812 research outputs found

    Phase transition and spin-wave dispersion in quantum Hall bilayers at filling factor nu=1

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    We present an effective Hamiltonian for a bilayer quantum Hall system at filling factor ν=1\nu=1 neglecting charge fluctuations. Our model is formulated in terms of spin and pseudospin operators and is an exact representation of the system within the above approximation. We analyze its low-lying excitations in terms of spin-wave theory. Moreover we add to previous first-principle exact-diagonalization studies concentrating on the quantum phase transition seen in this system.Comment: Four pages, proceedings for EP2DS-14, Prague 200

    Diagnostic algorithm of hyperglycemia in children

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    Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie ”Grigore T.Popa”,Iaşi, România, Spitalul clinic de urgentă pentru copii “Sf.Maria”, Iaşi, RomâniaDefi nim hiperglicemia prin creşterea glicemiei a jeun peste 110 mg/dl sau printr-o glicemie oricand in cursul zilei peste 140 mg/dl. În practica pediatrică, aceste valori pot fi cauzate de anumite medicamente, de stres sau pun problema apariţiei diabetului zaharat. Dintre medicamentele care pot determina hiperglicemie menţionăm steroizii, tiazidele, hormonul de creştere şi unele antipsihotice. Acestea din urmă au fost asociate cu o incidenţă crescută a diabetului de tip 2 si cu înrăutăţirea controlului metabolic în diabetul de tip 1. Hiperglicemia de stres poate avea cauze minore, spre exemplu o infecţie de tract respirator superior, sau cauze severe, chirurgicale. Hiperglicemia din infecţiile minore poate anunţa apariţia unui diabet de tip 1 sau diabet MODY şi trebuie investigată ulterior. Dacă valorile glicemiei sunt peste 126 mg/dl a jeun şi peste 200 mg/dl în cursul zilei, se stabileşte diagnosticul de diabet zaharat. În peste 90% din cazuri, în copilărie şi adolescenţă se diagnostichează diabetul de tip 1, pe baza simptomelor tipice si prin confi rmarea patogeniei autoimune, respectiv a markerilor de autoimunitate. Există şi posibilitatea unui diabet secundar asociat anumitor afectiuni, cum ar fi fi broza chistică, talasemia, feocromocitomul sau afecţiuni genetice. Când valorile glicemiei a jeun sunt între 100-125 mg/dl, pentru a diferenţia diabetul zaharat de tip 2 de un diabet monogenic sau de un prediabet, se recomandă efectuarea testului oral de toleranţă la glucoză asociat cu determinarea hemoglobinei glicozilate A1c, a anticorpilor anticelule insulare ( ICA ), a anticorpilor antiinsulinici şi a peptidului C. În prezent, se remarcă o crestere a incidenţei diabetului zaharat de tip 2 la populatia pediatrică, şi anume la pacientii cu obezitate şi istoric familial pozitiv de obezitate şi/sau diabet de tip 2, cu valori normale sau crescute ale peptidului C şi fără autoanticorpi prezenţi. Diabetul de tip MODY apare la 2-3,5 % din cazurile de diabet zaharat, copiii având un fenotip extrem de variabil, nu prezinta autoanticorpi, iar transmiterea autosomal dominanta este demonstrata de istoricul familial de diabet la 2-3 generaţii. În concluzie, hiperglicemia la copil pune probleme de diagostic diferenţial între debutul diabetului zaharat, un diabet secundar, o hiperglicemie indusa medicamentos sau o hiperglicemie de stres.Hyperglycemia is defined as an increase of the fasting blood glucose level above 110 mg/dl or by random blood glucose level above 140 mg/dl. In pediatric practice, these values may be caused by certain medications, by stress or they may be an indication of diabetes mellitus. Here are some of the medications that may cause hyperglycemia: steroids, thiazides, growth hormone, and some antipsychotics. The latter was associated with an increased incidence of type 2 diabetes and with poor metabolic control in type 1 diabetes. Hyperglycemia caused by stress may have minor causes, for instance, an upper respiratory tract infection, or severe surgical causes. Hyperglycemia caused by minor infections may be the precursor of type 1 diabetes or of MODY diabetes and it should be further and more thoroughly analyzed. When the fasting blood glucose levels exceed 126 mg/dl and when the blood glucose levels are over 200 mg/dl at any time during the day, the diabetes mellitus diagnosis is set. Type 1 diabetes is diagnosed during childhood and adolescence in over 90% of the cases, based on specific symptoms and when confirmed by autoimmune pathogenicity, i.e. autoimmunity markers. There is also the possibility of secondary diabetes associated with certain conditions such as cystic fibrosis, thalassemia, pheochromocytoma, or genetic disorders. When fasting blood glucose levels are between 100-125 mg/dl, in order to distinguish type 2 diabetes from monogenic diabetes or from prediabetes, an oral glucose tolerance test is recommended together with the determination of glycosylated hemoglobin A1c, anti-islet cells (ICA), anti-insulin antibodies, and peptide C. Nowadays, there is an increase in the incidence of type 2 diabetes in the pediatric population, namely in patients with obesity and family history of obesity and/or type 2 diabetes, with normal or elevated C-peptide levels and no autoantibodies present. MODY diabetes occurs in 2-3.5% of the cases of diabetes, as children have a very variable phenotype, do not show autoantibodies, and dominant autosomal transmission is demonstrated by family history of diabetes in 2-3 generations. To conclude, hyperglycemia in children poses a differential diagnosis problem, as it is difficult to distinguish between the onset of diabetes mellitus, secondary diabetes, medication-induced hyperglycemia, or stress-caused hyperglycemia


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    Metabolic disorders can manifest especially in the neonatal and infant period by: hypoglycemia, heart failure, primary hyperlactacidemia, liver failure, untreatable convulsions, neurologic damage. The authors present the main manifestations of metabolic emergencies and their emergency treatment


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    Afecţiunile metabolice se pot manifesta în special în perioada de nou-născut şi sugar prin: hipoglicemie, insufi cienţă cardiacă, hiperlactacidemie primară, insufi cienţă hepatică, convulsii netratabile, deteriorare neuro logică. Autorii prezintǎ principalele manifestǎri ale urgenţelor metabolice şi tratamentul de urgenţǎ


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    Background: Dysfunction of social-cognitive abilities is one of the hallmark features of schizophrenia and is associated with neurocognition and social functioning. The Green and Nuechterlein model proposed that social cognition mediates the relationship between neurocognition and functional outcome. We tested this hypothesis in schizophrenia patients in the everyday clinical setting. Subjects and methods: Social cognition, executive function and social functioning were assessed in a group of 43 patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder using a range of measures. Results: Theory of mind was associated with executive functions and social functioning. Results of our mediation analysis suggested that the relationship between executive functions and social functioning was mediated by theory of mind. No relationships between emotion recognition and the domains of social functioning were found. Conclusions: In line with prior research, zero-order associations were found between theory of mind and social functioning. Theory of mind was a mediator of the relationships between neurocognition and social functioning. Our results suggest that theory of mind should be a potential target of interventions to improve social functioning

    Role of environmental chemicals in the development of obesity

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    Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie ”Grigore T. Popa”, Spitalul clinic de urgență pentru copii “Sf. Maria”, Iaşi, RomâniaNumeroşi factori pot avea un rol în dezvoltarea obezităţii – principala problemă de sănătate publică a secolului 21. Ipoteza mediului obezogen sugerează că expunerea prenatală şi precoce la diferite substanţe, cum ar fi chimicale, ce determină disrupţie endocrină pot predispune la creşterea masei grase şi exces ponderal. Lista chimicalelor studiate ca posibili obezogeni continuă să crească şi include dietilstilbestrolul (DES), bisfenolul A (BPA), ftalaţii, organotinele, eterii difenil-polibrominaţi (PBDEs), chimicalele polifluoroalkil (PFCs), organoclorinele (OC) pesticidele şi bifenil-policlorinatele (PCBs). Diverse mecanisme explică rolul chimicalelor obezogene, majoritatea având efecte disruptive asupra homeostaziei balanţei energetice, metabolismului glucozei şi lipidelor şi controlului adipogenezei. Aceste chimicale afectează mecanismele epigenetice, structurale şi funcţionale care controlează homeostazia energetică, metabolismul lipidic, reglarea apetitului şi adipogeneza. Expunerea la aceste chimicale are efecte diferite: în cursul perioadei fetale şi copilăriei efectele pot fi ireversibile şi pot persista in perioada de adult, iar expunerea la doze mici în cursul perioadelor critice ale diferenţierii pot schimba programarea dezvoltării şi pot cauza obezitate. Fumatul matern prenatal este asociat cu apariţia în creştere a supraponderalităţii la copil şi adolescent. Unele consecinţe asupra sănătăţii pot deveni aparente nu numai în copilărie, ci şi în perioada de adult. Alte chimicale au impact asupra retardului de creştere intrauterină, greutăţii mici la naştere şi prematurităţii, fi ind documentate ca factori predispozanţi ai obezităţii. Concluzie. Obezitatea epidemică ar putea fi considerată o boală complexă multifactorială. Efectul potenţial al chimicalelor asupra dezvoltării obezităţii este mare şi sunt necesare mai multe studii asupra expunerii chimice în timpul dezvoltării pre- şi perinatale şi apariţiei obezităţii mai târziu.Numerous factors may have a role in the development of obesity - the principal public health disease of the 21st century. The environmental obesogen hypothesis suggests that prenatal or early-life exposure to certain substances as endocrine- disrupting chemicals may predispose individuals to increased fat mass and excess weight. The list of chemicals studied as possible obesogens continues to grow and includes diethylstilbestrol (DES), bisphenol A (BPA), phthalates, organotins, polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), polyfluoroalkyl chemicals (PFCs), organochlorine (OC) pesticides, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Diverse mechanisms explained the role of obesogen chemicals, the majority having disruptive effects on the homeostasis of energy balance, glucose and lipid metabolism, and control of adipogenesis. These chemicals disrupt some epigenetic, structural, and functional mechanisms, which control energy homeostasis, lipid metabolism, appetite regulation, and adipogenesis Exposure to these chemicals has different effects: during fetal and infancy periods may be irreversible and long-lasting for adulthood and exposure to low doses during critical times of differentiation can change the developmental programming and may result in obesity. Prenatal maternal smoking is associated with increased occurrence of overweight among children and early adolescents. Such health consequences may become apparent not only in childhood but also in adulthood. Other chemicals have an impact on intrauterine growth retardation, low birth weight, and prematurity which are documented as predisposing factors for obesity. Conclusion. The obesity epidemic should be considered a multifactorial complex disorder. The potential effect of chemicals on the developmental programming of obesity is great and there are necessary more studies on chemical exposures during pre- and perinatal development to assess later obesity

    Детская раняя эпилептическая энцефалопатия - синдром Ohtahara

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    Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie ”Gr.T.Popa” Iaşi, Clinica a III-a PediatrieThe Ohtahara syndrome is a rare epileptic encephalopathy characterized by tonic seizures with onset in the first days of life and a typical EEG pattern of ,,suppression burst”. The authors present eight patients diagnosed with Ohtahara syndrome based on electro-clinical aspects. In all cases the neuro-imaging brain exploring showed major structural brain abnormalities. The antiepileptic medications could not achieve seizures control in any of the children. The prognosis was poor, 3 patients died in infancy and the rest had severe motor and mental retardation.Ohtahara синдром является редкой эпилептической энцефалопатиеи и характеризуется тоническими судорогами с началом в первые дни жизни, сопровождается ЭЭГ тип шаблона, „взрыв подавления”. Авторы представляют восемь пациентов с диагнозом синдром Ohtahara на основе электро-клинических аспектов. Изучение мозга нейровизуализации во всех случаях показало основные аномалия структур мозга. АЭП не смогли добиться контроля над приступами. 3 пациента умерли в младенчестве, а остальные 5 имели тяжелую психомоторную отсталость

    Mechanisms of Oncogene Activation

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    The main modifications that characterize cancer are represented by alterations in oncogenes, tumor-suppressor genes, and non-coding RNA genes. Most of these alterations are somatic and the process is a multistep one. Tumors often arise from an initial transformed cell, and after subsequent genetic alterations different cytogenetically clones lead to tumor heterogeneity

    Соображения, касающиеся менеджмента медицинских услуг больным сахарным диабетом

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    Chronic disease transformed the patient-doctor relationship into a long-term one ensuring the continuity of healthcare. The questionnaire PACIC (Patient Assessment of Chronic Illness Care) has the aim to measure the structuring of provided healthcare. We will present the Romanian version of PACIC, which is now in the phase of pre-testing and cognitive interviewing.Хроническое заболевание превратило отношение врач – пациент в долгосрочные отношения, обеспечивая непрерывность медицинской помощи. Целью анкеты PACIC (Patient Assessment of Chronic Illness Care – Оценка пациентом медицинских услуг при хроническом заболевании) является определение степени структурирования оказываемых медицинских услуг. В нашем исследовании мы представляем разработанный на румынском языке вариант, который в настоящее время находится на этапе предварительного испытания и когнитивного интервью


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    Liver disease is an early complication in children with cystic fi brosis (CF).The clinical manifestations in hepatobiliary disease of CF include neonatal cholestasis, liver steatosis, liver fi brosis, biliary lithiasis, focal biliary cirrhosis and multilobular cirrhosis, with or without portal hypertension. Changes in the tests evaluating the liver function are inconsistent and are not correlated with the severity of the liver lesions. The diagnosis of liver disease in CF requires the presence of at least two of the following four diagnosis criteria:clinical manifestations, pathologic liver function tests, ultrasound and histologic changes.The annual follow-up to evaluate the liver function is s recommended for diagnosis of asymptomatic liver disease and early initiation of treatment with ursodeoxycholic acid.The improvement of the liver function infl uences life quality and increases the survival rate in patients with CF