82 research outputs found

    Kaempferol-3-O-fructósido y quercetina-3-O-fructósido: dos nuevos flavonoides presentes en Vitis vinifera cv "Albariño"

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    8 páginas.- Comunicación presentada en las Jornadas organizadas por Cultural Santa Ana celebradas en Almendralejo, Badajoz, del 7 al 11 de mayo de 2001.Dos nuevos flavonoides (kaempferol-3-O-fructósido y quercetina-3-O-fructósido), el primero de ellos jamás citado con anterioridad, han sido identificados en frutos del cultivar blanco "Albariño" (Vitis vinifera L.), lo que supone un importante logro desde el punto de vista taxonómico. Hay que hacer constar, además, que hasta el momento se ha venido considerando que en la naturaleza no existen fructósidos.Peer reviewe

    Les dihydroflavonols comme des marqueurs biochimiques de la diversité génétique des variétés blanches de vigne cultivées en Galice (Espagne).

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    8 páginas, 3 figuras y 3 tablas.- Trabajo presentado en el Congreso celebrado en Logroño (España) entre el 25 y el 30 de junio de 2006.[EN] In order to develop a biochemical method that allows to distinguish between white grape cultivars, the phenolic composition of the main white cultivars from the “Misión Biolóxica de Galicia” germplasm collection were studied. The extracts obtained from peels of the selected cultivars were analysed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC with diode array detector) and several phenolic compounds were totally or partly identified. Some of these compounds, especially the called “dihydroflavonols”, have been proved to be of great value as phenolic markers for grape cultivar recognition.[ES] Para tratar de desarrollar un método bioquímico que permita diferenciar entre cultivares blancos de vid, se ha estudiado la composición fenólica de las principales variedades blancas de vid cultivadas en Galicia que se encuentran recogidas en la colección de germoplasma existente en la “Misión Biolóxica de Galicia”. Los extractos fenólicos obtenidos de las pieles de uva de cada una de estas variedades, se han analizado mediante cromatografía líquida (HPLC-DAD), lo que ha permitido identificar (total o parcialmente) diversos compuestos de naturaleza fenólica, entre los que debemos destacar los llamados “dihidroflavonoles”, que se han mostrado como verdaderos marcadores específicos para diferenciar entre las variedades estudiadas.[FR] Pour essayer de développer une méthode biochimique qui permette la différenciation des cépages blancs de vigne, on a étudié la composition phénolique des principales variétés blanches de vigne cultivées en Galice, qui ont été recueillies dans la collection de germoplasme qui existe à la Misión Biolóxica de Galicia. Les extracts phénoliques obtenus des peaux du raisin de chaque variété ont été analysés par chromatographie liquide (HPLCDAD), ce qui a permis d'identifier (de manière totale ou partielle) de divers composants à nature phénolique, parmi lesquels on doit détacher les soi-disants "dihydroflavonols", qui se sont montrés comme de véritables marqueurs spécifiques pour faire une différenciation dans les variétés étudiées.Peer reviewe

    Marqueurs phénoliques du vieilleissement des vins galiciens de la variété “Mencía” en barrique et par des procédures alternatives.

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    4 páginas, 2 figuras, 1 tabla.- Trabajo presentado en el Congreso celebrado en Logroño (España) entre el 25 y el 30 de junio de 2006.[EN] The ageing of red wines in oak barrels is a very complex phenomenon involving phenolic compounds (anthocyanins derivatives particularly). The introduction in the market of aged red wines treated with oak wood “chips”, a practice in this moment considered like a fraud in the U.E, it does neccesary to stablish a method that allows to distinguish between traditionally aged wines and those aged by alternative methods. With this aim, the phenolic composition of three monovarietal red wines of Galicia (cv. “Mencía”) fermented in stainless steel tanks with three different treatments, was studied. Wines without ageing (used as “control”), wines aged for 3 months in oak barrels, and wines aged for 3 months in stainless steel tanks with oak “chips” of similar wood and intensity of toasting that barrels. Monthly, along the aging process, all the wines in each treatment (including the “control” wines) were analysed by HPLC-DAD and differences between them studied. In this work, we report the results obtained for the first year of study.[ES] El envejecimiento de vinos tintos en madera es un fenómeno muy complejo en el que los compuestos de naturaleza fenólica (entre ellos los antocianos) juegan un papel relevante. La entrada en el mercado de vinos envejecidos de forma acelerada mediante la aplicación de métodos alternativos al tradicional envejecimiento en barrica, una práctica que en el momento actual es considerada fraudulenta en los paises de la U.E., hace necesario buscar un método analítico que permita distinguir entre unos y otros. Con este objetivo, hemos estudiado la composición fenólica de tres vinos tintos gallegos monovarietales (“Mencía”) fermentados en depósitos de acero inoxidable y sometidos a tres tratamientos diferentes: vinos sin envejecimiento (utilizados como “testigos”), vinos envejecidos durante 3 meses en barrica de roble, y vinos envejecidos durante 3 meses en acero inoxidable con “chips” de roble de similar procedencia y tostado que las barricas. Mensualmente, y a lo largo del proceso de envejecimiento, se han analizado (mediante HPLC-DAD) muestras de los vinos “testigo” y de cada uno de los tratamientos utilizados con el objetivo de establecer diferencias analíticas que permitan reconocer su procedencia. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos tras un primer año de estudio.[FR] L’élevage des vins rouges en bois est un phénomène très complexe dans lequel les composants à nature phénolique (parmis ceux-ci les anthocyanes) jouent un rôle remarquable. L'entrée au marché des vins vieillis de manière accélérée, à l'aide de l'application des méthodes alternatives à la méthode traditionnelle en barrique, une pratique qu'au moment actuel est considérée frauduleuse par la U.E., fait nécessaire la recherche d'une méthode analythique qui permette de distinguer entre les uns et les autres. Avec cet objectif, on a étudié la composition phénolique de trois vins rouges galiciens monovariétaux ("Mencía") fermentés dans des cuves d'acier inox, soumis à trois traitements différents: des vins non vieillis (utilisés comme " témoins "), des vins vieillis pendant trois mois en barriques de chêne et des vins vieillis pendant trois mois en cuves d’acier inox avec des "chips" de chêne de provenance et degré de tannage similaire à ceux des barriques. On a analysé tous les mois (par HPLCDAD), et au long du procès d’élevage, des prélèvements des vins "témoins" et de chaque traitement avec l'objectif d'établir des différences analytiques qui permettent de reconnaître leur provenance. Maintenant, on présente les résultats obtenus après la première année d'étude.Peer reviewe

    Correlation between instrumental and sensory analysis for the characterization of Vitis vinifera wines

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    In this work, sensory analysis of was used to evaluate the wine aroma character with different aroma attributes according to Norm ISO 11035.1 In parallel wine volatiles were identified and quantified by gas chromatography according the methodology proposed by Oliveira et al. (2006).2 The objective of this work was to study the correlation between instrumental analysis and sensory perception of wine constituents. Thirty-five Albariño white young wines from 2006 vintage were evaluated by GC-FID and sensory analysis by trained and native panel composed by 10 wine tasters from Appellation of Origin Rias Baixas (Galicia, Spain). Forty volatile compounds were identified and quantified by Gas Chromatography and forty-seven aroma descriptors were developed using quantitative descriptive analysis and evaluated with line scaling method. Principal component analysis showed the distribution of the wines in basis to chemical and sensory characteristics. The correlation coefficients of the flavour scores between sensory evaluation and instrumental analysis (R2 > 0.50) were found for methanollacticvanilla, guaiacolhoney, 3-methyl-1-propanolgreen-pepper, 1-butanolliquorice, ethyl lactategreenpepper liquorice. These correlations linking chemical compounds and sensory descriptors may be attributed to possible relations between them, to the presence of other produced compounds which were not analysed or, to some associations among the analysed compounds

    Changes in free and bound fractions of aroma compounds of four Vitis vinifera cultivars at the last ripening stages

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    The volatile composition of white Agudelo, Blanco lexitimo, Godello and red Serradelo cultivars (NW Spain) harvested at two different stages of ripening have been evaluated. C6-compounds, alcohols, volatile fatty acids, monoterpenes, C13-norisoprenoids, volatile phenols and carbonyl compounds were identified and quantified in free and glycosidically bound forms by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS). The total volatile concentration showed a significant increase between the two ripening stages studied for all cultivars. The free volatile composition increased during maturity for Godello and Serradelo cultivars; however the glycosidically bound concentration increases for all cultivars with exception of B. lexitimo. Free C6-compounds ((E)-2-hexanal, 1-hexanol and (E)-2-hexen-1-ol) and bound alcohols (benzyl alcohol and 2-phenylethanol) showed the highest concentrations of volatile compounds for all grape cultivars in the two dates studied. Godello cultivar showed the highest change of volatile concentration between two ripening dates because of the high value of free C6-compounds. B. lexitimo was the most terpene-rich cultivar at the last ripening stage due to linalool; however C13-orisoprenoids in free form were detected in low concentrations for all cultivars but not in Godello and B. lexitimo cultivars at the last ripening stage. Free hexanoic acid increased during ripening in all cultivars. The evolution of volatiles during ripening of grape juice from the cultivars studied was not proportional to the changes in sugar content, which shows that the technological and aromatic maturities did not occur at the same time in these cultivars. The results also showed the cultivar ripening date interaction for all, free and bound, groups of compounds.The authors thank to Xunta de Galicia (Spain) and Adega Lore-nzo Bescansa S.U.L. for financial support for this work (PGI-DIT07TAL026E Research Project). Dr. Vilanova also thanks to Xunta de Galicia for the Isidro Parga Pondal program

    Composition of wines from international cultivars grown in Atlantic climate (Galicia, NW Spain)

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    Different Vitis vinifera international cultivars as Merlot, Cabernet-Sauvignon, Pinot noir, Tempranillo, Sauvignon blanc, Riesling, Chardonay, Pinot gris, Pinot blanc and Gewürztraminer are grown in Estación de Viticultura y Enología de Galicia (EVEGA) Collection (Ribadumia-Pontevedra) situated in the coast Atlantic from Galicia (Spain). Varietal and fermentative aroma compounds, were identified and quantified in wines by GC-FID, which include terpenes and C13-norisoprenoids, alcohols, acids, esters, phenol volatiles and C6 compounds. The results shown important differences in varietal composition with wines produced in other international geographic areas

    First study on volatile composition of three Vitis vinifera cultivars from Betanzos (NW Spain): Blanco lexítimo, Agudelo and Serradelo

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    7 páginas, 2 tablas, 1 figura.- Trabajo presentado al Congreso celebrado en Verona (Italia) entre los días 15 y 20 de junio de 2008.[EN] Wine aroma is formed by volatile compounds of different chemical nature and origins. Compounds arising from grape metabolism vary as a function not only of the variety but also of climatic conditions and others. Betanzos is the most northern viticole geographic area from Galicia (NW Spain). Wines produced from Vitis vinifera cv. Blanco lexítimo, Agudelo and Serradelo from Betanzos (NW Spain), harvest in 2006 and 2007, were submitted to gas chromatography (GC/FID). A total of 35 varietal and fermentative aroma compounds were identified and quantified which include terpenes and C13-norisoprenoids, alcohols, acids, esters, phenol volatiles and C6 compounds. The results for quantification of the aroma compounds in the three varieties from Betanzos shows that the mean concentration between years was 25039.42ug/L for Blanco lexítimo 21913.2ug/L for Agudelo and 19804.6μg/L for Serradelo variety. Alcohols, acids and esters were the most important volatile compounds in the varieties from Betanzos.[ES] El aroma del vino está formado por compuestos volátiles de diferente naturaleza y origen. Estos compuestos varian no solo con la variedad de uva sino también con las condiciones climáticas y otros factores. Betanzos es la zona vitícola situada más al norte de Galicia (Noroeste de España). Los vinos producidos con tres variedades de Betanzos, Blanco lexítimo, Agudelo y Serradelo cultivadas en las cosechas 2006 y 2007, fueron analizados mediante GC/FID. En los vinos fueron identificados y cuantificados un total de 35 compuestos varietales y fermentativos, en cuales se incluyen C13-norisoprenoides, alcoholes, acidos, esters, fenoles volatiles y otros. Los resultados de la cuantificación de los compuestos del aroma en los vinos de las tres variedades de Betanzos muestra que la concentración mediaentre los años estudiados fue de 25039.42ug/L para Blanco lexítimo 21913.2ug/L para Agudelo y 19804.6μg/L para Serradelo. Alcoholes, acidos and esteres fueron los compuestos más importantes en los tres vinos elaborados con las variedades de Betanzos, siendo el más aromático el elaborado con la variedad Blanco lexítimo, caracterizado por aromas frutales.The authors thank to the Xunta de Galicia (Spain) and Adega Lorenzo Bescansa S.U.L. for the financial support to this work.Peer reviewe

    Influence of elevation and slope exposure on must volatiles of Mencía cultivar from Ribeira Sacra (NW Spain)

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    Resumen del póster presentado al Congreso que bajo el lema "Science and horticulture for people" se celebró en Lisboa del 22 al 27 de Agosto de 2010.Peer reviewe

    Correlation between volatile composition and sensory properties in Spanish Albariño wines

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    To characterize the flavour of Albariño wines, a total of 35 samples representing five geographic areas from Denomination of Origin Rías Baixas were analyzed by sensory descriptive analysis and instrumental analysis (GC-FID). The objective of this work was to study the correlation between instrumental analysis and sensory perception of wine constituents. The results of the investigation were presented by means of multivariate modelling methods such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and partial least squares regression (PLSR). Principal Component Analysis showed the distribution of the wines based on chemical and sensory characteristics. The relationships between sensory descriptors and volatile compounds of Albariño wines were studied by Pearson correlation and partial least squares regression (PLSR). The compounds that mostly contributed to the flavour of Albariño wines in instrumental analysis were those related to fruity (ethyl esters and acetates) and floral aromas (monoterpenes). Similar results were found in sensory analysis where the descriptors with the highest Geometric Mean were fruity and floral aromas too (citric, flowers, fruit, ripe fruit, apple and tropical). Therefore, this work demonstrates that some relationships between sensory data and volatile compounds exist to asses sensory properties in Albariño wines.Xunta de Galicia (Spain)