2,486 research outputs found

    On the Existence of Heavy Pentaquarks: The large Nc and Heavy Quark Limits and Beyond

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    We present a very general argument that the analogue of a heavy pentaquark (a state with the quantum numbers of a baryon combined with an additional light quark and a heavy antiquark) must exist as a particle stable under strong interactions in the combined heavy quark and large Nc limits of QCD. Moreover, in the combined limit these heavy pentaquark states fill multiplets of SU(4)xO(8)xSU(2). We explore the question of whether corrections in the combined 1/Nc and 1/mQ expansions are sufficiently small to maintain this qualitative result. Since no model-independent way is known to answer this question, we use a class of ``realistic'' hadronic models in which a pentaquark can be formed via nucleon-heavy meson binding through a pion-exchange potential. These models have the virtue that they necessarily yield the correct behavior in the combined limit, and the long-distance parts of the interactions are model independent. If the long-distance attraction in these models were to predict bound states in a robust way (i.e., largely insensitive to the details of the short-range interaction), then one could safely conclude that heavy pentaquarks do exist. However, in practice the binding does depend very strongly on the details of the short-distance physics, suggesting that the real world is not sufficiently near the combined large Nc, mQ limit to use it as a reliable guide. Whether stable heavy pentaquarks exist remains an open question.Comment: 11 pages; references adde

    High pressure effects in fluorinated HgBa2Ca2Cu3O(8+d)

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    We have measured the pressure sensitivity of Tc in fluorinated HgBa2Ca2Cu3O(8+d) (Hg-1223) ceramic samples with different F contents, applying pressures up to 30 GPa. We obtained that Tc increases with increasing pressure, reaching different maximum values, depending on the F doping level, and decreases for a further increase of pressure. A new high Tc record (166 K +/- 1 K) was achieved by applying pressure (23 GPa) in a fluorinated Hg-1223 sample near the optimum doping level. Our results show that all our samples are at the optimal doping, and that fluorine incorporation decreases the crystallographic aa-parameter concomitantly increasing the maximum attainable Tc. This effect reveals that the compression of the aa axes is one of the keys that controls the Tc of high temperature superconductors.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Exploring the Oxygen Order in Hg-1223 and Hg-1201 by 199Hg MAS NMR

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    We demonstrate the use of a high-resolution solid-state fast (45 kHz) magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR for mapping the oxygen distribution in Hg-based cuprate superconductors. We identify observed three peaks in 199Hg spectrum as belonging to the different chemical environments in the HgO? layer with no oxygen neighbors, single oxygen neighbor, and two oxygen neighbors. We discuss observed differences between Hg-1201 and Hg-1223 materials.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures included. Submitted to NATO Advanced Research Workshop Proceedings (Miami January 2004

    Dynamics of Majorana-based qubits operated with an array of tunable gates

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    We study the dynamics of Majorana zero modes that are shuttled via local tuning of the electrochemical potential in a superconducting wire. By performing time-dependent simulations of microscopic lattice models, we show that diabatic corrections associated with the moving Majorana modes are quantitatively captured by a simple Landau-Zener description. We further simulate a Rabi-oscillation protocol in a specific qubit design with four Majorana zero modes in a single wire and quantify constraints on the timescales for performing qubit operations in this setup. Our simulations utilize a Majorana representation of the system, which greatly simplifies simulations of superconductors at the mean-field level.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures. v2: minor corrections, updated reference

    Quasi-Two-Dimensional Dynamics of Plasmas and Fluids

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    In the lowest order of approximation quasi-twa-dimensional dynamics of planetary atmospheres and of plasmas in a magnetic field can be described by a common convective vortex equation, the Charney and Hasegawa-Mirna (CHM) equation. In contrast to the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equation, the CHM equation admits "shielded vortex solutions" in a homogeneous limit and linear waves ("Rossby waves" in the planetary atmosphere and "drift waves" in plasmas) in the presence of inhomogeneity. Because of these properties, the nonlinear dynamics described by the CHM equation provide rich solutions which involve turbulent, coherent and wave behaviors. Bringing in non ideal effects such as resistivity makes the plasma equation significantly different from the atmospheric equation with such new effects as instability of the drift wave driven by the resistivity and density gradient. The model equation deviates from the CHM equation and becomes coupled with Maxwell equations. This article reviews the linear and nonlinear dynamics of the quasi-two-dimensional aspect of plasmas and planetary atmosphere starting from the introduction of the ideal model equation (CHM equation) and extending into the most recent progress in plasma turbulence.U. S. Department of Energy DE-FG05-80ET-53088Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of JapanFusion Research Cente
