49 research outputs found

    Effect of sugars and apple peel powder on polyphenols and antioxidant activity in apple puree

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    Cilj rada je bio ispitati utjecaj šećera (glukoze, fruktoze, saharoze i trehaloze) na očuvanje polifenolnih spojeva i antioksidativnu aktivnost kaša od jabuka pripremljenih zamrzavanjem i dehidratacijom (liofilizacijom). Istraživanje je obuhvatilo ispitivanje dviju sorti jabuka (Granny Smith i Gold Rush) kroz dvije proizvodne sezone, a također je obuhvatilo i mogućnost iskorištavanja nusprodukta industrije voća, koru jabuke, koja se često tretira kao otpad pri preradi, a kojom bi se (kao dodatak) obogaćivala kaša od jabuka. Rezultati su pokazali da dodatak šećera i praha kore jabuka znakovito utječe na očuvanje odnosno povećanje polifenolnih spojeva i antioksidacijske aktivnosti procesiranih kaša jabuka u odnosu na kaše jabuka bez dodataka. Od ispitivanih šećera trehaloza je najviše utjecala na očuvanje promatranih parametara dok je glukoza imala najmanji utjecaj. Nakon skladištenja uzorci s dodatkom šećera i praha kore jabuka su i dalje imali veći sadržaj polifenola i antioksidacijsku aktivnosti u usporedbi s kontrolnim uzorcima.The aim of this research was to determine the influence of sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose and trehalose) on retention of polyphenols and antioxidative activity of processed (frozen and freeze-dried) apple puree. The research included examination of two apple varieties (Granny Smith and the Gold Rush) through two production seasons, and also include the possibility of exploiting by-product from fruit industry, apple peels, which are often treated as waste for enrichment of apple puree. Results showed that the addition of sugars and apple peel powder resulted in retention of polyphenols and antioxidative activity in comparison to samples without addition of additives. The addition of trehalose had the highest impact on polyphenol and antioxidant activity retention and glucose the lowest. After storage samples with sugar and apple peel powder addition had higher content of polyphenols and antioxidative activity in comparison to control samples

    Polyphenols of Traditional Apple Varieties - The Overview

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    Apples are one of the most popular foods around the world. However, recently there has been a growing interest in the preservation of traditional apple varieties. This interest has grown due to the studies that suggest that traditional apples contain higher amounts of polyphenolics and antioxidant activity compared to commercial ones. Polyphenolics in apples have gained much attention because of their beneficial effects on human health, and thus they became a quality trait of apples. Traditional apple varieties have the same groups of polyphenols as commercial ones and those are flavan-3-ols, phenolic acids, flavonols, dihydrochalcones, and anthocyanins. However, traditional apple varieties proved to be rich in some individual polyphenolics, such as procyanidins B1, B2, A2, epicatechin, quercetin-3-rutinoside, chlorogenic acid, etc. This chapter is underlying the great potential of traditional apple varieties as a source of some individual polyphenolics and natural antioxidants

    Effect of variety, growing season and storage on polyphenol profile and antioxidant activity of apple peels

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    Identification and quantification of the major polyphenols, and antioxidant activity (AOA), in the peel of apple varieties, Granny Smith (GS) and Gold Rush (GR), during storage and over two growing seasons (2011 and 2012) were examined.GR had higher amount of flavan-3-ols, dihydrochalcones, and flavonols compared to GS. Of all polyphenolic groups, flavonols were the most influenced by the climacteric conditions during the growing season. The higher amount of phenolic acids was detected in 2012 for the both apple varieties. Dihydrochalcones were influenced more by the variety than by the climacteric conditions during growing season. Changes in polyphenol content (TPC) and AOA during storage depended on the variety. Samples of apple peel powder, after storage, preserved the most of the antioxidants and functional properties, suggesting that apple peel powder may be used in a various food products to add phytochemicals and promote good health


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    The most important mycotoxigenic fungus involved in pre- and post-contamination of crops is Aspergillus flavus which causes great health and economic loses worldwide due to production of the most potent natural hepatocarcinogen – aflatoxin B1. Contamination with this secondary metabolite is getting even worst by global climate changes and other abiotic stressors present in environment. Accordingly, researches with the aim of synthesis or identifying the antiaflatoxigenic and antifungal compounds are of interest. For such efforts realization, use and manipulation with intracellular content of A. flavus cells is necessary. The aim of this study was to apply Omni® Bead Ruptor 12 Homogenizer on disintegration of A. flavus cells, to find optimal parameters of homogenization and prepare biologically active extracts which can be used for determination of possible strategies for control of contamination with aflatoxins. Results of study showed that bead mill homogenizer Omni® Bead Ruptor 12 Homogenizer can be applied for disintegration of A. flavus mycelia and preparation of enzymatically active cell-free extracts. The homogenization mixture in 2 mL homogenization tubes should contain 100 mg of fresh wet mycelia, 1 g of precooled acid washed glass beads of 0.5 mm in diameter and 1 mL of ice-cold buffer. Such mixture should be homogenized at speed of 6 m/s during 120 s, in six cycles of 20 s with cooling of samples in ice-bath between cycles

    Caratteristiche reologiche della maionese da insalata con aggiunta di purea di mela

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    Reološka svojstva hrane su od velikog značaja radi postizanja određenih svojstava hrane i radi vođenja procesa proizvodnje hrane. U ovom radu istraživan je utjecaj pojedinih sastojaka (ugljikohidrati, mliječna komponenta, žumanjak kokošjeg jajeta, kaša jabuke) i parametara homogenizacije (brzina rotora, vrijeme homogenizacije) na reološka svojstva salatne majoneze. Mehanički proces homogenizacije majoneze proveden je kod 10000, 12000 i 15000 o/min u vremenu od 1, 3 i 5 minuta. Za izradu majoneze korišteni su ugljikohidrati (glukoza, saharoza, laktoza, maltodekstrin), mliječna komponenta (obrano i punomasno mlijeko u prahu, sirutka u prahu, kazein u prahu), žumanjak jajeta (svježi, pasterizirani) i kaša jabuke pripremljena od sorte Čelenka i Kanadska reneta. Mjerenja reoloških svojstava salatne majoneze s dodatkom kaše jabuke provedena su na rotacijskom viskozimetru s koncentričnim cilindrima pri temperaturi 25 °C. Iz dobivenih podataka izračunati su reološki parametri koeficijent konzistencije, indeks tečenja i prividna viskoznost majoneza. Navedeni rezultati ukazuju da salatna majoneza koja je izrađena s punomasnim mlijekom ima veću viskoznost u odnosu na druge mliječne komponente. Dodatkom maltodektrina ostvaruju se veće vrijednosti prividne viskoznosti u odnosu na ostale uzorke. Korištenjem svježeg žumanjka ostvaruje se manja prividna viskoznost. Brzina rotora i vrijeme homogenizacije utječu na promjenu reoloških svojstava. Veću prividnu viskoznost imaju uzorci s kašom jabuke sorte Kanadska reneta u usporedbi na sortu Čelenka.The rheological properties of food are of great importance in order to achieve certain food properties and to guide the food production process. In this paper, the influence of individual ingredients (carbohydrates, milk component, egg yolk, apple puree) and homogenization parameters (rotor speed, homogenization time) on the rheological properties of salad mayonnaise was investigated. The mechanical process of mayonnaise homogenization was carried out at 10,000, 12,000 and 15,000 rpm for 1, 3 and 5 minutes. Carbohydrates (glucose, sucrose, lactose, maltodextrin), milk component (skimmed and whole milk powder, whey powder, casein powder), egg yolk (fresh, pasteurized) and apple puree prepared from the Čelenka and Kanadska reneta varieties were used to make mayonnaise. Measurements of the rheological properties of salad mayonnaise with the addition of apple puree were carried out on a rotary viscometer with concentric cylinders at a temperature of 25 °C. From rheological parameters consistency coefficient, flow index and apparent viscosity of mayonnaise were calculated from the obtained data. The above results indicate that salad mayonnaise made with whole milk has a higher viscosity compared to other milk components. With the addition of maltodextrin, higher apparent viscosity values are achieved compared to other samples. By using fresh egg yolk, a lower apparent viscosity is achieved. Rotor speed and homogenization time affect the change in rheological properties. Samples with apple puree of the Kanadska reneta variety have a higher apparent viscosity compared to the Čelenka variety.Die rheologischen Eigenschaften von Lebensmitteln sind von großer Bedeutung, um bestimmte Lebensmitteleigenschaften zu erzielen und den Prozess der Lebensmittelherstellung zu steuern. In dieser Arbeit wurde der Einfluss einzelner Zutaten (Kohlenhydrate, Milchkomponente, Eigelb, Apfelpüree) und Homogenisierungsparameter (Rotorgeschwindigkeit, Homogenisierungszeit) auf die rheologischen Eigenschaften von Salatmayonnaise untersucht. Der mechanische Prozess der Mayonnaise-Homogenisierung wurde bei 10.000, 12.000 und 15.000 U/min für 1, 3 und 5 Minuten durchgeführt. Zur Herstellung der Mayonnaise wurden Kohlenhydrate (Glukose, Saccharose, Laktose, Maltodextrin), Milchbestandteile (Magermilch- und Vollmilchpulver, Molkepulver, Kaseinpulver), Eigelb (frisch, pasteurisiert) und Apfelpüree aus den Sorten Čelenka und Kanadska reneta verwendet. Die Messungen der rheologischen Eigenschaften der Salatmayonnaise mit dem Zusatz von Apfelpüree wurden mit einem Rotationsviskosimeter mit konzentrischen Zylindern bei einer Temperatur von 25 °C durchgeführt. Aus den rheologischen Parametern wurden Konsistenzkoeffizient, Fließindex und scheinbare Viskosität der Mayonnaise berechnet. Die obigen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Salatmayonnaise aus Vollmilch eine höhere Viskosität aufweist als andere Milchkomponenten. Durch den Zusatz von Maltodextrin werden im Vergleich zu anderen Proben höhere scheinbare Viskositätswerte erreicht. Durch die Verwendung von frischem Eigelb wird eine niedrigere scheinbare Viskosität erreicht. Die Rotordrehzahl und Homogenisierungszeit beeinflussen die Veränderung der rheologischen Eigenschaften. Proben mit Apfelpüree der Sorte Kanadska reneta haben im Vergleich zur Sorte Čelenka eine höhere scheinbare Viskosität.Las propiedades reológicas de los alimentos son de gran importancia para lograr ciertas propiedades de los alimentos y conducir el proceso de producción de alimentos. En este trabajo, fue investigada la influencia de los ingredientes individuales (carbohidratos, componente de la leche, yema de huevo, pulpa de manzana) y los parámetros de homogeneización (velocidad del rotor, tiempo de homogeneización) sobre las propiedades reológicas de la mayonesa de ensalada. El proceso mecánico de homogeneización de mayonesa se realizó a 10.000, 12.000 y 15.000 rpm durante 1, 3 y 5 minutos. Hidratos de carbono (glucosa, sacarosa, lactosa, maltodextrina), componente lácteo (leche entera y desnatada en polvo, suero de leche en polvo, caseína en polvo), yema de huevo (fresca, pasteurizada) y pulpa de manzana preparada de la variedad Čelenka y Kanadska reneta fueron utilizados para hacer mayonesa. Las mediciones de las propiedades reológicas de la mayonesa de ensalada con la adición de pulpa de manzana se realizaron en un viscosímetro rotatorio con cilindros concéntricos a una temperatura de 25 °C. Los parámetros reológicos el coeficiente de consistencia, el índice de fluidez y la viscosidad aparente de la mayonesa se calcularon de los datos obtenidos. Con la adición de maltodextrina se consiguen valores de viscosidad aparente superiores a otras muestras. Al usar la yema de huevo fresca, se logra una viscosidad aparente más baja. La velocidad del rotor y el tiempo de homogeneización afectan el cambio en las propiedades reológicas. Las muestras con pulpa de manzana de la variedad de Kanadska reneta tienen una viscosidad aparente más alta en comparación con la variedad Čelenka.Le proprietà reologiche degli alimenti hanno grande importanza nell’ottenimento di determinate proprietà alimentari e nel guidare il processo di produzione del cibo. In questo lavoro è stato studiato l’impatto dei singoli ingredienti (carboidrati, componente di latte, tuorlo d\u27uovo, purea di mela) e dei parametri di omogeneizzazione (velocità del rotore, tempo di omogeneizzazione) sulle proprietà reologiche della maionese da insalata. Il processo meccanico di omogeneizzazione della maionese è stato effettuato a 10.000, 12.000 e 15.000 rpm per 1, 3 e 5 minuti. Per la produzione della maionese sono stati utilizzati carboidrati (glucosio, saccarosio, lattosio, maltodestrine), una componente di latte (latte scremato e intero in polvere, siero di latte in polvere, caseina in polvere), tuorlo d\u27uovo (fresco, pastorizzato) e purea di mela delle varietà Čelenka e Renetta del Canada. Le misurazioni delle proprietà reologiche della maionese da insalata con l\u27aggiunta di purea di mela sono state eseguite su viscosimetro rotativo a cilindri concentrici alla temperatura di 25°C. Dai dati ottenuti sono stati calcolati i seguenti parametri reologici: coefficiente di consistenza, indice di flusso e viscosità apparente. Detti risultati indicano che la maionese da insalata prodotta con latte intero ha una viscosità maggiore rispetto agli altri campioni prodotti con altri componenti di latte. Con l\u27aggiunta di maltodestrine si ottengono valori di viscosità apparente più elevati rispetto agli altri campioni. Utilizzando tuorlo d\u27uovo fresco, si ottiene una viscosità apparente inferiore. La velocità del rotore e il tempo di omogeneizzazione incidono sul cambiamento delle proprietà reologiche. I campioni con purea di mela della varietà Renetta del Canada hanno una viscosità apparente più elevata rispetto ai campioni con purea di mela della varietà Čelenka