375 research outputs found
Injection de style par blanchissage et coloration dans un réseau génératif profond
Dans la gĂ©nĂ©ration et la manipulation d'images basĂ©es sur les GANs, l'injection de style par Adaptive Instance Normalization (AdaIN) est devenue la norme pour paramĂ©trer la gĂ©nĂ©ration avec une reprĂ©sentation latente du domaine des images. AdaIN fonctionne en modulant les statistiques des caractĂ©ristiques de l'image : il normalise d'abord les caractĂ©ristiques en soustrayant leur moyenne et en divisant par leur Ă©cart type puis injecte un vecteur de style par l'inverse de cette opĂ©ration. Bien que cette mĂ©thode ait Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e avec succĂšs dans une variĂ©tĂ© de scĂ©narios de traduction d'image Ă image, la reprĂ©sentation statistique d'AdaIN est limitĂ©e en ce qu'elle ne tient pas compte des corrĂ©lations entre les caractĂ©ristiques. Cependant, dans la littĂ©rature du transfert de style, la transformation par blanchiment et coloration (Whitening & Coloring Transformation WCT) est devenue l'approche privilĂ©giĂ©e, car elle prend compte de l'existence de ces corrĂ©lations. Toutefois, malgrĂ© ses bonnes performances en matiĂšre de transfert de style, l'utilisation du WCT n'a jusqu'Ă prĂ©sent pas Ă©tĂ© explorĂ©e de maniĂšre approfondie dans le contexte de l'injection de style. Dans ce travail, nous comblons cette lacune en remplaçant AdaIN par une opĂ©ration de WCT explicite pour l'injection de style dans les GAN. Plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment, nous introduisons un module qui peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ© en remplacement des blocs AdaIN (sans changement additionnel) dans les architectures GAN populaires existantes et prĂ©sentons son impact sur les tĂąches de gĂ©nĂ©ration. Effectivement, dans la gĂ©nĂ©ration d'images conditionnelles, oĂč l'espace latent est destinĂ© Ă reprĂ©senter le style des images, nous constatons que le blanchiment aide Ă s'assurer que l'espace n'encode que des informations stylistiques, ce qui permet au contenu de l'image conditionnelle d'ĂȘtre plus visible. Nous dĂ©montrons les performances de notre mĂ©thode dans deux scĂ©narios : 1) dans un context d'entraĂźnement supervisĂ© Ă l'aide du jeu de donnĂ©es Google Maps et 2) en ayant recours Ă l'architecture StarGANv2 multi-domaine et multi-modale dans une situation d'entraĂźnement non-supervisĂ© et ce en utilisant le jeu de donnĂ©es Animal Faces-HQ (AFHQ).In the GAN-based images generation and manipulation domain, style injection by Adaptive Instance Normalization (AdaIN) has become the standard method to allow the generation with a latent representation of the image domain. AdaIN works by modulating the statistics of the characteristics of the image: it first normalizes the characteristics by subtracting their mean and dividing by their standard deviation then it injects a style vector by the reverse of this operation. Although this method has been used successfully in a variety of image-to-image translation scenarios, the statistical representation of AdaIN is limited in that it does not take into account the existing correlations between the features. However, in the style transfer literature, the transformation by whitening and coloring (Whitening & Coloring Transformation WCT) has become the preferred approach because it takes into account the existence of these correlations. Yet, despite its good performance in terms of style transfer, the use of WCT has so far not been explored in depth in the style injection literature. In this work, we fill this gap by replacing AdaIN by an explicit operation of WCT for style injection in GAN. More specifically, we introduce a module that can be used as a replacement for the AdaIN blocks (without any additional change) in the existing popular GAN architectures and we present its impact on generation tasks. Indeed, in the conditional image generation task, where the latent space is intended to represent the style of the images, we find that whitening helps ensure that the space encodes only stylistic information which allows the content of the input image to be more visible. We demonstrate the performance of our method in two scenarios: 1) in a supervised training context using the Google Maps dataset and 2) using multi-domain and multi-modal StarGANv2 architecture in an unsupervised training setup using the Animal Faces-HQ (AFHQ) dataset
Les organisations d'économie sociale collaboratives : analyse des facteurs liés à leur démarrage au Québec
Lâimplantation dâorganisations dâĂ©conomie sociale et le dĂ©veloppement de pratiques de consommation collaboratives contribuent Ă lâĂ©tablissement dâun systĂšme Ă©conomique durable permettant autant de rĂ©duire la pression sur lâenvironnement que de renforcer les liens au sein des communautĂ©s. Afin de favoriser lâimplantation de ce type dâorganisation, il faut tenir compte des facteurs qui influencent leur processus de prĂ©dĂ©marrage et de dĂ©marrage. Pour cette raison, une enquĂȘte a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e auprĂšs de six entrepreneurs quĂ©bĂ©cois pour identifier les difficultĂ©s Ă surmonter ou les Ă©lĂ©ments ayant facilitĂ© le processus de lancement de leur organisation. Lâobjectif de cet essai est de formuler des recommandations qui permettront aux dĂ©cideurs politiques, gestionnaires et aspirants entrepreneurs dâamĂ©liorer leur approche face Ă ce type dâorganisation afin de favoriser leur Ă©closion au QuĂ©bec.
Lâanalyse des entretiens dĂ©montre quâil est critique pour les organisations dâĂ©conomie sociale collaboratives dâattirer des utilisateurs autour du projet et de les mobiliser. Pour ce faire, les entrepreneurs ont dĂ» Ă©laborer un modĂšle dâaffaires qui propose un service abordable et professionnel oĂč lâinteraction avec les individus est centrale, ainsi quâune structure organisationnelle bien dĂ©finie qui offre aux utilisateurs lâopportunitĂ© de sâimpliquer activement dans le projet. De plus, lâĂ©tablissement de partenariats doit ĂȘtre prĂ©conisĂ© afin de donner de la visibilitĂ© au projet, ainsi que pour bĂątir une crĂ©dibilitĂ© auprĂšs de la communautĂ© locale et des organismes dâaccompagnement, dâautant plus que ces organisations peuvent fournir une aide financiĂšre et technique cruciale aux entrepreneurs. MalgrĂ© ceci, les barĂšmes des organismes dâaccompagnement et la rĂ©glementation en vigueur semblent peu adaptĂ©s aux nouveaux modĂšles dâaffaires collaboratifs, ce qui peut nuire Ă leur dĂ©veloppement.
Ă partir de ces rĂ©sultats, il est recommandĂ© aux dĂ©cideurs politiques dâappuyer officiellement ces initiatives en dĂ©veloppant notamment des partenariats publics-privĂ©s, ainsi quâen assouplissant la rĂ©glementation liĂ©e Ă lâĂ©mission de permis pour ce type dâentreprise. Pour les entrepreneurs, il est suggĂ©rĂ© de solliciter lâaide dâexperts lors de lâĂ©laboration de leur projet auprĂšs dâincubateurs, dâinitiatives collaboratives ou autres organismes. Enfin, il leur est conseillĂ© de dĂ©limiter les pouvoirs des gestionnaires, de dĂ©finir les tĂąches et de former les utilisateurs engagĂ©s afin d'inciter la cohĂ©sion et lâefficacitĂ© au sein de leurs organisations et pour assurer la qualitĂ© des services offerts
Essais dans un aquifĂšre Ă partir de stimulations dans le puits
RĂSUMĂ La gestion de lâeau des eaux souterraines nĂ©cessite de connaitre prĂ©cisĂ©ment les caractĂ©ristiques (la transmissivitĂ© et lâemmagasinement) de lâaquifĂšre qui la contient. Aujourdâhui, seuls les essais de pompage sont frĂ©quemment utiliser afin dâobtenir ces valeurs sur une grande Ă©chelle. Ils nĂ©cessitent la mise en place dâun puits et de plusieurs piĂ©zomĂštres, lâutilisation dâune pompe et un dĂ©lai de rĂ©alisation parfois long. Des mĂ©thodes existent afin de traiter les variations du rabattement, mais elles concernent des cas idĂ©aux, en considĂ©rant par exemple que le diamĂštre des piĂ©zomĂštres et du puits est nul. De plus, il serait intĂ©ressant de dĂ©velopper une autre mĂ©thode, indĂ©pendante des essais de pompage, afin dâĂ©valuer les paramĂštres de lâaquifĂšre. Le prĂ©sent mĂ©moire se penche donc Ă la fois sur lâĂ©tude de lâinfluence des tuyaux lors dâessai de pompage, et la mise en place, via une analyse numĂ©rique, dâessais de propagation dâune onde de pression sinusoĂŻdale. Des Ă©tudes ont montrĂ© que les piĂ©zomĂštres et le puits influencent lâĂ©volution du rabattement mesurĂ© due Ă lâeau qui y est initialement stockĂ©e, Ă leur temps de rĂ©ponse. Les mĂ©thodes conventionnelles dâanalyse du rabattement (Theis, Cooper Jacob) donnent alors des valeurs dâemmagasinement supĂ©rieures et de transmissivitĂ© infĂ©rieures aux valeurs rĂ©elles. Des mĂ©thodes ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©es afin de tenir compte de ces phĂ©nomĂšnes, mais jamais en Ă©tudiant leur influence conjointe.
Deux campagnes dâessais de pompage ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es sur un site instrumentĂ©. Pour chaque campagne deux essais ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©s : lâun sans obturateur, le second avec obturateur. Les obturateurs sont des tubes pleins, utilisĂ©s pour les essais de choc hydraulique par exemple, qui permettent dâisoler les piĂ©zomĂštres de la pression atmosphĂ©rique, et que les variations de pression dans lâaquifĂšre soit reflĂ©tĂ©es par une variation de pression dans le piĂ©zomĂštre. Les rĂ©sultats des essais avec et sans obturateur ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©s et montrent une nette diffĂ©rence dans le comportement du rabattement. Lâanalyse montre que les transmissivitĂ©s dĂ©terminĂ©es par les deux essais sont proches, alors que les emmagasinements sont diffĂ©rents. De plus, ils Ă©voluent tous les deux en fonction de la distance au puits. Ainsi les transmissivitĂ©s sont plus faibles proches du puits, alors que lâemmagasinement est plus Ă©levĂ©, ce qui est plus marquĂ© dans le cas sans obturateur quâavec obturateurs. On retrouve alors lâinfluence du temps de rĂ©ponse des piĂ©zomĂštres, qui influencent principalement la valeur de la transmissivitĂ©, et celle de âemmagasinement des tuyaux, qui influence la valeur de lâemmagasinement, les obturateurs permettant de limiter cette derniĂšre. Quant au temps de retard, il est en grande partie dĂ» au fait que les piĂ©zomĂštres ne sont pas crĂ©pinĂ©s sur toute leur hauteur.
Un modĂšle numĂ©rique a Ă©tĂ© mis en place sur SEEP afin dâanalyser les essais terrains et modĂ©liser lâinfluence des paramĂštres sur les rĂ©sultats. Trois sĂ©ries de simulations ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es : lâune en ne considĂ©rant ni le temps de retard, ni lâemmagasinement des tuyaux, la seconde, en considĂ©rant uniquement lâemmagasinement des tuyaux, et la troisiĂšme en considĂ©rant les deux phĂ©nomĂšnes. Les rĂ©sultats montrent quâil est possible seulement dans le cas considĂ©rant les deux phĂ©nomĂšnes, dâobtenir des courbes similaires Ă celles des essais terrains et dâainsi crĂ©er un modĂšle correspondant Ă la situation in situ. En complĂ©ment des essais de pompage, il est possible dâutiliser des essais de propagation dâune onde sinusoĂŻdale. Ils sont basĂ©s sur lâĂ©tude de la variation de la charge dans les piĂ©zomĂštres, induite par une onde dâamplitude et de phase connue. Ces mĂ©thodes ont Ă©tĂ© initialement utilisĂ©es dans les aquifĂšres cĂŽtiers, en utilisant la marĂ©e comme source du signal. De nombreuses solutions thĂ©oriques existent pour diffĂ©rentes configurations de systĂšme cĂŽtier. Par extension, en appliquant un signal de caractĂ©ristiques connues dans un puits, on peut obtenir les valeurs des paramĂštres de lâaquifĂšre, en utilisant une solution thĂ©orique, la variation dâamplitude et celle du dĂ©phasage.
Une solution analytique considĂ©rant un aquifĂšre Ă nappe captive, tenant compte du rayon du puits de pompage, a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e comme base de lâĂ©tude numĂ©rique. DiffĂ©rentes configurations ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©es, afin dâĂ©valuer lâinfluence de la conductivitĂ© hydraulique et de lâemmagasinement de lâaquifĂšre, et celle des paramĂštres de lâonde dâentrĂ©e. De plus, deux mĂ©thodes ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©es afin dâobtenir une valeur de la diffusivitĂ© de lâaquifĂšre Ă partir des essais terrains. La premiĂšre, graphique, permet de valider le choix des paramĂštres de lâonde dans le puits et dâestimer rapidement la diffusivitĂ©, alors que la seconde, numĂ©rique, permet de calculer la diffusivitĂ© Ă partir de lâamplitude ou du dĂ©phasage. Cette analyse a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tendue Ă deux cas plus rĂ©alistes : le systĂšme dâaquifĂšre et lâaquifĂšre en pente. Le premier cas montre que les aquitards entourant la couche Ă nappe captive Ă©tudiĂ©e ont une grande influence sur la propagation de lâonde et doivent ĂȘtre pris en compte pendant lâanalyse. Le second cas montre que dans la couche Ă nappe captive, lâonde garde le mĂȘme comportement sur toute sa hauteur, et quâil est juste nĂ©cessaire de faire attention Ă lâendroit oĂč se situe la limite entre les deux couches. ----------ABSTRACT The management of groundwater implies to know precisely the characteristics transmissivity and storage) of the aquifer. They require the establishment of a well and several piezometers, the use of a pump and last sometimes for a very long time. Methods exist to treat the variations of the hydraulic head, but they relate to ideal cases, considering for example that the diameter of the piezometers and well is zero. Moreover, it would be interesting to develop another method, independent of pumping tests to assess the parameters of the aquifer. This submission therefore focuses on both the study of the influence of pipe during pumping tests, and the establishment, through a numerical analysis, of a test using the propagation of a sinusoidal pressure wave. Studies have shown that the piezometers and wells influence the evolution of the measured drawdown due to their storage and to their response time. The conventional methods of analysis of the drawdown (Theis, Cooper Jacob) give higher values of storage and lower values of transmissivity than the real values. Methods have been developed to take into account these two phenomena, but never by studying their combined influence. Two pumping test campaigns were conducted on an instrumented site. For each campaign, two tests were conducted: one without packer, the second with packers. The packers are full tubes, used for hydraulic shock tests for example, which can isolate piezometers from the atmospheric pressure, and which permits the pressure variations in the aquifer to be reflected by a variation of pressure in the piezometer. The test results with and without packers were compared and show a marked difference in the behavior of the drawdown. The analysis shows that the transmissivity determined by the two tests are similar, while the storage is different. Moreover, they vary according to the distance from the well. Thus, the transmissivity is lower near the well, while the storage is higher, which is more pronounced in the case without packer than with packers. Then, the response time of the piezometers mainly affects the value of the transmissivity and the storage of the pipes influences the value of the storage, the use of packers can limit this latter effect. The response time is largely due to the fact that piezometers are not fully penetrating.
A numerical model has been implemented on SEEP to analyze the pumping tests and model the influence of the storage of the pipes and the time response on the results. Three sets of simulations were conducted: one by not considering either the delay time or the storage of the pipes, the second, by considering only the storage of the pipes, and the third by considering the two phenomena. The results show that only in the case with the two phenomena, it is possible to obtain curves similar to those of field drawdown. Testing wave propagation is based on the study of variation of the hydraulic head in the piezometers, induced by a wave, with known amplitude and phase shift. These methods are already used in coastal aquifers, using the tide as a source signal. Many theoretical solutions exist for different configurations of the coastal system. By extension, applying a signal of known characteristics in a well, we can obtain the parameters of the aquifer, using a theoretical solution, the variation of the amplitude and the phase shift. An analytical solution considering a confined aquifer and taking into account the radius of the pumping well has been used as a basis for the numerical study. Different configurations were studied to assess the influence of hydraulic conductivity and storage of the aquifer, and of the parameters of the input wave. In addition, two methods have been developed to obtain a value for the diffusivity of the aquifer from field data. The first, which is a graphical method, validates the choice of parameters of the wave in the well and quickly estimates the diffusivity, while the second which is numeral calculates the diffusivity from the amplitude or phase shift. This analysis was extended to two more realistic cases: aquifer system and sloped aquifer. The first case shows that aquitards surrounding studied confined aquifer layer have a great influence on the wave propagation and must be taken into account during analysis. The second case shows that in the confined aquifer layer, the wave keeps the same behavior over its entire height, and it is just necessary to pay attention to where the boundary lies between two layers
Once online poker, always online poker? Poker modality trajectories over two years
Online poker is considered more at-risk than land-based poker in terms of intense gambling behaviors and gambling problems. The development of many online gambling sites has raised public health concerns about the potential increase in online poker players. Longitudinal studies are useful to better understand the evolution of gambling behaviors; however, very few consider online poker players. Using a prospective design, this study aims to identify online and land-based trajectories over a two-year period and the factors influencing those trajectories.
Results are based on data collected at three time-points over the course of a prospective cohort study conducted in Quebec (n=304). A latent class growth analysis was performed to determine trajectories based on the main poker modality played, either online or land-based poker. Multinomial multivariable logistic regression analyses were conducted to determine the correlates of poker playing trajectories.
Over two years, three poker playing trajectories were identified, comprising two stable trajectories [stable land-based (51.5%) and stable online (36.3%)] and an unstable trajectory [unstable online land-based (12.1%)]. The second trajectory included online poker players at baseline who transitioned to land-based poker. Number of gambling activities increased the odds of being in the first trajectory as compared to the others. Severity of gambling problems was a significant predictor of the second "unstable" or the third "stable online" trajectories, but not for the first âstable land-basedâ poker trajectory.
The majority of poker players remained in either the land-based or online trajectories over two years. No poker players transitioned from land-based to online poker
Furin Functions as a Nonproteolytic Chaperone for Matrix Metalloproteinase-28: MMP-28 Propeptide Sequence Requirement
Although MMP-28 is involved in numerous important physiologic and pathologic conditions, the mechanisms of action of this secreted proteinase is not well understood. We now have demonstrated that furin serves as an intermolecular chaperone for MMP-28 secretion by interacting with the propeptide domain of MMP-28. Employing COS-1 cells transfected with MMP-28 cDNA, protein levels of MMP-28 were quite low in conditioned media as compared to cell lysates. Coexpression of MMP-28 with furin cDNA resulted in markedly enhanced MMP-28 secretion. Contrary to expectation, cleavage of MMP-28 at the furin consensus sequence did not occur and proteolytic inactive furin was equally effective in enhancing MMP-28 secretion. Furin and MMP-28 coimmunoprecipitated and were partially coimmunolocalized in the cytoplasm of transfected cells. Cotransfection with furin cDNA also enhanced MMP-28 induced cell migration. In conclusion, our data provide a novel mechanism for MMP-28 function in cells in which furin serves as an intermolecular chaperone
IgGFc-binding protein and MUC2 mucin produced by colonic goblet-like cells spatially interact non-covalently and regulate wound healing
The colonic mucus bilayer is the first line of innate host defense that at the same time houses and nourishes the commensal microbiota. The major components of mucus secreted by goblet cells are MUC2 mucin and the mucus-associated protein, FCGBP (IgGFc-binding protein). In this study, we determine if FCGBP and MUC2 mucin were biosynthesized and interacted together to spatially enhance the structural integrity of secreted mucus and its role in epithelial barrier function. MUC2 and FCGBP were coordinately regulated temporally in goblet-like cells and in response to a mucus secretagogue but not in CRISPR-Cas9 gene-edited MUC2 KO cells. Whereas ~85% of MUC2 was colocalized with FCGBP in mucin granules, ~50% of FCGBP was diffusely distributed in the cytoplasm of goblet-like cells. STRING-db v11 analysis of the mucin granule proteome revealed no protein-protein interaction between MUC2 and FCGBP. However, FCGBP interacted with other mucus-associated proteins. FCGBP and MUC2 interacted via N-linked glycans and were non-covalently bound in secreted mucus with cleaved low molecular weight FCGBP fragments. In MUC2 KO, cytoplasmic FCGBP was significantly increased and diffusely distributed in wounded cells that healed by enhanced proliferation and migration within 2 days, whereas, in WT cells, MUC2 and FCGBP were highly polarized at the wound margin which impeded wound closure by 6 days. In DSS colitis, restitution and healed lesions in Muc2+/+ but not Muc2-/- littermates, were accompanied by a rapid increase in Fcgbp mRNA and delayed protein expression at 12- and 15-days post DSS, implicating a potential novel endogenous protective role for FCGBP in wound healing to maintain epithelial barrier function
AdaWCT: Adaptive Whitening and Coloring Style Injection
Adaptive instance normalization (AdaIN) has become the standard method for
style injection: by re-normalizing features through scale-and-shift operations,
it has found widespread use in style transfer, image generation, and
image-to-image translation. In this work, we present a generalization of AdaIN
which relies on the whitening and coloring transformation (WCT) which we dub
AdaWCT, that we apply for style injection in large GANs. We show, through
experiments on the StarGANv2 architecture, that this generalization, albeit
conceptually simple, results in significant improvements in the quality of the
generated images.Comment: 4 pages + ref
FrenchMedMCQA: A French Multiple-Choice Question Answering Dataset for Medical domain
This paper introduces FrenchMedMCQA, the first publicly available
Multiple-Choice Question Answering (MCQA) dataset in French for medical domain.
It is composed of 3,105 questions taken from real exams of the French medical
specialization diploma in pharmacy, mixing single and multiple answers. Each
instance of the dataset contains an identifier, a question, five possible
answers and their manual correction(s). We also propose first baseline models
to automatically process this MCQA task in order to report on the current
performances and to highlight the difficulty of the task. A detailed analysis
of the results showed that it is necessary to have representations adapted to
the medical domain or to the MCQA task: in our case, English specialized models
yielded better results than generic French ones, even though FrenchMedMCQA is
in French. Corpus, models and tools are available online
Unsupervised dense crowd detection by multiscale texture analysis
International audienceThis study introduces a totally unsupervised method for the detection and location of dense crowds in images without context-awareness. With the perspective of setting up fully autonomous video-surveillance systems, automatic detection and location of crowds is a crucial step that is going to point which areas of the image have to be analyzed. After retrieving multiscale texture-related feature vectors from the image, a binary classification is conducted to determine which parts of the image belong to the crowd and which to the background. The algorithm presented can be operated on images without any prior knowledge of any kind and is totally unsupervised
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