49 research outputs found

    Summary of fuel analyses results for banagrass.

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    <p>* 'Ground' refers to the banagrass after it had been ground to a particle size of ≤200 μm.</p><p><sup>#</sup> Oxygen by difference</p><p>Repeatability estimated to be ≤0.5% (absolute)</p><p>Summary of fuel analyses results for banagrass.</p

    Elemental conversion efficiency (C, H, N and O by difference) results for the dry bio-oil samples from banagrass pyrolysis as a function of temperature and vapor residence time (bed position, BP).

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    <p>Results are presented as wt% of the element in the Feedstock (daf). The standard deviation for the C and O results is ≤3.0 wt%, for H ≤5.0 wt% and for N ≤10.0 wt% (absolute).</p

    Fast Pyrolysis Behavior of Banagrass as a Function of Temperature and Volatiles Residence Time in a Fluidized Bed Reactor

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    <div><p>A reactor was designed and commissioned to study the fast pyrolysis behavior of banagrass as a function of temperature and volatiles residence time. Four temperatures between 400 and 600°C were examined as well as four residence times between ~1.0 and 10 seconds. Pyrolysis product distributions of bio-oil, char and permanent gases were determined at each reaction condition. The elemental composition of the bio-oils and chars was also assessed. The greatest bio-oil yield was recorded when working at 450°C with a volatiles residence time of 1.4 s, ~37 wt% relative to the dry ash free feedstock (excluding pyrolysis water). The amounts of char (organic fraction) and permanent gases under these conditions are ~4 wt% and 8 wt% respectively. The bio-oil yield stated above is for 'dry' bio-oil after rotary evaporation to remove solvent, which results in volatiles and pyrolysis water being removed from the bio-oil. The material removed during drying accounts for the remainder of the pyrolysis products. The 'dry' bio-oil produced under these conditions contains ~56 wt% carbon which is ~40 wt% of the carbon present in the feedstock. The oxygen content of the 450°C, 1.4 s 'dry' bio-oil is ~38 wt%, which accounts for ~33 wt% of the oxygen in the feedstock. At higher temperature or longer residence time less bio-oil and char is recovered and more gas and light volatiles are produced. Increasing the temperature has a more significant effect on product yields and composition than increasing the volatiles residence time. At 600°C and a volatiles residence time of 1.2 seconds the bio-oil yield is ~21 wt% of the daf feedstock, with a carbon content of 64 wt% of the bio-oil. The bio-oil yield from banagrass is significantly lower than from woody biomass or grasses such as switchgrass or miscanthus, but is similar to barley straw. The reason for the low bio-oil yield from banagrass is thought to be related to its high ash content (8.5 wt% dry basis) and high concentration of alkali and alkali earth metals (totaling ~2.8 wt% relative to the dry feedstock) which are catalytic and increase cracking reactions during pyrolysis.</p></div

    Dry bio-oil yields relative to daf feedstock as a function of temperature and vapor residence time, S.D. ≤2.0 wt% absolute.

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    <p>Dry bio-oil yields relative to daf feedstock as a function of temperature and vapor residence time, S.D. ≤2.0 wt% absolute.</p

    Schematic diagram of the variable-freeboard pyrolysis reactor.

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    <p>Numbers 1 through 6 show the locations of the thermocouples in the multi-point temperature probes (SS—stainless steel).</p

    Bio-Oil, char and gas yields (daf) from cellulose pyrolysis, at the longest residence times (BP-1).

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    <p><sup>#</sup> Volatile bio-oil refers to the amount of bio-oil removed from the sample during rotary evaporation and is determined by analyzing the bio-oil solution by GCMS before drying and again after it is dried.</p><p>^ Indicative values derived from on-line gas analysis.</p><p>* The bias in the char yield is estimated to be ≤±2 wt% (absolute).</p><p>** 'Undetected' is derived as: 100%—(dry bio-oil + volatile bio-oil + char + CO, CO<sub>2</sub>, CH<sub>4</sub> and H<sub>2</sub> yields).</p><p>n.d. not determined, due to instrument unavailability; n.a. not applicable; S.D. is the standard deviation.</p><p>Bio-Oil, char and gas yields (daf) from cellulose pyrolysis, at the longest residence times (BP-1).</p

    Bio-oil, char and gas yields (daf) from cellulose pyrolysis, at the shortest residence times (BP-4).

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    <p></p><p><sup>#</sup> Volatile bio-oil refers to the amount of bio-oil removed from the sample during rotary evaporation and is determined by analyzing the bio-oil solution by GCMS before drying and again after it is dried.</p><p>^ Indicative values derived from on-line gas analysis.</p><p>* The bias in the char yield is estimated to be ≤±2 wt% (absolute).</p><p>** 'Undetected' is derived as: 100%—(dry bio-oil + volatile bio-oil + char + CO, CO<sub>2</sub>, CH<sub>4</sub> and H<sub>2</sub> yields).</p><p>Bio-oil, char and gas yields (daf) from cellulose pyrolysis, at the shortest residence times (BP-4).</p

    Permanent gas yields relative to daf feedstock as a function of temperature and vapor residence time, S.D ≤1.5 wt% absolute.

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    <p>Permanent gas yields relative to daf feedstock as a function of temperature and vapor residence time, S.D ≤1.5 wt% absolute.</p

    Elemental analysis (C, H, N, and O by difference) results for the dry bio-oil samples from banagrass pyrolysis as a function of temperature and vapor residence time (bed position, BP).

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    <p>Results are presented as wt% of the bio-oil. The standard deviation of the C and O results is ≤1.5 wt% (absolute) and for H and N ≤0.3 wt% (absolute).</p