19,608 research outputs found

    Multi-photon effects in energy losses spectra

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    Effect of radiation of many photons by a single electron traversing a target is discussed. When the summary energy of emitted photons (the energy losses spectrum) is measured only, the photon spectrum is distorted comparing with the photon spectrum in one interaction. Influence of this effect is discussed for the cases (1) bremsstrahlung (described by Bethe-Heitler formula), (2) the strong Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect and (3) transition radiation. Qualitative picture of the phenomenon is discussed in detail. Comparison with the recent SLAC experiment in relatively thick target (2.7% of the radiation length), where the effect of emission of many photons by a projectile is very essential, shows perfect agreement of the theory and data.Comment: LaTeX2.09, 19 pages, 5 PostScript figure

    Photo-response of the conductivity in functionalized pentacene compounds

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    We report the first investigation of the photo-response of the conductivity of a new class of organic semiconductors based on functionalized pentacene. These materials form high quality single crystals that exhibit a thermally activated resistivity. Unlike pure pentacene, the functionalized derivatives are readily soluble in acetone, and can be evaporated or spin-cast as thin films for potential device applications. The electrical conductivity of the single crystal materials is noticeably sensitive to ambient light changes. The purpose, therefore, of the present study, is to determine the nature of the photo-response in terms of carrier activation vs. heating effects, and also to measure the dependence of the photo-response on photon energy. We describe a new method, involving the temperature dependent photo-response, which allows an unambiguous identification of the signature of heating effects in materials with a thermally activated conductivity. We find strong evidence that the photo-response in the materials investigated is predominantly a highly localized heating mechanism. Wavelength dependent studies of the photo-response reveal resonant features and cut-offs that indicate the photon energy absorption is related to the electronic structure of the material.Comment: Preprint: 18 pages total,7 figure

    Atmospheric circulation patterns, cloud-to-ground lightning, and locally intense convective rainfall associated with debris flow initiation in the Dolomite Alps of northeastern Italy

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    The Dolomite Alps of northeastern Italy experience debris flows with great frequency during the summer months. An ample supply of unconsolidated material on steep slopes and a summer season climate regime characterized by recurrent thunderstorms combine to produce an abundance of these destructive hydro-geologic events. In the past, debris flow events have been studied primarily in the context of their geologic and geomorphic characteristics. The atmospheric contribution to these mass-wasting events has been limited to recording rainfall and developing intensity thresholds for debris mobilization. This study aims to expand the examination of atmospheric processes that preceded both locally intense convective rainfall (LICR) and debris flows in the Dolomite region. 500 hPa pressure level plots of geopotential heights were constructed for a period of 3 days prior to debris flow events to gain insight into the synoptic-scale processes which provide an environment conducive to LICR in the Dolomites. Cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning flash data recorded at the meso-scale were incorporated to assess the convective environment proximal to debris flow source regions. Twelve events were analyzed and from this analysis three common synoptic-scale circulation patterns were identified. Evaluation of CG flashes at smaller spatial and temporal scales illustrated that convective processes vary in their production of CF flashes (total number) and the spatial distribution of flashes can also be quite different between events over longer periods. During the 60 min interval immediately preceding debris flow a majority of cases exhibited spatial and temporal colocation of LICR and CG flashes. Also a number of CG flash parameters were found to be significantly correlated to rainfall intensity prior to debris flow initiation

    The Apparent Anomalous, Weak, Long-Range Acceleration of Pioneer 10 and 11

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    Recently we reported that radio Doppler data generated by NASA's Deep Space Network (DSN) from the Pioneer 10 and 11 spacecraft indicate an apparent anomalous, constant, spacecraft acceleration with a magnitude 8.5×108\sim 8.5\times 10^{-8} cm s2^{-2}, directed towards the Sun (gr-qc/9808081). Analysis of similar Doppler and ranging data from the Galileo and Ulysses spacecraft yielded ambiguous results for the anomalous acceleration, but it was useful in that it ruled out the possibility of a systematic error in the DSN Doppler system that could easily have been mistaken as a spacecraft acceleration. Here we present some new results, including a critique suggestions that the anomalous acceleration could be caused by collimated thermal emission. Based partially on a further data for the Pioneer 10 orbit determination, the data now spans January 1987 to July 1998, our best estimate of the average Pioneer 10 acceleration directed towards the Sun is 7.5×108\sim 7.5 \times 10^{-8} cm s2^{-2}.Comment: Latex, 7 pages and 2 figures. Invited talk at the XXXIV-th Rencontres de Moriond Meeting on Gravitational Waves and Experimental Gravity. Les Arcs, Savoi, France (January 23-30,1999). Corrected typo

    Measurement of Dielectric Suppression of Bremsstrahlung

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    In 1953, Ter-Mikaelian predicted that the bremsstrahlung of low energy photons in a medium is suppressed because of interactions between the produced photon and the electrons in the medium. This suppression occurs because the emission takes place over on a long distance scale, allowing for destructive interference between different instantaneous photon emission amplitudes. We present here measurements of bremsstrahlung cross sections of 200 keV to 20 MeV photons produced by 8 and 25 GeV electrons in carbon and gold targets. Our data shows that dielectric suppression occurs at the predicted level, reducing the cross section up to 75 percent in our data.Comment: 11 pages, format is postscript file, gzip-ed, uuencode-e

    Unstable Nonradial Oscillations on Helium Burning Neutron Stars

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    Material accreted onto a neutron star can stably burn in steady state only when the accretion rate is high (typically super-Eddington) or if a large flux from the neutron star crust permeates the outer atmosphere. For such situations we have analyzed the stability of nonradial oscillations, finding one unstable mode for pure helium accretion. This is a shallow surface wave which resides in the helium atmosphere above the heavier ashes of the ocean. It is excited by the increase in the nuclear reaction rate during the oscillations, and it grows on the timescale of a second. For a slowly rotating star, this mode has a frequency of approximately 20-30 Hz (for l=1), and we calculate the full spectrum that a rapidly rotating (>>30 Hz) neutron star would support. The short period X-ray binary 4U 1820--30 is accreting helium rich material and is the system most likely to show this unstable mode,especially when it is not exhibiting X-ray bursts. Our discovery of an unstable mode in a thermally stable atmosphere shows that nonradial perturbations have a different stability criterion than the spherically symmetric thermal perturbations that generate type I X-ray bursts.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal, 22 pages, 14 figure

    Comprehensive Income Options: A Detriment To Transparency

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    The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) in 1997 compromised its belief that comprehensive income (CI) should be listed either in a combined statement of net income and CI or in a separate statement of CI and allowed corporations to choose using the statement of changes in stockholders’ equity (SCSE).  Of course, the latter option implies just as Jordan and Clark (2002) suggest, that CI is not a measure of financial performance.  Studies incorporating professional analysts by Hirst and Hopkins (1998) and a study of nonprofessional investors by Maines and McDaniel (2000) both conclude that format presentation matters and behaviors can be affected.  We believe that FASB should revisit the format structure of CI and eliminate the SCSE option, which was their initial intent before they compromised with corporate managers in 1997.  In addition, we believe that all items of other comprehensive income (OCI) – foreign currency translation adjustment, pension value adjustments and adjustment to securities-for-sale should be presented on an after-tax basis only in order to prevent investors from being forced to comb through the footnotes

    Anderson et al. Reply (to the Comment by Murphy on Pioneer 10/11)

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    We conclude that Murphy's proposal (radiation of the power of the main-bus electrical systems from the rear of the craft) can not explain the anomalous Pioneer acceleration.Comment: LaTex, 3 pages, Phys. Rev. Lett. (to be published