6 research outputs found

    Perbandingan Cross-product Dan Subset Query Pada Multiple Relasi Menggunakan Partisi Tabel Dengan Metode Cost-based

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    Penggunaan Cross Product dan Subset Query menggunakan tipe data yang sama dalam tabel atau indeks menghasilkan dua model penggunaan query, namun perlu diingat yang adalah cara yang lebih optimal sehingga pada akhirnya mendapat query dengan waktu akses yang paling minimum dengan menggunakan partisi, untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil query yang menghasilkan tabel partisi menggunakan atau tidak menggunakan partisi. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh (Metta Santiputri dkk, 2010) bahwa Subset query pada bentuk scalar dan kombinasi 1 merupakan model yang lebih baik dalam pencarian data jika dibandingkan dari hasil cross-product, baik dalam 2 relasi maupun 3 relasi. Jika menggunakan model dalam pencarian data, maka pada bagian kolom yang diuji harus diindekskan. Pengujian yang dilakukan menggunakan data paling besar 500.000 data, kemungkinan jika data diantara 1.000.000 sampai 2.000.000 waktu akses akan lama dan belum meneliti tentang penggunaan partisi pada tabel dengan menerapkan cross product dan Subset query. Hasil yang diperoleh ketika query untuk data dengan kelompok besar untuk waktu tercepat adalah kombinasi dari 1 untuk mengakses bagian data, dan kemudian kelompok data sedang dengan akses data penuh untuk query tercepat adalah kombinasi dari data kecil 1.Group dengan waktu tercepat adalah query dengan tabel partisi tipe scalar dengan 3 catatan. Dengan pengujian online untuk akses jaringan wireless dan Lan Card dengan bandwidth 5 Mb

    Ekonomi Buruh Industri pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    The coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pandemic that has infected many countries including Indonesia has had an impact on various sectors, especially the industrial sector, many companies have suffered losses and even closed their businesses, and this has also affected the labor economy. Likewise with PT. MASPION II is a giant company engaged in providing goods that has thousands of employees and factory workers, so this paper aims to provide an overview of the economic conditions of workers during this pandemic. The method used is a descriptive qualitative approach. This article examines the economic decline experienced by industrial workers at PT. MASPION II during the Covid-19 pandemic the results showed that there was a decrease in production caused by a decrease in the number of orders and the process of importing materials with a smaller frequency than the period before the pandemic. This decrease in production has an impact on reducing the working hours of workers which then affects the amount of wages they get, this condition is very hard on the family economy, but it is fully realized that this condition must be handled wisely, saving steps and having other sources of income are taken in the hope of being able to cover basic needs or needs. household routine

    Information and Communication TECHNOLOGY (ICT) for Developing Islamic Education in the Era of New Normal

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    The present study examined the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Islamic education in the light of the new normal the COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to adopt. The researchers describe how ICT was used in the administrative management, information systems, communication, and learning processes at Islamic educational institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic. A systematic literature review was conducted on related articles sourced from Google Scholar, DOAJ, Research Gate, SINTA, Science Direct, and lens.org. The results showed that ICT in Islamic education had a positive impact and helped in the advancement of Islamic education. Although today, the pandemic is no longer an obstacle in the field of education, it triggered the importance of utilizing ICT in the education system. Keywords: information and communication technology, Islamic education, new norma