163 research outputs found

    Citizenship, Naturalization, and Asylum: The Case of Britain

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    Citizenship and naturalization procedures in the UK are examined in historical perspective. Recent legislation is reviewed in the light of global change. The implication of membership in the European Union is examined. The differential treatment of Commonwealth citizens and former colonial subjects is reviewed, as well as human rights questions raised by the treatment of asylum seekers. As a result of globalization, Britain is experiencing the same contradictory forces as other advanced industrial societies. Demographic and economic forces promote immigration, which is resisted for a combination of security fears and ethnocentric attitudes.Cet article examine les procédures pour l’obtention de la citoyenneté et de la naturalisation au Royaume Uni dans une perspective historique. À la lumière de changements qui interviennent au niveau global, il passe en revue les lois adoptées récemment. Il examine aussi les implications de l’adhésion du pays à l’Union Européenne. Il passe ensuite en revue le traitement préférentiel accordéaux citoyens des pays du Commonwealth et des anciennescolonies, ainsi que les questions de droits humains soulevées par le traitement réservé aux demandeurs d’asile. La globalisation expose la Grande Bretagne aux mêmes vents contradictoires qui affectent les autres sociétés industrielles avancées. Les forces démographiques etéconomiques promouvoient l’immigration, alors qu’une combinaison de peurs sécuritaires et d’attitudes ethnocentriques suscite de la résistance

    Global Apartheid: A Postscript

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    Trends in the numbers and location of refugees and asylum seekers during the 1980s and the 1990s are compared. The question of whether the world has created a system of “global apartheid” is reviewed. The outcome of asylum applications filed in European countries is compared with those in Canada and the United States. It is concluded that racism still prevails in the treatment of refugees. Canada’s record compares favourably with those of other developed countries, although the main burden of refugee protection still falls on less developed regions of the world.Cet article compare les tendances contenues dans le nombre et la localisation géographique de réfugiés et de demandeurs d’asile pendant toute la période des années 80 et 90. Il passe en revue la question de savoir si notre monde a crée un système d’« apartheid global ». Il compare aussi les suites données aux demandes d’asile soumises dans des pays européens et celles soumises au Canada et aux États-Unis. La conclusion tirée est que le racisme prévaut toujours dans le traitement réservé aux réfugiés. La performance du Canada se compare favorablement avec celle d’autres pays développés, bien que le gros du fardeau de la protection des réfugiés pèse toujours sur les régions les moins développées du monde

    Refugees, Inequality, and Human Development

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    This paper examines the relation between refugee movements and indicators of income, education, and life expectancy in sending and receiving countries. Countries which score low on the Human Development Index are more likely to experience conflict giving rise to internal displacement and refugee movements. Wealthier countries accept the better educated for permanent settlement, while admitting less skilled manual workers and asylum seekers on a temporary basis.Cet article examine les relations entre les mouvements de réfugiés et les indicateurs de revenus, l’éducation et l’espérance de vie dans les pays de départ et les pays d’accueil. Les pays avec un score bas sur l’Indice du développement humain ont le plus de probabilité de connaître des confl its provoquant des déplacements internes et des mouvements de réfugiés. Les pays plus riches acceptent les mieux éduqués pour l’établissement permanent, tout en admettant les travailleurs manuels moins éduqués ainsi que les demandeurs d’asile sur une base temporaire

    Refugees and Racism in Canada

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    The terms race and racism are defined, and the history of their use in Canada since Confederation is examined. A distinction is made between “macro” and “micro” racism. Examples of interpersonal and systemic racism in Canada are considered in the context of multicultural policies and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Changes in Canadian immigration law and regulations are examined and their implications for refugee movements reviewed. It is concluded that there are unintended consequences of stricter control over borders and the “faster, fairer, firmer” treatment of asylum-seekers, that constitute institutional racism.L’article commence par définir les termes « race » et « racisme » et retrace l’historique de leur utilisation au Canada depuis la Confédération. Les exemples de « macroracisme » et « micro-racisme » sont différenciés. Des cas de racisme interpersonnel et systémique au Canada sont examinés dans le contexte des politiques multiculturelles et la Charte des droits et libertés. Sont aussi passés en revue, les changements intervenus dans la Loi canadienne sur l’immigration, ainsi que dans les règlements s’y rapportant, et leurs implications sur le mouvement de réfugiés. La conclusion est que des conséquences non intentionnelles ont découlé des mesures de contrôle plus strictes exercées aux frontières, ainsi que du traitement « plus vite, plus équitable et plus ferme » des demandeurs d’asile, et que ces conséquences constituent en soi un racisme institutionnel

    Multiculturalism and the Millennium: Global Perspectives

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    The author confronts the conundrum of the"multicultural world" underattack. Can multicultural policies withstand the impact of globalization, postmodernism and the "information superhighway?" He concludes that disintegration and fragmentation are possible but not necessary outcomes. Survival is dependent on both public and private sectors working together to achieve "unity in diversity."La question centrale posée par cet article est: la politique fédérale en matière de multiculturalisme arrivera-t-elle à assurer sa survie dans un vingt-et-unième siècle soumis à l'impact grandissant de la globalisation, du postmodernisme et de la méga-autoroute de l'information? L'auteur conclut que la désintégration et la fragmentation de la politique multiculturelle sont des aboutissements possibles mais non inévitables. De fait, les secteurs public et privé se doivent d'agir conjointement pour arriver à assurer l'unité dans la diversité

    Globalization: implications for immigrants and refugees

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    Infrastructural Speculations: Tactics for Designing and Interrogating Lifeworlds

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    This paper introduces “infrastructural speculations,” an orientation toward speculative design that considers the complex and long-lived relationships of technologies with broader systems, beyond moments of immediate invention and design. As modes of speculation are increasingly used to interrogate questions of broad societal concern, it is pertinent to develop an orientation that foregrounds the “lifeworld” of artifacts—the social, perceptual, and political environment in which they exist. While speculative designs often imply a lifeworld, infrastructural speculations place lifeworlds at the center of design concern, calling attention to the cultural, regulatory, environmental, and repair conditions that enable and surround particular future visions. By articulating connections and affinities between speculative design and infrastructure studies research, we contribute a set of design tactics for producing infrastructural speculations. These tactics help design researchers interrogate the complex and ongoing entanglements among technologies, institutions, practices, and systems of power when gauging the stakes of alternate lifeworlds

    Verbal De-escalation of the Agitated Patient: Consensus Statement of the American Association for Emergency Psychiatry Project BETA De-escalation Workgroup

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    Agitation is an acute behavioral emergency requiring immediate intervention. Traditional methods of treating agitated patients, ie, routine restraints and involuntary medication, have been replaced with a much greater emphasis on a noncoercive approach. Experienced practitioners have found that if such interventions are undertaken with genuine commitment, successful outcomes can occur far more often than previously thought possible. In the new paradigm, a 3-step approach is used. First, the patient is verbally engaged; then a collaborative relationship is established; and, finally, the patient is verbally de-escalated out of the agitated state. Verbal de-escalation is usually the key to engaging the patient and helping him become an active partner in his evaluation and treatment; although, we also recognize that in some cases nonverbal approaches, such as voluntary medication and environment planning, are also important. When working with an agitated patient, there are 4 main objectives: (1) ensure the safety of the patient, staff, and others in the area; (2) help the patient manage his emotions and distress and maintain or regain control of his behavior; (3) avoid the use of restraint when at all possible; and (4) avoid coercive interventions that escalate agitation. The authors detail the proper foundations for appropriate training for de-escalation and provide intervention guidelines, using the “10 domains of de-escalation.
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