432 research outputs found

    Effects of yeast trehalose-6-phosphate synthase 1 on gene expression and carbohydrate contents of potato leaves under drought stress conditions

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    BACKGROUND: The development of drought-tolerant, elite varieties of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is a challenging task, which might be achieved by introducing transgenic lines into breeding. We previously demonstrated that strains of the White Lady potato cultivar that express the yeast trehalose-6-phosphate synthase ( TPS1) gene exhibit improved drought tolerance. RESULTS: We investigated the responses of the drought-sensitive potato cultivar White Lady and the drought-tolerant TPS1 transgenic variant to prolonged drought stress at both the transcriptional and metabolic levels. Leaf mRNA expression profiles were compared using the POCI microarray, which contains 42,034 potato unigene probes. We identified 379 genes of known function that showed at least a 2-fold change in expression across genotypes, stress levels or the interaction between these factors. Wild-type leaves had twice as many genes with altered expression in response to stress than TPS1 transgenic leaves, but 112 genes were differentially expressed in both strains. We identified 42 transcription factor genes with altered expression, of which four were uniquely up-regulated in TPS1 transgenic leaves. The majority of the genes with altered expression that have been implicated in photosynthesis and carbohydrate metabolism were down-regulated in both the wild-type and TPS1 transgenic plants. In agreement with this finding, the starch concentration of the stressed leaves was very low. At the metabolic level, the contents of fructose, galactose and glucose were increased and decreased in the wild-type and TPS1 transgenic leaves, respectively, while the amounts of proline, inositol and raffinose were highly increased in both the wild-type and TPS1 transgenic leaves under drought conditions. CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge, this study is the most extensive transcriptional and metabolic analysis of a transgenic, drought-tolerant potato line. We identified four genes that were previously reported as drought-responsive in non-transgenic Andean potato cultivars. The substantial increases in proline, inositol and raffinose contents detected in both the wild-type and TPS1 transgenic leaves appears to be a general response of potatoes to drought stress. The four transcription factors uniquely up-regulated in TPS1 transgenic leaves are good candidates for future functional analyses aimed at understanding the regulation of the 57 genes with differential expression in TPS1 transgenic leaves

    Multifrekvenciás elektron spin rezonancia erősen korrelált fémekben és szupravezetőkben = Multifrequency electron spin resonance in strongly correlated metals and superconductors

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    A projekt célja olyan szilárd testek elektron spin rezonancia vizsgálata, amelyekben az elektron-elektron korrelációk alapvetően fontosak. A vizsgált kuprát, szerves és fullerén vegyületek fémek, szupravezetők vagy a szupravezetéshez közel álló mágnesesen rendezett anyagok, amelyekben az elektron korrelációnak lényeges szerepe van. Megmértük és egy elméletet dolgoztunk ki a MgB2 szervetlen szupravezető vezetési elektron spin élettartamára, ami alapvető fizikai mennyiség. Befejeztük egy, a magas hőmérsékletű szupravezetéshez közel álló kuprát rendszer mágneses fázis diagramjának meghatározását. Az ET2Cu[N(CN)2]Cl réteges szerves gyenge ferromágnes rezonancia módusainak feltérképezésével egy régóta megfejthetetlen problémát oldottunk meg egy, a szupravezetés és mágnesség határán lévő anyagra. A Parmai Egyetem (Olaszország) és a Cambridge-i Egyetem (Nagy Britannia) kutatóival együttműködve megmutattuk, hogy a Li4C60 fullerén vegyület egy ionos vezető, amely alkalmazható lehet elektromos telepekben. Az eredményeket magas impaktú tudományos folyóiratokban közöltük. A munka két PhD tézis alapjául szolgált. Az ESR spektrumok fejlődése megújította az érdeklődést a módszer iránt. A nagy frekvenciás ESR spektrométert felújítottuk, új kvázi-optikai hidat, nagyteljesítméníű mm-hullámú forrást, mérőfejeket és egy rezgésmentes tartószerkezetet helyeztünk üzembe. Az érzékenységet egy nagyságrenddel megnöveltük. | The aim of the project was an electron spin resonance investigation of solids in which electron-electron correlations are of fundamental importance. The cuprate, organic and fullerene compounds investigated are metals, superconductors or magnetically ordered systems related to superconductivity in which electron correlations play an essential role. We measured and proposed a theory of the conduction electron spin life time in an inorganic superconductor, MgB2. We completed work on the magnetic phase diagram of a cuprate system close to high temperature superconductivity. The mapping of the magnetic resonance modes of a layered organic weak ferromagnet, ET2Cu(N(CN)2)Cl, solved a long standing problem of a material at the borderline of magnetic order and superconductivity. We showed, in collaboration with researchers at the University of Parma (Italy) and University of Cambridge (UK) that the fullerene compound, Li4C60 is a crystalline superionic conductor with possible applications in electrical batteries. Results were published in high impact scientific journals. The work served the basis for the completion of two PhD thesis. The recent progress of high frequencies ESR spectrometers has renewed interest in the method. The high frequency ESR spectrometer has been reconstructed, a new quasi optical bridge, a powerful mm-wave source, probe heads and a vibration free supporting structure were installed. As a result the sensitivity was increased by an order of magnitude

    The TSN Building Blocks in Linux

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    Various application areas e.g. industrial automation, professional audio-video, automotive in-vehicle, aerospace on-board, and mobile fronthaul networks require deterministic communication: loss-less forwarding with bounded maximum latency. There is a lot of ongoing standardization activity in different organizations to provide vendor-agnostic building blocks for Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN), what is aimed as the universal solution for deterministic forwarding in OSI Layer-2 networks. Furthermore, the implementation of those standards is also happening in Linux. Some of them require software changes only, but others have hardware support requirements. In this paper, we give an overview of the implementation of the main TSN standards in the mainline Linux kernel. Furthermore, we provide measurement results on key functionality in support of TSN, e.g., scheduled transmission and Linux bridging characteristics.Comment: Draft of the paper submitted to Netdev 0x16 conference. Link to the submission: https://netdevconf.info/0x16/session.html?The-TSN-building-blocks-in-Linu

    Bevezetés az R programozásba

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    A jegyzet a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Pénzügy Mester szak Vállalati Pénzügyek specializáció Vállalati Pénzügyi Információs Rendszerek tantárgyhoz készült. A tárgy oktatásának a célja megismertetni a hallgatókat a vállalatok pénzügyi funkcióival, a pénzügyi vezetés feladataival, valamint a vállalati pénzügyi döntéseket támogató információs rendszerekkel. Mivel a tárgy tematikájában az utóbbi pár évben jelentősen megnőtt az R programozási nyelv oktatásának súlya, és ennek alapszintű elsajátítása nélkül a tárgy nem teljesíthető, célszerűnek tűnt a segédanyagokat egy külön jegyzet formájában megjelentetni. A jegyzet célja, hogy a tárgy tematikája mentén haladva összefoglalja az R programnyelv alapjait, illetve azon alkalmazásokat, melyek a tárgy tanulása során előkerülnek, és amelyeket a pénzügyes hallgatóknak érdemes ismerni

    Beyond GDP: The Wealth Perspective of Sustainability

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    The capital approach, or the wealth economy framework of sustainability broadens the conventional measure of economic performance “beyond GDP”, with a long-term view. The totality of capital assets, or wealth, is composed of produced, human, natural and social capital, and is seen as the source of income, benefits, and wellbeing of present and future generations. Shrinkage in this production base signals unsustainable development. While the weak criterion of sustainability allows substitution between all capital elements, the strong criterion does not allow reductions in the renewable component of natural capital. Using World Bank data, we found that during the 1995-2018 period, 14% and 58% of the countries globally did not meet the weak and the strong criteria of sustainability, respectively. Also, a comparative analysis of wealth and its components is provided for selected OECD countries. It is found that human capital is proportionally the most significant among the capital elements, followed by produced capital. Natural capital, both renewable and non-renewable, lags far behind. Our findings raise questions regarding the rationale of economic convergence, as well as confirm the necessity of further methodological improvements regarding data generation and statistics, including the valuation of assets

    GRASFI 23: a fenntarthatósági pénzügyek konferenciájáról

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    2023. augusztus 23-25. között az egyesült államokbeli Yale Egyetem rendezte meg a Fenntarthatósági Pénzügyek és Befeketések Globális Kutatói Szövetsége (Global Alliance for Sustainable Finance and Investment, GRASFI) éves konferenciáját. A konferencián mintegy 150 kutató és gyakorlati szakember vett részt a világ minden tájáról

    Environmental economic accounting to advance EU policies and private contribution to nature investments

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    In order to pursue a sustainable European future there is growing need for continued strengthening of environmental monitoring. In particular, European policies post-2020 need improved systems of environmental indicators, aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) under the auspices of the UN and the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) – related to the Paris Agreement. Environmental concerns are already integrated in European policies in the 2014 – 2020 period, however, to better articulate economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainability, as emphasized in recent EU policy papers, will require improved systems of indicators that incorporate all these factors

    Beyond GDP: The Wealth Perspective of Sustainability

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    The capital approach, or the wealth economy framework of sustainability broadens the conventional measure of economic performance “beyond GDP”, with a long-term view. The totality of capital assets, or wealth, is composed of produced, human, natural and social capital, and is seen as the source of income, benefits, and wellbeing of present and future generations. Shrinkage in this production base signals unsustainable development. While the weak criterion of sustainability allows substitution between all capital elements, the strong criterion does not allow reductions in the renewable component of natural capital. Using World Bank data, we found that during the 1995-2018 period, 14% and 58% of the countries globally did not meet the weak and the strong criteria of sustainability, respectively. Also, a comparative analysis of wealth and its components is provided for selected OECD countries. It is found that human capital is proportionally the most significant among the capital elements, followed by produced capital. Natural capital, both renewable and non-renewable, lags far behind. Our findings raise questions regarding the rationale of economic convergence, as well as confirm the necessity of further methodological improvements regarding data generation and statistics, including the valuation of assets