396 research outputs found

    Evaluation of offspring sex ratio, sex hormones and antioxidant enzymes following exposure to methyl tertiary butyl ether in adult male Sprague-Dawley rats

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    Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) is an oxygenated fuel additive which has been used widely in many parts of the world. This experiment was performed to determine the effect of MTBE on offspring sex ratio, sex hormones and antioxidant enzymes. A total of 20 adult Sprague-Dawley male rats were divided into four groups and received 0, 400, 800 and 1600 mg/kg/day MTBE by gavages for 30 consecutive days. At the end of the experiment, blood samples were taken for determination of sex hormones and antioxidant enzymes. Then, male rats were mated with healthy unexposed female rats and sex of offspring was determined after birth. Sex ratio was 0.48, 0.50, 0.43 and 0.50 in 0, 400, 800 and 1600 mg/kg/day MTBE groups, respectively (P = 0.91). There was significant decreasing trend for luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone in experimental groups (rs = -0.50, P = 0.030 and rs = -0.67, P = 0.002, respectively). No changes were observed for superoxide dismutase. However, decrease in glutathione peroxidase (GPX) was observed in all treatment groups compared with control which was significant in 400 mg/kg/day MTBE group (P = 0.016). The present study showed that paternal exposure to oral MTBE has no effect on offspring sex ratio; while, MTBE exposure could exert dose-dependent changes in serum testosterone and LH in treatment groups. The results of the present study, need to be clarified in the future studies

    Ultrazvučne značajke maternice i jajnika za vrijeme estrusa i njihov odnos sa stopom gravidnosti u mliječnih krava

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    It was hypothesized that the accumulation of fluids in the uterine lumen reduces fertility in dairy cows. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was an evaluation of the ultrasound characteristics of the reproductive tract, including the accumulation of fluids in the uterine lumen during estrus, and the effect of these findings on pregnancy rates in dairy cows. The study was conducted on 486 lactating Holstein cows detected to be in estrous, on a large commercial dairy herd in Shiraz, Iran. Transrectal ultrasound was performed at the time of artificial insemination. Reproductive tract characteristics, comprising follicle diameters, the presence of corpus luteum in ovaries, the thickness, folding and edema of the uterus, and intrauterine fluid, were visualized and scored by ultrasonography. The cows were followed after insemination and their pregnancy rate determined. The effect of ultrasound findings were investigated in relation to pregnancy rates. The data were analyzed using logistic regression analyses. The results indicated that the pregnancy rate was significantly higher in cows with follicle size >14 mm (38.8%) compared with ≤14 mm (27.3%), after adjusting for the parity of the animals, days in milk and mean daily milk production (OR = 1.84, P = 0.005). No association between pregnancy rate and other ultrasound characteristics of the reproductive tract during estrus was observed in this study (P>0.05). In conclusion, follicle size is positively associated with the pregnancy rate of dairy cows in estrus. However, other ultrasound findings of the uterus, including intrauterine fluid, did not show any association with pregnancy rates.Pretpostavlja se da nakupljanje tekućine u materničnoj šupljini smanjuje plodnost u mliječnih krava. Cilj je ovoga istraživanja stoga bio procijeniti ultrazvučne značajke reproduktivnog sustava, uključujući nakupljanje tekućine u maternici za vrijeme estrusa, te njihov utjecaj na stopu gravidnost u mliječnih krava. Istraživanje je provedeno na 486 holštajnskih krava uzgajanih u velikom komercijalnom stadu, u Shirazu, Iran. Sve krave su bile u laktaciji i s otkrivenim estrusom. Transrektalni ultrazvuk učinjen je u vrijeme umjetnog osjemenjivanja. Značajke reproduktivnog sustava, koje su obuhvatile promjer folikula, prisutnost žutog tijela u jajnicima, debljinu, nabor i edem maternice te intrauterinu tekućinu, promatrane su i procijenjene ultrazvučno. Krave su nakon osjemenjivanja praćene te im je određena stopa gravidnosti. Analiziran je utjecaj pokazatelja određenih ultrazvukom na stopu gravidnosti. Podaci su obrađeni logističkom regresijskom analizom. Rezultati su pokazali da je stopa gravidnosti, nakon prilagođavanja pariteta životinja te dnevne količine mlijeka i srednje dnevne količine proizvodnje (OR = 1,84, P = 0,005), bila znakovito veća u krava s folikulima većima od 14 mm (38,8 %) u usporedbi s onima od 14 mm i manjima (27,3 %). Nije uočena povezanost između stope gravidnosti i drugih ultrazvučnih značajki reproduktivnog sustava za vrijeme estrusa praćenog u ovom istraživanju (P>0,05). Zaključeno je da je veličina folikula pozitivno povezana s stopom gravidnosti mliječnih krava u estrusu. Kakogod, drugi ultrazvučni nalazi maternice, uključujući intrauterinu tekućinu, nisu pokazali povezanost sa stopom gravidnosti

    Serumski srčani troponin I kao biljeg srčane degeneracije uzrokovane pokusnim trovanjem ovaca salinomicinom.

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    Salinomycin is an ionophore with antimicrobial properties. It is a dietary additive used as a growth promoter for ruminants and as a coccidiostat in chickens. However, over-dosage or misuse situations can lead to a series of toxic syndromes. Cardiac troponin I (cTnI) is the part of the troponin complex (I, C and T) within the sarcomere in myocardial cells that regulates contraction of the heart muscle. cTnI is released from injured myocardiocytes into circulation, so it can be a specifific biomarker in myocardial necrosis. The purpose of this study is to propose cTnI for diagnostic cardiac degeneration induced by experimental toxicosis with salinomycin in sheep. Twenty Iranian mixed breed adult female fat-tailed sheep (BW: 33.3 ± 3.4 kg) were used in this study. The sheep were randomly divided in to five equal groups. Group I (control) received 20 mL normal Saline. Groups II, III, IV and V were orally administered 1 mg/kg (twice a day for two days), 2, 3 and 4 mg/kg (once a day for two days) salinomycin, respectively. Following drug administration, blood samples were collected at different time intervals (2, 5, 8, 14 and 21 days) in order to determine various biochemical parameters (cTnI, CK, LDH, ALT and AST). In all groups, the heart sounds of the animals were carefully heard and electrocardiogram (ECG) was taken to determine the type of probable arrhythmia. The results illustrated a significant increase in the activity of cTnI. Numerous arrhythmias were recorded, such as: sinus tachycardia, supraventricular tachycardia, sinus arrhythmia and supraventricular premature contraction. All animals with arrhythmias showed a significant increase in the activity of cTnI. Cardiac muscle necrosis observed macroscopically on post mortem examination revealed myocardial degeneration. Overall, the results of this study indicate that cTnI may be considered as a valuable biomarker in diagnosing cardiac degeneration due to salinomycin toxicosis.Salinomicin je ionofor s antimikrobnim svojstvima. Rabi se kao dodatak hrani koji u preživača ima ulogu promotora rasta, a u pilića ulogu kokcidiostatika. Prevelike količine i pogrešna uporaba salinomicina mogu dovesti do teških sindroma trovanja. Srčani troponin I (cTnI) je dio troponinskog kompleksa (I, C i T), unutar sarkomere srčanih mišićnih stanica, koji regulira kontrakcije srčanog mišića. Budući da se oslobađa iz oštećenih miokardiocita u krvotok, cTnI može biti specifičan biomarker kod nekroze srčanog mišića. Svrha istraživanja bila je predložiti da se cTnI primjeni u dijagnostici srčane degeneracije uzrokovane pokusnim trovanjem ovaca salinomicinom. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 20 odraslih, masnorepih ovaca, križanki iranskih pasmina (TM: 33,3 ± 3,4 kg). Ovce su metodom slučajnog izbora bile podijeljene u pet skupina iste veličine. Skupina I (kontrola) dobila je 20 mL otopine soli. Skupine II, III, IV i V dobile su oralnim putem salinomicin i to u količini od 1 mg/kg (dva puta dnevno kroz dva dana), odnosno 2, 3 i 4 mg/kg (jednom dnevno kroz dva dana). Odmah nakon toga uzimani su uzorci krvi u različitim vremenskim razmacima (2, 5, 8, 14 i 21 dana) s ciljem određivanja različitih biokemijskih pokazatelja (cTnI, CK, LDH, ALT i AST). U svim skupinama pažljivo su osluškivani srčani tonovi i određivan elektrokardiogram s ciljem otkrivanja tipa moguće srčane aritmije. Rezultati pokazuju značajno povećanje aktivnosti cTnI. Zabilježene su i mnoge aritmije kao što su sinusna tahikardija, supraventrikularna tahikardija, sinusna aritmija i supraventrikularna preuranjena kontrakcija. Sve su životinje uz aritmiju očitovale i značajno povećanje aktivnosti cTnI. Razudbom nakon uginuća makroskopski je opažena nekroza i degeneracija srčanog mišića. Zaključno, rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da cTnI može biti vrijedan biomarker u dijagnostici srčane degeneracije prouzročene trovanjem salinomicinom

    Dijagnostičke vrijednosti proteina akutne faze u iranskoga domaćega goveda invadiranoga praživotinjom Theileria annulata

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    This study was conducted to assess the pattern of changes and the relative value of acute phase proteins (APP) including haptoglobin (Hp), serum amyloid A (SAA), ceruloplasmin and fi brinogen in Iranian indigenous cattle infected with Theileria annulata. The diseased group comprised 24 Iranian indigenous dairy cattle, 2-3 years old, naturally infected with Theileria annulata. The infected animals were divided into 4 subgroups with different parasitemia rates (<1% and 1-3%). As a control group, 10 uninfected cattle were also sampled. Blood samples were collected and all measurements were made using validated methods. There were significant differences in red blood cells (RBCs), packed cell volume (PCV), hemoglobin (Hb) and concentrations of Hp, SAA, ceruloplasmin and fibrinogen between healthy cattle and those infected with T. annulata with different parasitemia rates (P<0.05). As the parasitemia rate increased in infected cattle, a signifi cant decrease was observed in RBCs, PCV and Hb. In contrast, with the increase in the parasitemia rate, a significant increase in Hp, SAA, ceruloplasmin and fibrinogen was evident. The optimal cut-off point was set by the receiver operating characteristics (ROC) method to >5.68 μg/mL for SAA, >0.09 g/L for Hp, >0.049 g/L for ceruloplasmin and >1.90 g/L for fibrinogen, with corresponding 71.50% sensitivity and 100% specificity for SAA, 83.30% sensitivity and 70% specificity for Hp, 50% sensitivity and 90% specificity for ceruloplasmin and 71.30% sensitivity and 80% specificity for fi brinogen. In conclusion, measuring SAA with the highest sensitivity, specificity and AUC compared to other APPs, can be a suitable indicator of inflammatory reactions in indigenous cattle infected with Theileria annulata.Istraživanje je provedeno s potrebom da se utvrdi dinamika promjena i relativne vrijednosti proteina akutne faze, uključujući haptoglobin (Hp), serumski amiloid A, ceruloplazmin i fibrinogen, u iranskoga domaćega goveda invadiranoga praživotinjom Theileria annulata. Skupina pokusnih životinja sadržavala je ukupno 24 iranska domaća mliječna goveda u dobi od dvije do tri godine invadirana praživotinjom Theileria annulata. Invadirane životinje bile su podijeljene u četiri podskupine s obzirom na različite razine parazitemije (5,68 μg/mL za serumski amiloid A, >0,09 za haptoglobin, >0,049 g/L za ceruloplazmin i >1,90 g/L za fibrinogen. Za serumski je amiloid osjetljivost iznosila 71,50% dok je specifičnost bila 100%. Osjetljivost je za haptoglobin iznosila 83,30% dok je specifičnost iznosila 70%. Za ceruloplazmin je osjetljivost iznosila 50%, a specifičnost 90%. Za fibrinogen je osjetljivost iznosila 71,30% dok je specifičnost iznosila 80%. Zaključno se može reći da mjerenje vrijednosti serumskoga amiloida A može biti prikladan pokazatelj upale uzrokovane praživotinjom Theileria annulata jer se u odnosu na ostale proteine akutne faze odlikuje najvišom razinom osjetljivosti, specifičnosti i AUC

    Determinants of female labor force participation: implications for policy in Qatar

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    The aim of this study was to examine the microlevel factors affecting women’s participation in the Qatar workforce, as the gender gap in employment is still wide, and addressing this issue remains an essential item on the government’s policy agenda. Data were collected via a national telephonic survey of a representative sample of Qatari nationals, chosen using simple random sampling. A regression analysis was performed with women’s employment, individual-level characteristics (e.g., age, education, and marital status), and household-level factors (e.g., number of children below 18 years of age and household monthly income) as the variables. The analytical model highlighted the microlevel predictors at the individual level as well as the public attitudes toward societal obstacles that have adverse effects on female labor force participation. The results revealed several indicators that affect women’s participation in the labor force, including education level, marital status, and age. These constructs were found to have the strongest (direct or indirect) effects in terms of pushing Qatari women into the labor market. The originality of this study lies in its ability to explain how state-directed initiatives can encourage women to participate in the labor market and thus facilitate a rapid increase in the number of employed women in Qatar. A methodological limitation of the cross-sectional survey design used in this study is that it limits the causations between the government interventions and the research outcomes. The findings indicate the need for further improvement in welfare regimes at the intrastate level.The Qatar National Research Fund [OSRA4-0324-19012]. Open Access funding is provided by the Qatar National Library

    Analysis of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Integrase Mutants

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    AbstractThe human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) integrase protein (IN) mediates the insertion of linear double-stranded viral DNA into the host genome. Mutations in IN can have different effects on the virus life cycle. In this study, Gag-Pol polyprotein processing, Tat synthesis, and vital replication were investigated in integrase-defective HIV-1 mutants. In the absence of IN synthesis, the Gag-Pol polyprotein stability, packaging, and/or processing was reduced. There was limited expression of Tat observed in IN mutants, but no viral replication

    Social Media Usage and Women's Empowerment in Qatar: Evidence from a National Representative Survey

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    Introduction Social media usage has grown in importance over the past decade, particularly in Middle East. During this period, it has come to be recognized as more than a tool for social connections between individuals, with research demonstrating how it can empowering people socially, politically and economically[1]. Past research has demonstrated the impact of social media in areas as diverse as such as healthcare provision, political participation, and marketing[2]. However, how and to what extent social media usage contributes to women's empowerment in the Arab region has not been thoroughly examined. Academic and non-academic studies alike have focused heavily on a few well-known cases of social media activism and woman's rights, such as, women driving in Saudi Arabia[3] or the Arab Spring in Egypt[4]. These studies raise a number of relevant questions. Is social media potent in the population more broadly, or is it just a tool for activists and polemics? If it does empower women, does it do so by shaping deeply rooted attitudes and norms or does it mere reflect the value of the general population? How can we understand the role of traditional education in shaping attitudes and values in light of the large volumes of readily available information provided by social media? The current paper examines social media usage in Qatar and its influences on attitudes toward women's empowerment and considers the complex role of education. We use a national representative survey data from a 2017 survey of Qatari nationals to test our expectations. In the last twenty years, Qatar has experienced a significant shift in economic development, and education accessibility. The State of Qatar has widely sought to include women in public life, particularly in the process of decision-making. Yet, the debate about the role of social media in increasing women's awareness of their equal rights in holding positions of power and contributing to their political and economic empowerment is not widely discussed in Qatar. Thus, Qatar is a case where researchers might expect to find changing attitudes in spite of the absence of major social media feminist activists. The paper also explores a number of trends emerging in the analysis of social media usage, across demographic groups such as age, gender, marital status and socio-economic differences including education levels and household income. Methodology A questionnaire was initially designed in English and then translated into Arabic by the Social and Economic Survey Research Institute (SESRI) to collect all necessary information related to the study. In this survey, the target population included people who are 18 years or older and live in residential housing units in Qatar during the survey reference period (May 6th-27th, 2017). It includes groups of Qataris and expatriates, though the analysis in this paper focuses on Qataris. It is important to note that while preparing the sample for the survey, the Qatari population sub-group was over sampled in order to ensure that Qataris were well represented in the survey. The survey was administered in CAPI (computer assisted data collection) method for face to face interviews. The interviews were conducted at the home of the respondent. In terms of data analysis, all individual interviews were merged and saved in a single BLAISE data file. This dataset was then cleaned, coded and saved in STATA formats for analysis. Analysis of the data included order logistical regression with appropriate calculation of interactive effects and predicted probabilities for interpretation. Findings and Implications Data from the 2017 survey are newly available and thus the findings discussed here are preliminary. We find that social media usage in the examined population is related to increased support for woman in community leadership among Qatari females but not males. This finding is robust to a number of statistical controls, including for the respondent's level of education. In fact, a respondent's level of formal education has much less predictive power than social media usage among female Qataris. Furthermore, we find that social media usage is only weakly related to political variables, such as interest in politics. This suggests that social media may be working to empower women first through changing gender attitudes and only secondly through engagement with the political sphere. These findings are relevant to both academics who are seeking to understand the mechanisms through which social media may empower women and policymakers in Qatar who are concerned with advancing their welfare. It shows that woman can use social media to find their voice and engage with the public sphere, even where political activism has not been common. [1] Dubai School of Government, "Arab Social Media Report, Vol 1, No. 3, November 2011. [2] TNS, "Arab Social Media Report", First Report 2015. [3] Begum, Rothna, "The Brave Female Activists Who Fought to Lift Saudi Arabia's Driving Ban", News Deeply, September 29th, 2017. [4] Tufekci, Zeynep and Wilson, Christopher, "Social Media and the Decision to Participate in Political Protest: Observations From Tahrir Square", Journal of Communication, 62 (2012) 363-37.qscienc

    Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging to detect synchronous uterine endometrial and endocervical adenocarcinoma

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    Synchronous endometrial and cervical cancer is a very rare condition. This report describes a case of a 46-year-old woman who presented with a cervical mass that measured 5.6 cm along its longest diameter, whose biopsy analysis revealed an endocervical mucinous adenocarcinoma. She was classified as having an IB2 cervical carcinoma and treated with concurrent chemoradiation plus hysterectomy. Pathological and immunohistochemical analysis of the surgical specimens revealed a synchronous endometrioid grade 2 adenocarcinoma in the endometrium, and a well-differentiated mucinous adenocarcinoma in the cervix. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies performed prior to treatment were reviewed and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps were generated. The ADC values demonstrated distinct signal intensity differences between the endometrial and endocervical tumors. In conclusion, diffusion-weighted MRI and ADC maps can help to distinguish the site of origin of synchronous tumors