7 research outputs found

    Utjecaj crvene protuinsektne fotoselektivne mreže na generativne i vegetativne karakteristike jabuke \u27Granny smith\u27

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    Anti-insect photoselective nets present a new technology that combines light manipulation and pest protection in orchards. In this study, the effect of the anti-insect photoselective red net on the generative and vegetative traits was studied in an apple orchard near the city of Zadar, Croatia. \u27Granny Smith\u27 apples were grown on M9 rootstock and raised as slender spindles. The experiment consisted of two treatments: the trees covered with the red photoselective anti-insect nets (AGRITECH S. r. l., Eboli, Italy; mesh size of 2.4 Ɨ 4.8 mm) and uncovered trees as control. Yield, percentage of fruit with diameter >70 mm and fruit mass were not significantly different between treatments. L* color value was higher on fruit skin grown under the red net, and there was no significant difference in other color values (a*, b*, C* and hĀ°). Soluble solids concentration (SSC) and total flavonoid content were significantly lower in fruit grown under red net than in control, and there was no significant difference in titratable acidity (TA), SSC/TA ratio, starch degradation and Streif maturity index. Red net proved to be effective against fruit red blush development (undesirable trait for \u27Granny Smith\u27 apple) and sunburn damage occurrence.Protuinsektne fotoselektivne mreže predstavljaju novu tehnologiju koja istovremeno kombinira manipulaciju svjetlom i zaÅ”titu od Å”tetnika. U voćnjaku jabuka pokraj Zadra (Hrvatska) istraživan je utjecaj crvene protuinsektne fotoselektivne mreže na generativne i vegetativne parametre jabuke \u27Granny Smith\u27. Jabuke su uzgajane na M9 podlozi te su imale uzgojni oblik vretenastoga grma. Istraživanje se sastojalo od dvaju tretmana: stabla prekrivena crvenom protuinsektnom fotoselektivnom mrežom (AGRITECH S. r. l., Eboli, Italija; veličina okca od 2.4 Ɨ 4.8 mm) i nepokrivena stabla kao kontrola. Prirod, udio plodova s promjerom >70 mm i masa plodova nisu se signifikantno razlikovali između tretmana. Jabuke uzgajane ispod crvene mreže imale su signifikantno veću L* vrijednost parametra boje kožice, dok za ostale parametre boje nije zabilježena signifikantna razlika (a*, b*, C* i hĀ°). Sadržaj topljive suhe tvari (TST) i ukupni sadržaj flavonoida bio je signifikantno niži u jabukama uzgajanima ispod crvene mreže, dok nije zabilježen signifikantan utjecaj crvene mreže na titracijsku kiselost (TA), TST / TA, stupanj razgradnje Å”kroba i indeks zrelosti (Streif). Primjena crvene mreže pokazala se vrlo djelotvornom u smanjenju pojavnosti dopunskoga crvenila (koje je kod jabuke \u27Granny Smith\u27 nepoželjno svojstvo) i ožegotina od sunca na plodovima

    Influence of reflective groundcover on physico-chemical properties of \u27\u27Wilton\u27s Ā®Red Jonaprince\u27 apples

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    Fizikalno-kemijska svojstva značajan su čimbenik u procjeni kvalitete i tržiÅ”ne vrijednosti plodova jabuke. U intenzivnoj proizvodnji jabuke teži se primjeni novijih tehnologija u cilju poboljÅ”anja kvalitete ploda. Cilj rada bio je utvrditi utjecaj reflektirajuće folije Lumilysā„¢ na fizikalno - kemijska svojstva plodova jabuke sorte \u27Wilton\u27s Ā®Red Jonaprince\u27 nakon berbe i nakon 18 tjedana čuvanja u uvjetima normalne atmosfere. Reflektirajuća folija postavljena je u nasadu između redova istraživane sorte četiri do Å”est tjedana prije berbe, a kontrolu su činili redovi bez folije. Plodovi su ubrani u optimalnom roku berbe i potom su analizirani boja, masa i dimenzije plodova, tvrdoća, indeks razgradnje Å”kroba, udio topljive suhe tvari i ukupnih kiselina. Analizom kromatskih vrijednosti prema CIE L*a*b sustavu boja utvrđeno je da su plodovi sa stabala gdje je unutar redova bila postavljena reflektirajuća folija imali veći intenzitet crvene boje, a manji intenzitet zelene boje. Reflektirajuća folija je pozitivno utjecala na tvrdoću, udio topljive suhe tvari i indeks razgradnje Å”kroba. Plodovi koji su čuvani 18 tjedana u uvjetima normalne atmosfere pokazali su neÅ”to veći kalo, manji udio topljive suhe tvari i veću tvrdoću. Reflektirajuća folija Lumilysā„¢ pokazala je pozitivan utjecaj na fizikalno-kemijska svojstva plodova istraživane sorte Å”to upućuje na njen potencijal u postizanju standarda kvalitete plodova jabuka.Physical and chemical characteristics are a significant factor in assessing the quality and market value of apple fruit. In intensive apple production, new technologies are b eing a pplied t o i mprove t he f ruit q uality. T he a im o f t his work was t o determine influence of the reflective groundcover Lumilysā„¢ on physical and chemical characteristics of apple fruits cv. \u27Wilton\u27s Ā®Red Jonaprince\u27 after harvest and after 18 weeks of storage under normal atmospheric conditions. Reflective groundcover was placed in the plantation between the rows of the examined cultivars, four to six weeks before harvest, and the control was made of non - groundcover rows. The fruits were harvested in the optimal harvesting time and then the color, mass and size of fruits, firmness, starch degradation index, the soluble solids content and total acids were analyzed . By analysis of chromatic values it was found that the products of trees where reflective groundcover was placed within rows had a higher intensity of red color and lower intensity of green color by the CIE L*a*b color system. Reflective groundcover had a positive effect on the significantly higher firmness, the proportion of soluble solids content and the lowest starch degradation index. There was no significant difference in the part of total acids between the treatmants. The fruits that were stored for 18 weeks under normal atmosphere showed a slightly higher loss of fruit weight, lower proportion of soluble solids content and higher firmness. Reflective groundcover Lumilysā„¢ showed a positive effect on physical and chemical characteristics of the fruits of the tested cultivars, which indicates its potential in achieving apple fruits quality standards

    Overview of the plant protection products and other products suitable for organic production

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    EkoloÅ”ka sredstva za zaÅ”titu bilja 2022. sadrži pregled amaterskih i profesionalnih sredstava za zaÅ”titu bilja, ojačivača, feromona, repelenata i drugih proizvoda pogodnih za koriÅ”tenje u ekoloÅ”koj proizvodnji. U pregledu su navedene formulacije, djelatne tvari, proizvođač/distributer te način primjene proizvoda. S obzirom da je ekoloÅ”ka proizvodnja zahtjevna, te je potrebno koristiti certificirane proizvode, preporuka je unaprijed tražiti eko certifikat od proizvođača ili trgovca. Svaka primjena sredstava za zaÅ”titu bilja, kao i drugih proizvoda na bilo koji drugi način od navedenog u uputi za koriÅ”tenje i na etiketi obavlja se isključivo na vlastitu odgovornost.Organic plant protection 2022. contains overview of both amateur and professional plant protection products, enhancers, pheromones, repellents and other products suitable for use in organic production. The formulation, the active substance, the manufacturer / distributor and the way of applying the products are listed in the overview. Since organic production is demanding and use of certified products is needed, the recommendation is to require an eco-certificate from the manufacturer or dealer in advance. Any application of plant protection products as well as other products in any manner other than specified in the instructions for use and on the label shall be considered performed exclusively at one\u27s own risk

    Variability of leaf and fruit strawberry tree populations in Dalmatia

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    Planika (Arbutus unedo L.) je voćna vrsta koja se može pronaći na području Sredozemlja. Ima različite uloge u komercijalnom smislu, te je stoga posljednjih godina postala značajna biljna vrsta za proučavanje. Kako bi se u potpunosti iskoristila njena uporabna vrijednost, potrebno je provesti različita istraživanja njenog potencijala za Å”to uspjeÅ”niji uzgoj. Cilj ovog rada je bilo utvrditi varijabilnost morfometrijskih svojstava lista i ploda različitih jedinki planika s područja sjeverne, srednje i južne Dalmacije. Fizikalnom i morfometrijskom analizom biljnog materijala dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na razlike istraživanih svojstava između jedinki. Najmanja varijabilnost između jedinki utvrđena je za indeks oblika ploda (IOP), a najveća varijabilnost za masu ploda. Analizom plodova WinSEEDLETM sustavom utvrđeno je da su najmanje varijabilni omjer Å”irine i duljine ploda (W2) i koeficijent oblika ploda (PFC), a najviÅ”e zakrivljenost ploda (CS) i volumen ploda s kružnim presjekom (SV). Analizom listova WinFOLIATM sustavom, najmanji varijacijski koeficijent utvrđen je za duljinu plojke mjerene od osnove plojke do mjesta najveće Å”irine plojke/duljina plojke (PMPW/BL), koeficijent oblika (FC), vertikalna duljina (VL) i opseg lista (LP),a najveći varijacijski koeficijent utvrđen za povrÅ”inu lista (LA). U odnosu na sjevernu, srednju i južnu Dalmaciju, jedinke sa područja sjeverne Dalmacije pokazuju neÅ”to viÅ”i stupanj varijabilnosti za većinu mjerenih značajki. Takvi dobiveni skupni podaci bi mogli imati značajnu ulogu u otkrivanju novih genotipova koji bi doprinijeli uvođenju planike kao značajne komercijalne vrste na području Dalmacije.Strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo L.) is fruit species that can be found in the Mediterranean area, it has different role in commercial sense, therefore in recent years has become an important plant species for studying. To exploit its fully value use, it is necessary to carry out various studies in order to explore its fully potential and deliver more successful breeding. The aim of this study was to determine the variability of morphometric properties from leaf and fruit by different individuals of strawberry tree from the territories of northern, central and southern Dalmatia. Based on the analysis of physical and morphometric properties of plant material, results indicate differences of the studying properties between individuals. The minimum variability between individuals is determined for the fruit shape indeks (FSI), and the largest variability for fruit weight. Analysis of the fruit with WinSEEDLETM system found that least variable are ratio of the width and length of the fruit (W2) and fruit shape coefficient (PFC) but the more variable are curvature of the fruit (CS) and volume of fruit with a circular cross section (SV). Analysis of the leafs with WinFOLIATM system, the lowest coefficient of variation is determined by the length of the leaf blade measured from the base of the leaf blade to the place as wide leaf blade / length of leaf blade (PMPW / BL), coefficient of shape (FC), the vertical length (VL) and scale leaf (LP), and the highest coefficient of variation determined for leaf area (LA). In comparison the northern, central and southern Dalmatia, individuals from the region of northern Dalmatia show slightly higher level of variability for most of the measured functions.Such summarized data could have significant role in the discovery of new genotypes that could contribute to the implantation of strawberry tree as significant commercial species on the territory of Dalmatia

    Monitoring System for <i>Leucoptera malifoliella</i> (O. Costa, 1836) and Its Damage Based on Artificial Neural Networks

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    The pear leaf blister moth is a significant pest in apple orchards. It causes damage to apple leaves by forming circular mines. Its control depends on monitoring two events: the flight of the first generation and the development of mines up to 2 mm in size. Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop two models using artificial neural networks (ANNs) and two monitoring devices with cameras for the early detection of L. malifoliella (Pest Monitoring Device) and its mines on apple leaves (Vegetation Monitoring Device). To train the ANNs, 400 photos were collected and processed. There were 4700 annotations of L. malifoliella and 1880 annotations of mines. The results were processed using a confusion matrix. The accuracy of the model for the Pest Monitoring Device (camera in trap) was more than 98%, while the accuracy of the model for the Vegetation Monitoring Device (camera for damage) was more than 94%, all other parameters of the model were also satisfactory. The use of this comprehensive system allows reliable monitoring of pests and their damage in real-time, leading to targeted pest control, reduction in pesticide residues, and a lower ecological footprint. Furthermore, it could be adopted for monitoring other Lepidopteran pests in crop production

    Suor Angelica et autres sœurs (komorni ansambl i solisti Muzičke akademije u Zagrebu, 11.2.2021.)

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    Snimka izvedbe održane na Muzičkoj akademiji u Koncertnoj dvorani "Blagoje Bersa" 11.2.2021. Na projektu postavljanja opere sudjelovale su četiri sastavnice SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu: Muzička akademija, Akademija dramske umjetnosti, Akademija likovnih umjetnosti i Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje. Izvođači: studenti solo pjevanja: Marija Salečić, Marko Antolković, Ines GrubiÅ”ić, Lucija Klarić, Maja Sremec, Neža Vasle, Vlatka Kladarić, Lucija Ercegovac, Stefani Pijetlović, Patricija Žudetić, Tea Zec, Ana Majdak, Petra Cik, Barbara Pijetlović; komorni ansambl: Barbara Tomić (flauta, piccolo), Andrea Pedron (udaraljke), Petra BariÅ”ić (harfa), Ellen Å iroka (harfa), Dubravko Ćepulić Polgar (orgulje), Ivana Hrkać (pozitiv), Marko Glogović (violina), Edita Kolovrat (violina), Filip Kojundžić (viola), Lana-Lucija Horvatić (violončelo); umjetničko vodstvo: Mladen Tarbuk; dirigent: Mateo Narančić; redatelj: Matthias Behrends. Program: Suor Angelica et autres sœurs, pasticcio-opera sastavljena od glazbe skladatelja različitih stilskih razdoblja (Puccini, Poulenc, Mozart, Barber, Klose, Hindemith, Hildegard von Bingen, Caplet, Tarbuk, Ravel) prema romanu Veronike Peters "Å to sve stane u dva kofera"

    Suor Angelica et autres sœurs (komorni ansambl i solisti Muzičke akademije SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu, 11. 2. 2021.)

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    Snimka izvedbe održane na Muzičkoj akademiji u Koncertnoj dvorani "Blagoje Bersa" 11. 2. 2021. Na projektu postavljanja opere sudjelovale su četiri sastavnice SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu: Muzička akademija, Akademija dramske umjetnosti, Akademija likovnih umjetnosti i Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje. Izvođači: studenti solo pjevanja (Marija Salečić, Marko Antolković, Ines GrubiÅ”ić, Lucija Klarić, Maja Sremec, Neža Vasle, Vlatka Kladarić, Lucija Ercegovac, Stefani Pijetlović, Patricija Žudetić, Tea Zec, Ana Majdak, Petra Cik, Barbara Pijetlović), komorni ansambl (Barbara Tomić (flauta, piccolo), Andrea Pedron (udaraljke), Petra BariÅ”ić (harfa), Ellen Å iroka (harfa), Dubravko Ćepulić Polgar (orgulje), Ivana Hrkać (pozitiv), Marko Glogović (violina), Edita Kolovrat (violina), Filip Kojundžić (viola), Lana-Lucija Horvatić (violončelo)). Umjetničko vodstvo: red. prof. art. Mladen Tarbuk. Dirigent: Mateo Narančić. Redatelj: Matthias Behrends. Program: Suor Angelica et autres sœurs, pasticcio-opera sastavljena od glazbe skladatelja različitih stilskih razdoblja (Puccini, Poulenc, Mozart, Barber, Klose, Hindemith, Hildegard von Bingen, Caplet, Tarbuk, Ravel) prema romanu Veronike Peters "Å to sve stane u dva kofera"