14 research outputs found

    Checkpoint-Dependent and -Independent Roles of Swi3 in Replication Fork Recovery and Sister Chromatid Cohesion in Fission Yeast

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    Multiple genome maintenance processes are coordinated at the replication fork to preserve genomic integrity. How eukaryotic cells accomplish such a coordination is unknown. Swi1 and Swi3 form the replication fork protection complex and are involved in various processes including stabilization of replication forks, activation of the Cds1 checkpoint kinase and establishment of sister chromatid cohesion in fission yeast. However, the mechanisms by which the Swi1–Swi3 complex achieves and coordinates these tasks are not well understood. Here, we describe the identification of separation-of-function mutants of Swi3, aimed at dissecting the molecular pathways that require Swi1–Swi3. Unlike swi3 deletion mutants, the separation-of-function mutants were not sensitive to agents that stall replication forks. However, they were highly sensitive to camptothecin that induces replication fork breakage. In addition, these mutants were defective in replication fork regeneration and sister chromatid cohesion. Interestingly, unlike swi3-deleted cell, the separation-of-functions mutants were proficient in the activation of the replication checkpoint, but their fork regeneration defects were more severe than those of checkpoint mutants including cds1Ξ”, chk1Ξ” and rad3Ξ”. These results suggest that, while Swi3 mediates full activation of the replication checkpoint in response to stalled replication forks, Swi3 activates a checkpoint-independent pathway to facilitate recovery of collapsed replication forks and the establishment of sister chromatid cohesion. Thus, our separation-of-function alleles provide new insight into understanding the multiple roles of Swi1-Swi3 in fork protection during DNA replication, and into understanding how replication forks are maintained in response to different genotoxic agents

    Replication Factor C Complexes Play Unique Pro- and Anti-Establishment Roles in Sister Chromatid Cohesion

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    Recent studies have lead to a rapid expansion of sister chromatid cohesion pathways. Of particular interest is the growth in classifications of anti-establishment factorsβ€”now including those that are cohesin-associated (Rad61/WAPL and Pds5) or DNA replication fork-associated (Elg1-RFC). In this study, we show that the two classes of anti-establishment complexes are indistinguishable when challenged both genetically and functionally. These findings suggest that both classes function in a singular pathway that is centered on Ctf7/Eco1 (herein termed Ctf7) regulation. The anti-establishment activity of Elg1-RFC complex is particular intriguing given that an alternate Ctf18-RFC complex exhibits robust pro-establishment activity. Here, we provide several lines of evidence, including the use of Ctf7 bypass suppressors, indicating that these activities are not simply antagonistic. Moreover, the results suggest that Ctf18-RFC is capable of promoting sister chromatid pairing reactions independent of Ctf7. The combination of these studies suggest a new model of sister chromatid pairing regulation

    New Functions of Ctf18-RFC in Preserving Genome Stability outside Its Role in Sister Chromatid Cohesion

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    Expansion of DNA trinucleotide repeats causes at least 15 hereditary neurological diseases, and these repeats also undergo contraction and fragility. Current models to explain this genetic instability invoke erroneous DNA repair or aberrant replication. Here we show that CAG/CTG tracts are stabilized in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by the alternative clamp loader/unloader Ctf18-Dcc1-Ctf8-RFC complex (Ctf18-RFC). Mutants in Ctf18-RFC increased all three forms of triplet repeat instabilityβ€”expansions, contractions, and fragilityβ€”with effect over a wide range of allele lengths from 20–155 repeats. Ctf18-RFC predominated among the three alternative clamp loaders, with mutants in Elg1-RFC or Rad24-RFC having less effect on trinucleotide repeats. Surprisingly, chl1, scc1-73, or scc2-4 mutants defective in sister chromatid cohesion (SCC) did not increase instability, suggesting that Ctf18-RFC protects triplet repeats independently of SCC. Instead, three results suggest novel roles for Ctf18-RFC in facilitating genomic stability. First, genetic instability in mutants of Ctf18-RFC was exacerbated by simultaneous deletion of the fork stabilizer Mrc1, but suppressed by deletion of the repair protein Rad52. Second, single-cell analysis showed that mutants in Ctf18-RFC had a slowed S phase and a striking G2/M accumulation, often with an abnormal multi-budded morphology. Third, ctf18 cells exhibit increased Rad52 foci in S phase, often persisting into G2, indicative of high levels of DNA damage. The presence of a repeat tract greatly magnified the ctf18 phenotypes. Together these results indicate that Ctf18-RFC has additional important functions in preserving genome stability, besides its role in SCC, which we propose include lesion bypass by replication forks and post-replication repair

    Establishment of Cohesion at the Pericentromere by the Ctf19 Kinetochore Subcomplex and the Replication Fork-Associated Factor, Csm3

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    The cohesin complex holds sister chromatids together from the time of their duplication in S phase until their separation during mitosis. Although cohesin is found along the length of chromosomes, it is most abundant at the centromere and surrounding region, the pericentromere. We show here that the budding yeast Ctf19 kinetochore subcomplex and the replication fork-associated factor, Csm3, are both important mediators of pericentromeric cohesion, but they act through distinct mechanisms. We show that components of the Ctf19 complex direct the increased association of cohesin with the pericentromere. In contrast, Csm3 is dispensable for cohesin enrichment in the pericentromere but is essential in ensuring its functionality in holding sister centromeres together. Consistently, cells lacking Csm3 show additive cohesion defects in combination with mutants in the Ctf19 complex. Furthermore, delaying DNA replication rescues the cohesion defect observed in cells lacking Ctf19 complex components, but not Csm3. We propose that the Ctf19 complex ensures additional loading of cohesin at centromeres prior to passage of the replication fork, thereby ensuring its incorporation into functional linkages through a process requiring Csm3