8 research outputs found

    Initial angiographic outcome of aneurysms coiled with stent-assistance using the Neuroform or Enterprise stent and occlusion grade at final angiographic follow-up.

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    <p>Abbreviations: OG1 (complete occlusion), OG2 (neck remnant), OG3 (saccular filling), n (number of aneurysms), FU (follow-up), SAC (stent-assisted coiling).</p

    Baseline Demographics of aneurysms treated by stent-assisted coiling using the Enterprise or Neuroform stent.

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    <p>Numbers refer to aneurysms that were eventually coiled by stent assistance (n = 42 with Neuroform and n = 42 with Enterprise). Abbreviations: f (female), m (male), mm (millimeters), ant (anterior circulation), post (posterior circulation), SW (side wall), SD (standard deviation), OR (odds ratio), CI (confidence interval).</p

    Periprocedural mortality and major complications in patients treated in the by stent-assisted coiling.

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    <p>Abbreviations: f (female), m (male), mm (millimeters), EP (Enterprise stent), NF (Neuroform stent), ICA (internal carotid artery), ICH (intracerebral hemorrhage), GOS (Glascow Outcome Score).</p

    A 45 year old woman presented with double vision and subsequent angiographic imaging revealed bilateral aneurysms of the ICA of which one was located in the right paraophthalmic ICA measuring 4.2 mm.

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    <p><a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0024875#pone-0024875-g002" target="_blank">Figure 2A</a> shows the aneurysm in the lateral view before treatment and immediately after stent-assisted coiling using a 4.5×22 mm Enterprise stent (B). Residual flow to the neck of the saccular aneurysm was noted on immediate post-treatment angiography. The 10 months follow-up imaging (C) revealed that the aneurysm underwent progressive occlusion as there was no residual flow visible while the aneurysm displayed satisfactory coil coverage.</p

    Baseline Demographics of aneurysms treated by stent-assisted coiling and a matched group of aneurysms treated by conventional coil embolization.

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    <p>Abbreviations: CCE (conventional coil embolization), SAC (stent-assisted coiling), f (female), m (male), mm (millimeters), ant (anterior circulation), post (posterior circulation), SW (side wall), SD (standard deviation), OR (odds ratio), CI (confidence interval).</p>#<p>indicates patient and aneurysm characteristics that were matched to the SAC group.</p

    Location and mean maximum diameter of aneurysms stented using either the Enterprise or Neuroform stent and subsequently treated by coiling.

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    <p>Abbreviations: SAC (stent-assisted coiling), n (number of aneurysms), mm (millimeters), ICA (internal carotid artery), MCA (middle cerebral artery), AC (anterior communicating artery), PC (posterior communicating artery), SCA (superior cerebellar artery) and PICA (posterior inferior cerebellar artery).</p

    A 64 year old woman presenting with vision impairment was found to have an aneurysm measuring 5 mm that was located in the supraclinoid ICA segment.

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    <p>Pre-treatment angiographic imaging (A and B) revealed a saccular wide-necked aneurysm which was accessible by SAC. A Neuroform stent was successfully navigated, deployed and subsequent coiling was performed. Immediate post-treatment results (C and D) demonstrated only partial occlusion of the aneurysm and flow beyond the aneurysm neck was present. At 6-months follow-up imaging (E) no residual flow into the aneurysm sac was detectable. These results were stable at 18-months follow-up imaging (F) and emphasize the potential of aneurysms to undergo progressive occlusion after treatment by stent-assisted coiling.</p