11 research outputs found

    Evolutionary patterns in early tetrapods. I. Rapid initial diversification followed by decrease in rates of character change

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    Although numerous studies have examined morphological diversification during major radiations of marine taxa, much less attention has been paid to terrestrial radiations. Here, we examine rates of character change over phylogeny and over time for Palaeozoic limbed tetrapods. Palaeozoic tetrapods show significant decreases in rates of character change whether the rate is measured per sampled cladistic branch or per million years along phylogeny. Given changes per branch, rates decrease significantly from the Devonian through the Pennsylvanian, but not from the Pennsylvanian through the Permian. Given changes per million years, rates decrease significantly over each boundary, although the decrease is least significant over the Pennsylvanian–Permian boundary. Decreasing rates per million years through the Permian might be an artefact of the method being able to ascribe longer durations to Permian branches than to Carboniferous ones; however, it is difficult to ascribe the general pattern of decreasing rates of change over time to sampling biases or methodological biases. Thus, the results implicate biological explanations for this pattern

    Towards a History of Mass Violence in the Etat Indépendant du Congo, 1885-1908

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    The present article provides an up-to-date scholarly introduction to mass violence in the Etat Indépendant du Congo (Congo Free State, EIC). Its aims are twofold: to offer a point of access to the extensive literature and historical debates on the subject, and to make the case for exchanging the currently prevalent top-down narrative, with its excessive focus on King Leopold's character and motives, for one which considers the EIC's culture of violence as a multicausal, broadly based and deeply engrained social phenomenon. The argument is divided into five sections. Following a general outline of the EIC's violent system of administration, I discuss its social and demographic impact (and the controversy which surrounds it) to bring out the need for more regionally focused and context sensitive studies. The dispute surrounding demographics demonstrates that what is fundamentally at stake is the place the EIC's extreme violence should occupy in the history of European ‘modernity’. Since approaches which hinge on Leopoldian exceptionalism are particularly unhelpful in clarifying this issue, I pause to reflect on how such approaches came to dominate the distinct historiographical traditions which emerged in Belgium and abroad before moving on to a more detailed exploration of a selection of causes underlying the EIC's violent nature. While state actors remain in the limelight, I shift the focus from the state as a singular, normative agent, towards the existence of an extremely violent society in which various individuals and social groups within and outside of the state apparatus committed violent acts for multiple reasons. As this argument is pitched at a high level of abstraction, I conclude with a discussion of available source material with which it can be further refined and updated

    Letters of Recommendation: An Evolutionary Psychological Perspective

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    This article develops a theoretical framework for understanding the appeal and tone of letters of recommendation using an evolutionary psychological perspective. Several hypotheses derived from this framework are developed and tested. The authors’ theoretical argument makes two major points. First, over the course of human evolution, people developed a preference for narrative information about people, and the format of letters of recommendation is compatible with that preference. Second, because recommenders are acquaintances of applicants, the tone of letters should reflect the degree to which the relationship with the applicant favors the recommender’s interests. We hypothesized that, over and above an applicant’s objective qualifications, letters of recommendation will reflect cooperative, status and mating interests of recommenders. We used 532 letters of recommendation written for 169 applicants for faculty positions to test our hypotheses. The results indicated that the strength of the cooperative relationship between recommenders and applicants influenced the favorability and length of letters. In addition, male recommenders wrote more favorable letters for female than male applicants, suggesting that male mating interests may influence letter favorability. We conclude with implications for practice and future research