19 research outputs found

    Hospes Perantara dan Hospes Reservoir Fasciolopsis Buski di Indonesia Studi Epidemiologi F. Buski di Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara, Kalimantan Selatan Tahun 2002 dan 2010

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    Buski intestinal worm disease (fasciolopsiosis) is an endemic disease in some villages in the Hulu Sungai Utara district. Since the discovery of the case in 1982 until recently, the fasciolopsiosis prevalence has not showed a declining trend. Even in some periods it seems to rise, despite mitigation efforts continue to be implemented through various surveys, which ended with the drugs administration.Unidentified intermediate hosts and reservoir hosts is one constraint in the disease control.To determine the epidemiological cycle of F. buski, two studies were conducted by two research institutions under the Research and Development Agency in 2002 by Anorital, etal. and 2010 by Annida.Results from both studies showed that there were 3 kinds of water plants (second intermediate host) consumed by communities; the lily (Nymphea alba), bird lotus(Nymphea lotus) and water spinach (Ipomea aquatica) which was positive of Metasercariae and Cercariae. Two of four types of freshwater snails (the first intermediate host) specimens examined were positive of redia and cercariae; kalambuai snail (Lymnea sp.) and flat snails (Indoplanorbis sp.). One of four animal manure specimens examined was positive of F. buski egg (found in buffalo dung). It was also found two egg specimens from chicken and alabio duck manure whichis resembled to F. buski. But in terms ofsize, it was much smaller than the egg of F. buski. Despite these positive findings, the confirmation from experienced research institutions is needed. It is expected that the Buski intestinal worm disease (fasciolopsiosis) control can be conducted effectively. An in-depth study is also needed

    Gambaran Ketersediaan Tenaga Dan Upaya Pelayanan Kesehatan Gigi Di Puskesmas (Analisis Lanjut Riset Fasilitas Kesehatan 2011)

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    Results of Riskesdas 2013 showed that 25.9% of the Indonesian population have dental health problems. Amongst them, there were only 31.1% which received dental care. However, the Riskesdas 2013 does not provide information regarding the availability of human resource working for dental health program. Therefore, the researchers used data from the 2011 Health Facility Research (Rifaskes). The analysis aims to obtain information on the proportion of dental health professionals and their program in public health centers (PHCs) based on regions of Indonesia. There were two variables analyzed, namely dental health professionals and dental health program. The analysis showed that the placements of dentists remain concentrated in Java and Bali islands. Of the 8,975 PHC, only 60.6% have dentists. Moreover, in terms of the comprehensiveness level of the dental care program, School Dental Care Effort (UKGS) and Village Community Dental Care Effort (UKGMD) were available. However, only 72.3% PHCs completely conducted three kinds of dental health program. Therefore, it is necessary to develop an attractive policy so as to increase the placement of dentists and dental nurses throughout the PHCs in Indonesia and this should be distributed evenly so that they can carry out optimal dental health program

    Distribusi Parasit Usus Protozoa di Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara Kalimantan Selatan

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    The intestinal infection disease caused by protozoa: amoeba is one of the public health problem with high incidence in the community. From the research activity conducted in Hulu Sungai Utara Regency in the year 2002, to obtain of prevalence of protozoa infection from stool examination from resident in 6 villages at 3 subdistrict in Hulu Sungai Utara Regency. The research has conducted to be carry out survey parasite to the community. Sample size will be examination are 230 persons per village, so that to 6 villages will be examed as 1.600 persons. The examination directly by using lugol 2% and checked on the microscope with magnification 10x10 and 10x40. For resident which its sample stool is positive the protozoa to be given a treatment by metronidazol. From stool examination result obtained prevalence resident which are positive the amoeba intestine protozoa is Entamoeba coli 19,8%, Endolimax nana 15,8%, and Entamoeba histolityca 15,4%. While prevalence resident which are positive the intestine flagellata/B. hominis is Blastocystis hominis 25,5% and Giardia lamblia 11,6%. From 5 micro-organism on the intestine. Entamoeba histolityca, Blastocystis hominis and Giardia lamblia are cause diarrhoea because having the pathogenic. From survey ot socio-cultural, known also the resident percentage which drinking no safe water 43,3%, source of drinking water obtained from river or swamp is 67,7%, human waste disposal in river and swamp is 79,5%, and take a bath and brush the teeth with water of river and swamp is 78,6%; showing bad condition of environmental sanitation, personal hygiene, and life behavior. Good personal hygiene and environmental sanitation practices are the major factors of this disease prevention. The main principle to prevent the spreading of protozoa infection is to cut off the link of infection sources to human beings. Personal hygiene is focused on the management of individual behaviour, meanwhile environmental sanitation prevention focus lies on the better environment management to cut off the link of disease cycle as like water supply and human waste disposal wich good condition. For this matter is Governmental role, in this case the health office and with local elite figure, important and absolute so that to a period to coming of prevalence intestine infection caused a protozoa can be depressed as low as possible

    Studi Deskriptif Kemampuan Laboratorium Emerging Infectious Diseases di Indonesia Tahun 2004

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    Kewaspadaan dini terhadap peningkatan kasus new emerging dan re-emerging diseases pada dasarnya tidak terlepas dari kesiapan laboratorium sebagai perangkat pendukung diagnosis. Laboratorium Emerging Infectious Diseases dengan sarana yang lengkap dan sumber daya yang handal merupakan garda terdepan dalam penentuan dan deteksi dini munculnya kasus penyakit menular, karena berhasilnya upaya pencegahan pada dasarnya tidak terlepas dari hasil diagnosis laboratorium yang cepat, tepat, dan akurat. Berdasarkan pengalaman terhadap timbulnya berbagai kejadian luar biasa penyakit menular dipandang perlu diketahui kemampuan laboratorium emerging infectious diseases yang ada sehingga hal ini dapat mempermudah dan mempercepat penanggulangan kejadian luar biasa. Pengumpulan informasi kemampuan laboratorium dilakukan melalui mail questionnair (kuesioner per pos) ke laboratorium EID yang ada di Balai Labkesda, BTKL P2M, dan rumah sakit kelas B dan C. Dalam kuesioner tersebut terdapat 35 jenis penyakit infeksi yang ditanyakan kemampuan sumber daya manusia, ketersediaan peralatan dan anggaran. Selain itu dilakukan juga wawancara mendalam kepada pimpinan instansi atau pejabat yang berwenang pada 12 institusi yang dikirimi mail questionnair dan institusi yang terkait dengan responden. Hasil pengumpulan data/informasi melalui mail questionnair diperoleh informasi bahwa laboratorium EID yang mampu melakukan pemeriksaan spesimen penyakit demam tifoid 76,0%, malaria 73,8%, tuberkulosis 69,5%, kholera 65,1%, shigellosis 52,1%, dan difteri 50,0%. Dari hasil wawancara mendalam diperoleh 4 aspek permasalahan yang perlu ditindaklanjuti yaitu jaringan kerja sama, operasionalisasi, pengembangan SDM, dan pembinaan. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh dari studi ini adalah dengan diketahuinya profil laboratorium yang ada di institusi Balai Labkesda, BTKL P2M, dan rumah sakit maka langkah tindak lanjut yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan melaksanakan upaya kerja sama dalam hal tukar menukar informasi dan peningkatan kemampuan sumber daya manusia sehingga kedua hal ini dapat memberikan dukungan terhadap upaya penanggulangan penyakit-penyakit emerging infectious