13 research outputs found

    Proizvodnja kruha s dodatkom mikroinkapsuliranih sinbiotika

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    Bread is a global staple food. Despite attempts to develop functional breads containing viable microorganisms, this has not been done yet because of the high temperature during baking. The aim of this study is to obtain synbiotic bread, hence hamburger bun and white pan bread were selected. Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 and L. casei 431 were encapsulated with calcium alginate and Hi-maize resistant starch via emulsion technique and coated with chitosan. The morphology and size of microcapsules were measured by scanning electron microscopy and particle size analyser. Inulin was added at 5 % wheat flour mass basis for prebiotic effect. The encapsulated probiotics were inoculated into the bread dough and bread loaves were baked. The survival of encapsulated probiotics was determined after baking; also sensory evaluation was performed. Both types of bread met the standard criteria for probiotic products. The probiotic survival was higher in hamburger bun. L. casei 431 was more resistant to high temperature than L. acidophilus LA-5. A significant increase in probiotic survival was observed when the protective coating of chitosan was used in addition to calcium alginate and Hi-maize resistant starch. Storage for 4 days did not have any effect on the viability of encapsulated bacteria. The addition of encapsulated bacteria did not have any effect on flavour and texture; however, 5 % inulin improved the texture of bread significantly. Results show that microencapsulation used in the production of synbiotic bread can enhance the viability and thermal resistance of the probiotic bacteria.Kruh je jedan od osnovnih prehrambenih proizvoda u svijetu. Dosad nije postignut uspjeh u proizvodnji funkcionalnog kruha jer mikroorganizmi ne preživljavaju visoku temperaturu pečenja. Stoga je svrha ovoga rada bila proizvesti kruh sa sinbioticima, i to pšenično bijelo pecivo za hamburgere i pšenični bijeli kruh. Sojevi bakterija Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 i L. casei 431 inkapsulirani su tehnikom geliranja emulzije s kalcijevim alginatom i rezistentnim kukuruznim škrobom Hi-maize kao nosačima, a dobivene su kapsule obložene hitozanom. Morfologija i veličina mikrokapsula ispitane su pomoću pretražnog elektronskog mikroskopa te s uređajem za mjerenje veličina čestica. Za postizanje prebiotičkog učinka pšeničnom je brašnu dodano 5 % inulina, a inkapsulirani probiotici inokulirani su u tijesto prije pečenja. Preživljavanje je inkapsuliranih probiotika određeno nakon pečenja, te je provedena senzorska analiza. Obje su vrste kruha zadovoljile zadane kriterije za probiotičke proizvode. Veći je broj stanica probiotika preživio postupak pečenja u pecivu za hamburgere. Soj L. casei 431 bio je otporniji na visoku temperaturu od soja L. acidophilus LA-5. Oblaganje kapsula zaštitnim slojem hitozana je uz primjenu kalcijevog alginata i rezistentnog škroba Hi-maize znatno povećalo preživljavanje probiotičkih sojeva. Broj živih stanica probiotika nije se smanjio nakon četiri dana skladištenja, a dodatak probiotika nije utjecao na okus i teksturu kruha. Međutim, dodatkom 5 % inulina bitno se poboljšala tekstura kruha. Rezultati pokazuju da postupak mikroinkapsulacije povećava postotak preživljavanja i toplinsku otpornost probiotičkih bakterija tijekom pečenja kruha

    Optimization of enzymatic hydrolysis conditions of Caspian kutum (Rutilusfrisiikutum) by-product for production of bioactive Peptides with antioxidative properties

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    The enzymatic hydrolysis was performed by Alcalase to recover the fish protein hydrolysate from Caspian kutum by-product (CB). The degree of hydrolysis (DH) was applied for monitoring the hydrolysis reaction of CB. The response surface methodology was applied based on a D-optimal design to perform the optimization process for obtaining the high yield of CB protein hydrolysate. The effect of four independent variables including pH (7.5–8.5), temperature (45–55 °C), time (1–3 h), and enzyme concentration (0.5–1.5% w/w) on DH was studied. The results indicated that the predicted and actual values of the optimum condition had no significant difference. The optimum enzymatic hydrolysis conditions were achieved at pH 8.5, temperature of 55 °C, enzyme concentration of 1.5% w/w, and time of 3 h, which resulted in the maximum value of DH (19.08%). Antioxidant assays including DPPH scavenging and metal chelating activities showed that Caspian kutum protein hydrolysates had antioxidant properties

    The Production of Synbiotic Bread by Microencapsulation

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    Bread is a global staple food. Despite attempts to develop functional breads containing viable microorganisms, this has not been done yet because of the high temperature during baking. The aim of this study is to obtain synbiotic bread, hence hamburger bun and white pan bread were selected. Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 and L. casei 431 were encapsulated with calcium alginate and Hi-maize resistant starch via emulsion technique and coated with chitosan. The morphology and size of microcapsules were measured by scanning electron microscopy and particle size analyser. Inulin was added at 5 % wheat flour mass basis for prebiotic effect. The encapsulated probiotics were inoculated into the bread dough and bread loaves were baked. The survival of encapsulated probiotics was determined after baking; also sensory evaluation was performed. Both types of bread met the standard criteria for probiotic products. The probiotic survival was higher in hamburger bun. L. casei 431 was more resistant to high temperature than L. acidophilus LA-5. A significant increase in probiotic survival was observed when the protective coating of chitosan was used in addition to calcium alginate and Hi-maize resistant starch. Storage for 4 days did not have any effect on the viability of encapsulated bacteria. The addition of encapsulated bacteria did not have any effect on flavour and texture; however, 5 % inulin improved the texture of bread significantly. Results show that microencapsulation used in the production of synbiotic bread can enhance the viability and thermal resistance of the probiotic bacteria

    Effect of the ethanolic extract and essential oil of Ferulago angulata (Schlecht.) Boiss. on protein, physicochemical, sensory, and microbial characteristics of probiotic yogurt during storage time

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    BACKGROUND The use of functional food, such as probiotic products, is important due to their health benefits against various diseases. Phenolic and aromatic compounds originating from medical plants can contribute to the growth of probiotic bacteria. METHODS The ethanolic extract (0.2% and 0.4%) and essential oil (0.01% and 0.03%) of Ferulago angulata (FAEE and FAEO, respectively) were added to probiotic yogurt (Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum bacteria) to investigate their effects on the survival of probiotic bacteria during storage time (21 days) and assess its physicochemical, protein, and organoleptic properties. RESULTS Upon increasing the concentration of FAEE and FAEO, the value of total phenol content, acidity, viscosity, and water absorption of yogurt treatments increased, and the pH, syneresis, and solubility of treatments showed a decreasing trend (p < .05). Also, adding 0.01% FAEO and 0.2% FAEE improved the organoleptic properties of yogurt (p < .05) compared to the control treatment. The survivability of the investigated probiotic bacteria demonstrated a decreased trend during storage in all treatments, but at the end of the study, the number of both probiotic bacteria in all treatments was significantly higher than that of the control samples. CONCLUSION Based on the results of protein, physicochemical, microbial, and sensory tests of herbal probiotic yogurts, the addition of 0.03% essential oil is the best way to realize the goals of the research

    Emergency Food Product Packaging by Pectin-Based Antimicrobial Coatings Functionalized by Pomegranate Peel Extracts

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    Emergency food products (EFPs) or energy bars are used in critical situations, such as natural disasters, to promote crisis management. EFPs require sophisticated packaging strategies. Edible coatings incorporated with natural antimicrobial agents could be considered as active packaging materials for increasing EFP safety. In this study, pectin-based coatings incorporated with pomegranate peel extracts were used to protect energy bars. Initially, total phenolic contents and antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of aqueous and ethanolic pomegranate peel extracts (PPEs) were determined. Also, PPEs were analyzed by HPLC. In the next step, the extracts were incorporated into the matrix of edible coatings as active substances. The sensory properties and microbial contamination of coated energy bars were investigated during 30 days of storage. Sixteen phenolic substances were detected in the extracts with gallic acid, ellagic acid, caffeic acid, coumaric acid, and quercetin as major ingredients. The ethanolic extract exhibited higher concentrations for all phenolic compounds. The results indicated that the ethanolic extract showed inhibitory effects on S. aureus and E. coli at concentrations of 30 and 50 mg/ml, and the aqueous extract's inhibitory effects were observed at concentrations of 50 and 80 mg/ml, respectively. The antioxidant and antibacterial effects could be attributed to high phenolic content and a combination of different substances. Microbial and sensory tests performed on coated energy bars showed that the active coatings were able to control and reduce the population of microorganisms during storage without adversely affecting sensory properties

    The Biosorption Capacity of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae for Cadmium in Milk

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    This study aimed to evaluate the capacity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for Cadmium absorption in milk. Nowadays, one of the most serious problems of the industrialized world is heavy metal pollution. Applying microorganisms as novel biotechnology is very useful, especially in foodstuffs. Among the biosorbents used for heavy metal removal, Saccharomyces cerevisiae has received increasing attention due to its popularity in the food industry. In this regard, the effects of some important factors such as the initial metal concentration, biomass concentration and contact time on the biosorption capacity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were studied. The biosorption was analyzed by the inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS). The maximum cadmium (Cd) removal (70%) was at 80 μg/L of Cd concentration in milk samples containing 30 × 108 CFU Saccharomyces cerevisiae at the end of storage time (the 4th day). There were no significant differences in the sensory and physicochemical properties (pH, acidity and density) of milk samples during storage (p < 0.05). The isotherm studies were followed by two popular models, Langmuir and Freundlich, and the results showed a better fit to the Langmuir isotherm. Altogether, the results of this study demonstrate that the approach of using this valuable yeast could be applied for food detoxification and producing healthier foodstuffs

    Mercury Biodecontamination from Milk by using L. acidophilus ATCC 4356

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    Food and water contaminations with heavy metals have been increasing due to the environmental pollution. Decontamination of mercury as one of the most toxic heavy metals seems necessary. The aim of this study is to use L. acidophilus ATCC 4356 to reduce the mercury amount in milk. All possible process variables (including contact time, bacterial count, mercury concentration, temperature, contact time and shaking rate) were screening by Plackett Burman design for determination of main effects. Then main effects (contact time, as well as Hg and biomass concentration) were studied in 5 levels with response surface methodology to reach maximal bioremoval efficiency. The highest decontamination efficiency (72%) was achieved in the presence of 80 μg/L of initial Hg concentration, 1 × 1012 CFU of L. acidophilus ATCC 4356 in the 4th day. Finally, the capacity of this bacterium for Mercury bioremoval was determined at different Hg initial concentrations by using the isotherm models of Langmuir and Freundlich. The results showed the higher correlation coefficient in Langmuir model so, Mercury absorptions obey Langmuir isotherm model. This study indicated that in the case of milk contamination to Hg, as reported in some countries, one of the solutions for metal decontamination could be the bioremoval by lactobacillus as natural valuable biosorbents as an environmental friendly technology

    The Gliadin Hydrolysis Capacity of <i>B. longum</i>, <i>L. acidophilus</i>, and <i>L. plantarum</i> and Their Protective Effects on Caco-2 Cells against Gliadin-Induced Inflammatory Responses

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    Background: Non-celiac wheat sensitivity (NCWS) is a poorly understood gluten-related disorder (GRD) and its prominent symptoms can be ameliorated by gluten avoidance. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of a probiotic mixture in hydrolyzing gliadin peptides (toxic components of gluten) and suppressing gliadin-induced inflammatory responses in Caco-2 cells. Methods: Wheat dough was fermented with a probiotic mix for 0, 2, 4, and 6 h. The effect of the probiotic mix on gliadin degradation was monitored by SDS-PAGE. The expression levels of IL-6, IL-17A, INF-γ, IL-10, and TGF-β were evaluated using ELISA and qRT-PCR methods. Results: According to our findings, fermenting wheat dough with a mix of B. longum, L. acidophilus, and L. plantarum for 6 h was effective in gliadin degradation. This process also reduced levels of IL-6 (p = 0.004), IL-17A (p = 0.004), and IFN-γ (p = 0.01) mRNA, as well as decreased IL-6 (p = 0.006) and IFN-γ (p = 0.0009) protein secretion. 4 h fermentation led to a significant decrease in IL-17A (p = 0.001) and IFN-γ (p = 0.003) mRNA, as well as reduced levels of IL-6 (p = 0.002) and IFN-γ (p p p < 0.0001) mRNA. Conclusions: 4 h fermentation of wheat flour with the proposed probiotic mix might be a good strategy to develop an affordable gluten-free wheat dough for NCWS and probably other GRD patients