53 research outputs found

    Proizvodnja sadnica žute lincure (Gentiana lutea L.) za rasad i gajenje u uslovima suvog ratarenja u planinama Srbije

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    This paper deals with development of yellow gentian nursery plants in the open winter beds established in the mountainous region of Serbia at 1000 m a.s.l. Number, weight and size of one-, two- and three-year-old nursery plants were measured in succession for two years. The one-year-old nursery plants had an average 1.5 g fresh weight and 0.4 g dry weight, while the average length and width of the thickened root parts were 6.0 cm and 0.4 cm, respectively. The average fresh and dry root weights of the two-year-old nursery plants were 4.9 g and 1.4 g, respectively, with the length and width of the thickened root part 10.8 cm and 1.2 cm, respectively. The average root weights of the three-year-old plantlets were 15.6 g (fresh weight) and 4.7 g (dry weight), but they were too branchy and difficult for transplanting into the field. The average number of yellow gentian nursery plants per m2 of the open winter bed, following the first, second and third growing year were 714, 243 and 95, respectively. Two-year-old nursery plants proved to be the most suitable for establishing large-scale plantations for the production of yellow gentian root under dry farming conditions in the mountains of Serbia.U radu je prikazan razvoj sadnica žute lincure u rasadniku u otvorenim zimskim lejama zasnovanim u planinskom regionu Srbije na 1000 m nadmorske visine. Meren je broj, masa i veličina sadnica jednogodišnje, dvogodišnje i trogodišnje starosti u sukcesiji tokom dve godine. Sadnice jednogodišnje starosti imale su prosečnu masu 1,5 g (svežu) odnosno 0,4 g (suvu) i prosečnu dužinu zadebljalog dela korena 6,0 cm sa prosečnom debljinom 0,4 cm. Prosečna masa svežeg korena sadnica dvogodišnje starosti je bila 4,9 g a suvog korena 1,4 g uz dužinu zadebljalog dela korena 10,8 cm i debljinu vrata korena 1,2 cm. Prosečne mase korena trogodišnjih sadnica su iznosile 15,6 g (sveža), odnosno 4,7 g (suva), ali je koren ovih sadnica bio previše razgranat i stoga nepodesan za plantažnu sadnju. Prosečan broj dobijenih sadnica po m2 leje na kraju prve godine je iznosio 714, na kraju druge 243 i treće 95. Dvogodišnje sadnice žute lincure proizvedene u otvorenim zimskim lejama, po svojim karakteristikama se se pokazale kao najpogodnije za zasnivanju plantaža lincure za proizvodnju korena u uslovima suvog ratarenja u planinama Srbije

    Aerobna i anaerobna inkubacija - biološki indeksi pristupačnosti azota zemljišta

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    Our researches have been made on brown forest soil that had been used in long-term experiments set up according to specified fertilization system for over 30 years. We have chosen those experiment variants in which quantities of nitrogen fertilizers were gradually increased. The soil samples taken from 0 cm to 30 cm depth were used to determine biological indexes of nitrogen availability (aerobic and anaerobic incubation). The same samples were also used for pot experiments with oat. Plant and soil parameters obtained in controlled conditions were used for determination of biological indexes reliability in measuring the soil nitrogen availability. On the grounds of correlation analysis, it can be concluded that biological index of nitrogen availability achieved by the anaerobic incubation (without substraction of the initial content of available nitrogen) of the investigated brown forest soil is the reliable indicator of soil nitrogen availability. That is not the case with the aerobic incubation in which reliability has not been established.Istraživanja su obavljena na gajnjači (Mladenovac) koja se koristi u okviru dugogodišnjeg stacionarnog ogleda, sa određenim plodoredom i sistemom đubrenja već više od trideset godina. Za ova istraživanja odabirane su varijante ogleda gde je primenjena rastuća doza azota đubrenja. Za utvrđivanje bioloških indeksa pristupačnosti azota primenjene su aerobna i anaerobna metoda sa dva različita načina obračuna rezultata (sa oduzimanjem i bez oduzimanja početnog sadržaja pristupačnog azota). Radi određivanja parametara biljaka i zemljišta koji su vrednovali pouzdanost korišćenih metoda za ocenu pristupačnosti azota zemljišta izveden je ogled u kontrolisanim uslovima uz primenu izotopski obeleženog azota (15N). Na osnovu urađene korelacione analize odnosno utvrđene korelativne zavisnosti između bioloških indeksa i parametara biljaka i zemljišta može se zaključiti da se biološki indeks koji je utvrđen anaerobnim postupkom bez oduzimanja početnog sadržaja pristupačnog NH4 može smatrati pouzdanim za ocenu pristupačnosti azota zemljišta. Pouzdanost nije utvrđena za aerobnu metodu (sa oduzimanjem i bez oduzimanja početnog sadržaja pristupačnog azota) kao i za anaerobni postupak sa oduzimanjem početnog sadržaja pristupačnog NH4-N

    Sadržaj fluora u zemljištima severnog Pomoravlja

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    Soil sampling was carried out in the Velika Morava river valley, covering the area from Velika Plana to the mouth of Morava to the Danube. The composite soil samples, representing alluvial soils (22 samples), cambisols (14) and smonitzas (4), were taken from plough layers, based on a regular square grid with intervals set at 5x5 km, covering total area of 100,000 ha. The total and available fluorine contents were determined in the soils samples. The highest average amount of total fluorine was found for alluvial soils (391 mg kg-1), then for smonitzas (348 mg kg-1) and the lowest one for cambisols (285 mg kg-1). These amounts are within normal fluorine content for soils (150-400 mg kg-1), although the maximum found levels were even about 500 mg kg-1. The available fluorine content was very low ( lt 1 mg kg-1), being mostly less than 0.2 % from its total amount, so it could be concluded that there was no danger from fluorine accumulation in the plants. Statistically significant correlation coefficient between total and available fluorine contents was not obtained. The total and available fluorine contents have mostly been in the correlation (with positive sign) with soil pH and the content of mechanical fraction silt+clay. Significant correlation coefficients between total fluorine content and the content of some heavy metals (Cr, Ni, Co, Cu, As) were also found, which indicated their mutual geochemical origin.U dolini reke Velike Morave, u delu od Velike Plane do njenog ušća u Dunav uzeti su reprezentativni uzorci zemljišta iz orničnog sloja, po mreži kvadrata veličine 5x5 km. U njima su odredjeni ukupni i pristupačni sadržaji fluora. Istraživanjem su obuhvaćena aluvijalna zemljišta (22 uzorka) gajnjače (14) i smonice (4), što odgovara površini od 100. 000 ha. Za ukupni fluor najviše srednje vrednosti su nadjene u aluvijumima (391 ppm), zatim u smonicama (348 ppm) i najmanje u gajnjačama (285 ppm). Ove vrednosti se nalaze u granicama normalnih sadržaja za zemljišta (150-400 ppm), mada se maksimalne vrednosti kreću i oko 500 ppm. Pristupačni sadržaj fluora je u ispitivanim zemljištima jako nizak ( lt 1 ppm), što najčešće čini ispod 0,2 % od ukupnog fluora, pa se može zaključiti da ne postoji opasnost od akumulacije fluora u biljkama koje se gaje na ispitivanom području. Nije nadjena korelativna veza ukupnog sa pristupačnim fluorom. Sadržaji ukupnog i pristupačnog fluora su najčešće bili u korelaciji (pozitivnoj) sa pH vrednošću zemljišta, i sadržajem frakcije prah+glina. Nadjene su i korelativne veze ukupnog fluora sa sadržajima nekih teških metala (Cr, Ni Co, Cu, As), što ukazije na njihovo zajedničko geohemijsko poreklo

    Sadržaj teških metala u korenu i galenskim proizvodima gencijane (Gentiana lutea L.)

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    An experimental field for the cultivated production of Gentiana lutea L. was established five years ago at the Suvobor Mountain, Serbia. Soil analysis of this area revealed the occurrence of high pseudo-total (Ni - 1270 mg/kg, Cr - 423 mg/kg, Co - 385 mg/kg) and available (especially Ni - 133 mg/kg) heavy metals contents in the soil. Hence, the aim of this research was to evaluate the quality of Gentiana lutea L. - roots and galenic forms (liquid extract in 70 % ethanol, spissum and siccum) produced from the roots, because, for most plants, heavy metals accumulate in the root tissue. The amounts of Ni and Cr found in the analyzed roots were very high (54 mg/kg and 14 mg/kg, respectively). The efficiency of ethanol in extracting heavy metals from the roots varied depending on the particular element. The highest efficiency was obtained for Ni (41.3 %), then for Cd (39.5 %), Pb (37.0%) and Co (30.4 %). According to this, a potential hazard exists for humans, if gentian's galenic forms are produced from the raw material with high heavy metals contents. It is concluded that quality control of the raw material must be carried out before further utilization of gentian.Eksperimentalna stanica za proizvodnju gencijane (Gentiana lutea L.) zasnovana je na planini Suvobor (Srbija) pre pet godina. Analizom zemljišta sa te lokacije utvrđeni su povišeni pseudo-ukupni (Ni - 1270 mg/kg, Cr - 423 mg/kg, Co - 385 mg/kg) i pristupačni (posebno za Ni - 133 mg/kg) sadržaji teških metala. Stoga je cilj ovog rada bio evaluacija kvaliteta korena gencijane i galenskih proizvoda (tečni ekstrakt u 70 % etanolu, spissum i siccum) dobijenih iz korena, jer se kod većine biljaka teški metali akumuliraju u tkivu korena. U analiziranom korenu utvrđeni su vrlo visoki sadržaji Ni (54 mg/kg) i Cr (14 mg/kg). Efikasnost etanola u ekstrakciji teških metala iz korena varirala je u zavisnosti od elementa. Najveća efikasnost uvrđena je za Ni (41,3 %), zatim za Cd (39,5 %), Pb (37,0 %) i Co (30,4 %). Prema tome, postoji potencijalna opasnost za čoveka pri upotrebi galenskih proizvoda dobijenih iz sirovine sa visokim sadržajem teških metala. Zaključeno je da kontrola kvaliteta sirovinskog materijala mora da se sprovodi pre dalje upotrebe gencijane

    Snabdevenost važnijih tipova zemljišta Srbije osnovnim alkalnim elementima Ca, Mg, K i Na

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    In this paper results are presented of agrochemical and mineralogical analyses of 14 types of important soils in Serbia (Vojvodina and Central Serbia) and total content and availability of base alkali elements (Ca, Mg Na, K) are determined. Total element content was as follows: Ca 2.22%; K 1.77%; Na 0.85% and Mg 0.61%. Total content of alkali metals in the soils investigated and their variations within and between the soil types, is in very good/close correlation with contents of primary and secondary minerals as well as their rates of weathering. Taking in account the average availabilities the most abundant is calcium with 947 mg/100 g, whilst the averages of the other elements (Mg, K and Na) are quite similar and are about of 40 mg/100 g of soil. The results obtained have shown that the soils investigated are well to moderate provided with K, Ca and Mg and that their deficit could not be expected in plant nutrition, apart for some plants/cultures in the case of magnesium due to occasionally higher Ca/Mg and K/Mg ratios.U ovom radu je ispitivano 100 reprezentativnih uzoraka 14 tipova zemljišta Srbije (Vojvodina, Šumadija i Severno Pomoravlje) u pogledu ukupnog i pristupačnog sadržaja osnovnih alkalnih metala (Ca, Mg, K i Na). Takođe je prikazan i prosečan mineraloški sastav ispitivanih zemljišta. Nađeni su sledeći srednji ukupni sadržaji ispitivanih elemenata: Ca - 2,25%; K - 1,77% Na - 0,85% i Mg - 0,61%. Ukupni sadržaji ispitivanih alkalnih metala u našim zemljištima i njihova vapipanja između i unutar zemljišnih tipova u uskoj su vezi sa zastupljenošću određenih primarnih i sekundarnih minerala i njihovom otpornošću na raspadanje. Prema srednjim vrednostima za pristupačne sadržaje najviše ima kalcijuma (947 mg/100 g), a srednji sadržaji za ostale baze (Mg K i Na) su vrlo slični i kreću ce oko 40 mg/100 g. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da su ispitivana zemljišta dobro i srednje obezbeđena K, Ca i Mg i da se ne mogu očekivati njihovi deficiti za ishranu biljaka, osim za neke kulture u slučaju magnezijuma, zbog ponekad suviše povišenih odnosa Ca/Mg i K/Mg

    Mineralni sastav različitih genotipova bosiljka (Ocimum spp.)

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    This experiment investigated mineral composition of 13 basil genotypes (Ocimum spp.) in order to find varieties supporting human dietary intake of essential minerals and to evaluate basil genotypes which could serve for herbal production as raw material in pharmaceutical or food processing industry. In addition, this study tested a potential risk of the accumulation of heavy metals during the commercial production of basil on agricultural soil. Mineral composition of basil genotypes was found to be in association with its genetic potential, where some of them can be used in human nutrition as an additional source of several minerals, particularly micronutrients (Fe, Mn and Zn), which generally improve human immune system. Iron-rich basil genotypes were identified in this experiment, like Compact (3576.0 mg/kg), with Lattuga (1585.6 mg/kg) and Blue spice (1167.9 mg/kg) genotypes, containing more than 1000 mg/kg of Fe in herbal part on dry basil (d.m.). This attract a special attention as a source of iron, especially for humans with low Fe intake, and consequently, for people with low level of hemoglobin. Basil grown on agricultural soil was tested on the accumulation of heavy metals (Cu, Co, Cu, Ni, Cr and Pb), which were not found to be excessive in herbal parts of the plants. Cluster analysis (CA) distinguished Ocmium spp. genotypes in two separate groups. Despite of significant differences among the genotypes, content of Fe, Mn, Co, Cr, Ni and Pb made a clear distinction between the clusters.U radu je ispitan mineralni sastav 13 različitih genotipova bosiljka (Ocimum spp. L.), sa ciljem da se odrede tipovi koji bi mogli da posluže kao dopunski izvori esencijalnih elementa u ljudskoj ishrani, kao i da se odrede genotipovi koji bi poslužili za proizvodnju herbe kao sirovine za farmaceutsku ili prehrambenu industriju. Takođe, u ovom istraživanju je testiran i potencijalni rizik vezan za zagađenje bosiljka teškim metalima pri njegovom komercijalnom gajenju na poljoprivrednom zemljištu. Mineralni sastav ispitivanih genotipova uglavnom je uslovljen njegovim genetskim karakteristikama, ukazujući da u ishrani čoveka ova lekovita biljna vrsta može poslužiti kao značajan izvor nekih od esencijalnih elemenata, naročito mikroelemenata (Fe, Mn i Zn), koji generalno doprinose jačanju ljudskog imuno sistema. Posebno je važno što su u ovom istraživanju identifikovani neki genotipovi bogati gvožđem, kao što je to Compact, kao genotip sa ekstremno visokim nivom Fe u herbi (3576,0 mg/kg), a koji bi zajedno sa genotipovima Lattuga (1585,6 mg/kg) i Blue Spice (1167,9 mg/kg) koji sadrže više od 1000 mg/kg Fe u suvoj materiji herbe, trebali da privuku posebnu pažnju kao izvori ovog elementa u ishrani ljudi kod kojih je evidentiran njegov nedostatak, načešće ispoljen sa pojavom anemije, odnosno, slabom sintezom hemoglobina. Gajenje bosiljka na poljoprivrednom zemljištu nije uslovilo povećanu akumulaciju teških metala (Cu, Co, Cu, Ni, Cr i Pb) u herbi, pa se može reći da su ovi proizvodi sa aspekta zagađenosti teškim metalima potpuno bezbedni. Klaster analiza je podelila ispitivane genotipove bosiljka (Ocmium spp.) u dve grupe. Uprkos različitosti između genotipova, sadržaj Fe, Mn, Co, Cr, Ni i Pb uticao je na jasnu podelu između klastera

    Hazardous elements speciation in sandy, alkaline coal mine overburden by using different sequential extraction procedures

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    This paper deals with the problem of hazardous elements (HE) speciation in sandy, alkaline coal mine overburden destined for restoration. Two sequential extraction procedures [five stages Tesier's (T) and seven stages Zeien and Brummner's method (ZB)] were employed that focused on potentially bioavailable HE fractions previously found in plants growing during this soil restoration process. The results showed that the selection of the extraction procedure in HE speciation is essential, due to the different potential threats of HE fractions obtained for plants. The biggest residual fraction obtained by both extractions suggest geogenic origin of Cu, Zn, Ni, Cr and Pb. Tesier's extraction procedure works reasonably well for low concentration of water soluble and exchangeable HEs, whilst giving higher values for their organically bound forms. Zeien and Brummner's method, however, was found to be more appropriate for evaluation of the mobility of HE as Mn and Fe oxide fractions. The principal component analysis test estimated three main groups where the relationship between soil properties (pH, clay and silt), total content of element and available fractions (Zn, Ni, Cr, Pb-T and Ni-ZB) was defined as a PC 1 group. Other PC 2 and PC 3 from the PCA analysis include C-org and CEC, and available Cu-T and Cr, Pb-ZB, respectively. The PC 3 factor linked fine sand and available Zn-ZB. Pearson's correlation coefficients showed a high correlation between available HE and high pH(KCl) obtained by T-extraction, and Ni by Zn-extraction. Also, clay, silt and fine sand were highly correlated with the Ni-ZB available forms

    The availability of base elements (Ca, Mg, Na, K) in some important soil types in Serbia

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    In this paper results are presented of agrochemical and mineralogical analyses of 14 types of important soils in Serbia (Vojvodina and Central Serbia) and total content and availability of base alkali elements (Ca, Mg Na, K) are determined. Total element content was as follows: Ca 2.22%; K 1.77%; Na 0.85% and Mg 0.61%. Total content of alkali metals in the soils investigated and their variations within and between the soil types, is in very good/close correlation with contents of primary and secondary minerals as well as their rates of weathering. Taking in account the average availabilities the most abundant is calcium with 947 mg/100 g, whilst the averages of the other elements (Mg, K and Na) are quite similar and are about of 40 mg/100 g of soil. The results obtained have shown that the soils investigated are well to moderate provided with K, Ca and Mg and that their deficit could not be expected in plant nutrition, apart for some plants/cultures in the case of magnesium due to occasionally higher Ca/Mg and K/Mg ratios

    Obezbeđenje poverenja u kvalitet rezultata hemijskih metoda ispitivanja

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    Securing trust in the quality of examination results is one of the most important segments of the quality management system. Quality management is the first step in ensuring the quality of analytical procedures and predicts the application of appropriate techniques and procedures in order to fulfill the defined quality requirements with an aim to prevent errors in working process. Activities related to quality management include measures that provide statistical control of accuracy of the examined procedure. These activities describe measures that are used to achieve repeatable and reliable examined results. In order to achieve the maximum reliability of the examined results, the validity of the conducted examination is controlled from entering the sample in the laboratory until the release of reports of examination, by continuously monitoring and following all the activities of the analytical process, as well as complete documentation of the quality management system. By continuously monitoring the quality of examination results and with continuous improvement of its' own work procedures through finding mistakes, analyzing the causes of nonconformity, taking preventive and corrective measures, developing its' own procedures of internal control methods, participating in laboratory comparisons and education of staff, the laboratory provides trust in the quality of examination results, and therefore its' own competence.Obezbeđenje poverenja u kvalitet rezultata ispitivanja jedan je od najvažnijih segmenata sistema menadžmenta kvalitetom. Upravljanje kvalitetom predstavlja prvi stepen obezbeđenja kvaliteta analitičkih postupaka i predviđa primenu odgovarajućih tehnika i postupaka radi ispunjavanja postavljenih zahteva za kvalitetom sa ciljem sprečavanja nastanka greške/neusaglašenosti u radu. Aktivnosti vezane za upravljanje kvalitetom sadrže mere kojima se postiže statistički nadzor tačnosti ispitivanog postupka, odnosno opisuju mere koje se primenjuju za postizanje ponovljivih i pouzdanih rezultata ispitivanja. U cilju postizanja maksimalne pouzdanosti rezultata ispitivanja, valjanost obavljenih ispitivanja kontroliše se od ulaska uzorka u laboratoriju do samog izdavanja izveštaja o ispitivanju, tako što se kontinualno nadgledaju i prate sve aktivnosti analitičkog procesa, kao i kompletna dokumentacija sistema menadžmenta kvalitetom. Kontinuiranim praćenjem kvaliteta rezultata ispitivanja i stalnim unapređenjem sopstvenih postupaka rada kroz pronalaženje grešaka/neusaglašenosti, analiziranje uzroka neusaglašenosti, preduzimanja preventivnih i korektivnih mera, razvoj sopstvenih postupaka interne kontrole metoda, učestvovanje u međulaboratorijskim poređenjima, edukaciju osoblja, laboratorija obezbeđuje poverenje u kvalitet rezultata ispitivanja, a samim tim i svoju kompetentnost

    Microbiological activity of barley rhizosphere grown on deposol

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    The aim of this paper was to investigate microbiological activity in barley rhizosphere, after the experiment with 17 recultivation treatments of deposols with different organo-mineral materials. The most important agrochemical properties of deposols have been examined. The presence of the microorganisms was determined by the usual microbiological mediums. Dehydrogenase activity was determined by the Cassida et al. method. The deposols were poor in organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The number of bacteria ranged from 9.3 to 413.3 × 106g-1. The addition of organo-mineral materials into deposols has caused an increase of microbial biomass and dehydrogenase activity, comparing with control