1,653 research outputs found

    Laser In-Situ Combinatorial Carbide Coating on Steel

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    The potential for synthesizing an in-situ grown ultra-fine carbide composite coating on the surface of steel during laser surface engineering was investigated. A 2.5 KW Nd:YAG laser was employed to modify the surface of a AISI 1010 steel deposited with a precursor powder mixture of Fe, Ti, Cr and C. With the help of laser surface engineering, carbide composite coating on the surface of plain C steel was achieved. It is envisioned that such a coating will offer superior tribological properties. Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy in supplement with X-ray Diffractometery indicated the evolution of TiC, Fe-Cr, and M7C3 as major phases in the coating. An oscillatory pattern for evolution of M7C3 was observed with respect to the laser power over the range of 900-2100 watts during processing. Although TiC was present in all the samples, the chromium carbides were absent in samples processed at certain laser powers. Corresponding to this behavior, variation in mechanical properties of the coating was observed. The hardness and wear properties of the samples without chromium carbides was inferior in comparison to samples with both TiC and chromium carbides. The roles of in-situ growth, refractory nature of the carbide particles, the non-equilibrium nature of the process and their contribution in successfully forming a composite coating have been described. Computational techniques were employed with the aim of studying possible reasons for phase evolution, stability of phases and solidification path and thus optimize parameters to tailor properties according to requirement. The temperature range of thermal transitions within the quaternary system (Fe, Ti, Cr and C) and the thermal stability of the evolved phases were studied with the help of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). DSC studies indicated that the major exothermic reactions (formation of carbides) take place within 850-1150oC. Temperature ranges for individual reactions were investigated. The evolved phases (TiC, M7C3, Fe-Cr and Fe3C) were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD). This multicomponent powder mixture, which was used as a precursor for synthesizing a composite coating on the surface of steel via laser surface engineering (LSE), was computationally investigated for thermal stability. The intended wear applications of the coating made thermal stability investigations imperative, as there is a localized heat buildup during wear, because of the contact between rubbing surfaces. Experimental evaluation (DSC) of thermal stability of the phases formed was done to supplement the computational investigations. The degradation of the coating due to prolonged stay at elevated temperatures (in oxidizing environments such as air) could lead to degradation in the properties of the coating. High temperature oxidation studies were done to investigate the oxidation kinetics of the composite coating

    PublishInCovid19 at WNUT 2020 Shared Task-1: Entity Recognition in Wet Lab Protocols using Structured Learning Ensemble and Contextualised Embeddings

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    In this paper, we describe the approach that we employed to address the task of Entity Recognition over Wet Lab Protocols -- a shared task in EMNLP WNUT-2020 Workshop. Our approach is composed of two phases. In the first phase, we experiment with various contextualised word embeddings (like Flair, BERT-based) and a BiLSTM-CRF model to arrive at the best-performing architecture. In the second phase, we create an ensemble composed of eleven BiLSTM-CRF models. The individual models are trained on random train-validation splits of the complete dataset. Here, we also experiment with different output merging schemes, including Majority Voting and Structured Learning Ensembling (SLE). Our final submission achieved a micro F1-score of 0.8175 and 0.7757 for the partial and exact match of the entity spans, respectively. We were ranked first and second, in terms of partial and exact match, respectively

    Solving Target Coverage Problem in Wireless Sensor Network Using Genetic Algorithm

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    The past few years have seen tremendous increase of interest in the field of wireless sensor network. These wireless sensor network comprise numerous small sensor nodes distributed in an area and collect specific data from that area. The nodes comprising a network are mostly battery driven and hence have a limited amount of energy. The target coverage deals with the surveillance of the area under consideration taking into account the energy constraint associated with nodes. In nutshell, the lifetime of the network is to be maximized while ensuring that all the targets are monitored. The approach of segregating the nodes into various covers is used such that each cover can monitor all the targets while other nodes in remaining covers are in sleep state. The covers are scheduled to operate in turn thereby ensuring that the targets are monitored all the time and the lifetime of the network is also maximized. The segregation method is based on Maximum Set Cover (MSC) problem which is transformed into Maximum Disjoint Set Cover problem (MDSC). This problem of finding Maximum Disjoint Set Cover falls under the category of NP-Complete problem. Hence, two heuristics based approach are discussed in this work; first Greedy Heuristic is implemented to be used as baseline. Then a Genetic Algorithm based approach is proposed that can solve this problem by evolutionary global search technique. The existing and proposed algorithms are coded and functionality verified using MATLAB R2010b and performance evaluation and comparisons are made in terms of number of sensors and sensing range

    Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome in dengue: a rare manifestation

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    Dengue is an important arthropod born disease with its cases spiking every 2-3 years and spectrum of disease ranging from mild febrile illness to severe illness with multiple systemic complications including rare neurological manifestation. We hereby presented a case report of rare presentation of posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) in an eight year old child suffering from dengue

    Do the FDI, Economic growth and Trade affect each other for India: An ARDL Approach

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    This paper examines the dynamic causal relationships between foreign direct investment (FDI), trade and economic growth in India by applying the bounds testing (ARDL) approach to cointegration for the period from 1970 to 2012. The bounds tests suggest that the variables of interest are bound together in the long-run when GDP per capita is the dependent variable. The empirical findings confirm that there is bi-directional Granger causality between FDI and trade, unidirectional Granger causality running from FDI to economic growth and from economic growth to capital investment but there is no Granger causality from economic growth to FDI and capital investment to per capita GDP

    Pure cartilaginous choristoma on the ventral surface of tongue: A double rarity

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    Choristomas are tumor like mass that are aggregates of microscopically normal tissue in an abnormal location. Commonly reported choristomas are of Osseous, Cartilaginous, Glandular and Glial types. The oral cavity is an unusual site of presentation where the most common site is dorsum of the tongue. Ventral aspect is an extremely rare site with only four cases reported till date. We report here a case of a 24-year-old male who presented with a small swelling on the ventral surface of the tongue. The histopathological examination revealed features of a well-circumscribed mass composed of exclusively mature cartilage encased within a dense fibrous connective tissue. The case is presented for its double rarity of site which is a ventral surface of the tongue and the histopathology which revealed a pure form of cartilaginous choristoma

    Referrals revisited: a clinical audit

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    Background: Pregnancy and childbirth are physiological processes; however, severe maternal morbidity can complicate certain pregnancies, deliveries and puerperium. To prevent maternal/ neonatal morbidity and mortality, the high-risk category needs timely identification and intervention and if required, prompt referral to higher centres where HDU/ICU level of care is provided. The present study was a clinical audit of obstetric referrals.Methods: A clinical audit of all obstetrics referrals done at BJRM (secondary level facility) from 1st May to 31st October 2016. The cases were analysed with respect to demographics, indications for referral and barrier to services.Results: Referral rate of our hospital was 6.52%. Mean age of women referred was 24.16 years. The associated risk factors were PIH in 36.17%, anaemia in 34.04%, followed by thrombocytopenia and diabetes in pregnancy. Majority of referrals were done in women during labour 93.94% while only 3.03% referrals during post-partum period. Most common indication was MSL with foetal distress 20.96%, followed by hypertensive disorders in pregnancy 16.93%. Other indications were APH, malpresentation, 2nd stage arrest and cord prolapse. The main barriers to providing services at our institute were unavailability of 24 hours OT services, blood bank and ICU care.Conclusions: Standard referral protocol and well-defined linkages need to be established so as to have better co-ordination between the referral units and tertiary centres

    Numerical Simulation and Assessment of Meta Heuristic Optimization Based Multi Objective Dynamic Job Shop Scheduling System

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    In today's world of manufacturing, cost reduction becomes one of the most important issues. A successful business needs to reduce its cost to be competitive. The programming of the machine is playing an important role in production planning and control as a tool to help manufacturers reduce their costs maximizing   the   use   of   their   resources.   The   programming problem is not only limited to the programming of the machine, but also covers many other areas such such as computer and information technology and communication. From the definition, programming is an art that involves allocating, planning the allocation and utilization of resources to achieve a goal. The aim of the program is complete tasks in a reasonable amount of time. This reasonableness is a performance measure of how well the resources   are   allocated   to   tasks.   Time   or   time-dependent functions are always it used as performance measures. The objectives of this research are to develop Intelligent Search Heuristic algorithms (ISHA) for equal and variable size sub lot for  m  machine  flow  shop  problems,  to  Implement  Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm (PSO) in matlab, to develop PSO based Optimization program for efficient job shop scheduling problem. The work also address solution to observe and verify results of PSO based Job Shop Scheduling with help of graft chart

    Broken needle in gluteal region following an intramuscular injection: a case report

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    Incidence of broken hypodermic needle in patients has been decreased because of superior manufacturing techniques. Breaking of hypodermic needle after intramuscular injection has been rarely reported. We report a case of broken needle in the gluteal region in a 36 years old woman following an intramuscular injection. Patient arrived in the emergency after 2 days of the episode. Patient was taken for surgery for removal of the needle. Initially attempts for removal of needle were made without use of image intensifier under local anaesthesia, but it failed as it was very difficult to locate the needle. Patient was taken up for surgery under spinal anaesthesia with the use of image intensifier. Broken needle was located and removed. The following case describes the management of broken hypodermic needle and suggests valuable guidelines for minimising the chances of undue complications arising due to needle migration

    Platelet transfusion in pregnancy: clinical profile and pregnancy outcome

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    Background: Thrombocytopenia, being second important hematological disorder of pregnancy can result in maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality in some women. Some of these disorders are not associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes while in others it is associated with maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality. So this study was conducted to evaluate the various causes of thrombocytopenia associated with platelet transfusion and its effect on maternal and neonatal outcome.Methods: It is a retrospective data analysis of 70 peripartum women admitted in a tertiary level hospital with thrombocytopenia, requiring platelet transfusion over a period of 9 months (January 2013 to September 2013). Patients were analyzed for the cause of thrombocytopenia, requirement of platelet transfusion, additional treatment, duration of hospital stay and maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality.Results: In this study, pre-eclampsia and HELLP was present in 37.1% (n=26) of women requiring platelet transfusion while obstetrical hemorrhage (APH, PPH and Rupture uterus), combined iron deficiency anemia and infective causes accounted for 27.1% (n=19), 17.1% (n=12) and 15.7% (n=11) of women respectively. One case each of APLA and idiopathic thrombocytopenia was seen. 70% of women had to stay in hospital for more than 5 days. Four women expired and the incidence of morbidities was 73.1%. Prematurity was present in 41.1% neonates and three expired in nursery. Neonatal morbidity and mortality was not affected by maternal thrombocytopenia.Conclusions: Thrombocytopenia associated with pathological conditions like HELLP, dengue and malaria were associated with profound maternal and neonatal morbidity