32 research outputs found

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Islam

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    This article aims to describe the concept and implementation of community empowerment in the context of Islamic economics. Community empowerment has an important impact in achieving the sustainable development goals, and a better understanding of. Community empowerment is a solution to the inequality and powerlessness felt by some people by the oppression of the powerful. Western economies provide no answer to this powerlessness. In an economic perspective, Islam provides a solid foundation to guide empowerment efforts. This research method is qualitative descriptive taken from several literatures. This research explores relevant Islamic economic principles, community empowerment implementation strategies, and their impact on economic and social well-being. The results of this study show that community empowerment in an Islamic perspective must use several instruments, namely zakat, infak, shodaqah, and waqf

    Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat Melalui Pembuatan Kripik Singkong Aneka Rasa di Dukuh Wonorejo Desa Bedrug

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    Dukuh Wonorejo, Bedrug Village, is located in Pulung District, Ponorogo Regency. Most of the population work as farmers and dairy farmers. Dukuh Wonorejo has a lot of land that can be used as a means of agriculture and the community's economy which often generates income and even becomes the main occupation of the community, one of which is cassava. The results of planting cassava have not been able to meet daily needs because the price is always relatively cheap. Therefore there needs to be innovation regarding cassava processing so that it has a high selling price. The purpose of this community activity is to increase the economic value of cassava into cassava chips with various flavors. The service method used is Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) involving housewives in Wonorejo hamlet, Bedrug village, Pulung sub-district, Ponorogo district. Some people in the Wonorejo hamlet empower cassava agricultural products to become processed chips with a variety of flavors. The results obtained by the community are cassava chips which already have a crunchy taste and also have spicy and sweet flavors. The existence of cassava chip processing from the community is expected to improve the economy and community skills sothat it can have an impact on high buyer interest

    Pengembangan Ketrampilan Pengolahan Susu Sapi Pada Komunitas Fatayat NU Krajan Bedrug Pulung Ponorogo

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    In Dukuh Krajan, Bedrug Village, Pulung District, Ponorogo Regency, there is potential for the majority of residents whose work is as dairy farmers, namely cow's milk. Cow's milk is sold raw to cow's milk collectors, while the selling price follows the price of collectors who are erratic or unstable. When the price of cow's milk fell, some residents already processed it themselves, but due to a lack of knowledge on how to process it, they just boiled it so it smelled fishy and many didn't like drinking it. This community service aims to raise the skill potential of Fatayat NU members with skills development training through processing raw cow's milk into ready-to-consume milk. This service uses the Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) method. The results of this training are the skills of Fatayat NU members in processing raw cow's milk into delicious ready-to-consume milk, interest in being consumed by children, the community and being able to develop the economy of Fatayat NU members Dukuh Krajan, Bedrug Village, Pulung District, Ponorogo Regency

    Strategi Pemberdayan Masyarakat Melalui Seni Hadroh di Dukuh Krajan Desa Bedrug Kecamatan Pulung

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    Hadroh art has emerged as one of the most accessible means of community empowerment. This Islamic music genre proves highly adaptable across various demographics, appealing to both genders and all age groups, spanning children, adolescents, and adults. This article explores diverse strategies in establishing Hadroh art groups by youth in Dukuh Krajan, along with enlightening the younger generation on the significance of preserving traditional musical art in the current era of globalization. The study delves into the distinctiveness of Hadroh styles such as al-Banjari and al-Habsyi, while emphasizing the challenges in sustaining Hadroh art within the context of limited tradition transmission. The overarching aim of this research is to unearth the potential of Hadroh art as a comprehensive empowerment tool within communities, along with insights into the establishment of Hadroh art groups from their inception

    Pendampingan Pengeolahan Tempe Sebagai Salah Satu Peluang Bisnis di Dukuh Krajan Desa Bedrug

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    This activity was carried out in Dukuh Krajan, Bedrug Village, Pulung District, Ponorogo Regency. Tempe is a nutritious food at an affordable prince. Even tempeh is included in the food that vegetarians like. Tempe processing can be made into a business field that is developed at home, to meet daily needs. From the stages of processing soybeans correctly and coherently, it will produce tempeh with the appropriate quality for marketing. Using the Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) method, this research can be carried out by way of direct interviews. The more enthusiasts for the tempe production, the greater the chance to be more successful in running this tempe production business

    Pendampingan Remaja dan Orang Tua dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Baca Al-Qur'an (Studi Kasus di Mushola Al-Jannah Dukuh Krajan Desa Bedrug Kecamatan Pulung Ponorogo)

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    This activity was carried out in Dukuh Krajan, Bedrug Village, Pulung District, Ponorogo Regency. Al-Qur'an is the holy book of Muslims which serves as a guide for humans in directing their lives. In understanding the reading of the Koran there are several methods, one of which is the sorogan method. The sorogan method is an individual method where students come to the teacher to study the book and the teacher guides them face to face or face to face (face to face). In fact, the sorogan method has existed since ancient times and we still encounter it today in learning to read the Koran in Indonesian society. Using the Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) method, this research can be carried out by direct interviews. how important is the role of parents in guiding their children when educating faith and piety and providing education in the field of religion

    Upaya Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Anak Melalui Bimbel Tunas Ceria Dukuh Krajan Desa Bedrug Pulung Ponorogo

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    Interest in learning and lack of motivation are the main problems faced by students in the Krajan hamlet. In increasing interest in learning in the millennial era, where children are more interested in learning by using things that are interesting and relaxed.The service method used is Asset Based Community Development (ABCD). The result of this service activity is through the program Learning while playing in the learning process, children's interest and enthusiasm for learning. Thus, it is hoped that children will not feel that they are learning, thus making learning activities relaxed, flexible and not rigid. The purpose of this research was to increase children's learning interest and to find out the extent to which students' motivation was in learning outside of school. The collaborative use of these four learning methods was quite significant in conveying material.The krajan hamlet of Bedrug Village is located in the Pulung sub-district, Ponorogo Regency. In general, the education of the people of Bedrug Village can be categorized based on age. The elderly have the last elementary school (SD) and junior high school (SMP) education. Meanwhile, in adulthood, the average last education is Senior High School/Equivalent (SMA) and Strata-1 (S-1)

    Pemberdayaan Peternak Sapi Perah Melalui Diversifikasi Produk Olahan Susu di Dukuh Krajan Desa Bedrug

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    Dukuh Krajan, Bedrug Village, is located in Pulung District, Ponorogo Regency.  Most of the population work as farmers and dairy farmers. The productivity of cow’s milk is around ten to fifteen liters for one cow that is not lactating, while a cow that is breastfeeding is around eighteen to twenty liters every day. Where in Dukuh Krajan, Bedrug Village has many dairy farmers, namely around forty dairy cows that can be used to process milk into several flavors, The problem faced by cattle breeders in Dukuh Krajan, Bedrug Village, is that they always follow the price of collectors, where the selling price of cow’s milk is unstable. Breeders only get a selling price of Rp. 7.600,00 or Rp. 10.000,00 for each liter. The purpose of this service is the opportunity to empower dairy farmer through processing milk into several flavors. The service method used is Asset Based Community Development (ABCD). The results of this research are to produce products, bussines ideas and community creativity through the utilization of cow’s milk processing into several flavors that have better tastes and higher economic value because they provide alternative flavors for buyers, thereby increasing the activities of the Dukuh Krajan community in Bedrug Village

    Penggunaan Teknologi Pemerah Otomatis pada Peternakan Sapi Perah dan Dampaknya Terhadap Produktivitas Susu di Desa Bedrug

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    This article examines the implementation of automatic milking technology in dairy farms and its impact on milk productivity in Bedrug Village. The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficiency and benefits of automatic milking technology in increasing milk production in dairy farms. A field survey method was used to collect data from several dairy farms that have adopted automatic milking technology in Bedrug Village. The collected data included a comparison of milk productivity before and after the implementation of the technology, as well as the farmers' responses to using this technology. The results of the study show that the use of automatic milking technology has a positive impact on milk productivity in Bedrug Village. The implementation of this technology improves the efficiency of the milking process, resulting in increased milk production. Moreover, the technology also helps reduce stress on dairy cows and improves animal welfare. Thus, this article presents evidence that the use of automatic milking technology can be an effective solution to enhance productivity and animal welfare in dairy farms, ultimately contributing to the development of the dairy industry in Bedrug Village

    Revitalisasi Dakwah Sebagai Paradigma Pemberdayaan Masyarakat

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    Pemberdayaan masyarakat merupakan bagian dari kegiatan dakwah yang seringkali dimaknai sebagai aktivitas oral (ceramah). Dakwah dalam bentuk kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat dikenal dengan dakwah billhal. Berdakwah dengan tindakan (bilhal) semata-mata tidak hanya bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas keimanan mad’u, akan tetapi juga sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan taraf kehidupan masyarakat sebagai mad’u. Peningkatan taraf kehidupan masyarakat bisa dilakukan dengan pola pemberdayaan. Seirama dengan paradigma pemberdayaan masyarakat, bahwa berdakwah mempunyai tujuan untuk mengubah keadaan mad’u melalui ekonomi, sosial, politik, budaya, pendidikan, kesehatan dan lain sebagainya. Pemberdayaan masyarakat memposisikan mad’u sebagai subjek maupun objek dalam kegiatan dakwah. Dalam perspektif Islam pemberdayaan masyarakat mempunyai tujuan yang mulia yakni menghilangkan kesenjangan sosial ekonomi antara satu dengan yang lain. Sehingga dalam Islam diajarkan prinsip-prinsip keadilan sosial, prinsip persamaan, prinsip partisipasi, prinsip penghargaan terhadap etos kerja,dan prinsip tolong menolong. Ada dua cara yang ditempuh dalam Islam dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat yakni pemberdayaan masyarakat yang bersifat konsumtif dan pemberdayaan masyarakat yang bersifat produktif