3,458 research outputs found

    Hypotheses for near-surface exchange of methane on Mars

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    The Curiosity rover recently detected a background of 0.7 ppb and spikes of 7 ppb of methane on Mars. This in situ measurement reorients our understanding of the Martian environment and its potential for life, as the current theories do not entail any geological source or sink of methane that varies sub-annually. In particular, the 10-fold elevation during the southern winter indicates episodic sources of methane that are yet to be discovered. Here we suggest a near-surface reservoir could explain this variability. Using the temperature and humidity measurements from the rover, we find that perchlorate salts in the regolith deliquesce to form liquid solutions, and deliquescence progresses to deeper subsurface in the season of the methane spikes. We therefore formulate the following three testable hypotheses. The first scenario is that the regolith in Gale Crater adsorbs methane when dry and releases this methane to the atmosphere upon deliquescence. The adsorption energy needs to be 36 kJ/mol to explain the magnitude of the methane spikes, higher than existing laboratory measurements. The second scenario is that microorganisms convert organic matter in the soil to methane when they are in liquid solutions. This scenario does not require regolith adsorption, but entails extant life on Mars. The third scenario is that deep subsurface aquifers produce the bursts of methane. Continued in situ measurements of methane and water, as well as laboratory studies of adsorption and deliquescence, will test these hypotheses and inform the existence of the near-surface reservoir and its exchange with the atmosphere.Comment: Accepted for publication on Astrobiolog

    Satellite Based Estimation of Global Biogenic Methane Emissions

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    Atmospheric CH4 is derived from both natural and anthropogenic sources, and the rapid increase in atmospheric CH4 levels over the past two centuries has predominantly been a result of increased anthropogenic emissions. Nonetheless, natural sources have also changed as a result of global change, and quantifying the fluxes of CH4 from these sources, and their associated climatic feedbacks, is of paramount importance. In this thesis I have developed a method to upscale the global CH4 emissions from UV irradiation of foliar pectin (chapter 2). I have quantified the magnitude and distribution of CH4 emissions from wetlands on a global scale and determined the sensitivity of wetlands to temporal changes in water volume and temperature (chapters 3 and 4). Finally I determine that tropical wetland organic matter decomposition on a global scale behaves non-linearly over seasonal timescales. This implies a substantially different seasonality in CH4 emissions from wetlands (chapter 5). I show that (i) satellites such as MODIS and GRACE can be used to improve the understanding of individual CH4 sources and sinks, and (ii) the newly available satellite observations of CH4 can be effectively used for more than constraining atmospheric chemistry and transport model inversions. Moreover, the work shown in this thesis has contributed new biogenic CH4 source estimates, but has also posed new questions which will ultimately help guide new projects in the atmospheric CH4 research area

    Detection of fossil fuel emission trends in the presence of natural carbon cycle variability

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    Atmospheric CO₂ observations have the potential to monitor regional fossil fuel emission (FFCO₂) changes to support carbon mitigation efforts such as the Paris Accord, but they must contend with the confounding impacts of the natural carbon cycle. Here, we quantify trend detection time and magnitude in gridded total CO₂ fluxes—the sum of FFCO₂ and natural carbon fluxes—under an idealized assumption that monthly total CO₂ fluxes can be perfectly resolved at a 2°×2° resolution. Using Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) 'business-as-usual' emission scenarios to represent FFCO₂ and simulated net biome exchange (NBE) to represent natural carbon fluxes, we find that trend detection time for the total CO₂ fluxes at such a resolution has a median of 10 years across the globe, with significant spatial variability depending on FFCO₂ magnitude and NBE variability. Differences between trends in the total CO₂ fluxes and the underlying FFCO₂ component highlight the role of natural carbon cycle variability in modulating regional detection of FFCO₂ emission trends using CO₂ observations alone, particularly in the tropics and subtropics where mega-cities with large populations are developing rapidly. Using CO₂ estimates alone at such a spatiotemporal resolution can only quantify fossil fuel trends in a few places—mostly limited to arid regions. For instance, in the Middle East, FFCO₂ can explain more than 75% of the total CO₂ trends in ~70% of the grids, but only ~20% of grids in China can meet such criteria. Only a third of the 25 megacities we analyze here show total CO₂ trends that are primarily explained (>75%) by FFCO₂. Our analysis provides a theoretical baseline at a global scale for the design of regional FFCO₂ monitoring networks and underscores the importance of estimating biospheric interannual variability to improve the accuracy of FFCO₂ trend monitoring. We envision that this can be achieved with a fully integrated carbon cycle assimilation system with explicit constraints on FFCO₂ and NBE, respectively

    Large-Scale Controls of Methanogenesis Inferred from Methane and Gravity Spaceborne Data

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    Wetlands are the largest individual source of methane (CH_4), but the magnitude and distribution of this source are poorly understood on continental scales. We isolated the wetland and rice paddy contributions to spaceborne CH_4 measurements over 2003–2005 using satellite observations of gravity anomalies, a proxy for water-table depth Γ, and surface temperature analyses T_S. We find that tropical and higher-latitude CH_4 variations are largely described by Γ and T_S variations, respectively. Our work suggests that tropical wetlands contribute 52 to 58% of global emissions, with the remainder coming from the extra-tropics, 2% of which is from Arctic latitudes. We estimate a 7% rise in wetland CH_4 emissions over 2003–2007, due to warming of mid-latitude and Arctic wetland regions, which we find is consistent with recent changes in atmospheric CH_4

    Remote-sensing constraints on South America fire traits by Bayesian fusion of atmospheric and surface data

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    Satellite observations reveal substantial burning during the 2007 and 2010 tropical South America fire season, with both years exhibiting similar total burned area. However, 2010 CO fire emissions, based on satellite CO concentration measurements, were substantially lower (−28%), despite the once‐in‐a‐century drought in 2010. We use Bayesian inference with satellite measurements of CH_4 and CO concentrations and burned area to quantify shifts in combustion characteristics in 2010 relative to 2007. We find an 88% probability in reduced combusted biomass density associated with the 2010 fires and an 82% probability of lower fire carbon losses in 2010 relative to 2007. Higher combustion efficiency was a smaller contributing factor to the reduced 2010 CO emissions. The reduction in combusted biomass density is consistent with a reduction (4–6%) in Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment 2 solar‐induced fluorescence (a proxy for gross primary production) during the preceding months and a potential reduction in biomass (≤8.3%) due to repeat fires

    Detection of fossil fuel emission trends in the presence of natural carbon cycle variability

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    Atmospheric CO₂ observations have the potential to monitor regional fossil fuel emission (FFCO₂) changes to support carbon mitigation efforts such as the Paris Accord, but they must contend with the confounding impacts of the natural carbon cycle. Here, we quantify trend detection time and magnitude in gridded total CO₂ fluxes—the sum of FFCO₂ and natural carbon fluxes—under an idealized assumption that monthly total CO₂ fluxes can be perfectly resolved at a 2°×2° resolution. Using Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) 'business-as-usual' emission scenarios to represent FFCO₂ and simulated net biome exchange (NBE) to represent natural carbon fluxes, we find that trend detection time for the total CO₂ fluxes at such a resolution has a median of 10 years across the globe, with significant spatial variability depending on FFCO₂ magnitude and NBE variability. Differences between trends in the total CO₂ fluxes and the underlying FFCO₂ component highlight the role of natural carbon cycle variability in modulating regional detection of FFCO₂ emission trends using CO₂ observations alone, particularly in the tropics and subtropics where mega-cities with large populations are developing rapidly. Using CO₂ estimates alone at such a spatiotemporal resolution can only quantify fossil fuel trends in a few places—mostly limited to arid regions. For instance, in the Middle East, FFCO₂ can explain more than 75% of the total CO₂ trends in ~70% of the grids, but only ~20% of grids in China can meet such criteria. Only a third of the 25 megacities we analyze here show total CO₂ trends that are primarily explained (>75%) by FFCO₂. Our analysis provides a theoretical baseline at a global scale for the design of regional FFCO₂ monitoring networks and underscores the importance of estimating biospheric interannual variability to improve the accuracy of FFCO₂ trend monitoring. We envision that this can be achieved with a fully integrated carbon cycle assimilation system with explicit constraints on FFCO₂ and NBE, respectively

    Hypotheses for Near-Surface Exchange of Methane on Mars

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    The Curiosity rover recently detected a background of 0.7 ppb and spikes of 7 ppb of methane on Mars. This in situ measurement reorients our understanding of the martian environment and its potential for life, as the current theories do not entail any geological source or sink of methane that varies sub-annually. In particular, the 10-fold elevation during the southern winter indicates episodic sources of methane that are yet to be discovered. Here we suggest a near-surface reservoir could explain this variability. Using the temperature and humidity measurements from the rover, we find that perchlorate salts in the regolith deliquesce to form liquid solutions, and deliquescence progresses to deeper subsurface in the season of the methane spikes. We therefore formulate the following three testable hypotheses. The first scenario is that the regolith in Gale Crater adsorbs methane when dry and releases this methane to the atmosphere upon deliquescence. The adsorption energy needs to be 36 kJ mol^(−1) to explain the magnitude of the methane spikes, higher than existing laboratory measurements. The second scenario is that microorganisms convert organic matter in the soil to methane when they are in liquid solutions. This scenario does not require regolith adsorption but entails extant life on Mars. The third scenario is that deep subsurface aquifers produce the bursts of methane. Continued in situ measurements of methane and water, as well as laboratory studies of adsorption and deliquescence, will test these hypotheses and inform the existence of the near-surface reservoir and its exchange with the atmosphere

    Highly conserved molecular pathways, including Wnt signaling, promote functional recovery from spinal cord injury in lampreys

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    © The Author(s), 2018. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Scientific Reports 8 (2018): 742, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-18757-1.In mammals, spinal cord injury (SCI) leads to dramatic losses in neurons and synaptic connections, and consequently function. Unlike mammals, lampreys are vertebrates that undergo spontaneous regeneration and achieve functional recovery after SCI. Therefore our goal was to determine the complete transcriptional responses that occur after SCI in lampreys and to identify deeply conserved pathways that promote regeneration. We performed RNA-Seq on lamprey spinal cord and brain throughout the course of functional recovery. We describe complex transcriptional responses in the injured spinal cord, and somewhat surprisingly, also in the brain. Transcriptional responses to SCI in lampreys included transcription factor networks that promote peripheral nerve regeneration in mammals such as Atf3 and Jun. Furthermore, a number of highly conserved axon guidance, extracellular matrix, and proliferation genes were also differentially expressed after SCI in lampreys. Strikingly, ~3% of differentially expressed transcripts belonged to the Wnt pathways. These included members of the Wnt and Frizzled gene families, and genes involved in downstream signaling. Pharmacological inhibition of Wnt signaling inhibited functional recovery, confirming a critical role for this pathway. These data indicate that molecular signals present in mammals are also involved in regeneration in lampreys, supporting translational relevance of the model.We gratefully acknowledge support from the National Institutes of Health (R03NS078519 to OB; R01GM104123 to JJS; R01NS078165 to JRM), The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research and The Marine Biological Laboratory, including the Charles Evans Foundation Research Award, the Albert and Ellen Grass Foundation Faculty Research Award, and The Eugene and Millicent Bell Fellowship Fund in Tissue Engineering

    Parton-Hadron Duality in Unpolarised and Polarised Structure Functions

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    We study the phenomenon of parton-hadron duality in both polarised and unpolarised electron proton scattering using the HERMES and the Jefferson Lab data, respectively. In both cases we extend a systematic perturbative QCD based analysis to the integrals of the structure functions in the resonance region. After subtracting target mass corrections and large x resummation effects, we extract the remaining power corrections up to order 1/Q^2. We find a sizeable suppression of these terms with respect to analyses using deep inelastic scattering data. The suppression appears consistently in both polarised and unpolarised data, except for the low Q^2 polarised data, where a large negative higher twist contribution remains. Possible scenarios generating this behavior are discussed.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figure