed only. It does not eliminate the fact that the offender has been convicted. Under the Bulgarian Penal Code, each of the two types of statute of limitations includes not only general time limitations but also absolute ones as well. The former is applicable when the competent state authorities have not undertaken required activities whereas the latter applies only if the competent state authorities have failed to achieve a required result, namely: the imposition of punishment on the offender or the execution of his/her punishment

    Surgical treatment of patients with chronic constipation - experience of Clinic of Coloproctology - Varna

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    BACKGROUND: Patients with chronic constipation can be difficult to manage either medically or surgically. We used Roma classification as criteria for including patients in our study. There are many diseases which could lead to chronic constipation. If they are treated by a surgeon, there can be obtained a permanent therapeutic effect. The group of patients with idiopathic chronic constipation couldn't obtain satisfying effect by surgical treatment, which was presided by inaccurate and embarrassed selection. Our aim is to present the results of experience of Clinic of General and Operative Surgery, Varna, Bulgaria.MATERIAL: For a period of 10 years, we have been operated 52 patients with diagnosis as morbus Pair (15 patients), megacolon (31 patients), and idiopathic chronic constipation (6 patients). The main indication for undergoing surgical treatment was the retention of more then 20% of the applied barium enema after the 5th day from irrigography. There were applied the followed operative methods: colectomy, subtotal colectomy, hemicolectomy, resection of the colon sygmoideum, anterior resection of the rectum and mobilization of the lineal flexure. We did analysis of the results. The evaluation of curativeness to applied methods was done. We followed the quality of life of our patients from 11 months to 6.2 years (median 3.2 years).CONCLUSION: The presence of organic disease is associated with very good therapeutic effect from the surgical treatment of chronic constipation. The problem with idiopathic chronic constipation remains unsolved when colectomy with ileo-recto anastomosis was undergone. The right selection of patients is a crucial factor for the success of the surgical treatment

    Local excision for early rectal cancer - is it proper surgical decision?

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    Sphincter preservation, disease control, and long-term survival are the main goals in the treatment of rectal cancer. Although transanal local excision is attractive because it is a sphincter spar ing procedure, some contradictory data exist in the literature about its ability to locally control disease and provide over all survival comparable with radical procedures, even for patients with early stage tumor. In patients with early rectal cancer (T1), local excision may be an alternative approach in highly selected patients. For more advanced rectal cancer, radical surgical resection is the treatment of choice.METHODS: We reviewed the literature to identify the current recurrence and survival rates of both techniques as well as the salvage surgery success, only 1 study was prospective, 5 were comparative, and 5 were case reports. We present a case report of a woman with local excision of rectal tumor. Five years later a rectal recurrence has showed up. We describe the case and make some conclusions.Scripta Scientifica Medica 2009; 41(2): 169-171

    Peritoneal metastases in colorectal cancer

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    Peritoneal carcinomatosis (PC) is a common evolution of cancer of the gastrointestinal tract, and has been traditionally regarded as a terminal disease with short median survival. During the last 20 years, due to its favourable oncologic results, a new loco-regional therapeutic approach, combining cytoreductive surgery with intra-operative intraperitoneal chemotherapy has achieved an important development. After liver metastatic disease, peritoneal carcinomatosis is the second most frequent cause of death in colorectal cancer patient is defined as a stage IV tumour which prognosis is the worst. The extent of peritoneal carcinomatosis is, however, difficult for assessment preoperatively, and precise evaluation is most often performed during surgical exploration. Cytoreductive surgery associated with chemotherapy for the treatment of peritoneal carcinomatosis should be performed in young patients with limited and resectable carcinomatosis, in specialized institutions involved in the management of peritoneal surface malignancies

    Postoperative follow-up of patients with liver resections on the occasion of colorectal metastases

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    Проучването обхваща 107 болни с чернодробни резекции по повод на чернодробни метастази от колоректален рак (КРР). Касае се за 54 мъже на средна възраст от 65,02 10,44 г. и за 53 жени на средна възраст от 65,13 8,48 г. Извършени са 50 би- и трисегментектомии, 45 - моносегментектомии, 20 хемихепатектомии и 5 клиновидни резекции. Установяват се различия по отношение на основните оперативни показатели, преживяемостта и смъртността на болните в зависимост от броя на резецираните чернодробни сегменти и поредността на резекцията. Препоръчва се извършването на моно- и бисегментектомии при случаите с онкохирургическа целесъобразност.The study covered 107 patients who had undergone liver resections on the occasion of colorectal cancer (CRC). There were 54 males at a mean age of 65,02 10,44 years and 53 females at a mean age of 65,13 8,48 years. Fifty bi- and trisegmentectomies, 45 monosegmentectomies, 20 hemihepatectomies and 5 wedge resections were done. Certain differences in respect of the main operative parameters, patients` survival and mortality rates in dependence on the number of resected segments and the consecutive number of the resection were established. The performance of mono- and bisegmentectomies in the cases with oncological surgical advisability was recommended

    Prognostic value of C-reactive protein in patients with liver resections on the occasion of colorectal metastases

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    Серумните концентрации на С-реактивния протеин са изследвани при 107 оперирани болни с чернодробни метастази от колоректален рак (КРР). Касае се за 54 мъже на средна възраст от 65,02 10,44 г. (между 31 и 81 г.) и за 53 жени на средна възраст от 65,13 8,48 г. (между 40 и 81 г.). Извършени са общо 120 чернодробни резекции - 50 би- и трисегментектомии, 45 - моносегментектомии, 20 хемихепатектомии и 5 клиновидни резекции. Анализирана е следоперативната преживяемост в месеци в зависимост от праговата концентрация на С-реактивния протеин от 10 mg/L. Преживяемостта е по-добра при болните с ниски предоперативни стойности на този показател. Установява се умерена корелационна зависимост (r=0,38; p<0,05) между концентрациите на С-реактивния протеин ≤10 mg/L и броя на преживените месеци след операцията. Изследването на С-реактивния протеин подпомага прогнозирането на преживяемостта на оперираните болни с чернодробни метастази от КРР.Serum C-reactive protein concentrations of 107 patients operated for colorectal cancer liver metastases were examined. It dealt with 54 males at a mean age of 65,02 10,44 years (range, 31 and 81 years) and 53 females at a mean age of 65,13 8,48 years (range, 40 and 81 years). A total of 120 liver resections such as 50 bi- and trisegmentectomies, 45 monosegmentectomies, 20 hemihepatectomies and 5 wedge resections were performed. The postoperative survival rate (in months) was analyzed depending on the threshold C-reactive protein concentration of 10 mg/L. The survival rate was better among the patients with lower preoperative values of this parameter. There was moderate correlation dependence between C-reactive protein concentrations ≤10 mg/L and the number of months survived following surgery. The examination of the C-reactive protein helps the prognostication of the survival of the apteints operated for colorectal cancer liver metastases